▶ No.3469
>>3468 (OP)The Jews suck, but they're just one piece of the puzzle. I don't think they'll necessarily even be much of a threat in another century or two considering how secular Jews are mixing themselves out of existence.
▶ No.3470>>3471
The Pope is in league with the Jews. Checkmate.
▶ No.3471>>3473
>>3470If we get rid of the all the jews, well still have the non-jewish part of the elite, government and secret societies left subverting the world.
▶ No.3473>>3476
>>3471It was non-Jews who allowed the Jews to become a problem in the first place. The medieval ruling class would employ Jews as middlemen and then use them as the fall guys when people got sick of their kikery. If it wasn't for the idiotic prohibition of usury by the church, gentiles would have taken the positions of clannish Jewish moneylenders instead.
▶ No.3474
>>3468 (OP)This is the opening paragraph of the chapter "Anatomy of Alliance" in Behold a Pale Horse;
I give lectures all over the United States. At some point before, during, or after every lecture, some well-meaning but misguided soul, tells me that I have it all wrong and that it's the Jews, the Catholics, the communists, or the bankers that are the cause of all our ills. The target group is blamed for everything that has ever gone wrong. Power over everyone and everything is always attributed to this group - whichever group it happens to be at that moment to that person. These poor people are on the right track, in that there has been and certainly is a conspiracy to bring about a totalitarian world order. They are completely off track to think that any one ethnic, religious, or financial group alone could ever muster enough power to bring its plan to fruition. One group, you see, would always be opposed by all of the other special-interest groups that exist and have always existed throughout history. That is, unless they were all really the same group (the Illuminati) or for some reason they became unified (the Bilderberg Group).If you're on this board, you probably have a pdf of it laying somewhere on your hard drive or are at least familiar with the book. I highly encourage you to read the rest of this chapter. There's some stupid shit in there, and in the rest of the book, but it's still worth reading.
▶ No.3475
People like Larry Fink and Xi Jinping pretty much proves that members of other races can be bigger jews than actual Jews. Jews are definitely not the only ones responsible for or actively taking advantage of any given societal ill. And they're nowhere near as monolithic as schizos like to paint them as, Eurokikes absolutely loathe Netanyahu for example, because even though they might believe in the same overarching goal as he does (total Jewish domination), they still don't want to go back to their desert kingdom.
▶ No.3476>>3480
>>3473Jews propped themselves up to be the middleman role to subvert their host nations. See the current iteration of the bible.
▶ No.3480>>3483
>>3476Jews never would have gotten anywhere without gentiles enabling their behavior instead of telling them to fuck off.
▶ No.3483>>3485
>>3480They were told to fuck off 109 times.
▶ No.3485>>3488
>>3483And let right back in.
▶ No.3488>>3489>>3491
>>3485>letIf you call biding their time and stalking their enemies, then invading, being let back in, I think you might have some trouble with the concept of time.
▶ No.3489>>3497>>3523
>>3488Think of it this way. If a recently arrived jew wants to buy some land so they can kike it up later they will still need to buy it from a goy. Let's use your term - invading. They certainly do not do so militarily but politically, and yet they would only be able to do so if they are allowed back into the society in the first place, remember that you yourself said they were kicked out 109 times and yet always came back. They wouldn't be able to "invade" again if the locals - of a later generation who replaced the ones who kicked them out - did not let them in again. "Race traitors", to borrow the term from /pol/ types, are very real.
▶ No.3491
>>3488>being let back inYou just proved my point.
▶ No.3493>>3494>>3523
Yes, It was the Jews.
…And the Italians, and the Irish, and the Anglos, so on, so forth. To give credence to one form of Mafia and to downplay another is retarded. There is enough evidence to map out many mafias, each united by different factors of Race, Class, Religion, Ideology; Some fight one another, Some are aligned; In the end, they all unite against the commoner if they revolt.
▶ No.3494>>3496>>3498>>3501>>3513
>>3493Shit presidet, even Martin Luther King Jr rofl'd when he died after he sucked nigger cock like a true irish whore.
Only boomers liberals like Stephen King praise JFK.
▶ No.3497>>3499
>>3489They're not race traitors, you moron. Why even mention /pol/ here? You sound like a kike. People forget over generations if they don't keep written accounts, and even then people forget or they get lost.
▶ No.3498>>3503
>>3494MLK was a kike puppet. He was a total fraud. Actor on the world stage.
▶ No.3499>>3500
>>3497not even sure why you're trying to shoot down the other dudes so much just because they say no, not only the jews ruined the world, in fact those guys made a point to say that yes, jews were a part of everything but they're not the only ones; and you never actually said anything to refute their arguments
are you one of those faggots who unironically believe that white libtards can still be saved and brought to the "right" path because they're, after all, still white?
▶ No.3500
>>3499You're calling our ancestors from a thousand years ago or further, "white liberals." You're a fucking idiot.
▶ No.3501>>3503
>>3494>Only boomers liberals like Stephen King praise JFK.And "based" retards who think a liberal from the Cold War era was worthy of praise.
▶ No.3503>>3505>>3506>>3508
>>3496>JFK and Lincoln are the biggest presidents ever, fother proof of why democracy is great, goy!What a retard logic, kys, retard.
>>3498No shit, but same can be said about JFK.
>>3501This, finally another wise anon here instead of retards from kikebook.
▶ No.3506>>3551
>>3503>JFK and Lincoln are the biggest presidents ever<dat projection<Lincoln out of nowhereSeething israeli boogaloo who believed some dude who said jews were actually okay and that the reptile ones were the problem
They all are the latter ▶ No.3508
>>3503Yeah, JFK couldn't think on his own. He was barely literate. One of the guys his father got to ghostwrite for him said the drafts JFK himself wrote were almost incomprehensible.
▶ No.3513>>3514>>3517>>3519
>>3494ok but why was he kill
▶ No.3514>>3519
>>3513He and his brother's policies regarding Cuba were causing business trouble for the mob. Many of those same mobsters were friends of their dad and played a big part in getting JFK elected. Also JFK shared a mistress with one of them. It was really weird.
▶ No.3517>>3519
>>3513There was no assassination.
If anybody died, it was a body double.
It was a hoax.
There was a cop that looked exactly like JFK that died on the same day in the same town.
JFK is either still alive or at least went on living.
▶ No.3519>>3520
>>3513He both called out his chambers (senate, congress) to stop being fags about their lodges and jewry (Secret Society speech) and denied Israel of nuclear program info to "defend" themselves.
For example
>>3514 says some interesting stuff, indeed the mob was angry at the badly executed shit he did in Cuba to save their investments but at this point the mob wasn't the friends his irish pop made, at this time the mob was the Meyer Slansky/Florida beach jews who Ruby(stein) was a member of. Reminder Rubistein entered the police HQs disguising inside an israeli journalist group with credentials.
>>3517The cop was used but as the buried corpse, the real body had several bullet holes in him and was probably discarded. He was killed by one of the hitmen groups moving out of the scene. His family wanted to check on his buddy and the state denied it while Kennedy was exhumed twice IIRC.
▶ No.3520>>3522
>>3519The facts around the event with the multiple bodies were added to the narrative as a form of misdirection to create the whole concept of conspiracy theories. It's gaslighting from beginning to end, and the fact that it was so conveniently captured on video for the whole world to see, day in day out for years, to this very day, continuously shown, is proof of intention regarding MKUltra or trauma based mind control over worldwide society.
▶ No.3523
>>3489Jews work as middle men to gain money and power in the legal system, as traders and representatives of far away lands. They in turn use this power to fund revolutionary movements like in Russia and Britain's history. The new leaders are indebted to the Jews lending them money to enable their revolution to succeed and hand them buckets of power. In return the Jews continue to subvert the power structure until they sit at the top of it and can genocide any who opposed them.
Look at the Russian revolution leading to the USSR if you don't believe Jew's helped invade any where. Almost any revolution is Jewish funded or supported, either directly or through proxy states such as the USA.
>>3493The Jewish mafia was real and they used the Italian one as cover for themselves. Look into it, it's fascinating.
▶ No.3529>>3530
>>3468 (OP)Imagine thinking the kikes don't use middlemen, frontmen, nor patsies.
▶ No.3530>>3532
>>3529The Jewish conspiracy is not 100%, and those are not Jews are not all middlemen, frontmen or patsies.
▶ No.3531
it's the Jews
▶ No.3532>>3533
>>3530>and those are not Jews are not all middlemen…You sound flustered, kike.
▶ No.3533
>>3532>everyone who disagrees with me is a JewYou're a retard.
▶ No.3551>>3554
>>3506Nice cope and trying to change the subject, faceberg boomer.
▶ No.3554>>3613
>>3551Nice reply 3 weeks later, kikelodeon
▶ No.3603>>3629
No other race has fingers in every single country's business (with maybe the exception of Iran and North Korea). The issue isn't that other races also have powerful evil bastards, it's that their power is incredibly disproportionate to their population, and they use said power to subvert and destroy as many nations as possible regardless of the consequences for anyone else and in some cases even themselves. They do this out of spite and justify it with their religion.
▶ No.3613
>>3554>nooooo, you can't btfo'd me in a slow board!Unironically newfag kike
▶ No.3629>>3630>>3656
>>3603>No other race has fingers in every single country's business (with maybe the exception of Iran and North Korea).No other race, but if all of them are working together there doesn't need to be Jews in every country. There are many Illuminati families, intelligence agencies and secret societies that have influence over the globe that are not themselves Jews.
>The issue isn't that other races also have powerful evil bastards, it's that their power is incredibly disproportionate to their populationThat sounds very subjective, what makes their "power" special to other super rich or well connected families? Without their money their victimization is powerless, look at the native americans and how they're in a bad place despite having a good set up for victim hood, they don't have the money to put out movies or museums of native american genocide.
>and they use said power to subvert and destroy as many nations as possible regardless of the consequences for anyone else and in some cases even themselves.Non-jewish rich families do this also.
I'm going to get called a jew or fed but i don't think dividing jews against non-jews is a good strategy against fighting the elite, when there are jews who are not in the elite and ones who are against Zionism. They're not even the majority of the elite. Even if you get rid of them completely we would still have corruption in high places going on.
▶ No.3630>>3637
>>3629I'm not going to call you a kike or a fed, fags who just shut down entirely and cop out like that deserve to be shot long before any kike as far as I'm concerned, but
>Illuminati familiesI don't buy the Illuminati shit. Nor am I claiming kikes being killed will magically cure the world of its ills, I just think they should be the first step since they are by nature the most crafty and subversive, even the non-zionist kikes have a bad habit of subverting and destroying any group they join for their own tribe's specific interests, particularly among European organizations because a lot of them can pretend to be white and then start doing that flip flopping race horseshit while the actual white elite will be immediately dimed out by kikes if they attempt to do the same.
▶ No.3637>>3646
>>3630its not a habit its genetic memory hate, jews are genetically evil from generations you know like niggers or other brownScum.
▶ No.3638>>3639>>3640>>3646
Yes, it's technically not all jews in either sense.
All the jews aren't in on the scam, and not all the people in on the scam are jewish.
That said you look at stuff like what percentage of newcasters, actors, congressmen, billionaires, etc. are jewish and it becomes obvious what is happening
there are stages to the system too
the top level jews are actively working toward white genocide
the mid-tier jews may or may not be for white genocide, but they are very nepotistic and favor hiring jews, and will do the bidding of the jew that hired them
Most of the low tier stooge jews (think 8chan Mark, Dylan "Chaggot" Volk, don't know what's going on at all but still find themselves either in some small position of power, or related to someone with power.
There are goyim all thoughout these tiers too, but the fact is that if you were to break them down they will probably be somewhere from 30% to 70% of the tier, with a still disproportionately huge percentage being jewish.
The whitepill is that because they are so nepotistic the jews actually tend to be retards like Mark, since they don't have to work for their positions. That's part of why so many jewish-run companies are making stupid decisions that are hurting their bottom line.
▶ No.3639
>>3638>Willie GarsonIt's amazing that even when I was 8 years old my jewdar pointed out something wrong about this guy, so in my teens I thought it was weird that someone like him got so many roles and I guessed the reason was that he was Jewish.
When coincidences and statistics are enough to make even a kid in the 90's and 2000's without internet understand some realities.
▶ No.3640
>>3638Really well said. The whole truth while not leaving something out or denying something else is difficult sometimes to say
▶ No.3646>>4058
>>3637You're just agreeing with me with different terms.
>>3638>The whitepill is that because they are so nepotistic the jews actually tend to be retardsIt's not just the nepotism but their massive and frequently unwarranted egos even among the competent ones. People like that are completely incapable of cohesively working with one another long term and backstabbings inevitably brings their scheming down (with tons of collateral damage of course), and if there's one race that a kike hates more than whites it's other kikes. They can't even keep from infighting in their one designated kiking spot over in Israel, if they weren't surrounded by Arabs they'd have turned on one another decades ago.
▶ No.3656
>>3629>look at the native americans and how they're in a bad place despite having a good set up for victim hood, they don't have the money to put out movies or museums of native american genocide.Actually its because injuns get 10x more gibs than anyone else and they still cry despite being invaders themselves. A lot of them get 8 to 10 grand a month no matter what from the casinoes. We wuzzing injuns was huge in the 60s to 70s you just never looked. Also beaners mexicans have been trying to we wuz with the injuns for decades now but leave out American injuns tribes were in a species war with aztec tribes for a thousands years
▶ No.4058
>>3646>You're just agreeing with me with different terms.It's not the same anon.
▶ No.4085
"Daily Stormer Style Guide":
>"[P]eople will become confused and disheartened if they feel there are multiple enemies. As such, all enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews. This is pretty much objectively true anyway, but we want to leave out any and all nuance. So no blaming Enlightenment though[t], pathological altruism, technology/urbanization, etc. - just blame Jews for everything."Despite what the Daily Stormer says, even people on Stormfront itself don't say that the jews control everything.
https://archive.ph/MXvPF▶ No.4553>>4554
Op here. I'm thinking about kill myself with this method.
What's your opinion?
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsurg.2022.1082658/full▶ No.4554
>>4553I'm thinking you should stop being gay and considering a nonsolution to your problems like suicide.