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A thread so we can talk about anime and how we americans can improve the weeb culture and industry.
Eurofags not allowed, unless they have a BBC.
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I guess Monkey King wasn't meant to last an eternity.


Here's how I rank the Ghibli films that I've seen:
1. Nausicaa
2. Laputa
3. Kiki
4. Totoro
5. Porco Rosso
6. Mononoke I'd rank this higher if it used traditionally painted cells
7. Grave of the Fireflies
8. Spirited Away
Are any of the others worth watching.


The only ones I've seen are Grave of the Fireflies 5/5, Spirited Away 5/5, Ponyo 4/5, and My Neighbor Totoro 5/5. I'm going to see Castle in the Sky in a couple of weeks at the theater.


Howl's moving castle is the worst piece of shit movie I've seen in a coon's age, don't bother with that one. The one about the guy building the jap fighter plane was awesome though.


I like both of those, though I might be partial to Howl because it was the second Ghibli film I saw. The guy who voices the plane inventor in the Wind Rises is actually Anno, the director of Evangelion (who also designed most of Nausicaa's monsters)
Ponyo is the one I'd say is the most questionable. Don't really like that one much at all. There's a 1995 romance film called Whisper of the Heart about the song Country Roads that's pretty enjoyable. It gets overlooked because it's not a Miyazaki film.

Lupin III Castle of Cagliostro is a secret/honorary Ghibli film, it was Miyazaki's first film and probably my favorite film he's made.
He also directed a 26 episode anime series called Future Boy Conan that is excellent as well.


>Lupin III Castle of Cagliostro
I used to dislike this one because of how much he changed the characters and the tone from the Lupin tv show. However, I come to realize the tv show actually wasn't that good so it's no big loss. It's not bad but the movie is so much better.


Why the word "troonime" makes cucknime fans so fucking mad???



Can you watch the Conan movies if you're not up to date with the tv series? Say I've only seen the first few seasons. Can I watch one of the later movies without missing too much?


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Some of the later movies you will miss a lot and be spoiled on some major story beats from the tv series, but a lot of people in Japan still do it anyway.
There's a 5 minute segment in every movie that outlines the series and characters because the movies have a wider audience than the show, so it's impossible to be lost on what's happening the film.


Is Conan considered for teens/adults or for children? Also is Conan one of those shows where the mystery/problem-solving is genius or just pure bullshit? Are all the episodes good?


Hot take: cuckolds are closeted homosexuals. Agreed?


A lot of them are, but there are also ones who outwardly seem homosexual but are coming at it from a pretty different angle. Think of all those disgusting "sissies" who are only into homo stuff because they get turned on by abasing themselves.


I think they're just masochists, but emotional masochists. They get off to the pain they feel watching other men rail their women. Some people get off to negative emotions. Those people who fetishize their phobias are another example.


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The author says he writes it with only adults in mind, but it's popular with people of all ages. As far as anime go its content is fairly tame, excluding the murders. (It didn't succeed in the US when it got dubbed because they couldn't figure out who to market it to.)
The mysteries are never bullshit, but some (around 10%) can still feel that way since they require knowledge of the Japanese language to solve. The mysteries are all meant to be solvable though.

Some of the anime original "filler" episodes are boring compared to the normal episodes, but others are really good.


Why would I watch/read this boring shit for children when I still haven't seen all of Columbo?


Columbo is always howcatchem
Conan is typically whodunnit


Honestly, there aren't very many good Columbo episodes. Maybe 2 dozen tops. Those 2 dozens are definitely very good, but the rest of the series ranges from mediocre to trash, especially around season 5 and onward.



Do ya'll know Matlock? Season 1 is very light, does it ever ramp up? It's like 6-7 seasons?


I just started watching it and it doesn't seem like it's for children. There's a pretty gory decapitation in the very first episode.


Gainax went bankrupt, gook broken because of their one hit wonder Negron Evangelion.


>30 years old fatass muttmerican who thinks he is a anime hipster but actually is a failed normalfag with midwit opinions


Most anime are adaptations of manga that got popular enough to get producers rubbing their hands at the prospect of merchandising. Or even worse, they are adaptations of light novels, or standalone products conceptualized purely to kickstart an entirely new line of merchandise. Since people nowadays are quick to judge commercial stuff as slop, then by definition all anime are slop. So the real answer is to abandon anime in its entirety and read manga instead. There are tons of untranslated manga out there that you will never even know about if you cannot read Japanese. And even if you are an EOP, there are still thousands of very good manga that never got any anime adaptation because they (thankfully) never got popular with westerners and chinkoids/SEAniggers.
>n-name 5
Go to mangadex and start filter searches. I'll bet if you just use the History tag you won't even recognize most of the top search results.


I could never get into manga, I mean I think it's great that people like it, but my idea of a fun time is not sitting there hunched over a tablet for hours, when I could be getting a colorized, animated presentation with sound, music, and voice acting on my TV.


Some stuff like Conan is pretty accurate and a lot of people would argue is even an improvement over the manga.
You do have a point in general, the anime adaptation is often an inferior product. Some examples:
>Magical Index Season 3 shit the bed because it adapted light novels at a rate of two episodes per 300+ page novel.
>Char's Counterattack is such a frustrating film because it starts up halfway through a novel and changes the protagonist's love interest to a new girl, leading to a movie where the characters aren't consistent with the rest of the series.
>Kaiji season 2 is accurate enough, but has ads for a live-action film embedded into the episodes.
>Kindaichi is heavily censored (all gore, nudity, and sex jokes are removed, making the show a hollow representation of the manga.


I'm 10 episodes into Conan now and while I'm enjoying it so far, I am a little bothered by the pacing of some of the episodes. It's like they were originally meant to be two-parters, but were condensed into single episodes later on. And the way they seem to do this is to have the episodes be 95% part 1 and then cram all of the information from part 2 into the last couple of minutes. This is especially noticeable in the episode with the poisoned college student. Do they ever fix this problem later on?


>Char's Counterattack is such a frustrating film because it starts up halfway through a novel and changes the protagonist's love interest to a new girl, leading to a movie where the characters aren't consistent with the rest of the series.
Was that a novel originally? I thought Tomino wrote the novelizations later on.

>Kindaichi is heavily censored (all gore, nudity, and sex jokes are removed, making the show a hollow representation of the manga.

It's been awhile since I read the Kindaichi manga, but I don't really remember nudity in it, except for maybe one or two corpses.


Since this is Tomino we're talking about, a massive hack who doesn't know how to write believable humans and regurgitates the same idiotic tropes in every one of his stories, I'd be highly skeptical of any notion that uh akshually the book is good and only the movie is shit.


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Make sure you're not watching the "remastered" (rerun) episodes, as they sometimes cut things.
(you can usually tell because they have an OP and ED from the future spliced in).
Also make sure you are watching the parts after the ED, as nearly every episode that isn't a two-parter has more story after the ending sequence.
The one with the college student is an anime original episode so that's contributing to why it seems especially off. There's only so much they can cram into ~22 minutes.
They start making more two-parters and longer episodes pretty quickly (the first longer episode is 11.)


>OP and ED
I'm not an anime guy, but I just downloaded at least the first 100 Conan eps from Nyaa. Can you please explain what those 2 acronyms mean?


Tomino knows how to write believable humans, he just stopped trying around the late 80's. He's written some of the most realistically obnoxious and idiotic female characters in all of fiction.
OP is the opening song and ED is the ending one.


Opening and Ending, every anime has an opening sequence which usually consists of a music video with credits. However, there is usually an intro scene which is an actual part of the episode preceding the OP. Likewise, the ED will be another music video with the rest of the credits, typically bookended by the PV, a preview of the next episode.


>Tomino knows how to write believable humans
No, he just writes fucking idiots. Probably because he in fact is a fucking idiot himself. I haven't seen anything he's done that isn't Gundam, but none of the characters in any Gundam series of his has ever struck me as consistent or human-like. They all act out like imbeciles when called for, to move the plot along (usually in really shallow, formulaic directions).


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>I haven't seen anything he's done that isn't Gundam
behold, tomino's greatest creation


>Make sure you're not watching the "remastered" (rerun) episodes, as they sometimes cut things. (you can usually tell because they have an OP and ED from the future spliced in).
I'm watching the ones on Freevee. It's called Case Closed on here.
>Also make sure you are watching the parts after the ED, as nearly every episode that isn't a two-parter has more story after the ending sequence.
I didn't know this. I've been shutting it off when the ED starts.
>They start making more two-parters and longer episodes pretty quickly (the first longer episode is 11.)
I just watched that one last night and it was the best one I've seen so far. Glad to know there are more like it.


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Lol Gahoole used to approve this channel


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Once upon a time anime was seen as a BASED and REDPILLED medium, an alternative to pozzed feminazi trash.

Suddenly 2000s late zoomer who're old enough to browse 4chan retcon anime's history on how it's muh tranny entertainment




It's zoomers who push it as "based," though. Millennials are old enough to remember when western media was high T


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>How to celebrate pride month
>Watch all fetish fueled animes that objectify faggots and dykes


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Since Gainax is dead now, let's reflect on our favorite anikinos of theirs. For me, a lot of them were great but they always seemed like they never quite hit the mark they were aiming for. There was always a sense that something was missing.
Gunbuster is probably the one that feels the most complete to me. The characters aren't that complex, but that's fine for the story. Each of the last 3 episodes feel like they could have been the last one. It's sort of like Return of the King with all of it's endings.
Nadia is great. I have a soft spot for stories set in the late 1800's/early 1900's so it really tickled my autism. The island/Africa arc isn't as bad as people say it is. That being said, it's definitely a low point.
Honeamise and Evangelion have the highest highs but they both kind of peter out towards the end. I'm not just talking about the last two episodes of Eva and EOE. Even before that, you can tell the things were going off the rails behind the scenes.
FLCL is good for what it is. It never really resonated with me much though.
I really liked the first 3 episodes of Gurren Lagann but everything after that was 7/10 at best and everything after the time skip was a 5/10.
Haven't seen anything else they made.




>FLCL and Negron Evangelion on the front row
That should tell you how much of an impact Gainax had, only two recognizable animes, one was a half hour commercial and the other had a pathetic life span that only the easily impressed redditors tried to revive it 3 times but still flopped leaving the company into dire straits. They had no other choice but to become a functional company selling basic needs that weren't retarded cartoons.


There literally hasn't been a good anime in almost a year.


Evangelion was only unique because it was the only thing of its kind during the 90s. The Gundam franchise did try to be a bit 2deep4u with its anti-war message in the 80s but model kit sales were more important so Bandai repeatedly asked Tomino to tone his shit down, and he did. Anno did not really cave in to such requests and somehow managed to shove in almost all of his somewhat pretentious beliefs into the show. The irony of a hardcore otaku who only made it big in the industry because he was the son of a wealthy landowning family who thus can afford to do whatever he wanted telling the largely lower middle class otakudom to touch grass is staggering, and not many people realize this. Once you've gotten past the initial shock of seeing Evangelion for the first time in your teens and revisit it to evaluate it for what it's worth as an adult, free from all the "bravo Anno" bullshit, you will realize that it was a very shallow show with an extremely superficial style of presentation - it of course was made with shut-ins in mind so it's not surprising that people with very limited real life experience are so easily hooked by it, but for everyone else it's definitely midwit territory.

Even then, the fate of the Evangelion franchise has shown that any messages Anno had will always be pearls before swine. Like countless articles have expounded, Anno made Evangelion to give a middle finger to the otaku culture and tell them to grow up. Instead the otaku doubled down by waifuing the lame girls and buyfagging the merch even harder than the ones from more "normal" shows. Funnily enough, the makers of the more traditional GGG saw this and wanted to do something similar with the Betterman tie-in, which tanked really hard it basically killed the franchise until the 2020s - and it only revived interest because they came back to GGG's classic super robot roots instead of hyper-focusing on the 2deep4u bullshit from Betterman.


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there's good anime a few times a year


The trannies and fat jews pedophiles are winning over the niggers and spics. Shonen is dying. Anime will only be about loli.

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