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File: 1712273420609.jpg (133.56 KB, 1250x423, 1250:423, USA in a nutshell.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

 No.141869[View All]

You lads ready for the draft?
Your banker country needs you in these turbulent times!
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Not surprising


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I submit that hijacking Zoom calls is the ONLY appropriate reason to have faggot porn on your device.


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Just showcase non faggot porn, normalfags get shocked regardless.


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>non faggot porn


N.A.T.O. = Nigger And Tranny Organization


What what? In the butt?


>nigger had a butt-plug
What a fucking faggot.


based thug shaker moment


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Pure kinography, the internet will never be this fucking funny ever again.


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Real Weimar hours


Remember when foids on Twitter were saying they would rather meet a bear in the woods than a man?
a bear just killed a woman, haha.


Can the gooks and cossacks just nuke USA already???


Why woulf they do that?
They're seeing the USA self destruct from the inside, why give a reason for their faggot mutt populace to unite?


We will live to see the empire crumble in our lifetime if the jew isn't removed from power.


No need, the kikes are doing fantastic work.


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USA will become a fully Christian Nation again, satanist. We will prevail.




>jews take over all movements
While this is true, feminism didn't get taken over by jews. It's always been a jewish movement.


It's inception was the French Revolution


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>French Revolution isn't jew
>Feminist in it's core isn't jew
Wow, buddy!


Kys, gay nigger fetishist.


>started in a white country with the sole intent of destroying the natural order of how male/female relationship and reproduction work and by extension the native population
I dunno. Even without a wiki article with a 'berg' or 'stein' as the founder of feminism it sounds pretty jewish to me.


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That's why you are nuZACH. Stop spamming cp and always acting like a butthurt subhuman.


I don't spam cp and I'm not nuzach. You however jerk off to a gay fudge packing nigger. Kys.


God, you are to repetitive and annoying. Truly a little jewish.


You're the one kvetching whenever your retarded crackheaded gay nigger idol gets called out for the shit eating he and you are. Now go jerk it again to a tranny getting railed by gay nigger cock, and then scurry back over here to blame a rando for your fetish, you worthless faggot.


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Give me a source


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Unironically kill yourself, Nuzach. No one likes you, not only because you're boring and a chronic liar who loves to stir shit and made up drama, but because you derail ALL threads because you are a sperg without discipline.


That one is okay, probably will fly over the heads of normalfags.


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Wrist, unironically kill yourself, but not before Ramon fucks you in your little white butthole because it would be a shame for you to die a virgin like Gahoole!


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>Recruits the mentally retard
<Marines turning against their own people for just being misgendered
Who would've thought Weimerica is following the same steps as both Mexcrements and Veynezuelans, expect them to be 10 times more corrupt and retarded than pigs.

Forgot to bring that Richard Nixon was also playing with fire when he named the failed jew (potheaded marxists) and of course selling guns to sandmonkeys to defend themselves against their (((enemy)))


It started as a Christian movement to give women the right to vote before it got hijacked


Christcucks always being golems. Nothing new.


And (((who))) would want to turn half the potential voter base into people who are easily emotionally manipulated and have the intelligence of pre-teens?


Cool it with the anti-semtisum.


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semen tism


Didn't most of the femenist were kike women?


This is where I live.
>is a nu-Right dissident gaining traction on a platform that requires verified accounts submit ID to Mossad?
>is a protest or movement being amplified on legacy media?

The last real grassroots online effort I can recall was calling niggers Googles; spoiling a 2 trillion dollar (((brand))) name got buried real fucking quick.



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Yids are really amping up the clickbait headlines.
The article's actual content is a bunch of proselytizing hypothetical wank by "historian" Dick Ovary

I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war, so perhaps they figure it's easier to skim wealth by threatening war, but never initiating it.
A perpetual pseudo-wartime grift would be useful to justify bad fiscal/monetary/domestic policies like they did with an overhyped virus.

>we MUST spend this money…Don't you know we're on the precipice of WAR!?!

>After 10 yrs of ruthlessly looting the public coffers bread is now $15: We averted WW3! Look how smart we are!


WWIII is gonna happen, though, clickbait or not. All the chess pieces are being moved into place.


Who cares?


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
The kikes are going to do a false flag and blame the russians.
What is the false flag you ask? Pewdie pie is going to die in a Russian Missile attack.


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
They will be enlisting out of necessity because they can't afford the cost of living.


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
Tell them there's free edible ass in enemy territory


I believe they'd be more useful to kikes slaving away in dystopian gigafactories than getting droned by Russians or having their faces melted off by Chinese lasers.
The real war is dissolving the middle class so toiling in Foxconn-like factory dorms becomes destiny for the masses.


The kikes want non-white slaves, so they will do their out most best to send the whites to war, even if it means creating a social-credit score like in China.

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