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 No.145187[View All]

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Two shooters and they couldn't kill orange man?


Because they are retarded Antifa, and blackrock secret service knew and were gonna let dup die if they managed to put dup in the peach but they are that retarded.


The operator who shot Dup took his one shot and got the fuck out. Crooks started spraying and hit Comperatore. They already knew where Crooks was and took him out seconds later, while the mystery man escaped into the woods.


>And it's not even the COOL GAY either, like Freddie Mercury
That has to be the gayest thing i've read this year, fruit boy


I'm cool with this kino. Crooks really was a white supremacist member of the alt-right and it seems like he was an operative of the terrorist organization known as "PATRIOT FRONT!" At least that the squawk that I'm getting from the darkweb on IRC. This was a Patriot Front hit.


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Amen, anon. You get it. You know.


This time, they made sure to kill their patsy ASAP, so they don't have to send in some mafia faggot like Jack Ruby to clean up their botch.


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And just to piggyback on this, a few deep web hackers on IRC believe that it may be a jewish connection with Dup and JD, and it might have actually been the Ku Klux Klan that orchestrated this entire thing. See picrel for yourselves.


So true


Marisa is a breedable 2hu. built for BWC


Kike satanist kill yourself


So 1 week in, we're going schizotheories and bad faith retards.
When in the timeframe do /x/ ayylmaos get involved? Place your bets now sheeple (big if true).


>and it might have actually been the Ku Klux Klan that orchestrated this entire thing.
Nigger, please.


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Why is literally every picture of the "shooter" a different person?


Because everyone is fucking retarded and grasping at straws and chasing shadows. They want it to be more complicated than "Ugly unlikeable faggot almost BTFO's Dup because our nanny state is staffed by women and retarded mexicans"


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Cause I don't give a fuck who shot Trapm. Because Trapm doesn't have the balls to just start killing leftards biomass in response. Because he is making the same mistake that Nicholas II made, he was too soft and sympathetic to the feelings of the people after the leftards terrorists killed Alexander II with a bomb. Leftards and kikes and muslims have to be killed or they will kill you, anyone who doesn't kill them is killing you. And you have to do it decisively and immediately, because the country is infected, because it's like gangrene, you have to cut it off, and the slower you react, the more rotten flesh you have to cut off. Because leftism isn't a political view - it's a disease.
And remember bozo, a supernation unwilling to feed its yours uitsraor with shavvah will feed alien with gavvah.


>Leftards and kikes and muslims have to be killed or they will kill you
Don't forget to kill the rightards too, anonkun.


Maga challenge baby


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>Investigators have found that an unknown person who made regular visits to would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crook's home and workplace also visited the site of an FBI office in Washington D.C. before the assassination attempt at the Butler Park rally.

>Newly acquired cell phone data allowed investigators to "follow" the location of other devices deemed potential co-conspirators, allowing them to focus on the geolocation data and trace their movements.

>The cell phone data raises the question of whether Crooks had been contacted by the FBI or other intelligence agencies prior the the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.



HOLY SMOKES! Trump Assassination Attempt - It's all about to Blow UP!!

Senator Ron Johnson: A SECOND SHOOTER - And a Mystery ATF Agent that's Now Gone Dark!

July 13, Secret Service did not attend the 9am Security meeting with Local Law Enforcement
-- Law Enforcement wasn't even on the same security channel
-- The Sniper and Swat teams weren't on the same channels as patrol officers, or Secret Service

At 10:30am in the morning, the local PD team told to secure the perimeter of the AGR building.
-- no one told them where to go, so they set up on the 2nd floor.

At 5:14pm ET, The Local Sniper Team took photos of the Shooter, Crooks, in the AGR building.
-- why wasn't he intercepted?
-- the photo(s) were taken at 5:14pm ET, and Trump was shot at 6:11pm ET

A Preliminary report will be released to solicit more eye witness testimony.
- if you have any videos, save it!

- Was it one rifle? Was it more than one?
- there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five more rapidly five… how do explain that?

"I've seen things from experts that cause us to question the FBI saying there was a single shooter."

The Sniper team was the first to go on the roof and began taken pictures of the dead body.
- Someone in a suit approached them and told them to send those photos to an ATF Agent…
- "I thought this was very strange."
- No one even asked him for credentials. They thought it was Secret Service
- They tried to call the ATF Agent, BUT NOW HE'S GONE DARK!!!!! They cannot find him. WTF!!!!

Why in the hell was the Local Law Enforcement being told to send photos to the Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Agency?

Why has the ATF Agent gone Dark??



In one heated exchange, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) told Cheatle that she was 'full of shit today,' after Cheatle continued to give vague, or no, answers to pointed questions.

MACE: Okay. Is the Secret Service fully cooperating with our committee? Yes. Okay. You say you're fully cooperating with this committee? On July 15th, this committee sent you a list of demands of information that we wanted. Has the Secret Service provided this committee a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day? Have you done that? Have you provided a list to the oversight Committee? Yes or no? I'll have to get back to you on that. That is a no. Have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee, as we asked on July 15th? Yes or no?

CHEATLE: I would have to get back to you.

MACE: That is a no. You're full of shit today. You're just being completely dishonest.

Perhaps most stunning was an admission that the Secret Service has no recordings of radio communications from the 13th.



"Go back to guarding Doritos" was the best burn


I was listening to it live, it was kino.


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That guy was on fire. The best part of the whole 5 hours.
<15 OUTTA 16


Does this mean Dup is a right-ear queer now?


Sorry didn't know, but this was the first time I saw the news. I'm glad it's failed though, because nobody should hurt this guy of all people (according to you folks).



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So what is dups end game anons? MIGA, or is he secretly a patriot in control?


It's MIGA. He wants what's best for his kids and grandkids. what are his grandkids?


If it was truly MIGA he would reduce immigration because once whitey is gone ZOG falls apart, of course the Jews in their blind hatred of the goyim are to stupid to realize that.


>of course the Jews in their blind hatred of the goyim are to stupid to realize that.
It's high verbal IQ, not a great ability of foresight.
Dup for all his based foidrage harvesting is also too much of a Jew Yorker that wants all the niggers to love him, And nothing brings the "peaceful" """"""protests"""""" like not giving the brown hordes what they want.


I wouldn't even say statistically jews have much of a high IQ in anything on average, not to say that their are not smart ones but they literally train a small group of yid kids to specifically hold up the 115 average IQ lie every year via a group of tests they control.

The jews are mainly successful because of their gaslighting of the goyim, of their nepotism, and of their in group preference that they only allow themselves to have. Of course the nepotism ends up working against them in the long run.


Even if Ashkenazi Jews are smarter on average than white gentiles, that's no excuse for there to be so many of them in prominent positions when there are so few of them in terms of population. It's not like they're 30 points higher in IQ or anything. In terms of raw numbers, you'll be able to find many more intelligent white gentiles than you will sheenies due to Jews comprising such a small percentage of the population.


That's what I was alluding to, they're great talkers. Pilpul we call it. but when it comes to any sort of both intro and extrospection; they're schizo retards.
It's why they're good television writers, actors and comedians, but terrible at almost everything else.
Plus all the nepotism, they're fucking second to none at that.


You are saying exactly what I've been saying for a long time, statistically their will always be more intelligent white gentiles, so kikes are already btfo. Of course the muh more smarter than you filthy goyim isn't even true, however, it is bullshit anyways so kikes btfo.


>You are saying exactly what I've been saying for a long time
If you've made that point on here before, then there's a pretty good chance I just got it from you.
>Of course the muh more smarter than you filthy goyim isn't even true
And a lot of those people downplay the importance of IQ except when they can use it as a justification for their imperious attitude toward the goyim.


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Israel is full of stupid jews who sit around reading the Talmud all day, the 115 average comes from jewish-manipulated tests from the United States where nepotism gets them into the best jewish-run colleges where they might learn a thing or two to raise their IQ.


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Even some jews cope about it saying "lol we have the highest verbal IQ scores!". Who fucking cares? Ramon can barely talk and yet he defeated the kikes.


Who fucking cares?





>they are more retarded than russia and ireland




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See how easy it is to pick up a woman? What's your exccuse, incels?


Gay nigger again.



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