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File: 1727149925473.jpg (45.93 KB, 840x559, 840:559, 4e17037df66b5351fe8f8f84d4….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


We can get rid of the cartels and illegal aliens instantly.


If you want to destroy the cartels just nuke the CIA and the ATF.
Bam, no more money and no more guns to those beaners.


Just destroy ZOG theory


That won't fix the problem. Drugs would need to be legalized.


Nuclear radiation would make its way to USA so good luck with that


>Noooooooo you can't nuke the mexicanrinos!!!
Deal with both.


We could use tactical nukes, how many nukes have they set off in nevada and russia test sites?


Because if taconiggerland got nuked the alphabet agencies wouldn't be able to sell guns to the cartels to destabilize the country and "encourage" hundreds of thousands of illegals to cross the boarder for the promise of welfare and immunity from the law in trade of voting democrat.


Majority of America's problems seem internal. Smoke out all the traitors and maybe real change is possible.


feds don't make money selling weapons to the cartels you dumb fuck they make their money selling drugs and laundering their money.


Doesn't mean you didn't get irradiated to hell, Bob

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