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File: 1623374025669.jpg (739.59 KB, 1209x1465, 1209:1465, Gustav Freytag.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Written in the middle of the 19th century, Debit and Credit (AKA Soll und Haben) by Gustav Freytag is a very interesting work. It was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed German novels ever written until 1945. Supposedly wealthy German fathers would buy it as a gift for their sons when they reached adulthood because of it's encapsulation of Prussian middleclass values. The reason it fell out of favor after WWII is because of it's negative portrayals of Jews and Poles, although not all Jews and Poles in the novel are villains. The main story is about a young German businessman who gets caught up in a struggle between a declining Silesian aristocratic family and Jewish moneylenders.
All the social and political aspects aside, it's just a well written novel. It strikes a unique balance between romanticism and realism which makes it very enjoyable to read if you like old literature.


File: 1623459116508.png (368.5 KB, 414x706, 207:353, mogulhoole.png) ImgOps iqdb

an oaldie but guudie, awldoe eet ain't technically a boundid tome per se -

The Philmarillion, duh artistic stalkean expose/rhubricized nightmaer fixation awn sum zebrabawl /sp/ tripfag gnamed UTV:

i noe whew wrote this btw %^x but we ain't snitch-snitchean aot the jitt-jittens raond hurr >%^)


I don't know how to read, though. Where should I start?



I need some recommendations from romance noir, fantasy and philosophy.
Also anything "redpilled".


Johann George Hamann's Relational Metacriticism by Gwen Griffith Dickson. She's the only modern commentator of Hamann that understands him instead of trying to turn him into something else and the book includes translations of his most important treatises, some of which are the English translations in existence.
For reference, Hamann was a German philosopher from 18th century who hated the Enlightenment thinkers of his day and spent his life btfoing them. He was also adored by Goethe and Kierkegaard.


I still can't read, so I can't read that linke NOR that website you linked to.

It's been two years guys, I need help.


>Christian stuff and woman stuff


It's not theological or apologetic writings. Hamann was a philosopher who happened to be a Christian like most people were back then. Most of his treatises are critiques of Enlightenment rationalism on philosophical grounds. The references to the Bible and Greek mythology are just allegories to show absurdities of his opponents views, like in the Socractic Memorabilia where he uses the language of a false idol to demonstrate how "the public" isn't a real entity.
And I recommended Dickson's translations and introductions because I think those are the best ones in English. There is another collection of translations by some guy from Cambridge but if you want to read that instead. He's just general philosophy professor rather than a Hamann scholar, like Dickson, and it's clear he doesn't understand a lot of Hamann's writings though.


Wow, I made a lot of typos in this post. Too many even to correct. That's what happens when you don't eat a J Balvin meal everyday. You should still be able to grasp what I'm saying.

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