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File: 1722838730695.jpg (88.46 KB, 620x482, 310:241, Nuke Chinabugs Nuke russmu….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Be chinabug
>die from dirty water
>mass kills their own children
>ran by eunuchs
>no muscle
>3rd world country
>eats fetus soup
>literal rape baby mongoloid
>zero continual history
>zero inventions
>only copy crudely by stealing from Americans
>have zero heritage
>never had a civilization until Europeans gave them civilization along with every advancement
>ancestors were brown mongoloids that over populated Yamnaya Europeans
>cum dump for niggers and africans
>sells their own women
>have no souls
>protects jews and has laws to protect jews
>women look like pigs
>men look like pig monkeys

Be russmutt:
>incubated jews for millenniums and then spread them across Europe and the USA
>all the far left wing of the USA and Europe are originally from russian communist jews
>brought shitskins in to Europe centuries ago
>Lost war to Japan twice
>Lost war to Spain after invading them with communist jews and shitskins
>Putin is a jew
>tried to assassinate the pope
>worst fashion and no style
>not even Christians just larpers
>voted for communism
>destroyed Eastern Europe with communism
>Inbred and a mutt
>Raped by muslims for a thousand years
>Sold the few European women to mongoloid muslims
>Everything looks like dystopia
>Import niggers and russmutt women flock to them
>Russmutt women come to USA to be hookers or pornstars and seek out niggers
>half the population are weird russmutt abominations
>Got owned by Nordics for millenniums
>Lost war to Finland at 10 to 1 ratio multiple times
>Destroyed their own centuries old historical monuments for jews and muslims
>hates Europeans and Americans for having pure ancestry and keeping their heritage alive
>Threatened to nuke the world because russmutts all have psychosis and are retarded
>Worships Stalin even though he destroyed russia
>Still a shithole
>Lost to Ukraine
>Worships Nazis even though Nazis considered them abominations for spreading communism and jews also for being mutts

Nuking China and Nuking Russia is a must.




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Even the chinkbugs know chinashit can't even fire a rocket.


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russmutts are not allies never have been never will be they brought the fags, jews and muslims. Death to Russia.




File: 1722839476636.webm (3.91 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, this is russia 7982401.webm) ImgOps iqdb

Being russmutt means being a coward and a terrible soldier.


As opposed to what? Do you contend you'd be any better? I'd keep a round for my own personal use as well instead of bleeding out and dying a horrific death.


>The final pill is that china and russia have to be nuked for humanity to be saved
The true pill is that all the kikes and kikes enablers need to be nuked and killed twice.


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>Lost to Ukraine


This tbh. Not gonna fall for the jewish tricks.


There is no "based" country out there to root for. It's anti-white kikery all the way down.


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Let's all ignore the (((puppet-master)))


tvchan is an amerimutt glownigger site and Gayhole's a gay pedophile faggot who got caught by glowniggers with CP on his hard drive. Kill yourselves langley dei hires.


Kek, when they saw Gahoole, they said, "Hey, we can use this guy."


>literal CIA propaganda
kill yourself Gayhole.


They definitely saw his autistic fit with Mark the Mannchild and realized he's not any different from the typical redditor who thinks he's the new Andy Kaufman in his nonexistent world filled with minorities.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I believe this video 100%. China won.


chinkland #1!


I think it's time we move to China, the place looks like paradise on earth.





america's worse than both of those though

enjoy your child drag queens, such is america's highest value other than africans


>enjoy your child drag queens
I will.


>george washington sheds a single tear after removing his mouth from a negro penis



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Both those countries are antiwhite shitholes, and so is the U.S.


All of them are overall the enemies of Europeans, Russia and the Jewnited states both persecute their European populations that keep them existing, its no wonder this era's civilization is destined to end.


Cold war was gay. Two zionist run superpowers engulfing the world in half a century of undercover shitflinging





Retard thread.


Nothing wrong with being anti-white.


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Shit on all races, except for G*d's chosen people.


How fucking dare you, you dumb goy!


That's right! All minorities living in white countries should leave immediately and let those evil nazi bigots see the consequences of not having the strength of diversity! Especially with Donald Dup getting elected! #FleeFromWhiteCountries


Nope, russia is filled with pedos and produces most of the content. While china literally eat fetus soup. And china actually brings in africans to fuck chinese girls exclusively tianmen square protest was about that.


>brings in africans to fuck chinese girls exclusively
Wow friend, very cool, very cool stuff. Have any kino of this to share?


>russia is filled with pedos and produces most of the content
You're thinking of israel.


>zero inventions
Paper and gunpowder BTFO.


Lol Chinese are just barking.


>Nope, russia is filled with pedos and produces most of the content.
Most of the content is self-produced by kids because just about every kid has a smartphone with unfettered internet access. There's no one country that really stands out for this.


>Russia is le bad


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>Nuzach is a white knight for Brown BRICS
What a surprise.


Kys shizo newfag.


File: 1735870293177.jpg (2.08 MB, 3201x1901, 3201:1901, RT.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I've probably been on imageboards longer than you, Nuzach.


File: 1735870385276.jpg (883.63 KB, 1621x3000, 1621:3000, Andrewanglin.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I don't mean to keep posting the same stuff, so have another image.


Ramon won, little bro.


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Just one simple Goygle search and you'll find out that snowniggers and churkas are behind Elsagate and many autistic slop fantasies that bypass Jewtube's family friendly filter, can't wait for you to go awfully quiet and ignore this post like the many progs who are presented with evidence in front of their eyes.


Russia will never ever denie the holocaust, but that would make them be the evil ones.


For whites to survive, power hungry Mongoloids like the Chinese and Russians must be eradicated.


Do you guys think Putin and MarkMann can gangbang me along with several blacked actors? I want to be cosplaying as the joker, it will be very funny, it will make all the nazis seethe hahaha.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Based Putin wants to freeze to death millions of Europeans! This makes my clit almost hard!


>Thousands of slavs die
>Ukraine captured two North Korean PoWs, Russia captured two Ukrainian villages
Even if a million slavs died, the contribution of their individual lives on a global scale would be zero. What's the point?


The war and the potential post-war restructuring make a ton of money for certain parties no matter who wins, just like all of the conflicts involving the region throughout history. And I'm not just talking about Jews.

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