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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

Kitchen's Open!
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File: 1690956245437.jpg (626.3 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Tumblr_l_9422576301021.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Now, this is baking


I can't think of a worse tasting beverage.


intentional medicinal taste, never understood why the ip2 guys chugged it


Let me guess, you're a poorfag who only drink cheap beer and vodka.



But wait. God is one.
I guess it does english.


Satan is one.

I guess it does english.


Michael is one. I guess it does english.


If you havent check

Some people are not a good singer at all.
That one is more real to me.

But i guess it s just one piece of rice.
Always so, disconnected.


Didnt know we still the farises to star in this… aeon long drama.

Maybe thats why it is so pussylike against its supposed natural eneemies

Stinks in french.

Cant even swim.


And it ran out of magic after egypt
And now darkness comes
Like shadow to light

And it swallows s it wonders
"Where the fuck
Is my portion"

And the mirror
Reproduces. Like two mirrors face to face. Like a dream that never ends

And like that

The dream does not end
So does the nightmare.

Oh well

Why else do we look like the chimps.

Pity the many.
Easier, this way,
As it prefers.



What would UAS rather be?
Serve plates?
What would zakir rather?
Write books?

Abandon matters.
Like books and inks.
The fire burns all
Holy books even

But thats the point.

The monkeys dream, begins, eternal.


Smell of british air
Smell of desperate feelings

Imagine. Maybe i am more sensitive than gods

Beyond all rules.

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