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▶ No.986>>988>>999
>>949 (OP)Why does this dude sound like that guy that used to dickride Sargon. The gypsy with all the fucked up furfinity fetish shit.
▶ No.988
>>986Nobody knows who you're talking about, gramps.
▶ No.999
>>986He's one of those radical centrists liberalists, youtube now is just breadtuber pozzed faggots or milktoast fags like that
▶ No.1022>>1029
>>949 (OP)>playing board gameswew
▶ No.1029>>1030
>>1022Moliberry tranny, reported.
▶ No.1030
>>1029>report announcedreported
▶ No.1061>>1062>>1066>>1069
MtG and WotC was doing great and was pretty much the only profitable segment of Hasbro for a while. Hasbro, as a publicly traded corporation, has the same driving goal as all other publicly traded corporations: make money for investors. In investment finance, corporations receive an ESG score, which stands for environmental, social, governance. The higher the score, the more investment (money) will be driven towards the company. This program has been around for twenty years, and a similar Sustainable Development Goals program was started by the United Nations in the 1980s, so the concept is of driving investment towards corporations that hit certain social or societal goals or objectives is older than most people on this board.
So, for Hasbro, this means things like not manufacturing toys in places with child labor, printing their trading cards with recycled materials and sustainable inks or whatever, but is also includes things like hiring diversity consultants and running sensitivity trainings. The direct reasoning is like this Hasbro hires a diversity consultant -> Hasbro reports that they ran X additional sensitivity trainings -> Hasbro's ESG score goes up -> investors give Hasbro more money. For another example, if Hasbro hires more transsexuals -> ESG score increase -> investors give Hasbro more money.
So, Aragorn is a Somali-tier dark nigger because portraying a traditionally white character as a black character allows the corporation to report an increase in their Social Governance score, which directly drives money to Hasbro. It doesn't even matter if nobody buys the set, because WotC isn't being traded on the stock market, $HAS is.
▶ No.1067
bump to increase /top/ pph and hopefully attract new poster
▶ No.1258
>>1257They'd just move the hq elsewhere. You have to cast fireball where the goblins live. In Toriel.
▶ No.1260
Your meme is shit. Ramon is shit.
▶ No.1292>>1294
▶ No.1294>>1299
>>1292Yawn, that's you're a brown incel
▶ No.1297>>1299>>1300
Small little brown hands addicted to fapping to nigger dicks.
▶ No.1299
>>1294>>1296>>1297>seething at Nuzach>on dead ass /top/that
that is what you call "Rent Free."
Stay mad, coons.
▶ No.1374
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