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/dup/ - btfo

Political Shitposting

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File: 1727161188828.png (165.33 KB, 2256x462, 376:77, Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 2….png) ImgOps iqdb


Instead of making new films with black characters, the fact that (((they))) are remaking historial white classic films with niggers is proof the jews are definitely trying to genocide the white race.

Stop saying illegal immigration is about votes, it has nothing to do with votes and all to do with extinction of the white race, and white countries.

Also China is heavily involved in hollywood and also hates white people so fuck China also.


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>da jooooooooos


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
wh*te folks forever btfo


nuke israel


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Yep been going for a long time. Along with all the current wars with kikes and jews involved heavily in Ukraine and Iraq.


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He did end up cucking out didn't he?


Elon Musk told him to tone it down.


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What does James Carville have to do with this?




Of course he did, but we'll always remember the good times.


You got baited and is seething. Soyjakparty and tvch won and you lost.


everyone waive to the cowardly jew who's been deleting his low IQ cope memes



File: 1727560250007.png (108.68 KB, 1238x837, 1238:837, brown incel.png) ImgOps iqdb


Opinion discarded.


>hate jews for no reason

wow. the arrogance.

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