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File: 1726243715753.mp4 (282.93 KB, 750x420, 25:14, LOTR 2000s.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Watching LoTR again made me cry
That's all I wanted to say, it's aged gracefully.


Yeah its suprising how much they got right.


I feel like I've seen The Return of the King too many times to enjoy it much anymore. I feel like The Fellowship of the Ring holds up the best. Seeing it in theaters felt magical.


All 3 movies are magical


I just have the most nostalgia for the first one. I went in as a kid who didn't really know what to expect other than that it had some connection to The Hobbit. Going to see the latest Lord of the Rings movie became a Christmastime ritual I looked forward to for the next few years after that.


I just watched the extended editions for the first time and enjoyed them. Some of the things they chose to cut from the theatrical versions are baffling. Like the death of Sarumon or however you spell Christopher Lee's character's name.
To be honest, I wasn't that impressed by the visuals. I don't know if that's because I've really grown to dislike the look of anything digital in movies or if it's because of over exposure after 20 years of fantasy movies, shows, video games, and comic books mimicking LotR's style.


I agree with you about the visual aspect. I think it's due to the first reason you mentioned. Then there's shit like the ridiculous scene of Legolas effortlessly fighting on top of an oliphaunt and taking it out that looked like something out of one of the crappy Star Wars prequels.


>Then there's shit like the ridiculous scene of Legolas effortlessly fighting on top of an oliphaunt and taking it out
It's supposed to be that way. It's a heroic feat like something out of the legends.


The way it's portrayed just feels unconvincing to me. It's like having Orlando Bloom inserted into a cutscene from a PS2 game. The human actors feel disconnected from the action in a way that they probably wouldn't have if more traditional visual effects were used.


Stormlight Archive and A Song of Ice and Fire are far superior. Damn, even the Dark Tower is far superior. And don't make me say Malazan The Book of the Fallen, isn't even fair.
Just wait for the adaptation of any of them to the cinema and will be so fucking over for the LoTR cringe trilogy.


File: 1726594354294.jpg (200.88 KB, 1150x1333, 1150:1333, Sister Wives.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Made me keke


that's the reason armond white gives for disliking the films
he doesn't hate them enough to properly review them though


Was in this thread or in another one where someone posted some moviebob vid?


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