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Isn't it interesting how a question was raised about January 6th at both Trump debates AND the Vance-Walz debate, but a question was NEVER raised about Kamala Harris' activities regarding the BLM riots of 2020, including her support of the rioter bail fund which helped to release violent criminals, or her comment that the riots would continue, and should continue.

Everybody by now has some knowledge of J6, and has formed their own opinions, but how many Americans are aware of Kamala Harris' BLM rioter support, or her previous support for defunding the police?


The nigger riots helped the regime so they were legal.
The january six unauthorized capitol tour scared the regime so it was illegal.

There really isn't any more to it than that. It's not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy. Harris supported the good thing in the minds of probably close to 60 percent of Weimart's citizen-customers.


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Who gives a fuck.
I support whoever burns the most shit down.


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>The january six unauthorized capitol tour scared the regime so it was illegal.
Yeah that's the official narrative but enough evidence exists to prove it was all part of a psyop. The security there could easily have kept them out but instead opened the gates and doors issuing passes to enter. That woman who was shot in the neck tried pointing this out to the participants who were used as patsies and several suicides that took place days afterwards of officers involved are now counted as murders that took place during the event.


Okay. Regardless, the regime got scared by it officially or otherwise so it was illegal. I'm not telling you what happened, I'm telling you the perception of what happened and why the regime is reacting the way it is.

The BLM things were good thing because the loving state supported it, so most Weimart Shoppers are going to bleat "good" when they hear of it.

The January 6th Undocumented Tour was bad thing because the loving state had to hide under their seats and put plastic bags over their heads for some reason and they got sad bad feelings so Weimart Shoppers bleat "bad" when they hear about it.

Doesn't make a lick of difference if neither event happened at all, this is what Sons of Liberty (tm) think. I know plenty don't, but it's easily 55+ percent of them that do so it is the reality we have to work with.


The Nigger Riots was a good opportunity to buy cheap land that got burned down, you just needed to herd the monkies on the path you wanted to buy, wish I know about it to buy cheap land.


>the reality we have to work with
That reality is with enough time and effort the public could be made to reverse judgement on both J6 and BLM. And then be switched again when those capable decide to do so. The public's perception is both chosen for them beforehand and of no real importance.

>The January 6th Undocumented Tour

The video of security there handing out visitor passes after registering them for a clearly authorized tour led by undercover agents combined the action taken against only some of those involved is why I believe the public will eventually be made to switch their opinion on this in the near future. Perhaps as a way to help sell the defunding of police and security services after a enormous and unsustainable buildup. The January 6th event may take decades to come to a conclusive end if it's turned into a pseudo civil war.


Vote for Kamala for acceleration.
Let us watch the world burn around us, anon.


This, so much this! We incels need to help the to bring to fruition the BWNO!


voting is fake and gay, the media is fake and gay.


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For young men, the most important use of their vote is to improve the country to provide a safe present and prosperous future for themselves and their families.

For young women, the most important issue is murdering their own babies.



Do women seriously care that much about killing unborn babies or is it only because the media keep pushing the agenda and have brainwashed their simple minds to believe in it? Honestly how many women even get abortions and how many of them are non-white? They push for it to gain control, not that they actually care. It was the same for their voting rights, working rights etc. Feminism was always about gaining more control.


Well want do you want?
Republicans that will replace all whites legally?
Democrants that will replace all whites illegaly?


I think it's something like 1/3 of American women are child murderers, if you include nonwhites, but the number could be higher.


What I don't get is why policymakers want abortion.
>niggers and other low class idiots kill their progeny
>oh no there aren't enough bodies for menial jobs!
>import millions of shitskins and assorted low class idiots to work shitty jobs

Seems like a bunch of extra hassle for the same result; a dim brown working class


The goal is to get Whites to abort their children. Muds are gonna have a bunch of kids regardless of whether or not they have some abortions. But middle-class Whites are the only ones who really plan how many children they want to have, because they actually have to feed and house their own children, so they usually end up having 2.

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