[–]▶ No.4993[Watch Thread]
why does god create a world of/with death if god like life to exist. why does god allows trials and tribulations with evil if god really wants everyone or care.
if god is all infinite then why is it corruptible with finiteness or if it is finite why does it will itself with infiniteness that is evil
among these sometimes i heard songs like "god can get bored too" and these usually lets me down /my argument off
but after awhile or as it always sat, it becomes a question of is the concept of god itself capable to nullfying the world itself, because other than the idea of good and justness, it is in itself, as the song says : nothing but bored, like human itself
so easily ask again, why does god, goddess, deity, being pro life, eternity-willed, and all desiring lets a life of death or trials and tribulations, to hurt its "everyone it wants" so it can worry which one to pick, and then, deny and kill the rest? in fashionly close to two facedness and cruelty, if not evil itself.