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Political Shitposting
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File: 1712273420609.jpg (133.56 KB, 1250x423, 1250:423, USA in a nutshell.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

 No.141869[Last 50 Posts]

You lads ready for the draft?
Your banker country needs you in these turbulent times!


There isn't going to be a draft. Young Americans are too unfit to serve. The chicoms are gonna eat our lunch in a few decades anyway, if demographic trends continue.


Chinks don't have any babies either. If the worlds chinks and niggers want war they're going to need to do it in the next two decades before it's all old motherfuckers.


Based kike


They will have enough Chinese to run their military effectively. The US military will be almost all spics and niggers, which spells doom for the US being top dog. There won't be much left worth defending to begin with, if demographic trends continue.


>Wars are fucking real, man.
I'm so tired of this.
Tell me Dunkirk was not Germany ordered to let the troops escape to prolong the war.
Point to a fucking boundary that changed.


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>Nukes aren't real
>Wars aren't real


That's a really nice trailer.


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>That's a really nice trailer


Implying it's not? wtf?


No? I'm just calling you a trailer connoisseur.


Two decades, Xin. At most. Better hurry.


I don't know anything about trailers. It's just a clean looking trailer with shine and no visible damage or dents.


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>I don't know anything about trailers


No not really the one child policy has actually fucked China demographically with both a skewing to male populations as well as an older population. You have to remember the policy has been in place since the 70's and has resulted they're going to be dealing with unserviceable pensions and labour shortages.


>You lads ready for the draft?
They couldn't do a straight up draft these days; meaning they couldn't compel or coerce people in sufficient numbers through typical means like formal letters, fines, or jail time.

Instead they'll let something slip through like Pearl Harbor that will also cause scarcity like the Great Depression while giving cause to button up the border (to keep the spic conscripts from leaving).

>Everything was OK until XYZ blew up the ports/grid/whatever. Now I'm just happy I get 3 meals a day in the Army.


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Here we go…


>Putin was le right in his Tucker interview.
Surely this is fake news.


One child policy hasn't been a thing since 2016.


and the bugs still aren't laying eggs.


Are you ready to die for a jew, anons?


Who made that art, OP? I need more.


Oh boy, you're gonna love this
Tatsuya Ishida, Japanese American who created his webcomic, Sinfest back in the 2000s that many oldfag anon are familiar with.

Guy drank the feminist kool aid, then recently went TERF and after being banned from Patreon and Ko-Fi has gone full anti kike.


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Here's his latest strip by the way.


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This is great! I'm gonna save everything before the kikes shut it down. That last one really hits. "Just chop off your dick and get AIDS, then all will be forgiven."


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This cat is a goldmine.


Should edit the toss one. "Oh no I'm being genocided."


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new 'toss


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And the few videos from Jewtube based on his comics are getting shit on, if I bad remember the guy switches his ideology just to be an outsider.

Or the creator himself might have a case of damage control and wipe out his good stuff.


>Tatsuya Ishida
Wait, wasn't that faggot mega lefty? What happened? He got raped by a nigger kike with AIDS?


Internet comic artists that have any success or a following used to be a tight knit community and they were among the first groups on the internet to really feel the absurd wrath of social justice combined with slanted media coverage when Penny Arcade was attacked for 'dick wolves'.

That was way back in 2010 so by the time GG came and went they didn't care. By now most of them have seen their former communities ravaged, other artists lose their livelihood for expressing wrongthink and the platforms they're on to promote their work or engage with fans turn into horrible cesspools all the while experiencing in person newer generations of fans that are complete disasters who can barely function while at conventions.


Ishida's case is the funniest to me. Used to be a total feminist faggot but he made a total 180 turnaround, and God bless him for it. He actually has improved in his drawing style as well as his comedy, which is quite unusual for most internet artists (unlike AwkwardZombie, Penny Arcade, Dobson, and Bum Tickley


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>Used to be a total feminist faggot but he made a total 180 turnaround
Anyone know what happened?


He stopped watching TV


Israel pushed into Gaza.


In 2024, being anti-trans is basically being feminist. Sorry, anon.


Yeah the troons went after him.


>Anyone know what happened?
Maybe he actually had to interact with jews? That shit'll turn anyone into an anti-semite.


Oh woah I'm glad 8 years of it not being a thing will magically undo over 4 decades of it being a thing.


Oh holy shit I thought I recognized the art style. Didn't expect him if all people to go this route.


Post his old shit?


NYC should be the most antisemitic city on the planet then.


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see >>141971
There's way more but I'm not going to go looking for it, you get the gist of pretty much all of them from that handful that were posted anyway.


>bring in roll of electrical tape
>cover the camera lens
>walk out with everything for free
Shitposting aside how is this any different then self check out?


They don't seem all that libtarded, but I suppose they are.



It's blatantly turbofeminist what are you talking about? I guess it may look like irony right now but he was completely serious about those comics when he made them. The funny thing is when he began Sinfest it started out as a thinly disguised excuse to draw sexy cartoon women and then the tumblr crowd sank their claws into him and he went full on mind virus almost overnight.


The difference is they went out of their way to hire some completely unnecessary flipnigger employee for pennies and probably specifically as an insult to citizens.


I just mean that they're not overly terrible and blatantly wrong. I mean most leftwing comics are actually disastrous and misrepresent their own message, instead doing damage to themselves.


>I just mean that they're not overly terrible and blatantly wrong.
I hate the second comic in >>141971 a woman happiness is getting married and having kids, bieng a whore or whatever is the third option is just fucking retarded.


Oh that one. It's so fucking cluttered I couldn't tell what was happening.


>not overly terrible and blatantly wrong
lolk we'll have to disagree there, the only thing not blatantly terrible about them is the art and even that's mediocre.


That first comic with a strong powerful woman assaulting a weak beta male taking away his ridiculous sexist video games then shaming him and on the path to destroying the awful culture that he's being inculcated and exploited by could be rereleased today as a far right comic by just changing her hair color, lengthening the dress she's in and putting a cross necklace on her.

Has his message really changed that much?


Videogames? I thought it was about prostitution.


Okay I'll bite, explain why you say that.


It's 2 child policy now, which is still below replacement rate.


Actually you only need 2 parents to procreate


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>Mocks jews
<But also mocks the christians and their offshoots
Finally, some centrist humor, he's off the r/hook's this time


Are you sure this guy isn't mocking these views, but doing it so poorly he looks like he's supporting them? It's hard to believe he'd do a 180 this hard, he was a tremendous libshit faggot beforehand.


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I'd assume it's Schrodinger's satire, there are so many of liberals and lefties regurgitating /pol/'s shitposting just to stand out from the rest, of course sterilizing and/or mutilating it so it could fit into their criteria.


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Actually looks like comics I'd make if I were a comiccer.


That last one's great lel


keep posting


This guy is so weird. Ten years ago he was a massive feminist who made comics kvetching about le patriarchy. I never would have guessed the tranny issue would come to buck break him so hard he'd start railing against jews.


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This is my biggest fear with dating a nympho gf.


Get a stay at home job and fuck her while doing work related stream conferences.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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Holy fuck, he's going all in


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First two are pretty good
Are they meant to stand alone or are they compilations


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Do these gay little cartoons do shit? Probably not.


Made you seethe.
Might want to clean your diaper early today.


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>Do these gay little cartoons do shit?


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Damn he's actually pointing out how kikes false flagged the Hamas attacks.


Except that these two situations are completely different in the severity of the actions perpetuated.




The first one was literally staged


Another Stonetoss wannabe grifter.
Whores for the shekels.


He's saying people should be like Kate Hikes in Maga Country.


kvetch some more


Well, at least the chink can draw.


Chink drew these?


Japanese born in Weimerica


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He's on a roll gents!


>implying both sides don't suck


Post nose


Here's an idea:
stop sending any money and equipment whatsoever to desert shitholes, let them kill each other and wear one another out, hopefully watching kikes get wiped out in the process, and then swoop in and take all their shit afterwards.


>stop allowing jews to send your money to themselves
If it's so easy, why haven't you done it yet.


>stop sending any money and equipment whatsoever to desert shitholes
That's literally what pro Palestinian useful idiot commie cunts want.
You don't seem to understand who owns your country.


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D&C wins again


He's really grown attached to that body model.


I like how he draws zogbots.


What are you implying?


The last ten comics have the soylent cripple model.


How often do kikes say that both sides suck? Zionist kikes hate the "Palesimians," and anti-Zionist kikes hate the "Zionazis".


>u said stop send mone to dem so u dont know and y u do nuffin
I think I genuinely hate tvch niggers more than kikes at this point, trying to talk to you faggots is like interacting with some chink bot that poorly imitates conversations in English.


>some chink bot that poorly imitates conversations in English.
Sounds like the average antisemite


Then leave you cuckservative retard.


If I'm ever forced into combat, I will do everything in my power to sabotage the war effort.


God speed!


Sometimes I really wish I could read the minds of imbeciles like you to figure out how you wind up at these retarded conclusions. I used to think it was all trolling but fags like you come off as far too sincere. I'm just glad my mind isn't fogged up by whatever the fuck happened to you.


Not him, but they aren't getting my money; I stopped paying income tax and I have achieved my goal of being a net drain on ZOG to account for the taxes I can't avoid.

be nice to the ESL hostility bot


Fuck you


Fenceshitter am I?

This isn't my war, is it? Why would I get involved in some centuries long tribal blood feud a million miles away from my home?

No, I don't think the draft is coming to help fight over there. I think America loves Hamas money almost as much as ultra-orthodox Jew money.

But if only one side gets turned into glass and not the other, that's still a result even if it isn't the best result.

I'm not a tough guy. I just don't want forced exposure to politic on some other side of the planet.


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What a lad


I get the message but I still hate these comics. They have this faggy, smarmy look.


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>dying for this (((guy)))


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>This isn't my war, is it? Why would I get involved in some centuries long tribal blood feud a million miles away from my home?


>Boomer Jew hippie


Damn, I've never seen such an insulting portrayal of Marco from Metal Slug before.


Be grateful goyim that the useless trained monkey managed to live one more day.

His nemesis was a Nazi Demoman.


He perfected the smug asshole college kid aesthetic many years ago and everything he will ever make in the future will probably have some level of it.


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You will suffer with me!


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This one is unrelated to the thread but whatever.


Gat twitter shit. An army of cunts were saying they'd rather meet a Grizzly in the woods than a man. Sounds to me like they're bitter used up whores.


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>sensible chuckle.png


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Zoomies better figure out the finer points of spiderholes and safehouses soon.

Tip 1: don't ever bring your phone, wifi/bt capable devices, or 2008+ vehicle within 20-30 miles of it. (The old advice was 10 miles, but I'd double or triple it these days)




What's the moral of the story here? I'm so confused
Is it trannies being invasive of other peoples spaces?


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They're orchestrating WW3 right out in the open and not many people are noticing.


Are normalfags going to do it?


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I agree with any non-frontline national service. There'll be old timers who do as well.

What you can do with an army of the young, even the multi-culti uncivilised badly disciplined young we have now is train them to round up other more illegal foreign entrants into the country and then put em into a cattle wagon heading straight for the airport.

Gradually you could refine their work to basically empty London. Since the only other solution anyone wants besides this is to sink the land and simply return it to the sea.

The only problem is that the Tories just lead the Leftist coup from the Right whenever they get elected. No one will give them the benefit of the doubt on anything any more so we have to suffer four years of the red tie friends of Israel instead. Sorry, internationals looking in. We'll be the blackpilling airstrip over the course of this time.


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Everyone is all about the $400 AR-15's, but I think pic related (really any subcompact) paired with a decent knife is the best insurance against being shanghai'd by ZOG. I'd get something pocketable so you can slip a cellphone body in front of it to obscure it when (((they))) inevitably spam body scanners at retail locations.

Get some of those nylon cuff keys to sew into your waist bands and in your shoe tongues too.


I wouldn't go as small as a micro, but a sc or compact 9mm is the way to go. You can't sneak an AR into Walmart, but you can pack a Taurus G3c anywhere. A true gunslinger knows that your choice of ammo makes a huge difference. You don't hammer a bolt and you don't thread a nail with a nut. Know your targets and the best ammo for the job.



that is a piece of shit and a waste of $400
9mm is a pussy round.


The LCP Max is as small as I'd go weighing capacity+caliber+deep concealment…It's like 14oz loaded. It would be a gun you'd actually have on your person in a situation like the abducted gymbros in Ukraine faced.

I'm splitting hairs though, any concealable weapon improves your odds, even a $20 Walmart folding knife.
They're around $250 for the anniversary edition. Mine all work fine. 9mm with modern projectiles is the standard by which everything else is measured.


>is the standard by which everything else is measured.
According to who? Pussies like you who don't know shit? It's a weak, pussy round.


yes, this talk of weapons is all well and good. those at risk of being kidnapped need to have places to hide with basic provisions stocked in advance. eluding capture only to run around aimlessly is dumb.


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>It's a weak pussy ro-BANG


I hope you're not one of those Deagle fags that play too much vidya. I don't give a flying fuck about your .45 acp hand cannon with 7 rounds in your faggot ass 1911.

I've seen too many training vids where some .45 shithead like (You) got smoked during a reload or out of ammo situation and the 9mm guy just kept popping shots. There's a reason why 9mm is the TOP DOG of the world.


You know the .22LR has a surprising amount of stopping power if placed right.


There was a bum in my town who kept all his possessions stashed in a giant stock pot. After the Boston Marathon bombing some dumb bitch found it stashed in the hedges and called the police. They were going to detonate it in place, but the cops eventually recognized it as ole Stinky Nuts's hobo pot, lol. I later asked him why he lugged around that big ass pot and he told me it was his kitchen-bathtub-washing machine-storage shed-suitcase and then started ranting how "faggot hiking backpacks" were inferior to his pot.

Get a big stock pot with a lid.


Shut up, 22plinkster! But, you do have a point. I suppose if you shot me through the eyeball with a CCI Stinger, it'd scramble my brains and crash my OS with a blue screen of death. Yes, you'd have a retarded amount of low recoil ammo. Perfect for the waifu or kiddos in a "stand your ground" situation to hold off the bad guys. Getting shot with 22lr still sucks. The FIBS (Fuck I've Been Shot) factor still kicks in.


9mm is a pussy round. You need to carry .40, .45, .357, or 10mm. Really anything 40 and above is miles ahead of the 9mm. Not my fault you're a limp wristed pussy who shoots like a woman.
That is why 9mm is so popular now. You have fatass wimps and women as cops. Plus the feds are filled with leftist faggots. Of course they all prefer the weak pussy round.


They'll crash the middle class, then implement a draft. It won't work if people have reserves, they gotta drain reserves and make people desperate enough to risk their lives for basic necessities.


It won't take more than a little push. Already, most Americans have no significant savings and pay for everything with credit and loans.


>9mm is a pussy roun-*BANG*


>destroy the lives of millions
>surely every single one of them will sign up to kill more sandniggers


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holy shit


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So, he doubles down on the low capacity hand cannon argument?! Now you're suggesting a 6 shot revolver with a (likely) barrel length (2.5 inch) that's almost as short as your dick? You do know that using a short barrel snubbie has reduced accuracy and velocity aka stopping power? Sure, it's a big bullet, but it's really slow. I suppose it'd make a nasty hole in me if I was standing directly in front of you. Sheeeeeit, nigga. In a duty sized 9mm Glock 17, I've got triple the ammo capacity, twice the velocity, and double the accuracy. You'd have to reload two times before I even finished my first mag, considering you actually survived the first bout with my 15 rounds of Hornady Critical Duty pussy ammo. Stay on the short bus where you belong.


Also, based as fuck comics. Saving them all. If only stonetoss was this brave.


And to finally BTFO of (You), I'll leave you with this to wrap your head around. I'll admit that you are right about one thing and that's "everyone and their fucking brother, cousin, and roommate and every other faggot on the planet is packing a 9mm." The Glock 19 is the most sold/popular hand gun in the world. It's like the fucking Honda Civic of guns. Good. Do you know what that means to me? If/when SHTF, there's going to be Glock parts and 9mm ammo all over the battlefield for looting. I'll have so much 9mm ammo from dead ZOGbot's M9 and fags that I'll be using it to barter for food. Good luck finding your 1911 parts and 10mm ammo though. Keep the 3 C's in mind. Caliber, capacity, and commonality. I'll concede that .45 is a superior round for stopping power, but that's it's only win. For capacity and commonality, the 9mm will always come out ahead.

I wouldn't intentionally lie to you or steer you wrong, anon. You might be a retarded autist, but I still love you in a non-gay way. I've always been a fan of 3-gun training and philosophy of use. You only need 3 guns. A (Glock 19) pistol. A (Mossberg 500, Benelli, 870) shotgun. And a (Rem 700) .308 rifle or .30-06. They're the most popular platforms for their respective calibers and the most used worldwide by military, police, and civilians. I'm not saying you're a retard for packing a .40 S&W M&P, but you're not going to find parts or ammo laying around during CW2/WW3. And I can tell you, buy those rifle rounds, but you might say, "I'm rocking a .416 Remington Magnum because I can drop a moose!" Well, good for you, but you'll never find any of that ammo laying around. I'll still have tons of my faggot ass 9mm, 12 gauge, and .308, but you'll be out of ammo. That's when I'll win my argument 99/100.


I suppose you can afford to use more than one round for stopping power if you're not sweating about where you're going to find more ammo.


I didn't say a 2.5 inch barrel you idiot but even so it's still better than your pussy 9mm and your nigger Glock gun.
You don't even know why barrel length effects velocity, you're just a stupid fuck retard that owns a nigger gun in a pussy caliber and thinks he's bad.

Sell your nigger gun and get a real caliber.


I reload. Just saying. I know way more than you.
Glocks are nigger guns.
.308 sucks for hunting. Get a magnum.


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The race wars have been rigged from the start.


"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." - Bruce Lee

You're mid with 20 guns and I'm awesome with one.

Barrel length gives the powder more time to burn before the bullet and gases escape, resulting in a higher velocity. Bullet weight also comes into play because it's easier to push a lighter weight bullet than a heavy bullet. That's why a 9mm Liberty Civil Defense round at 4000 fps will punch a hole in plate while you're .45 tickles and gives me a bruise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr6h44Pu4sM

>I reload. Just saying.
GOOD! You're gonna need that skill when you can't find .454 Casull ammo ever again. The Glock may be popular with niggers, but it's made in Austria, just like my favorite painter. Even a smooth brained nig-nog understands that a Glock is superior, just like the AK. Any retard, myself included, can effectively use an AK or Glock. I'm glad it's a nigger gun since, unlike you, I'll be hunting people while you're crying about my .308 not being the ideal hunting round. I'll be hunting niggers and I'll be happy to find tons of Glock parts and 9mm ammo in Jamal and Tyrone's dead pockets. I highly doubt those niggers or other normies out there are going to have an abundance of .357 or 10mm.


They can manufacture desperate times so that people would absolutely kill whoever they're told to kill for the guarantee of regular meals and access to medicine, doubly so if that extends to their families (base housing, stocked commissary, clinics, ect..).
Even so they can likely skip a full on Depression and get the illegals to sign up primarily for citizenship (even though it hardly rates as a status upgrade these days, lol.)


You forgot about gun powder burn rates. That's why magnums have longer barrels, to burn the h110, or the slow imr powders for rifle.
>9mm 4000 fps
With what, a 20 grain bullet?
9mm just doesn't have it, dude. You need to quit with the ghetto guns and get a real man's caliber. Get a 44 magnum pistol. A 147 grain .355 bullet can just get above 300 ft lbs in a full size 9mm barrel with +p. The low end of my .40 reloads is 1,030 fps with a 180 bullet out of a 3.9 inch barrel. Thats 430 ft/lbs. I can hit 1,160 fps with a 180 bullet out of the same barrel, which is 550 ft/lbs. I can launch the same 147 .355 bullet in 357 sig out of a 3.9 inch barrel at 1,300 fps.
It's not just reloading, it's using a slightly slower gun powder like Longshot. It is an excellent small magnum pistol powder for short barrels. It might be able to help 9mm but at that point what's the point of carrying 9mm? It's a 100+ year old obsolete round designed for attrition warfare not for dropping someone.
Get a 300 winchester magnum and a 44 magnum. You need to get on the magnum level. That's where the white men are, the real white men obviously not the little liberal fags.


>9mm is le bad…because it just is okay??
>Lightweight firearms with high capacity mags are for niggers because…because I said so!

Meanwhile LEOs across the country switch to 9mm because it's a useless baby round


9mm is bad because it is too weak to stop a threat.
Pigs are switching back to it because
1) they are fatter, more out of shape, dumber, and less experienced with firearms than ever.
2) there are TONS of female cops out there now. WAY more than in the 1980s when the .40, .45, 10mm, and 357 were around. Women are weak.
3) municipal budgets are tighter than ever because niggers killed everyone's tax base, so they are scrounging around for every last penny.
4) Marksmanship means nothing for modern cops because see 2) They mag dump everything.
5) The Nu-FBI is infested with liberal bugmen and there is a near 40 trillion dollar federal deficit.

You would think that for guys like us, modern institutions "moving to something" would tell you that something sucks ass and you should go in the opposite direction. The 9mm was abandoned for a very good reason.


Not an Amerifat gubment done took my pee pee but I nevertheless have two questions:

1) Wasn't there a .44 caliber at some point?

2) 357 makes me drool like the no homo that I am and I want to know why it has this effect or if it's deserved seeing as I know nothing about guns or rounds

Also 3) I guess is I heard that .22 LR could suffice for protection? (the opposite argument to "9mm is for pussies"). Idk where or why or how I heard this, apart from the fact that in parts of Europe it can be hard to get hold of anything else.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dirty Harry.
Being that this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world….


Damn. I just noticed that all the clips of this scene cut out the part where Dirty Harry makes fun of the guy who said "I gots to know" by saying "You gots to know?"


>>144183 makes a good point.
If things get that bad, you're gonna need not just ammo for your guns but other guns.
Because you're going to be in a party of other people very likely, who will need guns, and some of them might be women or children who can handle a gun.
And things might have gotten bad suddenly, with you away from your guns when it happens.


There was the 44 Special which Keith based the 44 magnum on. The 44 and 38 special were once widely used but their closest semi auto equivalents the .45 and 9mm out perform them.
Tbh magnum pistol rounds are only worth it with 6 inch barrels or longer because their gun powder is very slow. But at that barrel length they blow away regular pistol calibers. Full power 357 magnum out of a long barrel is equivalent to the most powerful 10mm.
If you go magnum I'd say go straight to 44 magnum. The big bore rounds are awesome. However for any magnum you must reload. Ammo is too expensive. Once reloading you can shoot 44 magnum for the price of factory 9mm. I'd reload even if all is had was 9mm. Then you could do your own +p+ and get maybe 400 ft/lbs.
>22 lr
It's a meme. 22 lr is actually a mostly worthless round. The only useful thing I ever did with one was headshot squirrels but for that a 12 gauge is a way better option. It is far too weak for a human intending to do you harm. From a legal point of view if you ever really had to draw down on someone, you want to be able to kill them. If you say you're just shooting them to deter them, you're fucked because it implies you were not really in danger. That alone is why 22 lr is awful.
No weak rounds.


Too much truth. This anon knows what he's talking about.

I wish I could tell you straight, but you'll never understand. I'll fuck your wife and your daughter in front of you instead. I really tried to explain shit to you, but if you really think that you're a gunslinger, well, I guess I'll just have to kill you in front of your wife and kids.

I tried to tell you, but I can't stop you from being retarded and me killing you.


And I tell you this as a trained ZOGbot, I've been forced to watch Deputy Kyle Dinkheller die 1000 times in my training videos. That's how I know that I'll kill you. You don't even stand a chance with me.


What were those old campy police training videos called with the zany stuff like perps hiding razors in their ballcaps?


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Lmao, no need for that, big guy, I'm an incel just like you. We are all incels here!


I'm sorry, bro. Sometimes I get carried away. I'm not a big guy. You're a big guy, for me. You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding… and I carried 9mm.


Nah. Dink pulled over some crazy ass Nam vet. Dink was a rookie and tried to mag dump on the vet, but the vet was combat trained and had a hunting rifle. The vet took cover behind his engine block when Dink ran through his ammo. The vet then rushed Dink while he was trying to reload and the vet put the cop down like Ole Yeller. You can hear the cop screaming and crying like a little bitch as the vet put him down. Then the vet rode off into the sunset and left the cop dead on the side of the road. Every cop gets to watch this video for the past 30 years. "This is what happens when you run out of ammo." 101.


Cool it hothead, I'm not an incel, I'm an volcel.


That drug testing policy has been a huge problem for granting security clearance in cyber security for decades now. Around the time Snowden defected the head of the NSA showed up at defcon to recruit/do damage control and probably more of than half of the audience present were ineligible because of that. Last year the national cyber director showed up and told them to apply for a job anyway.

Even if it pays very well it's one of the worst fields to get into, stories abound of teams being liquidated since the 80's. They're constantly understaffed for a reason.


Watching that pig get turned into a colander is top tier kino.


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You do understand that desperate people are unpredictable and that the elite try to avoid pushing them to that point right? They have had the power to just destroy everything for decades, if simply making people desperate was that reliable then WW1 never would have ended. This is the part where you start attributing magical omniscient powers to your rulers like a good little goy.


Faggot ass comic.


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Not surprising


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I submit that hijacking Zoom calls is the ONLY appropriate reason to have faggot porn on your device.


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Just showcase non faggot porn, normalfags get shocked regardless.


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>non faggot porn


N.A.T.O. = Nigger And Tranny Organization


What what? In the butt?


>nigger had a butt-plug
What a fucking faggot.


based thug shaker moment


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Pure kinography, the internet will never be this fucking funny ever again.


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Real Weimar hours


Remember when foids on Twitter were saying they would rather meet a bear in the woods than a man?
a bear just killed a woman, haha.


Can the gooks and cossacks just nuke USA already???


Why woulf they do that?
They're seeing the USA self destruct from the inside, why give a reason for their faggot mutt populace to unite?


We will live to see the empire crumble in our lifetime if the jew isn't removed from power.


No need, the kikes are doing fantastic work.


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USA will become a fully Christian Nation again, satanist. We will prevail.




>jews take over all movements
While this is true, feminism didn't get taken over by jews. It's always been a jewish movement.


It's inception was the French Revolution


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>French Revolution isn't jew
>Feminist in it's core isn't jew
Wow, buddy!


Kys, gay nigger fetishist.


>started in a white country with the sole intent of destroying the natural order of how male/female relationship and reproduction work and by extension the native population
I dunno. Even without a wiki article with a 'berg' or 'stein' as the founder of feminism it sounds pretty jewish to me.


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That's why you are nuZACH. Stop spamming cp and always acting like a butthurt subhuman.


I don't spam cp and I'm not nuzach. You however jerk off to a gay fudge packing nigger. Kys.


God, you are to repetitive and annoying. Truly a little jewish.


You're the one kvetching whenever your retarded crackheaded gay nigger idol gets called out for the shit eating he and you are. Now go jerk it again to a tranny getting railed by gay nigger cock, and then scurry back over here to blame a rando for your fetish, you worthless faggot.


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Give me a source


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Unironically kill yourself, Nuzach. No one likes you, not only because you're boring and a chronic liar who loves to stir shit and made up drama, but because you derail ALL threads because you are a sperg without discipline.


That one is okay, probably will fly over the heads of normalfags.


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Wrist, unironically kill yourself, but not before Ramon fucks you in your little white butthole because it would be a shame for you to die a virgin like Gahoole!


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>Recruits the mentally retard
<Marines turning against their own people for just being misgendered
Who would've thought Weimerica is following the same steps as both Mexcrements and Veynezuelans, expect them to be 10 times more corrupt and retarded than pigs.

Forgot to bring that Richard Nixon was also playing with fire when he named the failed jew (potheaded marxists) and of course selling guns to sandmonkeys to defend themselves against their (((enemy)))


It started as a Christian movement to give women the right to vote before it got hijacked


Christcucks always being golems. Nothing new.


And (((who))) would want to turn half the potential voter base into people who are easily emotionally manipulated and have the intelligence of pre-teens?


Cool it with the anti-semtisum.


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semen tism


Didn't most of the femenist were kike women?


This is where I live.
>is a nu-Right dissident gaining traction on a platform that requires verified accounts submit ID to Mossad?
>is a protest or movement being amplified on legacy media?

The last real grassroots online effort I can recall was calling niggers Googles; spoiling a 2 trillion dollar (((brand))) name got buried real fucking quick.



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Yids are really amping up the clickbait headlines.
The article's actual content is a bunch of proselytizing hypothetical wank by "historian" Dick Ovary

I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war, so perhaps they figure it's easier to skim wealth by threatening war, but never initiating it.
A perpetual pseudo-wartime grift would be useful to justify bad fiscal/monetary/domestic policies like they did with an overhyped virus.

>we MUST spend this money…Don't you know we're on the precipice of WAR!?!

>After 10 yrs of ruthlessly looting the public coffers bread is now $15: We averted WW3! Look how smart we are!


WWIII is gonna happen, though, clickbait or not. All the chess pieces are being moved into place.


Who cares?


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
The kikes are going to do a false flag and blame the russians.
What is the false flag you ask? Pewdie pie is going to die in a Russian Missile attack.


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
They will be enlisting out of necessity because they can't afford the cost of living.


>I'm still failing to see how they'll compel Gen Z to die in their war
Tell them there's free edible ass in enemy territory


I believe they'd be more useful to kikes slaving away in dystopian gigafactories than getting droned by Russians or having their faces melted off by Chinese lasers.
The real war is dissolving the middle class so toiling in Foxconn-like factory dorms becomes destiny for the masses.


The kikes want non-white slaves, so they will do their out most best to send the whites to war, even if it means creating a social-credit score like in China.

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