>>153944Where is the salt? Post videos!
I'm not watching this dystopian shit. Somebody give me a rundown.
>>153957All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't un-BTFO Dupty again
>>153957The jews are winning.
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>>153957Karen Pence, Michelle Obama, and Dick and Lynne Cheney were all so bootyblasted they didn't go to the ceremony.
>Evil has departed for today; but beware, it may return someday. No.153962
Did Dup pardon the J6 hostages yet?
CLAIM: Trump, a Republican, said that the U.S. government "fails to protect our magnificent, law-abiding American citizens but provides sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals, many from prisons and mental institutions that have illegally entered our country from all over the world."
THE FACTS: There is no evidence other countries are sending their criminals or mentally ill across the border.
Trump frequently brought up this claim during his most recent campaign.
Inflation did not reach record highs under Biden
CLAIM: "I will direct all members of my Cabinet to marshal the vast powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices."
THE FACTS: Inflation peaked at 9.1% in June 2022 after rising steadily in the first 17 months of Democrat Joe Biden's presidency from a low of 0.1% in May 2020. The most recent data shows that as of December it had fallen to 2.9%.
Other historical periods have seen higher inflation, such as a more than 14% rate in 1980, according to the Federal Reserve.
The average price of basic consumer goods has seen major spikes in recent years. For example, a dozen large eggs went from a low of $1.33 in August 2020 to $4.82 in January 2023. They decreased in price to $2.07 in September 2023 but are currently on the rise again, at $4.15 as of December, partly attributable to a lingering outbreak of bird flu coinciding with high demand during the holiday baking season.
A gallon of whole milk rose to a high of $4.22 in November 2022, up from $2.25 at the start of Biden's term. As of December, it was at $4.10.
Gasoline fell as low as $1.77 a gallon under Trump. But that price dip happened during coronavirus pandemic lockdowns when few people were driving. The low prices were due to a global health crisis, not Trump's policies.
Under Biden, gasoline rose to a high of $5.06 in June 2022. It has since been on a downward trend, at $3.15 as of December.
Promise of an External Revenue Service to collect tariffs
CLAIM: Promising to establish an External Revenue Service to collect "all tariffs, duties, and revenues," Trump said, "It will be massive amounts of money pouring into our Treasury, coming from foreign sources."
THE FACTS: Nearly all economists point out that American consumers will pay at least part, if not most, of the cost of the tariffs. Some exporters overseas may accept lower profits to offset some of the cost of the duties, and the dollar will likely rise in value compared with the currencies of the countries facing tariffs, which could also offset some of the impact.
But the tariffs won't have the desired impact of spurring more production in the U.S. unless they make foreign-made products more expensive for U.S. consumers.
In addition, many of Trump's supporters, and even some of his appointees, argue that he intends to use tariffs primarily as a bargaining tool to extract concessions from other countries. Yet if an External Revenue Service is established, it certainly suggests Trump is expecting to impose and collect many duties.
>>153966Dup won, deal with that, troon.
>>153944The calm before the btfo
>>153970Improve your reading comprehension.
>>153980>>153981It's a good thing Dup doesn't need to worry about getting reelected again with this sperg around.
>>153981>>153980Get the working camps ready, the jews are going to work like never before!
>>153963>Gasoline fell as low as $1.77 a gallon under Trump. But that price dip happened during coronavirus pandemic lockdowns when few people were driving. The low prices were due to a global health crisis, not Trump's policies.There is no evidence the low gas prices under Trump were because of COVID. See, I can do that, too.
>>153986I seriously doubt Barron is wasting away his prime years on video games.
>>153987Oh yeah, I guess he is fucking prostitutes and doing coke like a true aryan!
>>153988He doesn't need to pay prostitutes, he has a harem of teenage girls that follows him around.
I haven't visually confirmed it, but people are saying Dup didn't touch the bible, thus the Oath of Office was nonbinding.
>>153991>>153987The imageboard user logged on to let you know he is a normie.
>>153990Bernie can still win and this is how
>>153960I literally forgot about Al Gore. He threw his two cents in today on X. He is getting BTFO hard. No.154010
I love black coon coom in my tummy. I'm not gay tho, just crazy incel.
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>>153945And get on his dup, with 15 year old shit that wasn't funny to begin with.
>>154006All we need to do is get Melania to tweet out #ProjectChanology2.0!
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This mulatto Jew hates Trump as much as I do. I want to satisfy him sexually, my gay incel butthole is even making noises crying out to devour his coonjoo dick.
>>153980SENDING THE JEWS BACK TO MARS>>153990He shouted the n-word and wanting to start race wars, can't believe Dup got away so many hate speech crimes.
>>153960>Evil has departed for today; but beware, it may return somedayThe normalfags being fucking retarded amazes me to this very day.
>>154005Can't he, stare at better titties? Hell even younger ones?
>>154030Mark is getting swole now, he's probably taking masculine supplements and is horny all the time.
>>154036Funny that dup didn't pardon anyone before he went for a 4 year vacation.
>>153982What's she crying about? I thought America was an evil racist white supremist country where the police hunt them like animals in the streets. Shouldn't she be glad to be going back to a more diverse country?
>>154052Anons… I think nazis control the goverment.
>>154057Jones doesn't look like that anymore
he's preparing for the final battle against the globalists by consuming dr jones naturals irish sea moss, nitric boost, super brain force
>>154060And just potentially exercising and not overeating.
>>154062He's taking ozogpic apparently.
>>154055Is Jewzach a user from there?
>>154054I saw a unironically Christianfag schizo on jewtube making a video about how "the "Freemason Nazis" rule USA and worship Saturn.
>>154063he claims otherwise
>To all the people claiming that I've lost weight because of taking Ozempic, I say this. You are welcome to believe whatever you want. The reality is I am working out seven days a week eating better and taking a lot of high-quality supplements available at I was once in great shape and am working to get back there. No.154071
>>154049>>154055God reddit is so pathetic
>>154073I low-key give people the Hitler wave when I'm driving by, it's not as well-known as the roman.
>>154093He figures he'd better stay on Dup's good side, they will need us to save them again if WWIII goes hot.
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The Republican part is full of lizard satanists wanting to flood us with real aliens, not "illegal aliens" aka Mexicans which are good christian people after all.
>>154104>ICE car appears>Entire construction, maintenance, sanitary and clerk work forces scramble like insectsDo americans not work at all or something?
>>154105Americans not wanting jobs is a meme. If you are a business owner, it is more profitable to hire Miguel y sus amigos for $2 an hour and they'll do the same work as John who demands minimum wage or better.
You'll notice a lot of times that people will say "who will do [insert crappy job] once all the illegals are gone?" the same way slave/indentured servant owners complained about abolitionists and the like in the 1800s. They don't understand that importing a bunch of people that do not share the same values as you to save a couple of bucks does not bode well and only creates a problem that will require more money to be fixed than whatever profits were reaped.
>>154111>who will do [insert crappy job] once all the illegals are gone?This is only a real concern for wealthy liberals who hire illegals to do their landscaping and clean their houses.
>>154111This is why at one point we had a nobility at some point to filter out these retarded wealthy subumans who still had the mental class of plebs.
Shame in the long run the good nobles lost out to the greedy retards who had their sons marry to jewesses to pay off their debts to the yids and in turn helped give us the world we have today. Having Christianity give Jews a protected status because they will
LE CONVERT AT LE END OF THE WORLD and freedom gradually return to the countries they were expelled from didn't help either.
>>154104People hiring illegals should be taken to court and be given every resource available to ensure that they don't have any excuses not to know who they're hiring.
I've heard that the agricultural industry would collapse if it wasn't for illegal alien labor, but if that's the case then legal migrant labor programs could be expanded until automation is viable and those spics could be kicked out.
>>154116Agriculture is already vastly automated, and a whole lot of produce is imported, because it's still cheaper to pay beaners over there than over here.
>>154111>the same way slave/indentured servant owners complained about abolitionists and the like in the 1800s.I don't get your point, nobody did take those slave jobs other than slaves or really poorfags like Jim Crow niggers, chinamen, pacified injuns (all 3 of them) and mexicans. Not even the irish did hence their moniker of being lazy fuckers.
>does not bode well and only creates a problem that will require more money to be fixedThe american mentality is that, make the most money today and see what happens later. America has used foreign hand for the menial jobs for more than a century now, they never learned to pick their own cotton because they don't want to do it for minimum wage.
>>154124Except Americans did all those jobs where it wasn't legal to have slaves and after it wasn't. It was always the rich industrialist types who hired chinks and blacks because they didn't want to pay them. There was actually a lot American Resistance to these faggots, it even resulted in the Chinese Exclusion act.
>Not even the irish did hence their moniker of being lazy fuckersexcept they were known for doing shit jobs in early amerishartland.
Dup: drug dealers should get the death penalty
Also Dup: No.154137
>>154136Good thing he didn't actually sell any drugs.
>>154137He got a cut just like Amazon gets a cut from third-party sellers on their platform. Who knows how many people died from getting bad shit through his platform.
>>154138I am sure there are a lot of people who also died from faulty products sold by third parties on Amazon and Ebay, doesn't mean those platforms should be shut down for that reason alone.
>>154139For reasons of freedom I supported the silk road, at the same time a lot of the shit he did was bullet worthy.
>>154142They have to go back, women are so fucking retarded.
>>154139>>154137>>154139So should we start pardoning guys who ran CP forums who are currently sitting in prison, since they didn't actually molest children themselves? Wouldn't that also please the lolbergs?
>>154156Dup hecking hearts criminals!
>>154160J6 hostages deserved their pardons. Everybody knows they got set up. I can't get behind pardoning a drug kingpin, that's just a bridge too far for me as someone who has lost loved ones to drugs.
>>154142>phoenixThat's a big lift. Raids should start off in small towns. It would have an immediate positive impact in those communities.
Many people today believe Donald Trumps' first term 2017 cabinet/ advisor/ staff selections were a disappointment, especially since he was going to drain the swamp. In fact, some were working against him. One more of his important campaign promises never achieved.
But this new round of nominees for this upcoming 2025 term are even more alarming, especially since some do not seem to be especially qualified (except they are all pretty much pro-Israel no matter what-the apparent criteria which trumps all other consideration).
Too many reflect the rabid zealousness of Zionist domination already reigning in the U.S. Government, and its willingness to destroy our American 1st Amendment birthright, that is if speech happens to be critical of Jews, Zionism, and Israel, particularly Israel's genocidal war against Palestinians. No.154173
>>154171libs be like wtf i love state religion now
>>154112In discussions about deporting illegal immigrants, you may see people say "who will pick muh strawberries?" and similar statements. It's the argument one makes when not accounting for the consequences of their actions in any meaningful way. As the population grows and more people have to be fed, who is supposed to harvest increasing crop yields? You'd need more "slaves" or have to invent some way to do the job via automation. Either path you take, a lot of people will get hurt along the way.
>>154124>nobody did take those slave jobs other than slaves or really poorfags like Jim Crow niggers, etc.The point I was making was that the arguments made in support of slavery are almost the same as the ones you hear today when people start talking about deporting illegal immigrants. Slavery and indentured servitude brought a lot of 'undesirables' to the colonies and states and we are still dealing with the repercussions today.
Think about how we are supposed to believe white people just can't stand blacks and have always been itching to send them all back to Africa or maybe even the Caribbean. If early white Americans hated black people so much, why import tens and hundreds of thousands of them to live within arm's reach? It makes no sense at all until you consider (((who))) benefits from such an arrangement. Who would want cheap labor imported in concerning volumes with no care given to social consequences because it's all about the bottom line? I'll give you a hint: they own most of the banks!
>they never learned to pick their own cotton because they don't want to do it for minimum wage.The American South would have been better off picking its own cotton and harvesting its own crops rather than ordering a bunch of black people off of Amazon. The northern states and colonies prospered even with a ban on slavery. The south could have done it as well had it not been for the (((bankers))) who wanted to take the easy way out and pocket their shekels. Why do you think large manufacturing companies or IT firms outsource so heavily? It's not because Americans can't do it, it's because you can abuse foreigners and they'll apologize for not licking your boots clean enough.
>>154175We don't need 20 million more strawberry pickers, most of these new arrivals are freeloaders, and the ones who aren't are displacing American workers.
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All true Christians need to to rise up in arms and kill Donald Trump asap.
>>154175>who will pick muh strawberriesThe thing is the wages for those jobs are so damn low that only nonwhite nonamericans want to do them and the owners don't want to pay better wages.
>>154182Too bad. Employing or harboring illegal aliens is against the law. There are some things I'd like to do that are illegal, too. If you have to make less of a profit to abide by the law, then that's what you've gotta do.
>>154142that last one is a tranny you retard
>>154186Excuse me, it is Trans Woman, you bigot.
>>154176You're right, we don't need them. We never needed even a single illegal immigrant to so much as pick up trash off the side of the street. Yet, they will do it almost for free because they know what will happen if they refuse to get the job done.
>>154182They're so low because people have gotten away with this strategy of employment for centuries. "Why pay my countrymen a respectable wage when I can import 729837459837 'immigrants' who will do the same job for pennies on the dollar? So what if the 'immigrants' are incompatible with our society, at least I'm turning a profit!"
Outsourcing jobs also helps to reduce the wages and volume of available jobs native U.S. citizens can access: should (You) get paid a decent salary with your Comp Sci degree when Pajeet is more than happy to do the same job for two bucks a month? Sure, the code is of less quality but AI will fix that eventually kek
>>154156what was the thought process behind this one? did they cite a reason? I don't think he had any connection to anything political.
>>154218Dup promised to free Ross Ulbricht at the Libertarian Party convention. Promises made, promises kept.
>>154219I'm sure ICE agents are quaking in their boots watching these.
>>154138>He got a cutOI VEY! Do you think running the service is free, goy?
>>154219>make video implying their classrooms are full of illegals>now ice knows exactly where to gotruly genius lmao
>>154172>Jews are our brothersBut marxism isn't inherently Jewish, many soviet jews collaborated with the nazis, most would have collaborated. It was considered that white marxists view racially inferior comrades as pets, so they used jewish iq, ambitions and giga status for propaganda. The jewish golem is Ameracanism.
>Leviticus 19:34 … LeninIsraelites were prohibited from intermarrying with the gentiles, while Russians damaged their own gene pool and gave rise to an unhinged Russian imperialism by the aforementioned assimilation of other ethnic groups.
>The Gemara asks: From where do we derive that betrothal with a gentile woman is ineffective? The verse states: "Neither shall you make marriages with them" (Deuteronomy 7:3), which teaches that marrying gentile women is halakhically meaningless. The Gemara asks: We have found that betrothal is ineffective with her; from where do we derive that her offspring is like her? Rabbi Yoḥanan says in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: As the verse states with regard to the same issue: "Your daughter you shall not give to his son…for he will turn away your son from following Me" (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). Since the verse is concerned that after one's daughter marries a gentile, the father will lead his children away from the service of God, this indicates that your son, i.e., your grandson, from a Jewish woman is called "your son" by the Torah, but your son from a gentile woman is not called your son, but her son. (Kiddushin 68b)>And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel. Now therefore make confession unto the LORD God of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives (Ezra 10)>behold, one of the children of Israel … brought … a Midianitish woman … the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest … went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly (Numbers 25)>A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the LORD for ever (Deuteronomy 23) No.154229
>>154228>But marxism isn't inherently Jewish>made by a post-religious jew and post-religious protestent even more spirtually jewish christkike>not jewishLol, they literally just remove the kike in the sky but essentially follow his belifs and even more literally. Marx made himself the big kike to worship, and most communist dictators make themselves living post spiritual deities. You can see the Kim family to see what happens for better or worse when religious/spirtiual fervor reinserts itself into communism to see how right I am.
>many soviet jews collaborated with the nazisAfter Stalin found out most of the jews who at first made up upwards of 90 percent of the soviet government, the same government that perpetuated genocide after genocide of the people of the former Russuan empire did not wish to drink their own poison he turned on them. The jews always say you gotta kill a golem before it grows to strong and turns on (you) and they failed. Also most of those jews
who stalin didn't ACK fled to America to try and destroy Germany as well.
>>154228>But marxism isn't inherently JewishYour argument is immediately without any credibility. Time for you to leave.
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If you voted for Dup you voted for Satan's conquest. Jesus will personally throw you into hell for voting for him.
>>154270The jews want the real estate.
In 20 years they will be sitting on the balconies of their new beachfront condos, sipping on arak as they celebrate a new genocide holiday, their triumph over the Palestinians.
>>154259>>154248Truly external and accidental, if you put conspiracy theories aside. I really do hope it will become more apparent when the ongoing culture war subsides or when the world becomes more consolidated at the supra-national level.
>>154229>Marx made himself the big kike to worshipHis history could reflect the book of Esther wherein the figure of Mordecai (= Marduk i. e. Marx) promotes revolution and genocide. The Persian king basically used the Jews against other non-Jewish people though him.
>Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them, both little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for a prey … and that the Jews should be ready against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies … And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple: and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad. The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honour. … and slew of their foes seventy and five thousand, but they laid not their hands on the prey (Esther 8-9)»but they laid not their hands on the prey« that is, the government will be socialist
I love the jews, they allow me to fuck little boys and get all the coon dicks I want.
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Even our Aryane preacher made a video about Dup.
>>154270do you think dup would deport any illegal jews residing in usa? If not then these deportees should convert to judaism and screech anti-semtism as a last chance to stay in the country.
>>154289Not happening, kicking off the kikes only happens in fiction. See The King in Yellow first short story where the USA was becoming a truly based and great nation by kicking off all niggers, indians and jews.
I just finished reading "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis. I'm shaking. Almost 100 years ago he predicted Dup and his terrifying fascist capitalist racist anti-feminist rise to take over our nation!
>>154315>IRS armed border patrolmenThat sounds so foul, like something parodying FEMA camps in the 00's
>>154317>racist anti-feministIf only dup actually were.
>>154321If he was even 30% as based as they claim, we'd be living in White North America.
>>154320Not really. It's all basically the same thing, a federal police officer is interchangeable between agencies. Even the postal service has its own armed police.
>>154342>charge more for imports>businesses try to pass costs to consumersand this is news how?
>>154344his struggle session is tomorrow
>Kennedy's first confirmation hearing is scheduled to begin Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 10 a.m. EST. No.154347
>>154346I can't fucking wait!
>>154344All the Big Harma lobbyists are working overtime to take him down, honestly I don't know if he's gonna make it.
>>154375>no weave>blonde-dyed buzzcut>drag queen makeupWow, she went full nigger after the election.
>>154389Trump is still a kike tool wow who could've seen this coming, so surprising.
>>154394I watched the whole exchange with Pocahontas. She started out badmouthing Big Harma, asking him if he would ever work for Harma sort of tongue-in-cheek, then she turned the tables and started defending muh vaccines. She was totally passive-aggressive.
>>154396So glad we don't have to look at broccoli head every day anymore.
>>154396More wars for Israel? More ethnic decline of the White Race, yep, I'm thinking Americuckland is back!
They don't have the ontogeny to recapitulate the phylogeny of civilized people because the mode of life of their ancestors hindered their biology from developing. That's why trump and that's why blacks must compete with whites and libertarian spics too
>>154396Too bad her and her bosses aren't being forthright about the "drone" situation.
>>154413>They are hundreds of miles awayDo americans think desperate/well-paid people can't walk a lot during a couple of days and hitch a ride here and there in highways?
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>>154412Who's gonna win the Super Bowl? Who's gonna win the Super Bowl? My vote's on the New York Kansas Shithawks.
>>154415I don't know about you, but I'm watching for the Kendrick Lamar halftime show. Maybe Taylor will kiss Kendrick's BBC on stage!
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>>154416That would be the perfect way to own the Woke Right who hate our values. Dr. King didn't fight the Revolutionary War just so we could be destroyed by white racists and their divisive identity politics.
>>154418Sounds like the ol' bongoloids have better "humour" than us.
>>154413>Trump speaks as GOP Loses HouseIs that from 2018?
If President Donald Trump succeeds in ending birthright citizenship for illegal migrants and other noncitizens, he would be putting to bed a practice that has been taken advantage of by potentially millions of foreign nationals in recent years.
As many as 250,000 babies were born to illegal migrant parents in 2023, according to a recently updated estimate by Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). To put that figure into perspective, the number surpassed the rate of births in most states and nearly made up seven percent of all births in the country that year.
"U.S. citizenship is the most valuable status in the entire world, because you get a passport, you get the protection of the United States government, and you get to vote," Art Arthur, a resident fellow at the CIS, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. "So when you expand the population of people who are here illegally, particularly couples, you get to a situation where this is an increasingly salient issue." (Watch The Daily Caller's Documentary 'Cartelville')
"And probably the best way to say this is kudos to the Trump administration for actually forcing the issue so that we can get a resolution," Arthur said.
Hours after taking office, Trump signed an executive order removing birthright citizenship guarantees for individuals born to parents living in the U.S. unlawfully or on temporary visas, following through on a pledge he repeatedly made on the campaign trail. It took less than a day for Democrats and other liberal organizations to challenge the move, with the ACLU and a coalition of state attorneys general suing to block the order. No.154476
>>154458>>154469>>154471Bernikikes bros are really a special kind of mentally ill clowns.
After Dup won the election a lot of idiots came out claiming that if Bernie had run he would have easily beaten Dup because at least half of the Dup voters would have chosen Bernie instead.
And not to mention they have all this hatred for rich people, but fail to recognize that their socialist messiah is a rich Jewish hypocrite like the rest of the evil elite.
>>154473I'm guessing ironic. It's not nearly wordy enough to be a real
pedophileleftoid meme.
>>154490I think he's being loose with the facts.
If an entire crew got snatched up, then it's probably because they were part of the same criminal enterprise.
>>154500What message are they trying to send?
Wednesday's crash happened on the day the new Transportation Secretary was sworn in. A group of figure skaters were on board, among them famous Russians. Today's plane crash was a medical flight and contained doctors. What's been in the news cycle for the past couple days? Bobby's HHS secretary confirmation hearing. These are the facts. You be the judge.
>>154500>>154501There's a fucking lot of airplanes and helicopters crashing atm.
Not just in the USA, it seems that in Brazil more planes and helicopters have crashed in the last two months than in the last 50 years combined around there.
Bad maintenance, niggers and other shitskins building and running the airports, incapacitated pilots or you can cope and say aliens are behind it.
Tech is also in bad state, redditors and other faggots will say it's A.I and bots killing the internet, but nope, it's shit companies, the feds and above all garbage devs/coders fucking with ever single app and software.
>>154502>Bad maintenance, niggers and other shitskins building and running the airports, incapacitated pilots or you can cope and say aliens are behind it.Or sabotage.
>>154502Happening every month now, sign of a collapsing civilization.
Same happened with the USSR
>>154473I don't know, and the fact that it can go either way is why I find it so funny.
>>154473Did contra-trans cut xers dick off?
>>154490>How am I supposed to get ESL shitskin slaves who don't question my retarded decisions?>How am I supposed wipe my own ass>Who's going to babysit my wife's children while I'm busy getting wasted?<I GOT DUPED REAL BADLY, YOU EFFIN RACISS>>154476Bolshevik virtual signalling, have you wondered what would've happened if he got elected? Look no further than Mexico, whereas his mexcrement counterpart finally won and got bent by all criminals while rewarding drug cartel overlords.
>>154504Sabotage just for lols then, but sabotage is another easy cope like aliens being behind it, people just don't want to accept they are living in a dying society because of the lack of white men.
>>154508I think we all should get our "media literacy" diploma.
>>154509He is an AGP tranny, they usually don't do it.
>>154515Bernie bros are straight up retarded, there's no excuses, they will never stop coping and fantasying about him winning and being extremely popular among all millenials and zoomers.
>>154516>Sabotage just for lols then, but sabotage is another easy cope like aliens being behind itIt's not the same, many such cases of planes and other vehicles being sabotaged to knock off people and make it look like an accident. In the past, bombs were more common for these things, but now, systems can be hacked and the aircraft can be hijacked remotely.
>people just don't want to accept they are living in a dying society because of the lack of white men.It doesn't take a genius to fly an aircraft, there's plenty of good female and non-White pilots who manage not to crash. A lot of it is automated.
>>154527Are you shitposting like a boomer?
>>154527>In the past, bombs were more common for these things, but now, systems can be hacked and the aircraft can be hijacked remotely.Boomer tier
>>154541Boomer in what way?
>>154543Dup is closing the book on the Troon Age.
>>154541Sure thing yid, don't make me post the Killer Bean video
The boomer anon is right, none of these issues are about race or gender. I love Jews, feminism and blacks too. We need more black women building our industry and running it all.
>>154565it's not proven she was a lesbian yet, I think
>Don't make me postKiller Besn is pure kino, post it
>>154565They say that the lesbo wasn't the pilot, so I will wait for that one.
>>154576What was her name and rank?
>>154576What's the next step on your master plane?
>>154591So basically she was a flaming dyke who worked for Bidup and they're trying to cover it up because it makes them look bad.
Maybe she was a gay terrorist with TDS, it certainly appears that way from the looks of things in the video footage, she makes a beeline into the plane.
>>154593It's more likely than you think. These people are unhinged.
>>154600I hope a nigger gets shot or strangled by the pigs so that the niggers to a mostly firely peacefull protest.
I need to buy more cheap land. No.154603
>>154600>>154601These aren't protests. Once you start blocking roads and highways, it crosses over into a riot, and there's no reason for this to go on, because pigs spend billions of dollars on intelligence, they know exactly where these mobs are planning to form up days in advance. No need for citizens to be inconvenienced.
>>154603It's also self-defeating. For every video of some crying goblina that makes some norman thing
>maybe we shouldn't send them all backthey pull this shit and erase any good will they might still have.
>>154600>>154601And then for no reason what so ever Hitler was elected to power.
>>154569Didn't say that, just tried to say sabotage by remote control is a thing although i think the chicoms and ruskies only do it on boats over international waters, the helicopter was likely military units just trying to force themselves upon civilians like they usually do except in this case the airlines was landing and there was little it could do.
Some people forget landings are controlled crashes, you let the plane fall to the ground but softly, it something goes wrong along the way it's all ogre.
>>154591Well well well
>>154603>It's not a protest if you inconvenience peopleThat's the whole point of a protest, a riot is just fucking shit up, practically a form of terrorism. Protest is just raising awareness by doing unconventional actions which can be non-violent.
>NOOOO DON'T BLOCK MY ROAD>BOLICE HALPThis is you even when i think those protestors are wrong AND also illegals. Spics have this supposed power of being the gears running all menial tasks so if they stopped working for a day they would really make a difference but they don't do it because they know some other spic or minority will replace them ASAP, so they just chimp out on their free day which is pointless and like anon said it erases any good will or even concern that they are really that crucial.
>>154615>Self-deportation is the only way this could possibly work.I say dup gives them a choice. Go back to their mudhole country willingly or be treated like the foreign invaders they are and start shooting them dead. He's too much of a kike shill to actually do it, but it's nice to dream of a better future.
>>154620You can't simply shoot illegals, unfortunately. Some of them will shoot back.
>>154636based back to the good old days before 9 eleveen
>>154641>>154642Going to take a wild guess and say that these are happening in liberal shithole cities and thus primarily effecting
pedophilesdemocrat voters.
>>154687Zion Don strikes again
>>154688Zion Don
The Zog-Emperor
Donald Jew Trump
>>154687honestly, all palestinians being forcefully evicted and the gaza strip becoming a vacation colony owned by america and viciously defended by 18 yo tiktok israeli soldier girls would be the perfect outcome
>>154706lol, you know this is the only outcome:
>the gaza strip becoming a vacation colony owned by 81 yo israelis and viciously defended by 18 yo tiktok (a USgov subsidiary) american soldier boys No.154741
Senate Democrats are planning to kvetch all night to protest Russ Vought's confirmation vote for OMB Director, as nationwide protests against Dup kick off. No.154743
>>154742>it's 60% old peoplexisters… the future doesn't look to good for us
>>154743Dup got the zoomer vote. This is the death throes of the Democrat Party.
Dup cut off all economic aid to Ukraine.
>>154745Does this mean the war will end?
>>154745The only thing he cut was the USaids money flow, which means no sheckels for journalists pushing pro hohol views.
>>154773They know they'll only have to wait 4 years. Who ever is next will reverse any good dup actually does for America.
>>154777It'll be J.D. Vance.
>>154734Well, he was a weeb after all.
>>154738Only rich normalfags buy teslas, since they are the only ones that can buy the replacement batteries for those cars, never go electric or buy open-hardware electric cars.
>>154798Wrong. There are several there, thoughever.
>>154839Illegals shouldn't be given loans or credit in the first place, that's the jew banks' problem to deal with.
Another Dup victory that you liberal troons won't accept.
The revelation of the files on JFK are tangled up with files on aliens. Dup will collapse the entire house of cards about the biggest conspiracies of all time, Dup is guiding humanity to the light.
>>154855I don't think dup is going to come clean about the alien stuff considering the BS non-answer that the White House gave about the "drones" recently.
Dup drinks jewish shit
>>154840I'd agree, but (((creditors))) are going to get bailed out by the taxpayers again. So unless dup comes out and says he won't be awarding kikes for giving taconiggers free money I'd just expect (((them))) to get away scot-free again.
>>154855Lol this is so far the farthest reaching out statement by a trumper so far.
He had access to those files all the time and so did many others, yet nothing at all happend other than more of the usual rethoric bullshit.
Besides, who would accept, let alone take these revelations seriously.
The truth that cannot be spoken because everyone would be in denial of it is that people are weakminded morons who will always demand for some saviour to come to fix their problems instead of doing it on their own and all the worlds leaders know this.
>>154858Sadly, you're probably right.
>>154877>muh pricesDo drumpfkins really?
>ranchKike eunoch would be proud.
>>154875>you can back hereu wot m8
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Illegal and anchor baby students in LA have walked out all week.
>>154877They released the new bird flu because they don't want men eating eggs and getting stronger.
I hope they nuke Israel first, death to America, freedom to the world!
Dup just cut off aid to South Africa because of the communist land grab, and he's allowing White refugees to come to the United States. Based?
>>154911USA needs more white people to enlist in the army.
>>154911Would prefer him to have cut it off because whites shouldn't be paying niggers to be lazy parasites, but a good start.
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I know the two anons here will lazily avoid watching the video, but it must be share.
Trump is destroying the federal agencies like the FBI and the CIA because Israel fears these agencies.
We need to support our feds before it's too late and Dup destroys everything!
>>154930Why would pissrael fear their greatest ZOGbots?
Leo Pirate was right as always, Dup is the second coming of Hitler, he is the ANTI-CHRIST returned and he will bring hell to earth with the help of the Jesuit Kabbalists.
Congratulations to all you idiots who helped the anti-Christ because they wanted to pay less taxes and were triggered by immigrants.
>>154940>Leo PirateWasn't that the gaymergay furfag that got caught trying to yiff some tranny?
>>154930>israel fearing fbi and ciaYou mean the two agencies who helped the mossad pull off 911?
>>154956Anyone have the Murdoch Murdoch clip of the dup puppet begging for jewjew cum? I feel like it's appropriate.
Dup is gonna strike the cartels in Mexico soon. They're flying reconnaissance missions near the border now, and Navy ships are off the coast of Baja California.
>>154983Thank you. It's a shame those faggots got nuked off the internet.
>>154992The jew has made you crass.
>>154996you underage Drumpf dick riders are really pathetic.
Musk is a faggot.
>>154996All that desk space and no computer.
>>155002Is time to die for Israel, dupers.
>>154951Yes, he is a good friend of everyone in positions of power across the webring.
>>155029Who cares, duptard.
>>155032the circus comes to the city council meeting
>>155032They are not sending their best.
In other news, Tulsi just got the nomination. The only RINO who didn't vote for her is Mitch McConnell aka Broken Old Crow.
>>155029My dudes, Senate Democrats have been kvetching on the floor for 10 hours since I posted this. I've had the stream playing on my tablet on mute, and it's still going on. Everybody is getting their two cents in dissing this goy.
Fuck off, troon.
>>155057Every working person looks at the fraud, waste, and abuse DOGE is exposing, and they are glad it's coming to light. In fact, even NEETs and retired people like it, because the FWA is, to a large extent, why our benefit programs are underfunded.
Normal people don't want illegals to get free everything and take over our cities. Normal people don't want troons in girls' bathrooms or playing women's sports. Normal people don't want to be forced into buying electric cars. The list goes on. The Democrat party has lost normal people.
>But first, as we both agreed, we want to stop the millions of deaths taking place in the war with Russia, UkraineAdd three wounded per one killed to that. I've heard a similar number from Trump a month ago in fake news, or maybe they are true and Trump actually said that almost a million Russian soldiers have been killed, I don't know, but I think if we count civilians the death toll is well over a million.
>>155024Imagine a worse death than getting blown up by a drone for kikes and retards posting it online.
>>155095Trump won, little bro.
>>155111Ah yes ceasing the snownigger war makes you Putin's lapdog, didn't these left-wing scrubs praise Putin during COVID? Or backing SouthAmerican shitholes from le ebil imperialism?
>>155115Leftists aren't paying attention, they are still trying to undermine Dup because they want the meat grinder to continue, but the fact of the matter is a peace treaty is coming very soon.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The anti-Christ aka Dup is wanting to let the USA be taken over by the forces of evil. First he destroyers our shield, the FBI and CIA, now he is melting our sword, our army.
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