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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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File: 1712822345681-0.png (1.07 MB, 645x768, 215:256, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

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Forbidden cookie knowledge:
You can just buy girl scout cookies from the store, Keebler and generic brands have clones of all the varieties, for half the price and more convenience.
The Keebler ones are actually made in the same factory, yet use a slightly different recipe.


Despite being the purveyors of it IMO american fudge is actually pretty mediocre to downright bad, Keebler even brags about their shit but goes down tasteless
Same with american Cola sodas, they are blatant foreign corruptions of the actual Cola flavor


The nice thing about original girl scout cookies was that they were local, artisan homemade cookies, as the girl scouts were taught baking. When they switched to factory cookies, they lost some of their soul.

I still buy a box here and there when I see them selling, because I support child labor.

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