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Magic the Gathering decided to add LotR cards. WotC wasn't happy with the original art. Thus did they portray Aragorn as a fucking nigger and then pay people to spam "lol u mad whitey" on twitter. Kill all niggers and Jews.


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In magic the gathering the villains are the heroes, and the heroes are the villains


>saruman of many colors
<still depict him as saruman the white




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I've talked about it months ago, Wotc is dominated by jews and their Seattle golems.
And as a plus, now BlackRock pays companies for being (((woke))), so the poz is something natural to both MtG and DnD


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Read the manga, it's set in 1999 so there's no poz
it's about 90s nostalgia for things like Gundam and Final Fantasy as well
it's also a romance manga
I think it's better than yugioh


The 90's comics of MtG used to be good too, but they are ignoring those characters or bringing them back only to make them black or gay


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>I'm fucking Hitler


i thought he said heil fucking hitler


Both are based anyway and I really enjoy his channel, the majority of lore channels about MtG are just shills faggots without opinions of their own.



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Will white women come to the realization they are also being vilified?


I would like to play MtG or Yu-Gi-Oh with Ramon or Pokémon tcg with J Balvin.


The boycott failed, lot's of retard cattle brought the 400 dollars boxes hoping to get the One Ring card.


Now it's finally dropping in price since some faggot got the serialized The One Ring card.
People are losing the interest in keeping buying it.


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china will grow larger


shit like that kills my faith at mankind


Nuzach spotted in the commentaries


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
White bros… Anti-sjw sisters… We got destroyed by a marxist BBC


Honestly surprised you had any left in this hobby. TCGfags were the first gachaniggers after all.


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They keep winning, I wish I could be a braindead normalfag liberal


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I don't actually remember whether yakuza likes this bitch or if it's someone else


I don't believe Yakuza was ever a Maisiefag. Maisie's Watch faded away years ago after GoT ended disastrously and her career dithered.


Maisie like Watson also peaked as cute lolis, they both grew up to well…become goblins. Never have I ever been sexually attracted to either of them, I'll never get the appeal.


New Universes Beyond: Fallout set just got previewed.


Man, I used to love to see MtG cards using scryfall, but fuck it, they totally ruined the game with all the poz and shitty lazy new designs.


As expected, full of women and niggers.


Card game bros….


And? What are you trying to imply?





Louisposter just keep winning

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