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 No.4685[Watch Thread]>>4704

What's the /truth/ about Cremation?
I heard someone say you need to be buried in the Earth for your cell memory to be added to the realm's database. I've also heard being buried has something to do with the soul's cycle of rebirth.
Is it the NPC thing to have your body cremated and reduced to ash?


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I think that you should spend less time worrying about this and more time worrying about the upcoming demographic collapse and how you and yours are going to survive it


If society is going to collapse, all the more reason to find out if being hologuasted into a mass grave is going to cause me eternal suffering.
Long term planning is short term planning and vice versa when dealing with reincarnation.


According to the Bible, your soul leaves your body and you go to the afterlife at the very moment of death, so there's no real need to worry about being incinerated
I would be wary of organ donor shit though, it's creepy for a number of reasons, there have been real examples of people who receive the organs of dead gay people and turn gay (or dead straight people and turn straight)


Very stupid take.
There's beliefs about decapitations ceasing one's trip to the afterlife and dooming their soul to roam the Earth without a body.


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>>4685 (OP)
Its more important to have children to leave your mark.
You will never be a fossil, a rock or ancient discovery for those in the future, ashes basically leave no imprint on biology you become nothing like you never existed. While a decomposing body would leave a cellular and bacterial imprint continuing to live through for years after.

dead body>to soil>to water>to plants>to animals> to humans.


For me, this is the best part of the Bible

As it is written, JBalvin have I loved, but EsotericShaggy have I hated.
Ramons 9:13(KJV)


The book of Ramon is kino, you can't change my mind on this


I may be a Júpiter respecter, but I guess I would read the Tvch Bible.
JBalvin died for our sins and Ramon fucked jewish women.


>I would be wary of organ donor shit though
If you're an organ donor and go into a hospital for any reason, you might not make it out alive when you should've. They need to harvest the organs while you're still alive for them to be useful.


Consider that, no matter if they are playing the bad cop part or they are for real, the religion of the elites is environmentalism on the outside, malthusian satanism on the inside, and that in over 9000 articles of the mainstream media that lists whatever, from owning a pet to eating meat to farting to breathing, as a cause for global warming, basically NONE talks about the OBVIOUSLY WASTEFUL idea of burning bodies instead of burying them.

Therefore in their religion, burning the body is more important than trying to convince us that we must enslave ourselves to avoid the catastrophic changes that their oracles, the math models, predict.


Well, Are they anti-christian?
Yep. They defy the bible in the duplicity of the sexes, private property, equality not being an objective, humans having authority over animals, the objective nature of the truth, not trusting science and not verifying religion but vice versa… basically for every thing they push you will find a biblical passage that says otherwise (for inequality, luke 8,18 among others, the others are easy).

So, the Christian religion make BODIES resurrect in the last day, and the body is the temple of the soul. So they destroy the future temple in defiance of the master.
Similar to abortions. The act itself should always be seen as a last resort, as a tragedy, yet if you see the mainstream it's downplayed, and if you see the pro choice crowd they are littered with ENTHUSIASTS for abortion. Outward reason because it empowers women. Silly reason, as it would be like saying "I feel very empowered when I fuck up and crash the car, or a criminal crashed it and I have the power to have it crushed to a cube of metal" oooh so empowering. No, shit happened and and it has a cost, from having to undergo surgery to taking pills that make your body eject an embryo.

OK this comment derailed already, I guess you got the idea.


>According to the Bible, your soul leaves your body and you go to the afterlife at the very moment of death
There are also different ideas of the afterlife in the Bible, like Sheol and the resurrection of the dead when the Second Coming happens.


From dust you came, to dust you go. Your soul is not confined to flesh once the flesh has died, so what's the problem?


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>Your soul is not confined to flesh once the flesh has died
True. I plan to be cremated. For me, spiritually and scientifically, burial makes no sense. Imagine being artificially preserved, then confined in a metal box, which then gets placed inside a concrete vault, which then gets buried 6 feet underground. Wew. If we follow the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted. Building a memorial to yourself and trapping your energy inside of 3 layers of containment seems like the exact opposite of what a person would want to do. I will instead be converting my flesh into heat and light. And my ashes thrown into the Atlantic Ocean. My energy is freed in this manner and widely distributed. Christians who believe that the "rapture" is going to be a bunch of exploding graveyards are going to be disappointed. There are plenty of bodiless dead. That doesn't mean their souls were erased from existence. I'm a firm believer in God and in the "BIG CRUNCH/BOUNCE" theory. (youtube /watch?v=oL0wBq9CQLA) So, even if you do triple confine yourself in a grave, you'll still somehow return to (GOD) the singularity eventually. Science even backs this up.

I debated this with an atheist friend once and opened him up to the possibility. With an infinite roll of the cosmic dice and an infinite number of repetitions, then surely, YOUR NUMBER (as well as mine) have been rolled many times over trillions of trillions of years. That said, (You) have read my comment before in a prior universe, billions of universes ago, and you'll read this comment again in another billion universes from now. I know that's a lot to wrap your head around. tl;dr We've been here before and we'll be here again. Lastly, we're having this intelligent conversation about life and our origin story and death on this humble television fandom forum. I think, I feel, I love, I hate, I have emotions. How foolish and arrogant of us to think that the singularity of all the combined information in our universe isn't capable of thoughts or feelings. Imagine all of that information compressed into a singularity. If there truly is a GOD, this would be it. From GOD we came and to GOD we will return. And then we'll do it all over again. I love you, anon. Let's roll the dice again. We're here forever.

"and the oceans gave up their dead…"
Revelation 20:13


Sheol is just a word for grave. Jews think they sit in the ground until the day God's suppose to come back with the "real" messiah so they can rule the world in a literal kingdom of God. But because the stupid kikes killed God's son when he tried to get them in to a new covenant, the kikes are literally denied an afterlife as anything other than wandering souls. Real Christians meanwhile get easy access to Eden. It's something else to note that before Yahweh became THE god of the kikes, the Canaanite people they derives from had an afterlife where people went to the realm of Mot.

So we go from Canaanites going to Mot, to Yahweh taking over from El and promising Jews an eternal kingdom on earth if they adhere to the contract, to Jews getting denied any afterlife anywhere because they killed Jesus while Christians, real Christians, go to Eden.


>Sheol is just a word for grave
The Witch of Endor is able to communicated with the spirits of the dead, so there were those who believed in an underworld. Maybe there were varying interpretations and some people had a more materialistic interpretation.


Your physical body has memories of its whole life, shaped by the events it experienced.
If you cremate it, all of that knowledge is lost. You're better off being buried, so it can pass into the mycorrhizal and tree networks.


>a dryad wrote this post


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You do make me wonder, tree spirit >>4787, is the Indian burial style best for this? Nature will consume me in this manner and my cell memory will live on? We're the Native Americans right?


My bad. I butchered my grammar because I'm drunk right now. Let me try again. "Were the Native Americans right?" Not "we're" like "we are contraction," even drunk, I still have a higher IQ and better grammar than the typical nigger.


One other thing that you mention though, and I mentioned too. You said, "better to be worm/plant food," but I debunked it before you said it. Your body is sealed in a metal box, then placed into a concrete vault, then buried under ground. Good luck with anything ever touching your corpse. Your artificially preserved mummy will still be intact in 500 years. Unless you're going to go "straight dirt, no condom, raw dog into the dust" then your option fails too. I've heard thought that you CAN do that though. You have to opt for the OG pine box no frills method.


I think this is possibly in the range of that general concept, but I wonder if it's a way to keep certain animals fed that they might hunt later. Having them raised keeps them away from the bugs a bit longer.
I think mummification served a similar but different purpose, maybe even a superior purpose of preserving visual and genetic data like a time capsule for the future in tombs that will and did stand the test of time. It might have been a sacrifice to do so. Regardless, the data isn't lost because it hasn't been burned.
Also a lot of the internal body is removed anyway, so something returns to the Earth at some point.


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>preserving visual and genetic data like a time capsule for the future in tombs that will and did stand the test of time
I think we both make valid points here. What you're talking about is the preservation of organic information, like DNA. What I'm talking about is freeing up information in the form of energy at an atomic level. Imagine, if you will, you delete yourself from the grand hard drive. Delete me.jpg? Click OK to confirm. Just because the information is deleted doesn't mean that sector of your hard drive vanished. That cluster of information is now free to be reused again. You didn't really lose the memory, you just freed up the space. Let us not forget the First Law of Thermodynamics. If I convert to heat and light and ash, my energy isn't gone, just converted. I still exist at an atomic level, free from my fleshy prison. Granted, my "cellular memory" and organic genetic information my be erased (freed up memory), my energy still exists and my sector on the hard drive is still there. I understand your value to preserve your genetic information though. By becoming a modern day mummy, you're archiving yourself. I can't argue that there's not amazing benefits of that. If you want to get in my head on this though, let's say that we use old info to recreate something new. We're going to create a replica of the USS Nimitz in 3024. (yes, 1000 years from now) You could recreate this ship, brand new, and exact, right down to the last nut and bolt. BUT… If you recreate the USS Nimitz a thousand years from now, the crew sailing the Nimitz won't be the same crew (or energy) from 1975. It's the USS Nimitz, but… it's not really the USS Nimitz. Just like I can post Mona_Lisa.jpg and say, "Look! I have the Mona Lisa!" Well, yeah, kinda, but not really. I have a copy of the information of the image of the Mona Lisa, but it's not really the real Mona Lisa. In theory, with your method, maybe your ancestors can order a CRISPR clone of you from Amazon dot com in the year 2222. (quads get) My physical body is only a vehicle for my (soul) energy to travel around in. If your family recreates your body, right down to that weird mole on your back, it's still not going to be the real (You), just a copy. We can recreate the image of the Mona Lisa into a million JPG, but none of them will ever be the original or real Mona Lisa. There's only one (You), anon. Your energy, your soul, is what makes you unique, anon. Not the enchanted bags of meat that we walk around in. Thanks for replying to me. I'm enjoying this conversation and I hope you are too.



No, i don't think becoming a mummy is necessarily a good thing. I was just elaborating on what I think the intent of it was in contrast to an underground burial.
I would think someone opting to be a mummy is doing it for a social/humanitarian good rather than a naturalist good. The native Americans elevated for animals burial is an ecosystem good.
haha I don't think the preservation of mummies is for cloning, but I suppose it could have been a foresight. I think it's a form of record keeping to show the future just who exactly populated the region like to dispell the we wuz kangs bullshit. Not that they predicted that, but who knows. Like I could mummify myself to bury myself in a tomb here to be dug out in 1000 years, so people don't think I was a nigger or whatever race populates the area.


This is a twist on the same argument with the wooden tall ship, I forget the name.
I just think that the Egyptians just saw the life and death cycles of so many people, the decay rate of all these corpses, experiences with moving graves, and roundabout stumbled into corpse research, and they came up with elaborate preservation techniques, and they traveled it to the end of the line.


I don't know how'd I'd classify modern cemeteries. Obviously there's a mourning method aspect to it, but there's also this derangement aspect to it where people need pseudo elaborate prisons for their body. There's a pride and greed component to it that doesn't make sense to me.
Some cemeteries eventually dig everyone up and put them in mass graves anyway, so it just seems to be a pervasive norm. I should find out how it was derived.
But we agree that does lead nowhere in terms of the body being confined in there.


True story, my family operates a cemetery here in our local rural community. I tend to some graves that are almost 200 years old. We're not in the business of burring the dead, but more like selling 8x3 plots of land for dead people to build memorials of themselves. Oftentimes, we use a backhoe (picrel) to dig the hole on the plot that we sold. The funeral home and their own third party people make the vault and take care of the rest. Once the funeral is over, we throw dirt on it and sprinkle grass seed. We maintain the land and the mowing and such. Why the concrete vault? It's ceremonious to get your dirt, but you don't want the pressure of tons of shifting earth crushing your aluminum casket. That's what the vault is there for.

I'll leave you with this. I'm very serious about that duty to the dead. I often give their "monuments" a head pat or hug. Women who died in their 20's of Spanish Flu in the early 1900s. Pioneers from the 1800s who's monuments have been sanded down by winds and rain and are barely even legible at this point. Dead cancer kids. All sorts. You really have to carry some superstition, a flair for the supernatural, and a lot of respect. Real "Stir of Echoes" stuff. There are souls under my watch who've had their stone monuments blasted by the wind and rain for so long, 200 years, that you can barely read what it even says. None of the family is coming to honor them. They're all forgotten, except by me. I remember them because I keep that stone monument clean and use my WeedEater around them at least once each month. Even if nobody else ever visits them… I do.


kino post


These faggots just did a video on what it feels like to die and what happens prior to death. Regardless of their faggotry, they've never made their channel about fag shit and stuck with the science, which they are good at, credit where credit is due.


I used to browse nderf.org back in the early days of the net. I always suspected brain surging prior to death and the new video from Asap claims that modern research is confirming this now. So, if our Operating System is shutting down for the last time, is our information stored on the hard drive or should we opt to upload it to the cloud? I think it might be easier for us to think of things in these terms.


I'm not sure man is capable of creating a space for the mind to not go insane in unless it somehow replicates nature, in which case, what is the point


>I'm not sure man is capable of creating a space for the mind to not go insane in unless it somehow replicates nature, in which case, what is the point


I'm reminded of Vanilla Sky or the Matrix. Can our souls be converted to binary 1 and 0? I don't think so. Not anymore than I think a jpg is the Mona Lisa hanging in a jpg Louvre Museum.

Can we put our soul into a simulation? How do we now know that we're replicas of our former selves stuck inside of a Matrix?

We're still just beginning to explore and theorize a world of quantum physics and quantum mechanics. Anyone who was ever /x/ or /fringe/ needs to keep an open mind. We're explorers in the metaphysical and paranormal.


That's interesting. I think The Matrix is a trick to make us think society sucks and has to be torn down when society can actually be amazing, and it's the tearing down that sucks which is what we have now.
That being said, if good men made the system, and your own input had an impact in changing it as you experienced it, perhaps…


Now that I think about it, I don't think one's consciousness would be uploaded, rather it would be cloned.
You'd finish the transfer as you're near death, and they'd say, "That's it. We're finished."
"Huh? But I'm still here."
"We got what we needed."


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I agree. I think that the human soul is more than the recipe for "Impossible meat" in our grocery store. Like a Star Trek transporter, we're taking your atomic code and moving it from point A to point B, but you can't duplicate the same atomic code at the same exact time in the same exact place because it'd make some sort of paradox where 2 of (You) can't exist at the same exact time in the same exact universe. "Spooky action" comes into play. Multiple versions of (You) can exist, but only in a multiverse and not in the same universe in the same timeline.

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