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File: 1693913415543.png (300.74 KB, 1280x984, 160:123, finalretrospections.png) ImgOps iqdb


I happen to be the fucker but in the wake of economic-collapse induced isolation; it should ought to be in the real, and 2021-IQ-tested VIQ227 analysis, aught; have too formalizedly-in-set an extraneous-third-personage going on to properly direct as a personally phrased inquiry.

The description pretty much sets (a self-written synopsis) an intellectual pre-lude the bugger's internal thought processes.

Also, as an example of his only recently interesting conversational discourse with a member of channed elites, the operator of the new location 789chan lolcows on alogs.space's new equivalent:


Check logfile.

He has previous works in White Nationalism which have since disappeared for hosts.

He was once reputed in it, before transitioning to primordial pre-feminism of the Jucheist flavour, disguised as first-feminism of the Soviet flavour.

Only Travis Westphall (the host of the file) would have the lack of intellect to believe this, however. A literally-diagnosed (at state-federal levels as opposed to the prison local authority cooked up garbage of Autphag's latest deets as a psychopathic retard of the 35th verbal percentile) 35th verbal percentile mental fraud although faithful connoisseur of his insights and deepest of outsider-intellectual insights.

He was originally a frequenter of the now-dead 789chan and alogs.space seems to have a samefag very much akin him; although, his consideration of it as diagnostically fair, even psychopaths have the coincidental trait of being unstly-themselves to that of, y'know, their central, core, psychotypical persona, so why rob of him that Borderline Personality Disorderedly advanced right, or Schizotypally advanced right?

The description even denies his autism (very much to Travis' elocution style); it's synoptically official, or even, as feudalists would say, "written".


Rewarded (formerly) a PhD. in North Britain, and possibly Argentina on a switching-stories basis and now-gangster-occupied institution basis. In any case, it G-K (Glenn-Kincaid grade-reading complexity) ranks complexitously as much.


This is completely unreadable word salad. I have no idea what this thread is about nor what you are trying to say.


Correct. Now would people stop pretending to have forgotten him?

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