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Why modern readers are such subhumans? It's actually a race thing?


They think that reading books automatically means they're smarter than everybody else, regardless of what books those are or how well they understand them.


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Because they are millennials of the "I hate reading because TEACHER BAD" variety. That's all it is. You nailed it with your post, and it's because deep down, they know they were dipshits back then. It's why they coined "adulting" and all their self-help books are shit like the subtle art of not giving a fuckity-fuck-fuck or whatever. It's not a race or gender thing. It's a generational thing. Millennials are literally a glorified speed bump culturally. You'll scarcely remember anything they've ever done, let alone written, by 2050. 2100? They'll be off with the Silents completely. Turns out boomers WERE right - millennials really did kill everything.

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