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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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File: 1717707425825-0.jpg (6.72 MB, 8160x6120, 4:3, 20240605_164821.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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I fell into autism and quit a decent warehouse labor job because the seasoned workers treated me like I was lesser. Been two months looking for work, bank account in the negative 2 hunnit. I have a new job lined up June 10th but got to eat between then. I have like 2 year old chicken protein isolate that tastes and smells like cartilage, bottom of bag of dried bacon, and half a bag of dehydrated vegetables that had a tan/brown color. I also added the last 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter with a quarter cup of corn oil. Salt, pepper, cayenne, and tumeric which gives it a kind of curry smell to it. 15 min boil then simmered with water evaporation, alternated covering when it was due to overflow from heat physics. Still has a grainy texture to it and the smell of cartilage lingers but isn't overwhelming. 75g of protein+bacon bits boost. Not bad over rice.


File: 1717707586619.jpg (4.41 MB, 6120x8160, 3:4, 20240605_164810.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Pictures didn't match up


Honestly I don't trust at most of protein slops they sell for /fit/fags


stick to the whey.

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