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 No.329271[Last 50 Posts]

Any MDE oldheads on here that want to impotently whinge and moan because things arent like they were ten years ago?


Nah, I never liked em that much. I pretended to, to fit in.


I wish I could say the same


I've only ever halfway liked them, I saw the old interviews and tedtalk, I saw some of world peace, I watch some fishtank
there is some stuff that is legitimately funny/interesting but I was never really deeply into it; I'd never give Sam or his buddies money


I was so obsessed with MDE between 2012-2018 it's honestly embarrassing. I think I have almost every video from that time period memorised.


MDE is still funny, but "Guru sam" is insufferable, Sam has had a very easy ride in life but loves to act like he's got it all figured out and throw out shitty advice, just STFU and make comedy


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I enjoyed the short videos on Sam's channel and his public pranks like Inconvenient Anime, but when he came out with WP I thought the skits were dumb. Now he's almost insufferable thanks to the zoomers. Acting like he's le epin redpilled IRL morpheus because he parrots the most basic of basics from /pol/ is pretty lame too.

Sam seems like the kind of guy to always ruin his own great ideas. Even going back to the Brony sim thing (which I found hilarious at the time). It's a shame

Also that Nick Roachford guy is annoying and I never liked him.


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>alec baldwin


Same. The guys are funny writers and performers, but their real personalities aren't as endearing as they think they are.


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found this awhile back when looking through my images

watched two videos of his, one was with a bunch of moms and was enjoyable enough as clearly all the actors were having fun and the other one was in a vineyard with him and some abused woman that one not so much


>there always has to be some complex conspiracy as to why people don't like Sam Hyde
Yeah, okay. Sam definitely doesn't pay people to write this stuff.
I can't just think he's kind of a dork when all is said and done. A mostly unfunny failed comedian, with lots of really grating rich kid tells.
A person who staked his success on being "4chan's comedian", only for it to blow up in his face, because 4channers don't really want comedy. They want someone to vindicate their views, and those exact views get you blacklisted from TV networks.


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>4channers didn't want comedy.
All "comedy" is biased in favor of a certain political viewpoint. There is no such thing as comedy in itself. It's a weapon like any other weapon. Yes, everything really is political, especially for those who insist otherwise. Jeremy Hambly for example is clearly shilling right wing politics despite his "muh politics" whining. Ditto all of Gamergate. It was never about ethics, it was about fighting back against women, gays, and niggers. Similarly there are no neutral jokes.
>those exact views get you blacklisted from tv
Which proves my point above. Tell me, how goes acceptable tv comedy? It's all liberal and leftist. They control the network and set the guidelines. You're also assuming Sam Hyde didn't actually believe what he was preaching. He absolutely did. Sam was definitely a genuine 4channer. He used to associate with Anglin.
Sam was just part of that 2016 moment when the right did a Flight 93 charge on the cabin before crashing the plane with no survivors. The end.


MDE peaked with World Peace. You can see it in Sam's face in KSTV2 (technically 3 if you count the non-paywalled YouTube videos as their own season, but nobody does because they're newfags who haven't seen the first season or bought into the marketing shit Sam pulled by hyping it up as KSTV2 just like he has WP2) that he didn't want to do it. In contrast, early HydeWars was good because you could tell Sam was having a good time and talking about what he wanted to while making jokes and having funny edits. HydeWars eventually became a "having a conversation with your dad whose life is going out of control" simulation, and some of the worst episodes are precisely that, Sam smoking a cigar while talking about how you need to listen to Jordan Peterson. Episode fifty was where the series peaked because it brought all of it back. Ecstasy of Car seemed like it would be a return to the content of early HydeWars with the additions of car reviews and absolutely ruining a vehicle to fuck with auto renters, but it's obvious that the idea wasn't his. Sam probably agreed that it would be funny then realized the joke can't last two episodes. All of Ecstasy of Car should have been HydeWars episodes. Theater of the Aire was top notch and delivered more of the intellectual side of MDE's comedy, which was missing since Charls left, but it fell apart because Sam fired Don Jolly after Don's actually autistic social ineptitude caused him to make the wigger squad uncomfortable. Crush 500/Crush 5000/Happy World Daddy was almost universally good except for the skits that weren't Sam, Don Jolly, or Frank, and he eventually stopped doing those as well.

I think a driving factor for the change in content in 2020 wasn't the game or KSTV2, but his wigger squad getting in his ear and complaining that people almost exclusively clipped the parts without them. Back when there were two major clippers, the New Pill and what is now known as "Sam Hyde's Perfect Clips," Sam's content, especially content made with the wigger squad, would receive less views than clips of the best parts. "Sam" threatened to DMCA them unless they bent the knee, and it was first-come-first-serve to become the group's puppet channel. He'd go on to defend this by rather brusquely saying they were taking money from him.

Nowadays, he hosts shitty livestreams and a podcast where he starts e-drama and defends The Great War when he isn't doing exactly what he did on HydeWars. He attaches his name to his golden boy's pet project, Fishtank, regardless of how low quality it is. Jet's ego trips have shifted the focus of Sam's fanbase to a more general audience while drawing in orbiters like Turkey "streams shirtless but away from the camera to try to disprove he cut his girlfriend's name in his chest after she cucked him with his protégé" Tom. The only time Sam has had to step in and clean up Jet's play pen is when Jet lashed out at Frank, a situation which threatened to take away one of the biggest draws of Fish Tank.


Has anyone else here noticed that a lot of the old MDE fans are starting to get fed up with the zoomers who have become Sam fans over the last three years?

You see them actively attacking zoomers and blaming them for the loss of quality and funny in the streams and videos.


calc-kun my beloved


I don't think it's any surprise. Zoomers are just ignorant of genuine internet culture. Imagine millennials as the citizens of Gondor and Zoomers are the grug zogbots burning everything.


The thing is that zoomers don't have a culture of their own, they just adopt false identities to pretend to be unique and intelligent.

Meanwhile, millennials are a nuanced generation and there is a big divide between old millennials and new millennials. Them and gen x were the ones who shaped and took advantage of the internet during the golden age, only to zoomers show up and shit up everything, no matter which community you are from.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
That doesn't make him funny though. It makes him a pundit. And he's not even a good pundit, because he will never stand his ground on anything, without hiding under "maybe this is all ironic, I dunno…".
A comedian knows how to construct a piece of comedy. Have you ever seen a Sam Hyde bit as well constructed as this? (Literally just the first thing that came to mind).


The thing is, a lot of the zoomers found out about Sam because of the Idubbz thing and only know him as a guy who gives advice and does reaction videos. That's got to be at least a third of their audience now. Most of the videos on the clip channel are Sam and/or Nick giving advice or reacting to things their wiggers pull up for them to look at because that's what they zoomers know them for. Every stream they do is constantly interrupted by zoomers asking them for advice via superchats. That's got to be at least a quarter of their audience now. I think Charls' schizo babble is an act (at least in part) he puts on to screw with the people who treat them like wizened sages.


I always felt standup was contrived and forced, because it is. Politics aside Sam was funny because he was using a different delivery all together.
And there you go wanting to pretend like there is some neutral space out there. Everyone is a "pundit," including you, ethics cuck.


>tfw you lived long enough to see faggot millennials turn into the same kind of faggot boomer they bitched about for years
Oomy doomy zoomsbooma para bailar la donga


Before the Idubbbz drama, Sam got a lot of zoomer viewers because of Nick Fuentes. It was during this time that some people began to think that Sam was in fact being taken in by the feds.

That's why suddenly a large part of Sam's audience started posting "Deus Vult", "Bible is the only book that matters", "Christianity is everything" and "Christ is King" while pathetically asking for tips because at the end of the day they are nothing more than larper losers without a father figure or true faith.
You see the "unirocally redpilled" old MDE fans come into conflict with these pseudo-neocons .

So I would say the zoomer percentage is above 1/3, the first weave coming from the Groyper moviment and the second one after the Idubbbz documentary.

Sam is obviously unhappy about this, he might have contempt for his old fans, but at least they were more creative and less in need of attention and to be carefully cared for. If he says something that doesn't fit with the Groyper/Christianlarper view, he gets attacked. He constantly needs to give advice, even when he doesn't give a damn. He's burned out.


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I would rather to be white and a millennial over being a zoomer latinx like you.


Maybe if you'd stopped eating ass for 5 seconds you could have come up with something to impress your elders, but it's too late. Oh well. At least in 4 years when alphies turn 18 you might be demoted to the 2nd faggiest generation alive.


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I never got why people liked MDE so much. I liked videos like Bowl Cut Cult, video related, and other assorted bits and pieces (like the "Jews rock" bit), but to me MDE's style often makes me feels like people making a series of in-jokes where I have little understanding of the context of the humor. It kind of reminds me of lame Tim and Eric shit but not made by leftists. Have I been missing something?

2070 Paradigm Shift is an absolute classic though.
How many of the old fans are still around? I used to lurk My Posting Career, and I remember Pleasureman having a fetish for MDE. He whined about how people should be donating to them because they're anti-shitlib and how right-wingers are too stingy and apathetic to financially support people who agree with them. I wonder if guys like that are still as supportive when Sam Hyde seems more interested in collecting money pretending to be a role model for teenage boys with weak paternal influences in their lives.


To be fair you have to have a very high level of understanding of mid 2000-early 2010s hipsters culture to fully appreciate MDE


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This Sams advice boomer tier he can be insightful but, he contradicts himself all the time and often seem envious of people doing better than him. Nick though is hilarious and carries the PGL podcast.


I genuinely enjoy Charls streams for the schizo babble.


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I'm just waiting for World Peace 2
I wish they still made weird clips of random nonsense and not just constant podcasts.
I still like their content, they have good ideas and aren't faggot soyboys regurgitating stale shit ad nauseam on a corporate payroll like most TV and stand up shit these days.


>aren't faggot soyboys regurgitating stale shit ad nauseam
uhh… not sure about that one, bud


They make their money from streams and nft scams, wow how countercultural!


These are 2 posters who would definitely be satisfied by some reasonable change in the MDE crew's behaviour, no losers looking for a reason to complain here.

At their peak the output of great videos was unreal, but unfortunately like anything else you can't expect them to perform at that level their entire lives (not least because they never made a dime in that period, including for WP).

They built their brand with that and now it's the phase of monetizing a consistent but lesser output that's designed for a broader reach. I'm just hoping WP2 is as good as they're hyping it to be. If biweekly podslop is the price of getting something of WP's quality every handful of years then it's fine imo.


>dismissing valid criticism with effeminate passive-aggression
Positively Hyde-esque.


They're in their fucking 40s, do you honestly expect them not to try to make money off their stuff?
Charles has a kid he needs to feed and Nick sells rugs for a living.
Do you honestly expect them to have the young drive or creative input they had before when they were either shitposting on the web or getting wasted living off mommy and daddy and alone?

Go to Walmart buy a Kel-Tec and put a hole in your head because none of that brain matter is getting any use.

>Milking paypiggies for all they have
Based, you're probably one of them considering you're this fucking mad over free content.


40 year old men don't need some petulant child to defend their honor on a backwoods imageboard. You at least tried to seem less catty with the Kel-Tec comment but still came off as a tryhard.


His spelling, grammar, punctuation and use of capital letters are too good to be Sam.


I'm not defending them, I'm making you aware, because you 0 self awareness and think the world runs on candy and ideas.


btw, I don't think MDE "were funny and cool once, but they fell off". I just legitimately hate all of these people. I think they're faggot rich boys, and I think they aren't funny.
Charles is okay.



Nah you'll be saying the exact same thing on generation alpha ~10 years from now. Cope and grow up.


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gen ALPHA is more based than soylennials and zoomoids combined


Something about Jet seemed familiar to me but I couldn't quite place it. Then it hit me, Jet is basically to MDE what Sam Roberts was to the O&A show. He's not as quick on his feet but he plays the same sort of role (first among the underlings) and has a very similar personality.




O&A / Stern got a lot of content out of the interns though and were constantly goofing on them / having them do entertaining stuff. The MDE zoomer crew don't do anything, the only new member that is actually funny and doesn't feel like a leech is Frank.


jet is Sams literal nut hugging igor jet would let Sam take his bussy. Jet is a stevie to a Kenny powers.


The fact of the matter is that MDE used to be a beautiful multicolored ray of light in the dark of the early 2010s and now its very low vibrational capitulated stream-slop.


My son is part of gen alpha and he already dabs on the zoomer kids of the neighborhood. For real, gen-z kids, especially the boys are such cry babies, holy fuck, they cry ever single day.


Millennials are better parents than Gen Xers, I guess.
It does kind of seem that way. Xers are the literal Beavis and Butthead generation. They hate having to do anything sincerely. You just know most of them were pre-occupied with being "cool parents", and failed to take an interest in their child's development.


From what I noticed generation zoomer is much faggier and has little subculture of their own. Generation alpha has their own memes like the potato chip and skibdi they remind me more of early millennials.


Zoomers are fucked. It's hard to follow in the footsteps of the generation that created 4chan and 8chan.
Gen A will probably be even gayer though, and certainly blacker.


Both Gen Z and Gen Alpha shit all over Boomers, Gen Chromossome X and Soylenialls, due to their rampant antisemitism and not watching talmudvision.


>and not watching talmudvision.
ChinkTok isn't much better.


Na gen z is way more faggy ,worships niggers and pushed the far left exclusively, the only resistance has been from millennials.


Every generation since WWII has been pure shit so I'm not sure why you fags are arguing which one is better


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Can we please get back to being upset about the current state of MDE thank you




Who's the wigger with the bowlcut?


Jet's actually pretty funny, I do like that guy. Bic seems retarded.


Some tubby rappist who's associated with Sam Hyde's crew or something.


Joeyy. He's an "ironic" Soundcloud rapper who hitched himself to Sam. He's also a fat drug addict and was arrested, but not tried, for a double homicide last year.


I will never forgive Jet for taking the trauma associated with having his crack head father post about how he couldn't fuck e-girls as good as him on /r9k/ and then use it like some kind of CIA MKULTRA psyop to demoralise the MDE oldheads with fishslop. I wish nothing but ill on him.


Most of this is word salad. What are you talking about?


Its very simple. Jets crackhead father Johnny Neptune used to terrorise /r9k/. Jet (aka Hack Blastard) would also post there, mostly nudes of himself and about how he didn't like MDE. Johnny would endlessly talk about how gay Jet was and how he couldn't fuck e-girls (Ciara was the big one at the time). Clearly this taught Jet how to manipulate people, which he has used to EXCELLENT effect turning MDE from what it was into its current wretched state.

Now what about this is hard to understand?


Learn english, pajeet.


they can still be funny
I agree the guru stuff is gay

I don't watch much of them, but I caught them making fun of Bono U2, and no doubt, that was funny lol


Link to the double homicide?


How Charls will react when he finally noticed how World Peace 2 is fake and Sam never intended to release it?


He needs to follow Don Jolly's lead and start healing


I don't know what yo'ure talking about


I just found out it was most likely fake. I feel retarded. The rest of it is true.
If WP2 never comes out, Sam will lose most, if not all, of his remaining reputation. Charls will lose his mind. He already went on a drunk rant on stream about how Sam takes the credit for everyone around him, how he (Charls) won't sell out, and how people had to sign contracts to not work with him (Charls). Starting at about 1:30:00, he goes ballistic. By Charls' words, Nick will probably kill himself, and, also by his words, the death of WP1 made RNG, the guy who did music for MDE's stuff until that point, commit suicide.


it's all an act imho, but yeah who knows

you know whats funny is charls kinda looks like the demon Lam from alestair crowleys drawings hahahaha


you know what looks suss with this is it looks like someone who researched how a drunk person acts, not an actual drunken tirade
repeating himself over and over but still pronouncing words perfctly and moving without delay


I don't think he was that drunk Charls is just mentally unwell and it's pretty obvious


Sam literally don't even know where and how he will release WP2, he recorded it without even planing the distribution, and yet, people give him money asking how they should do anything with their lifes.

This will end up with a big drama soon or later, Charls will get piss up, the OC fans too, and he will end up once again only with his groyper audience.


Don't they have an investor? Or was that literally nonsense Sam cooked up? It wouldn't surprise me.

Honestly, in the current era "give me the money, and the work will get done, and it'll get to you somehow, even if it's through a torrent site" seems like a perfectly workable business strategy. It's just cutting out the middle man really.


>Sam literally don't even know where and how he will release WP2
Gumroad with plenty of shilling on social media.
Why do you have to make shit up about Scam and Hide, plenty of other shit you can rail on him about.


>Please, don't offend my internet daddy
lmao, suck up a tranny cock, faggot, he said himself he have zero idea where to post world peace 2, he barely update or use gumroad anymor


>skim hid


this is probably what disappointed me about fishtank season 2
overall there was some good fish carrying it, but sam and jet had barely anything planned out properly, they basically made every challenge up less than 30 minutes in advance
all he really needs is some proper planning to be effective but he clearly doesn't want to make the effort


You'd think it would have been a more tightly run version of S1, but no, it was kind of just worse. I didn't watch much of it.
S1 at least had this crazy energy, like anything could happen. I half expected Jon to pull a knife on the chigger asshole at one point, and then Airsoftfatty showed up, and flipped, and it seemed like he was going to kill himself on stream. That stuff kept you watching.
Of S2, what I saw was boring, uneventful, and not funny.

I dunno, either you need to lean into allowing the drama to arise naturally, and cast people who are clearly going to hate each other, and then engineer situations where they clash.
Or you take the angle of it being an elaborate funhouse prank show, and you plan out some wild nonsense like having special effects monsters bursting through walls, or inviting a whole Antifa meeting to the house or some shit.

You need to up the ante, and have some kind of plan. Not just show up in a cowboy outfit, and assume it'll be funny.


Sam would never release it as a torrent. He wants to make as much money as possible. The normal option would be to put it on the Gumroad, but Sam wouldn't be able to maximize viewership that way.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This video glows like a bonfire. It's like they're all informants for different federal agencies trying to pull an op on each other.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Laugh at kikes
Why are you so fucking retarded?


Reality producers figured this out years ago. You keep the cameras rolling 24/7 but pick and choose what goes in the episode to only keep the most entertaining bits that fit the "story". Then you weave that inbetween live segments. Who the fuck wants to watch a 24/7 livestream where nothing happens most of the time


Seemingly a lot of people, it made a ton of money


A lot of parasocial autists


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This! Is so over, everyone is a fed and they control everything. I'll just kill myself asap. We lost, white bros… We lost.


Is nick a swinger and cuckold he has brought it up a lot? He brought up that he browses swinging forums and how dumb hotwives as if he attends them. Has mentioned detailed insight in to cuckolding. Admitted he shows his wife and others "bbc" as a "joke" and the only White people that joke like that are cuckolds.






He accidentally mentioned Adriana Chechik when talking about an hypothetically attractive person like a cumbrain that he is.




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Theres clips on youtube from perfect guy life podcast him talking about going on hotwives forums/tiktoks and how air headed and cumbrain the women are. The "bbc" jokes are in the earlier perfect guy life and him saying he tricks people and his wife by saying look at this video on my phone then shows them a "big black cock" in his own words. Also on one of the streams he had tranny porn videos auto fill.

I like nick regardless even if he is a swinger/cuckold. But you being a nut hugger reality denier makes you a kike.


After following her snapchat I can't look at her without imaging the toilet cam videos she randomly did of her shitting and pissing years ago.


Nick is also a zoofag, he always talks about sucking dog's cock and shit like that. 100% confirmed, kiwifarm sisters.



He's a man of the people, everyone likes him.


>Everyone loves the gen X weedlmao dude who fuck dogs and only cares about money
Sure thing.


if you read the comments thats pretty much it.


To be fair I wouldn't mind cuckolding Nick while he watched and talked about his favorite cars.


So you are saying he would be a good dog walker?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This is probably my favorite skit


lol good bait

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