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There once was an amerimutt
Who had a stinky poopy butt
And when he tried to drink his tea
It smelled like really nasty pee!


Very vivid imagery you are working with here, Anon; the striking image of an amerimutt sets us off, followed by the short, yet highly descriptive qualities of his butt, and his pee…
Am I right in assuming you may be of the Tarl Warwick and Dan Harmon school?

I believe you mentioned you had written more poetry, and even some prose as well, would you mind sharing some more of your work with us?



"Holy crap!", Peter Griffin exclaimed as he was playing Minecraft, "a round block!". "Don't be ridiculous Peter! There's no such thing as a round block, especially not in Minecraft!" said Brian Griffin, Peter's talking liberal dog. "No, Brian, you gotta come look" Peter responded. Brian shrugged as his face took on an annoyed expression. He walked over to the couch where Peter was sitting and looked at his iPad. Sure enough, just as Peter described, there was a perfectly round sphere, black in color, was sitting there in the Minecraft game. A dark wave of terror came over Brian Griffin and he began to scream. After a few minutes he was able regain just enough composure to utter the words "We have to tell someone about this!".

Word of the round block spread all over the world. The sky turned dark, the clouds began to bleed and there was gnashing of teeth upon the Earth. All of the leading Minecraft experts, the very kings of this realm, gathered together at a press conference to issue a statement regarding the sphere. Peter and Brian Griffin, devout Minecrafters, were watching with baited breath. Captainsparklez, Skydoesminecraft, Jackseptic… everyone was there except Markiplier, the mighty "First Among Equals". "W-We are aware of the situation", Captainsparklez said with obvious fear in his voice, "but we would like to remind everyone to remain calm. Do not pani-". He could not finish his sentence before his face began to melt, his eyes, nose and mouth fell off of his face and his entire body collapsed in on itself as it melted.

Peter and Brian were horrified by the image on screen. Just then, the broadcast cut out as their television set turned into a black sphere, identical to the one they had seen in Minecraft. They shouted in fear. "Where's Markiplier?!" Peter asked. Everything around them became softer and rounder and all that was solid around them became as liquid. "The entire planet is melting!" said Brian. "Good thing I built that rocket ship for emergencies like these!" Peter replied. They rushed to the spacecraft and flew into the endlessness of Space. They gazed out the window and saw that even the familiar cube that was Earth was melting and had transformed into yet another black sphere. It's surface began to ripple like water and an image began to form in it's reflection. It was a Sphinx with the face of Markiplier. It slowly stood up and started walking. After a moment of silence, Peter mournfully said
"What rough beast, it's hour come round at last
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born

This is OC. I didn't just copy and paste it from a fan fiction website like I usually do.


When is the next Littyzens issue going to be published and deadline? Did you die from COVID TBC?


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extendid aporoghees 4 mie absence, irl stuph + own personal writtan jags haev kinda overtakin mei tiem %^x

the next feuilleton will b ree-lees'd on X-MAS DAY (eef submissions r staqqed enuff bie then - eef gnawt will wait a lil lawngur but eets lookan sumwat sparse soe whew noes) n u can submit auwp til A WEEK AOT FRUM X-MAS DAY (but idk send eet ean aftur dat n eye'll prollie maek eet werk)

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