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Courts favour women too
>>154632Asian women are all like this, they are simply better at subtlety than western women. It's why I always laugh when some MGTOW boomer boasts about not needing white women anymore because he found a "traditional, supportive and loving" Asian woman from his sex tourism and decides to retire to her country. White women will at least shit on you openly once they think you're not worth it anymore, so you will immediately know what you're dealing with. Asian women do not stop milking you until you have absolutely nothing, they have no qualms about sucking you off even if they hate your guts as long as they think there's still some money to be made. Even worse, they will involve their entire extended families and even their other boyfriends in the long game against you.
>>154645>mgtow>still obsessed with pussyIt's upsetting that words dont mean anything anymore.
>>154632I spare myself all the trouble and just go straight to sucking Black men off in the gutter
>>154670I think Nuzach is rejected even by black guys with low standards.
>>154655Just check any MGTOW video and you will find that 90% of the comments are boomers going on a tirade about their ex-wives, only to then brag about having found some gook pussy of the same age as their American daughters. It might not have started as the yellow fever club but it most certainly has devolved into it.
>>154656Ayase is a top waifu from back in the day.
How many layers of copes and irony are you operating on?
>>154711According to his logic, you are the coomer and gay because you saw the post he made and "seethed" about it or whatever.
>>154693utterly pathetic.
>I got buttfucked by some dyke judge so now im "going my own way" by flying to Laos and buying some bucktoothed gook.>It's ok though because I'm not going to marry this SEA monkey.>Going my own way.<what do you mean common law? No.154730
Friendly reminder that MGTOW is another Jewish scam and most of the loser ecelebs promoting it are Gen X incels who had their women stolen from them by Boomers and Millennials
>>154716>cheating whore wife cheats and steals half your shit in the divorce>get red pilled on female nature>import soulless bugman wife to replace cheating whore wife>soulless bugman wife cheats and steals half your shit in the divorce>WHO COULD HAVE EVER SEEN THIS COMMING?The MGTOW cycle is something to watch.
>>154762it's laughable. They really ought to "go their own way" like they claim and not be so insecure they need some hag around them all the time. You'd figure after one divorce; they'd learn it's cheaper to rent.
>>154765For some reason they get it in their head that it's corrupted western women that act like whores(while demanding to not be objectified lol) and foreign women(usually asian) are more traditional. While true, what they fail to realize is that traditional women are just more secretive and subtle about being shiftless money grubbing whores.
>>154766 (checked)
"I can fix her" isn't a meme to these retards, they honestly and truly believe that they're Harry Potter and their dicks are made out of magic.
My favorite idea of mgtow is the idea that they went there own way, as if they weren't sent their own way by foids and the (((system))).
>>154775The femoids and (((system))) don't want men to disengage from them completely. They want men to continue to fund their degeneracy, but never say 'no' to anything. When a man actually tells a woman to fuck off and they're not going to support them now that they're over 30 and have 3 niglets there are days worth of ticktocks filmed from their car crying about how they "can't find a good man." The problem is that MGTOW doesn't actually go their own way. They spend money to import a gook or rarely a shitskin as a replacement for a woman and think they're not going to get fucked over as soon as the mail order bride won't get sent back to their shithole country for divorcing him.
>>154778you seem to be posting here and not looking after your wifes son properly.
>>154778Ramon won, little bro.
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>>154776>The problem is that MGTOW doesn't actually go their own wayYeah they are total pussies in that respect, 2D women are popular for a fucking reason.
>>154791I agree with the dumb whore, it is his fault, I do have a sort of hatred against modern women, one which I think is partially pointless and contradictory as I view women as beings of pure instinct, and thus its hard for me to entirely blame them for their retardation. However, men are also more similar to women as well, especially today. Its why I don't really feel sorry for pathetic men who date or give money to these foids, they deserve to die.
I've tried to help men like this, and you know what, fellow "brothers," fellow robots, incels whatever the fuck you wanna call them will call you normalfaggot terms like "incel" if you point out hes getting scammed by some dumb whore. There really is no fixing these subhumans.
>>154792>it's just foid nature so i can't hate themMosquitos are blood sucking parasites. They are only following their biological programming.
I still hate them.
>I've tried to help men like thisSame, however.
>There really is no fixing these subhumans.I will never stop trying to pull them out of the wreckage, brother. Even if pointless. Saving one soul is worth it.
>>154778You get no pussy.
>>154794>Mosquitos are blood sucking parasites. They are only following their biological programming.I wouldn't call all women parasites, they are literally factories that we need to ensure mankind continues to exist. They are by design meant to try and survive, however the flaws in their programming causes them to be fundamentally irrational creatures. The only time we ever see women with loyalty is when its artificially instilled for generations, as was the case for the vast majority of German Women who supported Hitler in the face of the Jewish Scourge that was Germany. I will say that men's loyalty is also for the most part artificially instilled, as time as gone one I've found out even among places for autists and outcasts, true loyalty, dedication and brotherhood is a very hard thing to find.
I can understand the sentiment that they are parasites, after all the origins of Jewish nature are primarily attributed to the nature of femoids. Jews are essentially a race of spiritual femoids, both men and women, hence their insane nature as well as their constant wanton lust for destruction and parasitism.
>I still hate them.I mean I am guessing women with more self-awareness might despise me more since I view them as creatures, as resources to be pacified for the most part.
>I will never stop trying to pull them out of the wreckage, brother. Even if pointless. Saving one soul is worth it.Honestly if there is a chance, if I see it I try and help, sometimes I've tried to actively accelerate the decline or destruction of some of these men in my life because I've realized the best thing they can do is to serve as an examples of other men of what NOT to do. I despise people who actively crave suicide and love to openly worship their enemies, its why I have zero tolerance for 90 percent of people today.
seethe collected
Shut up, nigger.
>>154792>>154796It's true that men enabling all sorts of womanese behavior is a big factor on why they are so out of control. Unfortunately we've seen that even intelligent, high-achieving men are not immune from turbosimping.
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>>154887>why would I keep them around me, they aren't even mineThis poor man got fucking cheated of his life, and yet some chinks got infected with that leftist crap/women
This video shows just how cucked the west and westernized nations are in contrast to Chinkland, they may not care about the environment but at least this guy can get a semblance of justice.
>>154889Just goes to show that no matter your race, country, culture, the stupidest thing a man can ever do is trust a woman in any way.
>>154908Okay, faggot. But I'd rather have kids than penetrate your dirty ugly asshole.
>>154921Why're you fantasizing about other men's assholes?
>>154908Accusing confirmed bachelors of faggotry is the height of kikery. "If you don't want to get cucked you're gay." Black and white kino displayed actual confirmed bachelors.
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We need to kill all women, especially the white ones for abusing of our beautiful and masculinity black brothers. All incels need at least a virile coon so we can have a bromance with them and spread the redpill (aka women are whores and being closet homo is good).
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>>155094>10 million yuanHow much is that in real money?