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What did he mean by this?


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he's just being a dumb pseud, he means to say "hum hum hum Shakespeare and Dante are my favorite authors hum hum hum" ok tee ess ok that's just your opinion shut the fuck up


Has Tee Ess ever heard of Virgil?


You can't read Dante without knowing who Virgil is.


He's saying that you can see the world starting from the point of view of Dante or having just read Dante, or from the point of view of Shakespeare or having just read Shakespeare. So all things in the world are either in the Shakespearean camp or the Dantedic(sup) camp. It's like Human Drama and Switcheroos Boogaloo vs Spiritual Truth and Absolute Objective Hierarchy. Easy to figure out OP you're a fuckin retard, I've never even read those books and can figure it out HA
t. pseud


Plenty of guys managed and still manage to do exactly that.


How? Virgil is like the third most prominent character in the Divine Comedy and Dante describes in great detail who he is and what he wrote. There's even a part in the Purgatorio where Statius talks about how great the Aeneid is and how tremendous it's influence was on the Roman world.


I mean, what is the meaning of meaning, tho?
pls dont be mean


The Divine Comedy is the Ready Player One of literature


Boomer take.


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Anonymous is best author.
He wrote:
>The Epic of Gilgamesh
>The Egyptian Book of the Dead
>The Elder Edda
>The Nibelungenlied
>The Song of Roland
>The Song of My Cid
>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
and countless other works that single-handedly btfo Dante and Shakespeare's entire bibliographies.



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Video games are the only true litrature


Zork is literature


reminder that this jew dude started gamegate


Who knows?
But just for lulz… The place of contemporary and eternal in a book. These two had exactly opposite approaches.
Shakespeare: Lots of old memes and jokes and euphemisms, and politics. But all those are used as decoration on the outside, while the bones are essential human problems. Which is why it remains good even if you don't know what "nunnery" really meant.
Dante: the core of a book is made of his personal passions, politics and problems (and long arguments for all of that). In the Divine Comedy the supposedly "eternal" themes are used as grand decorations for a simple revenge fic (try The Machiavellians by James Burnham, Part 1 "Dante: Politics As Wish", if you didn't read it yet). But hey, this certainly captures imagination long after almost no one has a foggiest idea what the hell this dude was really writing about.


this but (also) unironically


Dante put as much of himself as possible into his work while Shakespeare put as little of himself into his. After reading La Vita Nuova, De Monarchia, and The Divine Comedy, you know Dante as well as some people you know in real life. In a way, he was the original friend simulator. After reading all of Shakespeare's plays, you don't know anymore about the man himself than you did before reading any of them. Everything one of his characters says, even just a casual statement, is refuted by another, oftentimes in the same play.


Jesus was a pretty cool dude.

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