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File: 1686439179300.jpg (335.01 KB, 1000x1190, 100:119, VzudPaoYUQHfYCrV.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Did you get a leviathan release box?


>giving more money to GW
>playing 10th with the awful rules


Not a good box for their worth, also I don't play with Nids, I'm a Necron/Chaos dude.


You can buy a decent 4k resin 3d printer and enough resin to print all of those models for that much money

And not having checked in on 40k in over a decade it really hasn't changed at all, this looks like it could have been released in 08/09 around the 4th rule change.


I wonder, Gahoole has a 3D machine, did he actually gave money to GW or he printed his models???


he bought them
he has bought a lot of shit


He got your mom?


According to his 40k stream he does 3d print custom bases.


based reddit army enjoyer

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