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Bros, what's some good erotica? I feel like I've been missing out.


give me some cyberpunk erotica with with mind hacking and sexy cyborg women.


I need to read about some dirty lil bitches


need to read about some sweaty flange


Recommend me dirty sweat barbarian erotica, where people get raped.


Recommend me some 1920's gangster extortion erotica.


recommend me some dirty cop abusing his power erotica.


Recommend me some dirty forest man coming back to take what's his erotica.


Recommend me some pirates erotica.


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BLACKED.COM video transcripts


recommend me some full on dehumanization erotica.


recommend me some Dracula erotica.


Recommend me some Spanish revolutionary erotica.


Recommend me some good interracial porn.


Sir, this is a board for literature.


The Aeneid. Aeneas, a trojan, fucks the queen of Carthage then goes to Italy to racemix some more there.


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Recommend me some good black man on white woman interracial porn.


I don't think porn is great since you'll like it based on its being extreme instead of having a good lesson, but for erotica, I thought the concept of women being tortured by having a man's sex drive, and that making them incompatable with men was pretty cool. It really strikes on the theme that what you want in a moment of desire-a woman who would do anything for your cock- is soon a sickening and even emasculating thing when she's begging for it and you've alreay came. I don't agree with the idea that we're made perfect for eachother naturally- hell, the coolage effect and only temporary test drop from having kids pretty much guarentees we'll always be forced by our bodies to lust after those we cannot have instead of our mates- but I think the story is a strong argument against making big desisions with your dick. Such as your reading choices for example.


>I don't think porn is great since you'll like it based on its being extreme instead of having a good lesson
Justine does both and it may be one of the first erotic writings ever published.


I want interracial cuck kino.


Any such literature about two people who speak a different language?


Namely, ebonics and english? Since I want black man/white woman cuck porn kino.






Ebonics and english?
No, I was thinking of German and English.


Just fucking read Neuromancer



Neuromancer is one of those books that's quite overrated. Isn't trash, but it's far from really being a great book.

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