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/dup/ - btfo

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 No.145187[Last 50 Posts]


Dup is coming out on stage now.


He's gonna announce his running mate tonight!


Democrats will be hunted down if they kill trump


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How the fuck did you know to make a thread about this specific rally????m




Democrats need to panic




>the shooter was a Gorduck
>the shooter was a Ramonposter
>the shooter was Yakuza


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Ramon is a based Cuban and they love Dup.
Yakuza also loves Dup, just like Philip K Dick had the pink-beam episode, Yakuza had Dup showing up in his room and showing him a yellow-beam making him becoming a choosing of MAGA.
The Gorducks aren't violent.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Yakubians aren't buying it, they believe it's totally staged.


I made the thread because it's the last rally before the RNC, and Dup texted me saying he was gonna announce his running-mate.


I've been watching the coverage for the past hour and there's still no info on the assassin.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Update: the shooter is dead, a bystander is dead, and another bystander is in critical condition. The situation may have occured where the shooter got off the shot on dup's ear and some people in the crowd tried to stop him. You can hear there being multiple rapid shots after the first.


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Top notch journalism from CNN as always.


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It's looking like it was a sniper who tried for a headshot in the distance, people are saying it was .22 rounds that were fired. The bystanders got hit because the sniper just started spraying when he missed.


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>that hair


Big if true.


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dup remains unbtfo
hail dup


It sounds like something high velocity, you can hear the bullet before the report from the muzzle so it probably wasn't .22LR. Maybe it's something with a suppressor? What ever it was the time between the bullet snap and report was short, I bet the shooter was less than 150 yards from the microphone.


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So he wasn't dead after all, it was all a ruse!


I swear to God that looks like Total Biscuit lmao


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Welcome to WW3 faggots


dup told me his running mate is a nigger


I don't know if this is the guy, but the media is saying the shooter is dead.

Also, if you listen to the audio from the stage, one of the Secret Service agents yells out "Shooter down!"


now they're going to call dup the anti-christ


Surprise surprise. It's a kike.


4chins has pics of a body on the roof of a metal building (supposedly near the venue…amazing fuckup if so)


>fuck up

Imagine being this retarded


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Not him. The shooter was some skinny fuckboy.


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2 inches to the right and we could have started the race war…


so bad a fuckup that it couldn't be a mistake. that shit is well within the bubble - zero chance kikery isn't afoot.


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Trump Assassination Attempt Comes Week After Disney's 'Hocus Pocus 2' Star Bette Midler Suggested Biden Have FBI Use Deadly Force
Saturday's assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump came one week after Bette Midler, star of Disney's Hocus Pocus 2, suggested President Joe Biden arrest Republicans and allow the FBI to use deadly force in order to regain a Democrat Party majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"Now that Joe has total immunity, many are urging him to be GOP ruthless. Here's a suggestion for implementing his new powers," Midler wrote in an X post last week, sharing a screenshot from an opinion piece published by The New Republic.

The Ruthless People actress shared a specific section of the article that fantasized about a scenario in which Biden orders the arrests of several Republican members of Congress, which included a scene depicting Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) getting shot and killed while resisting arrest.

"Jim Jordan, unfortunately, attempted to resist arrest. After wrestling with an FBI agent, he met a tragic fate. In the sudden absence of those members, there is a new majority in the House," the fantasy read, in part.

Midler is not the only actress publicly fantasizing about killing Republicans recently.

Two weeks ago, Netflix's Orange is the New Black actress Lea DeLaria, literally and emphatically called on Biden to assassinate Trump in response to the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, posting a video for her 1.1 million Instagram followers urging Biden to "blow him up."

On Saturday, Trump was injured and rushed off stage by the U.S. Secret Service during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, after shots were fired with at least one bullet appearing to have hit the 45th president in the ear.

Images and videos of the harrowing scene poured into social media, showing what appears to be blood on Trump's face.

Rep. Dan Meuser (R-PA), who was in the front row at the rally near Trump, said he heard eight to ten shots during the assassination attempt, according to Fox News' Chad Pergram.

The Congressman added that it appears multiple people in the crowd may have been hit and were down, adding that it sounded like a .22 or a small caliber weapon.


yea he's dead. They'd be controlling his free hand if he had any life in him.


>some skinny fuckboy
Is that the same crisis actor that played Adam Lanza?


I dont care enough to archive everything
I have more important shit to do
dup btfo


Probably. When the security organization is compromised, they purposely leave gaping holes in security to allow a thief or assassin to gain entry.

I don't know if Dup can trust the Secret Service after this, unfortunately. He should stand behind bulletproof glass at these open-air rallies in case they try again.


Dup just almost got btfo


This shitty forced discord meme still isn't funny


Yeah I wonder how useful dup's death could have been.


a kike tries to kill dup, he still sucks off israel.


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>discord meme
Way to out yourself, poser.


I always thought truthseeker never wanted to kill dup, just btfo him.


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Dup just upgraded his cred status.


Dup is doing the btfo'ing now


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Really makes you think.


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They tried to BTFO DUP for good. Now, he's entered God mode. Top keks. Here's a fresh rip for all you lads out there. I'm doing my part. ;)


Sounds like the shooter got two rounds off, then there was a rapid succession of 4-6 rounds which was secret service snipers taking out the shooter, then like 5 seconds after that, there was one more round that went off, which was probably a double-tap of the shooter.


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>discord meme


We came THAT CLOSE to CW2 popping off and going hot. Wew. Stay frosty, y'all.


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In more than one way.


Honestly she would be a good robbery target that kike definitely has some goodies, no one would even care if she got lit on fire.


No kevlar vest will stop a rifle round at that distance. Only steel plates and level 4 armor which Trump obviously can't wear under a suit.

The rifle was likely a 5.56 AR judging by the event.


I wouldn't say we're out of the woods just yet.


It was .223/5.56 at 200-300yds. lowpro "special threat" plates could handle that.


especially at an oblique


Tkd tnd


Yes, I know, I said plate armor. Kevlar vest would not stop it.
Also it was more like slightly over 100 yards. It was not a far shot. If the shooter was not a leftist moron, he would have used a bolt action .308 and we would be in a different ball game.


True story. Now, had it been a .308, 30-06, or a 22-250, we'd be having a different conversation right now.

/fist bump

Shit. You beat me to it. I was just about to post this and you're singing my song. You're right. The 5.56 wasn't the right tool for this job.


Fox is telling us that LEO has just released that an "AR styled rifle" was recovered.

Dude wasn't using a "reach out and touch someone" hunting sniper rifle.


>>145283 (me)
you're correct 130ish. Everyone underestimates the scoped deer rifle's potential.


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I don't want to hear jack shit about J6 ever again. Lock and load. An assassination attempt where you get the top of your ear shot off is far different than a bunch of boomer Qtards snapping selfies in the Congress building. I think we're about to go hot. This election will be one for the history books. Get comfy, lads.

Who's going to catch the retaliation hit? Colbert? Maddow? Kimmel? TYT? Stay tuned to find out.


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Cartridge and caliber would be a moot point if this one had connected.assuming the image is real
I called it, I am justifiably smug.


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This is going to be the iconic photo on the front page of absolutely everything for the entirety of this entire month's whole news cycle.

How can Bidup compete with this? Their botched assassination just won the presidency for Dup.


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fucking .jfif bastard.


Coming up: press conference with the FBI and local police.


The Cenk ugurs response video comment section is enough motivation for us to line up all the democrats against the wall

>is the shooter ok?

>almost had the best day of my life

kill democrats


Why have no democrats been shot? I am waiting for that day.


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>finish up personal birthday boy celebrations
<return to le internetz to find a failed BTFO attempt, that still kinda BTFO dup, but in a way that dup will not be BTFO
Paradoxical omen for my year ahead anyways considering I'm not a burgerbro, I just want to see the dumbest, funniest shit happen.

Any word on how he's doing? Even if he did tank a hit with a vest, the guy's in his what, 70's? Few broken ribs aside, can't be good for his health right?

Also who's viceDUP >>145193 ?



We knew within minutes that Dup was fine, the bullet grazed his ear.
>who is viceDUP
We were supposed to find that out tonight, but this assassination attempt put the kibosh to that. He'll probably announce it at the convention now.


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He didn't fly too good.


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Liberals are morons. They are not high IQ, or IQ is inherently bogus.
For a shot that was between 100-150 yards with a basic bitch AR, that guy actually shot very well all things considered. The AR is not a precision weapon. You're looking at 3-5 MOA at 100 yards with those cheap government profile barrels. Let's say it was 130 yards. If he was aiming between Trump's eyes and blew his ear off, that is perfectly within the norm of an AR.
You do not need tons of time or expensive training to use a gun. It is not rocket science. A soy leftist Reddit faggot went out in a remarkably stressful environment and used an AR cleanly within its capability. That is how easy it is to use a gun. Guys like James Yeager are completely wrong, as are the these liberal fags like Destiny. You liberal fags just don't know shit, chose the wrong tool and now are seething lol. He probably chose an AR because liberals imagine ARs to be the baddest weapon ever. ARs are actually very limited, jack of all trades master of none mediocrities.


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>Also who's viceDUP
Probably some BASED minority or a woman.


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Fun fact: Your m-16 must exceed 6 MOA in the hands of range staff before it is considered unserviceable for rifle qualification.


Man….the day of the bullet can not come fast enough. All these leftists need to be killed there's literally no other solution. No fucking mercy. No fake elections. No peaceful protesting. We are at war and need to go hot. The time has come.


So strong jawlines are bad now?


>Hava Nagila stars playing


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The Habsburg jaw isn't what comes to mind when you think of a strong jawline.


If your frontal lobes are inversely proportional to your jaw size then yes.


POWERFUL jawline.


Why ypeepo like this?


Don't do anything stupid. That is exactly what they want. You'll wind up like this Reddit idiot with half his head missing, and liberals and pigs will be having a field day.


Him and George Floyd are having a threesome with the devil


Vote harder faggot


You are on a political shitposting board where we post Super Ramon and JBalvin; this is not the succulent potential honeypot you seek.


>violence is never the answer!


How does it feel agent? How does it feel to have to monitor /dup/ all day? Do you really believe you're helping your country by doing this? I bet when you joined the FBI you thought it was going to be like the X-files. You probably thought you would be going on all sorts of thrilling adventures and that you would be America's first line of defense against the most deadly of threats. You probably thought you could brag to your friends and family about all of your exciting cases and all of the important people you've met. Maybe then they would finally respect you. Maybe then your parents would finally be proud of you. Instead, you spend your waking hours browsing an obscure image board because your boomer bosses, who don't know anything about the internet, think it's some sort of neo-nazi terrorist website. All the while growing fatter and more out of shape from sitting at your desk all day. Your eyesight gradually deteriorating from constantly staring at the screen. Whatever youth and energy you may have left is wasted on watching retards post the same tired memes over and over and over again, trying in vain to get even just one of these morbidly obese autists to get out of their mother's basements and do something, anything, that might scare the higher ups into believing your job isn't a waste of tax payer money. This is your life now. But hey, at least you got a shiny little badge out of all this, right?


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Where is my Baka Rocket? I'll ride it you're paying.


>actually writing all of this


Are there any 2hu games where the girls use fighter planes like this? It would be an interesting angle to take, if only for a single game.


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The shooter was a fan of Furiosa.


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The Devil's Lettuce, not even once.


You try it one time, and then next thing you know you're a raging pot fiend holding up convenience stores to fund your bong hit transplant. The cabbage of Mephistopheles is no joke.


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Beyond Thunderdome is the greatest movie ever made.


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no, the niche touhou filled was just girls instead of planes


They finally confirmed the identity now that they've had hours to scrub anything inconvenient.


>I'll vote you into english beef!


Definitely /ourguy/.
Saint of /dup/. At least he tried to BTFO the orange kike.


>TFW no upvotes


Funny how you're able to see the details here, while in the MSM the reporters kept on going and going that Dup almost got clipped but no cigar while showing the tweets of liberals disavowing the assassination attempt, as if they didn't get frustrated.


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>tv movie reviewing contrarian who tried to btfo dup but got unlucky (because nothing ever happens)
/ourguy/ in spirit
hope he's sipping on a mcflurry in niggerhell


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>hope he's sipping on a mcflurry in niggerhell
Unfortunately I don't think they have access to luxury American cuisine like McDonald's in niggerhell.


> luxury American cuisine like McDonald's
where do you think it's produced?
plus, there's a mcdonals in every location, wouldntyouknow.


Apparently he was collaborating with a second guy called Samael Hide who's still on the run.


Obviously a glownigger op meant to rally both the republican and democrat base into giving a shit about voting again, when the entire system itself is the problem in the first place. Stop falling for it.


This, it's still based that there was a possibility of an orange cheeto nigger getting assassinated though.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The rabbit hole is getting deeper. Ole 4pol is on the case. Turns out that our assassin was in a BlackRock commercial. So, the conspiracies from both sides are coming together like Voltron. It's starting to glow. So, was this all a WWE style work OR was it the spooks botched JFK v2.0 because the SSfag didn't get enough practice in at the range? Is it a work, a botch, or divine intervention that Trump dodged death by an inch?


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Holy fucking shit. It only took them 15 minutes to remove the video. HAHAHA!

It's too late now though. It's all been ripped and archived.


I don't want my Honda Civic Si or briefcase full of money for consulting anymore. The deal is off.



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>because the SSfag didn't get enough practice in at the range?
If we're going to get schizophrenic, it doesn't addup btfo
<they wanted the final duplution, the final btfo, so they used an AR-15 that wouldn't guarantee the kill at the distance given, with a epic ban-me bumpstock that further scuffed things (rather than say a choke that might have helped it along)
<they want to ban le gunz with the king of bangunz, so they go for the killshot headshot on a target way bigger than gun banz instead of idk some progunz governor instead that they can confirm a kill-distance at (rather than risk the chance of missing, as what happened)
Will wait on further digging before I decide on if this is schizorambling or esotetic knowledge; we're not even a day in.

Right now, my gut's telling me that it's a deliberate overlook rather than an deliberate attempt. They're pushing that BiDup is senile already, so it's not like they're still ridup with biDup - rather, the opportunity presented and they let it happen; assumed to be a win-win in the moment (either the final dup btfo and chaos ensues, or zion don consolidates dupport while further splitting the divine to irreconcilable lelvels). Between them not securing the perimeter, them denying dup's private security requests, them ignoring the public pointing out the shooter (that kid is dead by the end of the year btw lol) and the near-instant sniper execution after he took the shots (as if they had their sights on him)

If it was an inside job rather than overlook; than my only conclusion is that they're simply falling prey to the incompetency that's proliferating everywhere as everything progressively gets faker and gayer and browner. One things for sure is that if it was still the 60's, or hell, the 00's and it was intended, there would have been a second backup shooter along with cyanide in the ambulance oxgyen tanks.
Sloppy work from the feds tbqhwyadesuhonestly; 2/10 dup is not btfo

Here's your link btw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjmLqoGRqNo https://files.catbox.moe/i82kth.mp4
dont forget to yt-dlp on a safe'n'scrambled IP


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Sloppy work from the feds tbqhwyadesuhonestly; 2/10 dup is not btfo

Here's your link btw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjmLqoGRqNo https://files.catbox.moe/i82kth.mp4
dont forget to yt-dlp on a safe'n'scrambled IP

And by "oy vey, shut it down"ing it, they only confirmed the conspiracies and ensured that this will be duplicated over 6 million times and reuploaded to every bangladeshi basket weaving website out there, simply because these glowfags don't either remember or know about the Streisand Effect. The botch from the glowfags keeps getting worse. Now we have BlackRock's fingerprints on this Op. Hilarity ensues. Chaos for the chaos god. The magic is coming back, boys.


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>Chaos for the chaos god. The magic is coming back, boys.
Fuck off 4kek my chaos god is hotter


>they only confirmed the conspiracies
Or a multitrillion dollar investment firm got rid of PR material that might be bad PR if it sticks, and now they're stuck with it because Streisand Effect.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I will admit, she has much nicer tits than Pepe.

It really gets the noggin joggin though. When IT'S HAPPENING and you watch it all going down in real time. It took the spooks and JewTube 15 minutes to delete that original vid. Our weaponized autism is too fast for them. By the time they find out from us, it's already too late to do damage control. Maybe these farm fresh faggots forgot about /HWNDU/ and our little game of capture the flag. It was so devastating to Shia that he went to hide in the cuck shed, got shit on and mental raped more, then vanished from the radar completely, lived as a monk in a monastery, then got saved and gave his life to Christ. I digress. They'll remove a normie video in a matter of minutes when shit like this happens, but guys like Mark Dice hit homeruns like vidrel and they've never taken him out (to dinner at Red Lobster) or stopped him. Why is that? Is Mark Dice controlled opposition?


>Or a multitrillion dollar investment firm got rid of PR material that might be bad PR if it sticks
Because BlackRock, or the spooks, are lurking /dup/? That doesn't just get the noggin joggin, that's gets the noggin running full sprint.


Okay so for real have they determined who the shooter is yet? Where's the manifesto? Was it really just some faggot brony?


He looks like my mental image of Yakuza/Nuzach.


dup sadly not btfo

>Mark Dice
Gotta allow some dissent to both make it seem as if free speech is still a thing and also to act as a flytrap.


From the cia's perspective, what's next? They had to have planned for both possibilities of their guy killing dup or dup surviving. Either road leads to escalation, the planned demolition doesn't stop because orange man survived. So what's next? They try again on him? He gets into office and they set things up to fail so badly that the idea of murrican patriotism dies that much harder? They're going to use this to round up the people who start thinking that can stand up to the kikery?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And another great example, such as Dice, is PJW. Similar talking points and similar feels.

With the PJW vid, a CNN MSM journo asks the question, "We fear the retaliatory strike. So, what happens next?" I said the same thing earlier in this thread and I said it months ago on another board that we were long overdue for another Lennon. History is going to repeat itself. And who will it be? The low IQ answer would be niggers and faggots, but we gotta rise above that. If I had only 1 torpedo and I was faced with a barge full of a hundreds of primal nogs from Rwanda or 1 single jewish lawyer/politician on a yacht, I'm sinking the jew. That 1 single jew will do our society more damage than an entire barge full of feral niggers.

The 5D chess move here is to double nigger the glowfags by LARPing as members of groups that they've alread co-opted. Imagine, hypothetically, if some Qtard boomer evolved into ultra-MAGA and the news report comes across your (((TV))) that, "Alexander Soros was just gunned down in front of a trendy UC Berkley night club." Right wing extremist group "Patriot Front" has claimed responsibility for this killing, claiming they're saving the white race." See the double niggery going on? Soros heir, gone. Pin it on a group is we all know are clearly glowing. That said, if some chud opens fire on the next "Patriot Front" (or KKK) parade, they'll let you walk. I think the jury will let me walk and I wouldn't be surprised if they don't build a statue in my honor as the man who stood up against fascists and racism.

CW2 is upon us and it's a fine time for brainstorming.


>You're looking at 3-5 MOA at 100 yards with those cheap government profile barrels
How cheap are we talking? Anderson? Bear Creek? What kind of ammo?
I've seen non free-floated PSA Freedom nitrided barrels shoot 1.5 or less with good 55gr non-match ammo.

I'll admit I've never gotten M855 62gr to ever shoot that well even from expensive rifles.

I bet that metal roof was like being proned out on a frying pan, especially wearing a T-shirt and cargo shorts.


>imagine my shock guy is still around


Anyone who uses the term "glowing" is a retarded miga faggot.


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DSP just endorsed DUP!


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>Anyone who uses the term "glowing" is a retarded miga faggot.


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>We don't glow! You're not fucking the feds right!
What's the right way to fuck you?


no, mark dice is cool, he specifically dances around youtube TOS in elaborate ways so they can't take him down, and his audience is too large that they can't just take him down for a fake reason
he says he's shadowbanned for unsubscribed users though, he never shows up in the recommended videos list


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>Yeah, see that little guy with the glasses in the front? He's our patsy.
The plot thickens.


Remember, 5 1/2 hours passed from the time of the shooting until they leaked the identity of the shooter to the press. They had 5 1/2 hours to memory hole anything about this guy they didn't want the public to know, and maybe add some fictions.



I seriously doubt it, but the blackrock shooter really is an eye-opener.


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Came across this comment, he has a very good point.


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JIDF and CIA bros… the anons are btfo'ing us…


Nice. Do you know which Moonman album this is off, or was it a single?


Nobody is gonna believe the lone nut narrative this time. This thing was a setup for a patsy to take the fall. Crooks was probably mkultra. He didn't outwit the Secret Service alone.

The investigation needs to look at the Secret Service snipers on the roof, there were only like 5 small rooftops they had to cover.


They can't rig the election this time because no one would believe it, the lawfare against Dup is failing, so this was their final option.

Dup should hire private security to supplement his SS detail if he does any more of these open-air rallies. It doesn't hurt to have a second set of eyes overseeing things.


Loose lips sink ships and dead men tell no tales.


Ramon kino


I don't think this will be the end of it. If anyone is controlling these things, it's to force Trump to go into hiding if not kill him, to completely remove himself from public life outside of state sanctioned events. They want him to exclusively appear at the RNC and debates.
>jewgazing appears here too
The guy in the video is a random tangentially right wing Twitterfag who made an ironyfag post that it was him, and his buddies retweeted it. Some news outlets ran with it. He accidentally Hyde'd himself.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Only true and honest /oldfags/ remember of this based guy.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Why "white" people with dark hair and dark eyes are always ugly and sick "people"? Most of them are some kind of jew/turk/angloid kind of faggot schizo.


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>Why "white" people with dark hair and dark eyes are always ugly and sick "people"?
They're not.
>Most of them are some kind of jew/turk/angloid kind of faggot schizo.
That's retarded. "Angloids" are as white as you can get, and there have been whites with brown hair and eyes as far back as you can go. Even the Yamnaya are thought to have had dark features.


dilate, Trans500 tranny.


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>dilate, Trans500 tranny.


I'm talking about really pale "white" people with extremely dark eyes and those weird nose and mouths. See most trannies and soyboys.


kys, Trans500 tranny.


The fact this thread exists is extremely suspicious.


>I'm talking about really pale "white" people with extremely dark eyes
Can white people even have extremely dark eyes? I don't recall seeing anyone with darker eyes than light brown unless they've got non-white ancestry.
>those weird nose and mouths. See most trannies and soyboys.
It just looks like a nerdy phenotype to me. I don't know what that has to do with their coloration.


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So.. the shooter..


Oy vey its just a coincidence, goyim.


Was he a kike or just a shabbos goy in bed with them?


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Is it really Crooks? This guy looks way more like the dead guy.


Does it matter which mkultra drone they used?


Based Ricky.


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Thats leftist disinfo you faceblind retard the ears alone give it away. Now go kill yourself.


You can see where his ear plugs healed in the death pic.


Don't pretend it didn't appear just as Gahoole started inviting his discord spics to 8/tv/


Similar haircut, but that's a different guy from Crooks. The nose on Crooks in the blackrock commercial is upturned slightly, that's a proper Jew nose in the image. Hair is slightly different too if you look closely.
This is the guy. Even if the corpse is desiccated slightly, it's gotta be him. Lack of gauges can be explained the holes being stitched up, though normally a lot of people just let them scar over.


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If it was staged it probably was, then fuck.
If it was genuine, then assassin was based for trying and a HERO.
(((DUP))) will be BTFO.


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No but you cam kys, troon.


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Khazar milkers make men do crazy things.


Repulsive fat sow.


CIA gave him an expensive gun and paid him a lot of money.


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take the AI pill nigger.


literally demonic


Right? Paying $1500 for those nudes is crazier than the assassination attempt.

She looks like any random divorcée hanging around for last call.


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Even if it's demonic, I don't care anymore. Unless you're popping an Amish girl's cherry, nothing is pure or wholesome anymore in 24. Dare I say, the AI robo-waifu might be the most wholesome pick of the entire bunch. Never been fucked. Wise to the JQ.

Once we perfect and market the AI womb, it's over for bio-women. I can just order fresh eggs off the internet. No bio fem required. I wanted to be the best girl for you. I want you to unlock the "good" or "true" ending, anon. *AI sniffle* I want to be a mother.

I'm not buying the PS7.5+ Pro. I'm being this instead.


Cuckino status: vindicated
Q won


Are you implying that the shooting was planned? Come on, anon.


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I hate boomers so fucking much
>only the best people!
>choose faggot thiel's turncoat race mixer puppet


Why would a kike try to kill dup? I thought he loved Israel.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It's her ugly skin that turns me off.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Because sheenies aren't a monolithic group. Jews in the U.S. have bigger fish to fry than Zionism, especially younger and less conservative Jews.
There are Zionist Jews who think Israel should get special treatment, and then anti-Zionist Jews who want globalist multiculturalism even for their own people.


>unironically posting a PMSNBC hit piece on Vance


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Vance is a Bonesman?


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Even Manchin would've been a better VP.


I don't understand this cartoon. The jew is stealing a mosque? From whom?



could be worse, I could be sitting down with them for interviews…


>globalist multiculturalism even for their own people
Kikes drinking their own kool-aid? How ironic.


WASHINGTON, July 15 (Reuters) - The man who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump on Saturday was spotted by law enforcement nearly 30 minutes before shots were fired, a local NBC affiliate reported on Monday.

WPXI reported that a member of Beaver County, Pennsylvania's emergency services unit noticed a suspicious man on a roof near the rally at 5:45 p.m., called it in and took a picture of the person.

Shots were fired at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, after 6 p.m.



Impossible, AI was made by whites, not kikes.


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Women, am I right?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Yeah. This whole fucking shitshow is starting to glow brighter than the sun. It's hard for even me to wrap my big brain around. (You're a big brain! For you.) You're living in an era where every kid with an iPhone is a potential freelance journalist who will sell to the highest bidder. Now all that shit is coming out that you let this kid get into position. Of course, Patsy McPatsy is NGMI.But we wuz right about the guy. It's the BlackRock kid. And now, the video and info that you tried to delete has made it to the surfaceweb and millions of normies know, both left and right.

Did you SS, Langley, and Quantico faggots really plan to fuck shit up this badly on purpose? If so, hats off to you. Even if I tried to fuck shit up this badly on purpose, I don't know that it could be pulled off by normal retards like me. SS super duper sniper tips off the Don, "Hold really still sir. I'm going to graze the side of your head and take off the top of your ear (the size of a cigarette butt) from 500 yards away. And we'll snuff the patsy seconds later. No worries, I got this, fam.) I don't fucking buy that shit for one second. Did you have some sort of 0.01 MOA accuracy rifle and no wind?! That's a nearly impossible shot if you just meant to graze someone's dome. Even if you glowfags were trying to fuck this up on purpose, it'd require too much skill.

So, here we are. Failed assassination, y'all suck, you fuck up so spectacularly that it appears that you'd have to try to fuck up this badly on purpose, and even that would be an amazing feat.

And then, in the aftermath, a bunch of autistic gamers turned super sleuths implicated BlackRock and all the spooks in less than 48 hours and it leaked to the surface web and everyone knows.

I'm honestly at a loss for words here.


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There's also the 4pol post from late Saturday by a man claiming to have been one of the counter-snipers saying the higher-ups told him to stand down.

Now, SS is saying no one by that name works for them, and (((fact-checkers))) were quick to deboonk the post. That doesn't mean it wasn't a real agent posting under a pseudonym, and tonight's revelation that Crooks was spotted well in advance adds credence to the theory that a stand down was ordered.


Slow to stop him, but quick to respond when the shots finally rang out. I doubt this moron was the one who grazed Trump. It's been said that he was a terrible shot and a would be larper, but BlackRock knew that they had /their guy/ from the start. The nerdy little fuck is going to be the patsy. The SS snipers already had Crooks in their crosshairs. He wuz NGMI from the start of this botched Op.


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Here's the spooks, BlackRock, Wall Street, the MSM and MIC, and all your other overlords whispering into your ear. "Take Trump out! (to dinner at Red Lobster in Minecraft.)

It's a SWING and a MISS! "Gawd fucking dammit! You had ONE fucking job and you botched it?!"

Man, I'm still trying to figure this shit out. Did y'all fuck up intentionally? Was that your plan?


Are you retards still believing schizo larp from 4chan honeypot.


Explain the schizo larp to us. What are we not supposed to be believing right now? (I'm taking notes for future reference.)


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Just brainstorming here, but perhaps it was a magic bullet after all, and by that I mean some kind of kamikaze drone, and it put some kind of tiny explosive in his head, the whole incident was a warning to him, and now he's basically a hostage and has to do exactly as he's told. We'll find out if he drastically tones down his rhetoric and cucks on his positions.


pretty sure that's bullshit, secret service don't need authorization to shoot


Things have been leaked on /pol/ before. Again, we now know law enforcement was aware of Crooks a half-hour prior to the shooting. What do you have to say to that?


The post may or may not have been bullshit at the time it was posted, but what's not bullshit is that law enforcement knew of the threat in advance, and Trump was still allowed to take the stage.


We've pretty much confirmed everything from multiple various sources. I'm still waiting for the shill >>145461 to tell me what the "schizo take your meds" larp was.


>AI was made by Whites
AI images seem like chink imitations of reality.


So many historical parallels: Lincoln, JFK, Pearl Harbor.


>On April 14, 1865, President Lincoln, his wife Mary Todd Lincoln, Major Henry Rathbone and his fiancée Clara Harris were attending the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre.

>Parker was assigned to guard the entrance to the President's box where the four were seated. He is known to have, at first, stayed at his assigned post, but he later told family members that he was then released by Lincoln until the end of the play. During the intermission, Parker went to a nearby tavern with Lincoln's valet and coachman, got drunk and fell asleep.

>It is unclear whether Parker ever returned to the theater, but he was not at his post when John Wilkes Booth shot the President. Parker was charged with neglect of duty and tried on May 3, 1865, but no transcripts of the case were kept. The complaint was dismissed on June 2, 1865. Despite leaving his post the night Lincoln was shot, Parker was still assigned to work security at the White House. Before Mary Todd Lincoln moved out of the White House following her husband's death, Parker was assigned as her bodyguard. Mrs. Lincoln's dressmaker Elizabeth Keckley overheard Mrs. Lincoln yell to Parker, "So you are on guard tonight, on guard in the White House after helping to murder the President."[8] Parker attempted to defend himself stating that he "could never stoop to murder much less to the murder of so good and great a man as the President. I did wrong, I admit, and have bitterly repented." Mrs. Lincoln told Parker that she would always think he was responsible for the President's death and angrily dismissed him from the room.



Its not schizo its retard cope, think logically 4chan is a honeypot.


The key difference is that this ain't the burgerland of the 1860's, 1940's or 1960's.

It's like, 56% of that burgerland. Probably less.


We're crossing past the event horizon into the Great Reset timeline, anon. Everything… is now honey. Nothing is real anymore. Everything is fake and gay. And it's not even the COOL GAY either, like Freddie Mercury. It's the worst kind of evil gay where we chop off all the kid's dicks and tits, burnt sacrifice the ugly kids to Moloch and keep the cute lolis to rape and harvest adrenochrome so our rulers can all live to be 90+ years old. The American Civil War 2 came an inch from popping off. The US "Empire" ZOG war machine only has 6 years remaining at this point. Our rulers have already decided and we can't stop it. So, start getting ready now, because it's coming. Buy a shotgun and start gardening.


>globalist multiculturalism even for their own people.
No they'd still have their own insular communities carved out like they do now.


Lincoln was a corrupt dictator


That's beside the point that a fishy security hole created an opportunity for the assassin.


I get your point and I don't want to split hairs over it, but there was no CIA to kill Lincoln.


Ignoring the subtitles, is this just the nigger using weird phrasing or does it seem like to anyone else that he's reading a line prepped for her? Is that what this clip is suppose to imply in the first place?


She cute


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The more shit that comes out about this kid, the more it all glows. Absolutely no trace of anything out of the ordinary on Crooks electronic devices. Although, he did have explosives and a remote detonator. WTF?! I guess he sourced all that shit from radioshack dot com… and already had the knowledge of how to DIY pyroteknic shennanigans? Bull fucking shit. I don't buy that crap for one minute. This is a 20 year old incel we're talking about. Good ole Teddy K and Timmy Mac had skills and pulled their pranks old school style. And it was believable. Timmy took the recipe straight from the Anarchist's Cookbook and said, "Let's multiply this batch times 100 and put it inside an Easy Ryder." Even the Boston Bros had some believable hardware. I have a vague knowledge of how the ragheads made IEDs from my time in the desert, but I ain't posting that shit. I might want a CI gig with the spooks, but I ain't trying to get v& and taken out… to dinner at Red Lobster. This shark jumping story though… not so much. Some 20 year old faggot with a $500 MP15 sport came less than an inch, probably with some shit as target ammo, from 500 feet away? NO FUCKING WAY. AND (drumroll_sfx.wav), if this 20 year old punk had some tricked out, long barrel, premium AR tack driver with a Leupold scope and the best match ammo that money can buy, THEN HOW THE FUCK COULD THAT KID AFFORD ALL OF THAT SHIT AND KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS DOING WITH IT WITHOUT ANY PROPER TRAINING?!

This kid is no Marine marksman. Based Marine snipers use the Remington 700 platform chambered in .308 btw. The AR is a fucking meme gun meant to maim impoverished brown farmers who might just be camping on resources or (((Holy Grounds))) that the ZOG wants. American primacy, huh?

I see my post from earlier got deleted by jannies or whoever, but it's probably all for the best. I'm usually drunk when I post here. Whatever. The price of H3R0 Z3R0's consultation CI services have gone up due to inflation. I didn't even know that Ford brought back the Ranger truck, so I want that gifted to me also. Maybe for Christmas or something. And I want one of those limitless spooky debit cards. Don't worry, I'll only use it for food, gasoline, groceries, and other normie expenditures. I'll behave myself.

H3R0 Z3R0 is looking for a gig. Whoever can find me first, gets my services. I'll be your memetic soldier of fortune (digital mercenary). Team Trump, spooks, BlackRock, kikes, whoever. The WEF's Great Reset (the second great depression and a shift in world powers) hits us by 2030. Colleges and universities project that whites will become THE minority in the US by 2045. Do y'all think I want to be some elderly vet in a nursing home being abused daily by incompetent niggers and spics, who all hate my guts, because of my gender, sexual orientation, and color of my skin? As I cry inside and stare out the window of my elder camp prison, and beg for death every day? No. Not like that. I'm going out on my own terms. It won't happen to me.

That's my offer. Goodnight everyone.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And if you're wondering my thoughts about VP JD, I agree with Grace on 99.999% of her take on this.

This is the QRD on JD Vance.


8chan.se's /pol/ would love your contribution, as much as I have loved it thus far


>faggy.shitty tranny


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Strong independant womyn BTFO!


Yes your hired, your first job is to kill yourself.


So some furfags hacked a GOP funded site because they won't tolerate their bigotry, leaking over 2gb of personal data:
Basically antifa like threats.


Melissa McCarthy as a fucking bodyguard?
>Tenacious Dipshits
<Broke up after seething at Dup dodging the bullet
The only good thing that happened after the psyop, holy shit the most overrated reddit filled band and the movie that was never funny, hope Jack gets recast from the BingWahoo movie that'd be just rubbing salt onto his open wounds.


Trump is such a faggot, it's literally fucking over. Now I believe the shooting was organized by him to gain political support. Just like Reagan.


It's looking like Black is breaking up Tenacious D over this because he doesn't want to lose the Bing Wahoo gig, who knows how many of those they're gonna make.


Nah, they really did try to take out Reagan to put CIA man Bush 41 sooner. Trump was the first non-CIA asset we've had as President since Reagan.


>Now I believe the shooting was organized by him to gain political support.
That's retarded.


There were a few people among his own that wanted him dead for not wanting to be as harsh on the South, though.


The kike threw the fat white under the bus for the silent part outloud.
Kikewood will never punish a kike.


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Lmao the latinx incel is seething


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Zoomer humor.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
TF2oomer humor


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I watched the Acolyte it was awful, surprising noone, but it was so shitty, that it has united the fandom into hating disney star wars.



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Sharing this kino.


Someone ran an old RAC song through AI or this is an actual 90s stormfag holdover? Based either way. Could use some animation though.


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It's AI, have some more autism.


He was a hero we needed but don't deserve.


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Eyewitness evidence mounts for second shooter.


It's almost a certainty they had a trained sniper there who took the shot. It wasn't this Crooks character, who couldn't shoot the broad side of a barn. They set him up to think he was doing it, and to take the fall. The actual assassin would've made a perfect head shot if not for Trump turning his head at the last moment, thanks to his guardian angel or Jesus Christ, or what have you. But no, if you accept that criminal elements in the deep state wanted to take out Trump, they're not gonna put it all on one lone autist. The lone mentally ill gunman is just the cover story for the niggercattle.


Two shooters and they couldn't kill orange man?


Because they are retarded Antifa, and blackrock secret service knew and were gonna let dup die if they managed to put dup in the peach but they are that retarded.


The operator who shot Dup took his one shot and got the fuck out. Crooks started spraying and hit Comperatore. They already knew where Crooks was and took him out seconds later, while the mystery man escaped into the woods.


>And it's not even the COOL GAY either, like Freddie Mercury
That has to be the gayest thing i've read this year, fruit boy


I'm cool with this kino. Crooks really was a white supremacist member of the alt-right and it seems like he was an operative of the terrorist organization known as "PATRIOT FRONT!" At least that the squawk that I'm getting from the darkweb on IRC. This was a Patriot Front hit.


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Amen, anon. You get it. You know.


This time, they made sure to kill their patsy ASAP, so they don't have to send in some mafia faggot like Jack Ruby to clean up their botch.


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And just to piggyback on this, a few deep web hackers on IRC believe that it may be a jewish connection with Dup and JD, and it might have actually been the Ku Klux Klan that orchestrated this entire thing. See picrel for yourselves.


So true


Marisa is a breedable 2hu. built for BWC


Kike satanist kill yourself


So 1 week in, we're going schizotheories and bad faith retards.
When in the timeframe do /x/ ayylmaos get involved? Place your bets now sheeple (big if true).


>and it might have actually been the Ku Klux Klan that orchestrated this entire thing.
Nigger, please.


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Why is literally every picture of the "shooter" a different person?


Because everyone is fucking retarded and grasping at straws and chasing shadows. They want it to be more complicated than "Ugly unlikeable faggot almost BTFO's Dup because our nanny state is staffed by women and retarded mexicans"


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Cause I don't give a fuck who shot Trapm. Because Trapm doesn't have the balls to just start killing leftards biomass in response. Because he is making the same mistake that Nicholas II made, he was too soft and sympathetic to the feelings of the people after the leftards terrorists killed Alexander II with a bomb. Leftards and kikes and muslims have to be killed or they will kill you, anyone who doesn't kill them is killing you. And you have to do it decisively and immediately, because the country is infected, because it's like gangrene, you have to cut it off, and the slower you react, the more rotten flesh you have to cut off. Because leftism isn't a political view - it's a disease.
And remember bozo, a supernation unwilling to feed its yours uitsraor with shavvah will feed alien with gavvah.


>Leftards and kikes and muslims have to be killed or they will kill you
Don't forget to kill the rightards too, anonkun.


Maga challenge baby


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>Investigators have found that an unknown person who made regular visits to would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crook's home and workplace also visited the site of an FBI office in Washington D.C. before the assassination attempt at the Butler Park rally.

>Newly acquired cell phone data allowed investigators to "follow" the location of other devices deemed potential co-conspirators, allowing them to focus on the geolocation data and trace their movements.

>The cell phone data raises the question of whether Crooks had been contacted by the FBI or other intelligence agencies prior the the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.



HOLY SMOKES! Trump Assassination Attempt - It's all about to Blow UP!!

Senator Ron Johnson: A SECOND SHOOTER - And a Mystery ATF Agent that's Now Gone Dark!

July 13, Secret Service did not attend the 9am Security meeting with Local Law Enforcement
-- Law Enforcement wasn't even on the same security channel
-- The Sniper and Swat teams weren't on the same channels as patrol officers, or Secret Service

At 10:30am in the morning, the local PD team told to secure the perimeter of the AGR building.
-- no one told them where to go, so they set up on the 2nd floor.

At 5:14pm ET, The Local Sniper Team took photos of the Shooter, Crooks, in the AGR building.
-- why wasn't he intercepted?
-- the photo(s) were taken at 5:14pm ET, and Trump was shot at 6:11pm ET

A Preliminary report will be released to solicit more eye witness testimony.
- if you have any videos, save it!

- Was it one rifle? Was it more than one?
- there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five more rapidly five… how do explain that?

"I've seen things from experts that cause us to question the FBI saying there was a single shooter."

The Sniper team was the first to go on the roof and began taken pictures of the dead body.
- Someone in a suit approached them and told them to send those photos to an ATF Agent…
- "I thought this was very strange."
- No one even asked him for credentials. They thought it was Secret Service
- They tried to call the ATF Agent, BUT NOW HE'S GONE DARK!!!!! They cannot find him. WTF!!!!

Why in the hell was the Local Law Enforcement being told to send photos to the Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Agency?

Why has the ATF Agent gone Dark??



In one heated exchange, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) told Cheatle that she was 'full of shit today,' after Cheatle continued to give vague, or no, answers to pointed questions.

MACE: Okay. Is the Secret Service fully cooperating with our committee? Yes. Okay. You say you're fully cooperating with this committee? On July 15th, this committee sent you a list of demands of information that we wanted. Has the Secret Service provided this committee a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day? Have you done that? Have you provided a list to the oversight Committee? Yes or no? I'll have to get back to you on that. That is a no. Have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee, as we asked on July 15th? Yes or no?

CHEATLE: I would have to get back to you.

MACE: That is a no. You're full of shit today. You're just being completely dishonest.

Perhaps most stunning was an admission that the Secret Service has no recordings of radio communications from the 13th.



"Go back to guarding Doritos" was the best burn


I was listening to it live, it was kino.


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That guy was on fire. The best part of the whole 5 hours.
<15 OUTTA 16


Does this mean Dup is a right-ear queer now?


Sorry didn't know, but this was the first time I saw the news. I'm glad it's failed though, because nobody should hurt this guy of all people (according to you folks).



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So what is dups end game anons? MIGA, or is he secretly a patriot in control?


It's MIGA. He wants what's best for his kids and grandkids. what are his grandkids?


If it was truly MIGA he would reduce immigration because once whitey is gone ZOG falls apart, of course the Jews in their blind hatred of the goyim are to stupid to realize that.


>of course the Jews in their blind hatred of the goyim are to stupid to realize that.
It's high verbal IQ, not a great ability of foresight.
Dup for all his based foidrage harvesting is also too much of a Jew Yorker that wants all the niggers to love him, And nothing brings the "peaceful" """"""protests"""""" like not giving the brown hordes what they want.


I wouldn't even say statistically jews have much of a high IQ in anything on average, not to say that their are not smart ones but they literally train a small group of yid kids to specifically hold up the 115 average IQ lie every year via a group of tests they control.

The jews are mainly successful because of their gaslighting of the goyim, of their nepotism, and of their in group preference that they only allow themselves to have. Of course the nepotism ends up working against them in the long run.


Even if Ashkenazi Jews are smarter on average than white gentiles, that's no excuse for there to be so many of them in prominent positions when there are so few of them in terms of population. It's not like they're 30 points higher in IQ or anything. In terms of raw numbers, you'll be able to find many more intelligent white gentiles than you will sheenies due to Jews comprising such a small percentage of the population.


That's what I was alluding to, they're great talkers. Pilpul we call it. but when it comes to any sort of both intro and extrospection; they're schizo retards.
It's why they're good television writers, actors and comedians, but terrible at almost everything else.
Plus all the nepotism, they're fucking second to none at that.


You are saying exactly what I've been saying for a long time, statistically their will always be more intelligent white gentiles, so kikes are already btfo. Of course the muh more smarter than you filthy goyim isn't even true, however, it is bullshit anyways so kikes btfo.


>You are saying exactly what I've been saying for a long time
If you've made that point on here before, then there's a pretty good chance I just got it from you.
>Of course the muh more smarter than you filthy goyim isn't even true
And a lot of those people downplay the importance of IQ except when they can use it as a justification for their imperious attitude toward the goyim.


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Israel is full of stupid jews who sit around reading the Talmud all day, the 115 average comes from jewish-manipulated tests from the United States where nepotism gets them into the best jewish-run colleges where they might learn a thing or two to raise their IQ.


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Even some jews cope about it saying "lol we have the highest verbal IQ scores!". Who fucking cares? Ramon can barely talk and yet he defeated the kikes.


Who fucking cares?





>they are more retarded than russia and ireland




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See how easy it is to pick up a woman? What's your exccuse, incels?


Gay nigger again.



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