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File: 1702962479798.jpg (320.51 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 4bab93f753770c20e80d0b8479….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Okay, let's get something straight, I do not care about the freemasons, I do not care about the Illuminati, I do not care about the NWO.
Now pay attention to this: My father was invited to join the masons, I was invited to join the Illuminati, Basic knowledge tells me that these two organizations are at each other's throats and that both of them are persistent when they fixate on certain individuals to the point of killing them once they get out of line.
How can I, a worthless IB poster fight against both of them? I suspect they already have major powers monitoring this particular situation, all of them trying to make do with a convenient accident in order to form a script worthy of a multi billion dollar script so hollywood pedos get the biggest cut of their lifes. Your opinion?


>Your opinion?
You're a fag.


insightful fucking nigger


I enjoy a good LARP, but freemason/illuminati larps are often total shit. You didn't even offer anything to make it believable.


>I was invited to join the Illuminati

Oh, so they don't blackmail you into joining after they noticed you are one of them (narcissist of the proper kind)?

>me is disappoint

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