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 No.329271[View All]

Any MDE oldheads on here that want to impotently whinge and moan because things arent like they were ten years ago?
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Every generation since WWII has been pure shit so I'm not sure why you fags are arguing which one is better


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Can we please get back to being upset about the current state of MDE thank you




Who's the wigger with the bowlcut?


Jet's actually pretty funny, I do like that guy. Bic seems retarded.


Some tubby rappist who's associated with Sam Hyde's crew or something.


Joeyy. He's an "ironic" Soundcloud rapper who hitched himself to Sam. He's also a fat drug addict and was arrested, but not tried, for a double homicide last year.


I will never forgive Jet for taking the trauma associated with having his crack head father post about how he couldn't fuck e-girls as good as him on /r9k/ and then use it like some kind of CIA MKULTRA psyop to demoralise the MDE oldheads with fishslop. I wish nothing but ill on him.


Most of this is word salad. What are you talking about?


Its very simple. Jets crackhead father Johnny Neptune used to terrorise /r9k/. Jet (aka Hack Blastard) would also post there, mostly nudes of himself and about how he didn't like MDE. Johnny would endlessly talk about how gay Jet was and how he couldn't fuck e-girls (Ciara was the big one at the time). Clearly this taught Jet how to manipulate people, which he has used to EXCELLENT effect turning MDE from what it was into its current wretched state.

Now what about this is hard to understand?


Learn english, pajeet.


they can still be funny
I agree the guru stuff is gay

I don't watch much of them, but I caught them making fun of Bono U2, and no doubt, that was funny lol


Link to the double homicide?


How Charls will react when he finally noticed how World Peace 2 is fake and Sam never intended to release it?


He needs to follow Don Jolly's lead and start healing


I don't know what yo'ure talking about


I just found out it was most likely fake. I feel retarded. The rest of it is true.
If WP2 never comes out, Sam will lose most, if not all, of his remaining reputation. Charls will lose his mind. He already went on a drunk rant on stream about how Sam takes the credit for everyone around him, how he (Charls) won't sell out, and how people had to sign contracts to not work with him (Charls). Starting at about 1:30:00, he goes ballistic. By Charls' words, Nick will probably kill himself, and, also by his words, the death of WP1 made RNG, the guy who did music for MDE's stuff until that point, commit suicide.


it's all an act imho, but yeah who knows

you know whats funny is charls kinda looks like the demon Lam from alestair crowleys drawings hahahaha


you know what looks suss with this is it looks like someone who researched how a drunk person acts, not an actual drunken tirade
repeating himself over and over but still pronouncing words perfctly and moving without delay


I don't think he was that drunk Charls is just mentally unwell and it's pretty obvious


Sam literally don't even know where and how he will release WP2, he recorded it without even planing the distribution, and yet, people give him money asking how they should do anything with their lifes.

This will end up with a big drama soon or later, Charls will get piss up, the OC fans too, and he will end up once again only with his groyper audience.


Don't they have an investor? Or was that literally nonsense Sam cooked up? It wouldn't surprise me.

Honestly, in the current era "give me the money, and the work will get done, and it'll get to you somehow, even if it's through a torrent site" seems like a perfectly workable business strategy. It's just cutting out the middle man really.


>Sam literally don't even know where and how he will release WP2
Gumroad with plenty of shilling on social media.
Why do you have to make shit up about Scam and Hide, plenty of other shit you can rail on him about.


>Please, don't offend my internet daddy
lmao, suck up a tranny cock, faggot, he said himself he have zero idea where to post world peace 2, he barely update or use gumroad anymor


>skim hid


this is probably what disappointed me about fishtank season 2
overall there was some good fish carrying it, but sam and jet had barely anything planned out properly, they basically made every challenge up less than 30 minutes in advance
all he really needs is some proper planning to be effective but he clearly doesn't want to make the effort


You'd think it would have been a more tightly run version of S1, but no, it was kind of just worse. I didn't watch much of it.
S1 at least had this crazy energy, like anything could happen. I half expected Jon to pull a knife on the chigger asshole at one point, and then Airsoftfatty showed up, and flipped, and it seemed like he was going to kill himself on stream. That stuff kept you watching.
Of S2, what I saw was boring, uneventful, and not funny.

I dunno, either you need to lean into allowing the drama to arise naturally, and cast people who are clearly going to hate each other, and then engineer situations where they clash.
Or you take the angle of it being an elaborate funhouse prank show, and you plan out some wild nonsense like having special effects monsters bursting through walls, or inviting a whole Antifa meeting to the house or some shit.

You need to up the ante, and have some kind of plan. Not just show up in a cowboy outfit, and assume it'll be funny.


Sam would never release it as a torrent. He wants to make as much money as possible. The normal option would be to put it on the Gumroad, but Sam wouldn't be able to maximize viewership that way.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This video glows like a bonfire. It's like they're all informants for different federal agencies trying to pull an op on each other.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Laugh at kikes
Why are you so fucking retarded?


Reality producers figured this out years ago. You keep the cameras rolling 24/7 but pick and choose what goes in the episode to only keep the most entertaining bits that fit the "story". Then you weave that inbetween live segments. Who the fuck wants to watch a 24/7 livestream where nothing happens most of the time


Seemingly a lot of people, it made a ton of money


A lot of parasocial autists


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This! Is so over, everyone is a fed and they control everything. I'll just kill myself asap. We lost, white bros… We lost.


Is nick a swinger and cuckold he has brought it up a lot? He brought up that he browses swinging forums and how dumb hotwives as if he attends them. Has mentioned detailed insight in to cuckolding. Admitted he shows his wife and others "bbc" as a "joke" and the only White people that joke like that are cuckolds.






He accidentally mentioned Adriana Chechik when talking about an hypothetically attractive person like a cumbrain that he is.




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Theres clips on youtube from perfect guy life podcast him talking about going on hotwives forums/tiktoks and how air headed and cumbrain the women are. The "bbc" jokes are in the earlier perfect guy life and him saying he tricks people and his wife by saying look at this video on my phone then shows them a "big black cock" in his own words. Also on one of the streams he had tranny porn videos auto fill.

I like nick regardless even if he is a swinger/cuckold. But you being a nut hugger reality denier makes you a kike.


After following her snapchat I can't look at her without imaging the toilet cam videos she randomly did of her shitting and pissing years ago.


Nick is also a zoofag, he always talks about sucking dog's cock and shit like that. 100% confirmed, kiwifarm sisters.



He's a man of the people, everyone likes him.


>Everyone loves the gen X weedlmao dude who fuck dogs and only cares about money
Sure thing.


if you read the comments thats pretty much it.


To be fair I wouldn't mind cuckolding Nick while he watched and talked about his favorite cars.


So you are saying he would be a good dog walker?


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This is probably my favorite skit


lol good bait

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