▶ No.4289
Nice try, Hollywood.
▶ No.4347>>4361
>>4336it was invented to discredit christianity
numbskulls took the bait
▶ No.4361
>>4347On shitholes like America and Brazil, flat earth was very popular among evangelicals/Catholics, to the point of the left-wingers using as strawman on debates.
▶ No.4431
>>4336I love it because it rightly points out that we only believe the earth is round because we're told it is. It forces people to look at the fact they have been intellectually lazy about the most fundamental facts of their own reality, whether they've been right about them or not. It's a slap in in the face; "do you
really know?" A wakeup call to greater awareness and questioning of the world around us
▶ No.4432>>4433
Flat earth is only appliclable if you use it as part of the Snowball Earth theory
▶ No.4433>>4434
>>4432do you mean the multiple worlds craved in ice?
▶ No.4434>>4435>>4436
>>4433I think is the one were our "Earth" its just a melted pool in a huge Ice ball, our "Sun" is fake smaller and artificial.
Artificial suns are made and throw around when needed to create these "Earths" on the giant frozen planet surface.
There could be many "Earths" active at once, seprataed by long and vast "Empty" ice covered terrain.
▶ No.4435>>4436
>>4434>Spherecuck even with flat earth theoryWhy can't it be a flat plane of ice
▶ No.4436>>4437
>>4434>>4435So, why niggers and boomers like yourself love Flat Earth? It's because it is no only simple, but make all the reality looks like some cage for slavers?
▶ No.4437>>4438
>>4436Guess is the idea that why would you expect others to give you the "truth"?
Everybody could be telling lies about the bases of anything and everything
▶ No.4438>>4439>>4440>>4456
>>4437Anon, you're talking to a kike.
▶ No.4439
>>4438…wait, you mean there are gentiles in this image board?
▶ No.4455>>4456
>>4440Oh wow you flipped the script on me, buddy.
▶ No.4456>>4459
>>4438>>4455Are you a canadian? That's why you're such a faggot?
▶ No.4459>>4460
>>4456This is a pathetic post.
▶ No.4460>>4462
>>4459Yes, your posts are pathetic. What you gonna do? Post black dicks?
▶ No.4464>>4466
>>4462You are extra derivative, I wonder if you're a bot or just a paid brown subhuman.
▶ No.4466
>>4464We don't waste good bots on places like this, we just pay a bunch of trannies and niggers to post here because that's all you deserve.
▶ No.4486
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
My brothers in Christ, please, report this channel!
▶ No.4516
well, the jewish press says so.
▶ No.4598>>4600
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Flat Earth boomers/niggers only exist to make us all look stupid and make conspiracies be ridiculed by cattle
▶ No.4603
>>4600Charls from MDE also preach all that shit.
Flat Earth
Space is fake
▶ No.4604>>4605>>4607
>>4600>Leftist meme on /truth/It's over
▶ No.4606>>4607>>4608
>>4605>We must coddle the NPCs with approachable conspiracy theories.You sound like a drug dealer use gateway drugs on straight edges.
▶ No.4608>>4610>>4611
>>4606It's not about being "approachable" or not. It's about not muddying the waters with false "redpills" that are not only inaccurate but make open-minded people looking for answers look like gullible retards.
▶ No.4610>>4611
>>4608No reason to really debate with him, he's a bot, a bad troll or a subhuman
▶ No.4611>>4614
>>4608>>4610Why are you so afraid of Flat Earth
▶ No.4614
>>4611They are neonazi manchild, they believe in Marvel gods and a better world if their suicidal failed artist had won WW2.
▶ No.4657
Flat earth btfo?