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 No.99[Watch Thread]

Thread for discussion of primarily Dungeons and Dragons but given the board population it's probably a good idea to open it up to any d20 system.

>The Trove

bit .ly/2Y1w4Md

>5e resources


>5e errata


>3e and 3.5 resources



This is all I've got for OSR, there isn't a SRD or a particularly good centralized resource I know of for the various retroclone systems.

Tell me about your most recent session /top/


>most recent session
How about I tell you about all of them. I've only had three, all of them in 5e.

The first campaign was the Waterdeep Dragon Heist. I played a Halfling Ranger who somehow managed to not take any damage until near the end of the book. My companions were a Dwarf Cleric, a Barbarian, a Druid, and some edelord angelic Warlock. It was pretty fun, a lot of good memories. I was late to the game by about two meetings which we explained away over being detained over an incident with a noblewoman's poodle. We took over a haunted tavern, which we also got our patron to full remodel to also turn it into an inn thanks to some wacky persuasion rolls. During the course of the adventure, one of the more notable events was when the Druid tried to befriend the dogs of a place we were breaking into, except they turned out to be phantoms and proceeded to fuck him right up. There was also the time when we went looking for information in a warehouse. Half the crew started to torture people for information while the other half tried to do it peacefully, failing to convince some kids that the sounds they heard was nothing. The merry jigs did nothing. The best thing I did was when we got caught in a tower looking for a lead. It turned out to be a trap by a Mindflayer, who not only brought a bunch of pets with him but also set the tower on fire and block the way out. The only way out was through him so while everyone else was engaged in fighting the mobs I tackled the Mindflayer down the tower's stairs to give everyone else a way out. In the end, more wacky persuasion rolls got us a sizable amount of the dragon's gold and our fight with Xanathar ended up with the Druid getting murdered as fuck but the Cleric coming in with the holy wrath. Good stuff.

The second campaign happened with a different DM, doing Descent into Avernus. Went in with a Half-Elf Fighter. I think the party was also a Monk, another Druid, one or two others. Didn't matter much because the DM proceeded to tpk us with a bullshit fireball. I was willing to start up a new character but I never really got over that. Who hits a bunch of starter characters with that? So my next character was a Forest Gnome Warlock that I eventually also took into Bard and Druid. The highlight is when we burnt the mansion of the baddies holding the key to Avernus and burnt that shit to the ground. The fire got to the gasses in the sewer below and exploded, fucking everything, including the key. RIP campaign. To the DM's credit, he rolled with it and then continued in what I assumed was some kinda homebrew? Our Druid, who managed to survive the fireball from before, ended up getting infested with a parasite while we were trapsing through some village. So the campaign became trying to find a cure for him before the parasite exploded out of his body, which was great until he stopped coming to games. Once we got through a wizard tower and interrupted a cult ritual to summon an edlritch god, we were on our way to an island to clear it of evil when the DM threw a turtle dragon at us. Which we managed to send packing, somehow. He also threw some ghosts at us just as we were landing. We took care of them as well but then he just up and announces he was ending the campaign because he was "bored". Asshole just wanted to kill us.

Yet for whatever reason, mainly because nobody else was DM'ing, I joined in again for another short campaign. Tried to bring back my Half-Elf fighter to give him a happier ending. This one went a little better. I don't know if it was off a book or homebrew but the gist of it was that the crew was trying to stop a Lich and his cult. I was given a magical horn for having started in so late and on the very first encounter, with a wizard and his giant, I rolled the worst possible roll to use it, causing the horn to explode but also to do a massive amount of damage to the giant who had grabbed me off the ground. Fortunately, I took none of it thanks to the other magical item, my armor of fire immunity. Unfortunately, we ran into a mini-boss a session or two later. He decapitated one of the party before disappearing back to his castle. We managed to bring him back to life through magical means, well enough, except then the mini-boss invited us to his keep to discuss terms of our surrender. Seeing as we were invited guests, we were allowed to travel the castle, which I did to find clues, which I also did. I thought it was weird that nobody else seemed to care. I also thought it was just a little weird when the DM proceeded to tpk us. Turns out I was the last to know that this was the last game because the DM was going to college. That felt like a massive gyp. I had to pester him for so much as an epilogue, in which we all ended up as thralls to the mini-boss, living in the lap of undead luxury.


Gahoole quickly slid his copy of the D&D monster manual between his Algebra and bio books and closed his locker door. If he was to survive the afternoon he would have to move quickly. He pulled up his hood, trying to look inconspicuous, and turned around, only to come face to face with the flawless white tabard of the captain of the paladins.
"WHITHER GOEST THOU, KNAVE?!" he demanded, his voice loud despite the muffling of his visored greathelm. "I was just getting my books, leave me alone." said Gahoole. He felt the hairs rising on the back of his neck; the armored bulk of the members of the Paladin squad blocked the hallway entirely.
"I POSTED AN EDICT BANNING YOU FROM THIS CORRIDOR, KNAVE!" The captain roared. His lieutenant looked up from his breviary and addressed no one in particular:
"NOoooo!" cried Gahoole, dodging away from the tightening circle of paladins. "Leave me alooone!" he yelled as he ran toward the stairway as fast as his little trotters could carry him, the clanking of plates against chainmail close behind him.
"SMITE! SMITE! SMITE!" The cry echoed from the concrete walls.
'Somebody heeellllp!" he cried as the paladins lifted him bodily across the school courtyard. At their captain's encouragement they broke into a run.
"SMITE! SMITE! SMITE!" the paladins let anonymous go on the upswing, and for a brief second he was weightless, coasting through the air, until he landed with a squishy thud in the fetid darkness of the cafeteria dumpster.
"THY WILL BE DONE OH LORD," the paladins intoned as they slammed the lid.
Gahoole waited until their hymns of triumph faded in the distance before dragging himself clumsily out, shaking, stained and stinking. He felt he could burst into tears any second, but the varsity cheerwenches were there, giggling at his discomfiture.


Soychugger editions


Okay what should we play then Ad&d??? The original TSR release??? fucking 4e?!?!?!


Stop FUCKING bullying ME


>OSR in the OP
You're free to discuss your B/X game


If this board starts a game count me in.


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This is what the average D&D player looks like in my experience


I'm less muscled and a little more gay.


Wolfspider, but change the second fat hairy dude for an underage femboy.


>try to find online games
>everyone expects you to use dndbeyond
>somehow it makes sense to pay twice or at all for materials you already own


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>I am new to dnd (and ttrpgs in general)
>My dm gives in to the players being horny doofuses and lets us go to a shady nightclub
>I am playing a warforged
>I glance at my features
>My unholy brain has the thought that integrated protection probably works with a (nsfw bit →) strap-on.


Sir, this is an imageboard. Bless you for caring but it's not necessary.


I need source.


>censoring strapon

how did you find this place?


Any anon still here can give me info on the game?

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