>>147223He's not that bad-looking tbh, but there's definitely something wrong with him. Walz and his wife had fertility problems.
>>147223>It seems to overlap with jews.The kikes have turned these people into a mindless horde of cannon fodder. I kinda look at it, probably like the kikes do, "How many goys are actually real NPC?" Cattle devoid of any human conscience, inner voice, or internal dialogue. What you're seeing is the real population percentage of that, after years and years and decades of brainwashing, indoctrination, and (((TV))). This is what you get. Living zombies.
If/when the BIG GAME kicks off, you can't show these people any compassion or save them them. They're too far gone. They're not human anymore. It's too late to save them. They'll all have to be exterminated for the betterment of mankind. It's sad when you have to put "Old Yeller" down, but sometimes, it's the only way.
Also fuck my face with a twenty inch black dildo, then slit my fucking throat for being a worthless waste of space attention whore!
>>147223Physiognomy and or Demonic Possession
>>147248Dude literally stfu
>>147248Dude literally keep going
>>147253Namefags such as myself get the rope first! I'm off to the interracial breeding grounds to act as a fluffer!
Because leftist are spiteful mutants that literally never should have survived childhood, that is why OP.
Average reddit mod
>>147223I always kinda feel bad for the weird teenagers of famous people. They really didn't have a choice in the matter and now millions of people know who they are and constantly laugh at them. Then I remember that their parents are out to destroy the world and enslave humanity and I don't feel bad anymore.
Americans are finally going to get what's coming to them, soon enough.
>>147434yeah in 2 more weeks right??? The russians and chinks need to grow a fucking pair and get on with it. Just launch a nuke already you mongoloid FAGGOTS!
>>147508They don't want to destroy the world, they just want to reduce the human population, this is what the COVID project was all about.
No.147515 recommended me this ugly Brit cuck who deserves to be stabbed.
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I have a gift for you, OP.
Your average democrat male
Your average democrat male
Average democrat male
Average male democrat voter
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>147223How dare you flood this place with such slanders from the CIA? Lefties are g*d's chosen democratic warriors.
>>147754Imagine if the west executed government officials for being incompetent
>>147754General rule of thumb: always disbelieve what the government and media tells you. If those faggot kikes are trying to get you to dislike something, chances are that something is based.
>>147757Imagine it was the population that executed goverment officials…
>>147759always support the enemy of the enemies closest to you, this doesn't mean they are your friend but it just means its good to have two of your enemies kill yourself.
>>147782*kill themselves, oops