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Political Shitposting

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 No.153489[Last 50 Posts]

New kino toon just dropped!


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And here's his trusty sidekick!


Holy kino this is like captain sweden on steroids


Looks like it was drawn by someone having a manic episode.


A burned out moment, reminds me of the bunny that sucks blood period that somehow became a big hit among with lewd autists.




What a wierd era to live in.


Honestly they need this for every Western government including Russia the kike stronghold.


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Glad the artist respects women!


He's not wrong though.


>comic about gore fetish
>makes a chapter about "muh poor womyn!" "fuck you, nerds"


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Weird to know A Wyatt Mann esque comics are normal now


Based as hell that it is


The internet has been a wake up call for many and the incompetence and nepotism shown in legacy media has not helped.


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It's finally happening


Bro barely gets 4k viewers in his videos


They always were on the internet AFAIK


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Much bigger audience now


Soying out over bingbingwahoos is less faggy then soying out over niggerball.


>soying out over sweaty niggers is not gay
Uuuh, anon… you just BTFO yourself…


The world always needs funny political cartoons.


Funny how in such a short time he has already attracted spergy left-wingers who make their trash cartoons with worse art, text and less views criticizing him.


Based Americaman


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>Soying out over bingbingwahoos is less faggy then soying out over niggerball.
Unless it's something like MMA you're full of shit.


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Fresh toon


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>two people pretending killing each other in a ring is better than bing bing wahoo


I would much rather play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate than watch tattooed roid heads beat each other half to death.


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Thanks for spreading true art, op, we need more artists delivering the truth. From what I see he is already attracting the wrath of some cuckservatives with his Israeli takes.
He himself said that the hero was modeled after Republican Boomers.


I don't get it.


they're both equally as big of wastes of time. Bings are active entertainment that accomplishes nothing tangible when you're done, almost exactly the same as nigball, only nigball is a much more passive form of entertainment.



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I also prefer bing bing wahoos, but MMA is less indeed faggy.

boomers are fucking retards that waste all their time watching talmudvision and then bitch about younger people having actual hobbies.

More Ramon you say?
Don't mind if I do!


Niggerball is beyond cucked now that they are paying college athletes millions of dollars.

What's happening is they've enriched thousands of groids, they have people doing their classwork for them, and they are now using this money to wine and dine snowbunnies, the end result will be many more giving birth to niglets. Supporting college athletics is about the most cucked thing you can do now.


NIL is another massive wealth transfer to coons which will only increasing the extent of white women fucking bbc because women are faithless whores.
Nigger lover


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>Alabama QB Jalen Milroe currently holds an On3 NIL valuation of $2.2 million and has signed several deals dating back to 2022.

>Rhoback, Beats by Dre, and HEYDUDE Shoes all signed deals with Milroe in 2023. Meanwhile, "Yea Alabama" - the official NIL Collective of the Crimson Tide - has also helped secure opportunities for the dual-threat quarterback.

>Those deals include the LANK brand, created by Milroe and former teammate Terrion Arnold to sell merchandise, in addition to the Jalen Milroe Youth Football Camp.

>To further maximize his personal brand, Milroe signed with brand management and production company Improbable Media, co-founded by NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo and ESPN basketball analyst Jay Williams, this offseason.

I don't know how much more kikery the White race can take.


>white women fucking bbc
Who said their dicks are even big?


>Meanwhile, "Yea Alabama" - the official NIL Collective of the Crimson Tide - has also helped secure opportunities for the dual-threat quarterback.
I guess these "collectives" are the cucks who do their work for them.


Tiny black pecker


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Niggers desperate to have one win over whites and the kikes who run the porn industry like to pretend niggers aren't hung like fleas.


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Damn, you're mad!


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We are witnessing this Lenin quote with today's BBC myth.


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Muh dik was never real tbh, niggers suck ass.


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lol seething shitskin


I made this picture back in the days. I had at least one black guy thanking me for it and saying every time I posted this he laughed.

Helpless seether.

Yes you are an incel coon lover, we all know that. Stop fantasizing that you just don't have sex because you're not black, your personality alone explains a lot, Nuzach.


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It must be tough being a negro and having to force yourself to pretend you're some extremely dominant hardass all the time.
>I made this picture back in the days.
You still post here? I thought some other poster on here mentioned you last time I posted that and said that he didn't think you were around anymore.


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Can someone explain to me why our little friend Nuzach who is totally not gay or cuck in any capacity got so butthurt about the shitposting in this thread to the point where he again spammed his beloved "coon dicks™" and cried about you guys being "virgins" for making jokes about black people with small dicks????
It seems that being a level really affected his head deeply, I've seen him say more than once that the only ones having sex these days are black dudes… Oh, that's something only a sissy would say, buddy!


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Most of the anti-woke retarded grifters agree with that, if the trannies and fags on twitter put Palestine flags in their profiles that makes Israel good.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
MIGA bros?


Don't worry, the USA will still give Israel 1 trillion dollars of tax payers money.


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Always and forever. The ceasefire deal already (((imploded))) - to the surprise of nobody. Now the question is will dup continuing acting like the deal is another notch in his 'win' belt or wage war on the "middle east" like he stated in the recent past.


The smug dude said that MAGA bros who don't like Israel should vote for a far left fag for senate. The based black man could hardly hold back his laughter.


I can't believe that the chosen people needed to defend themselves again! It is their G*d given right!


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>mfw I got the author name right.


This was a little better than I expected, what is the source?


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New ones, boys.


Is it really rape if she is not covered in cum?


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The Boys if it was good.


I don't remember exactly but weren't there places where rape was divided into degrees until feminists made everything rape? Even without penetration, the slightest touch and whatever.


>women get ticketed for being raped without a loicence
What's the joke? That's just how cuckland is.


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Funny, our guy Ramon also noticed how a certain group no only rules Cuba but also the porn industry in the USA.


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Obese niggers, beloved by both right and left.


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>third pic
Dupers, is that true?


Sam Hyde made a new video about Indians.


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Black people are the true jews of israel and as we know that israel and the jewish community are America's greatest allies we must stand with the black community as they are the key to make america great again!!!


Why aren't you using your name, Conservative BBC Lover?


this is the worst time to be a low-value male


I don't understand what you're trying to say, anon.


Worst time to be a low value hwite male, fuck niggers.


Just incel faggy talk.


He's saying the sexual market has firmly decided against the weak, the meek, and the useless (e.g., incels), and so it's completely over for them.


I mean not really, there are plenty of incels who lack any of those traits but because women are whores who practice hypergamy they would rather sleep with an effeminate chad or soyboy as her beta male sub once she gets to old.


You virgins are thankfully going to go extinct.


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We're all going extinct, anon.

This is the end of history.


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People will survive, they will find a way, this situation is worse than any in fiction but we will still make it.
Nothing wrong with even being a virgin buddy, but I know for a fact that I am not gonna go extinct.


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But remember: anyone who calls you out as the manchild celibate are the ones projecting, 'cause they won't be the heckin' based dickriding liberal brainwashed goyim such as yourself.


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cut off your balls, if you "have kids" raise your wives son, consume the hecking product!


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You are a gaycel. Lmao. A gay incel!


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Oh look MDE predicted the future early yet again.


Snoopy Dog is anti-Dup


Wasn't he supposed to be featured at some dup roast again?


I know about dup's love of kikes and by extension niggers and trannys, but what's with the hindu god? I don't think I've ever seen anything about dup's views on poos. Is it because musk wants to import a bunch of street shitters to replace whites?


Yes, plus Vivek


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You must be new. Dup 2.0 has elevated Indians to prominence in a variety of ways.




Well /pol/ kept hoping Trump would elevate the Aryan race, and once Trump said he would do that, they complained about how Aryans would displace whites.


Are you talking about cuck/pol/?


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>He don't know


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Yes, in their minds.


Indians are the true aryans see the colossus of Delhi. You people cant create that.


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Wait, there were white people in india?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


soyjakparty faggyshit


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The whitebois have so many enemies and they want to make the Indians their main enemies now? It's a lost battle, it's not even funny. It's over!


The shitted meme was prescient.


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eat shit niglet
When Pajeets act like women are all over them, are they actually stupid enough to actually believe that? Or are they just doubling down even though everyone knows they're full of it?


Have you never heard of the term "indo-european"?


Sam Hyde is a pedo. Vivek won.


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You mean the unlikable dweeb who's already out of DOGE?


Do you think I'm a nerd or something?



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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We both know indiashits are the bottom of the barrel and have to PAY WOMEN TO TAKE PICTURES OF THEM. Don't worry indiapigs are going extinct and indian women hate brown men like all women.


True I wonder if shitskin indiasses know they are descended from abo pigs.


Once again an American btfo'd a angloid cuck coward



never shill your shitty ass channel here ever again you underage faggot. Now go do your fucking homework before I give you a belt whoopin'.


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>'fore I give you a belt whoopin'.pin'.


Cry about, cuck sissy.


go back to jerking off to nigger dicks you pussy ass faggot. Kill yourself.


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weak ass chin btw you soyboy


Who hurt you?


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Seethe more, lazyfag.


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kys you underage faggot. Hope some nigger kills you at school.


For the old times, some MurdochMurdoch archives

Sperg more, you're the only one acting like a lazy nigger zoomer.


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>destroys a white western country
>my daddy would be so proud
Is that suppose to mean the liberal cuck that raised him or Castro? Not that it matters. They'd both be proud.


The world needs more satire. See what a joke Star Trek and this sissy son of Fidel are. Congratulations on ruining Canada.


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He may not have destroyed the US, but aleast he got Canada.


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Kino, absolute kino…


I don't get it. The national debt isn't gonna noticeably go down from one dead groid.


I don't get it.


Groids are a net negative on the economy. They (like foids) take out way more than they pay in. The government then has to take on debt to pay for 'Bama fones and EBT. So this cartoon is making the joke that every dead tar baby is a fiscal savings to the country and its GPD.


It's just pointless racial antagonism that they will use against us that doesn't speak to the root of the problem. The Federal Reserve is a ponzi scheme, lending us our own money at interest, you can never break free of the national debt no matter what you do.


>It's just pointless racial antagonism
The point is to make a joke. It absolutely is racial antagonism and not a very good joke imo. But there is a point being made.
>that they will use against us
they just make shit up about us, whether someone makes a bad joke comic or not. just look at dumb niggers chimping out over "nooses" at construction sites.
>that doesn't speak to the root of the problem
Sure, but just because I'm dying of cancer doesn't mean the pain in my bones hurts any less.
>The Federal Reserve is a ponzi scheme, lending us our own money at interest, you can never break free of the national debt no matter what you do.
Yes. facts.


File: 1738124878799.jpg (Spoiler Image, 53.36 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Ableist Dup.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Hold on to your hats, cause' I'm bout' to drop the ultimate btfo troll meme against Orange Hitler Cheeto


He isn't a single dead groid, he represents niggerdom itself, hence the 13(% of the population) shirt
You guys are the reason Ben and Mann need to tag everything in their stuff.


Also see >>153489 Captain Poz's hat, it's CP and then he holds the pretty baby who is getting very nervous
Also another instance of a Fanboy & Chum Chum parody, the cartoon that was made to be mocked lol


Boomer tier


Very astute observation, anon. Very astute. It was late last night when I saw it, and I didn't notice that.


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Here's a normalfag meme for you boomers.


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>schrodinger's breakfast
The other two I get, but what's that suppose to mean?


Nigger inability to comprehend hypothetical questions such as "How would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast today?"


Fucking retards, jfc
Lurk ten thousand years


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Is that an american thing, what kind of retarded question is that
The concept itself i understand, i think back in the day it was called coconut questions, seems like some people asked jigaboos brought by the brits into the caribbeans about what would they do if a coconut dropped in their heads and they simply could not envision future time or hypothetical questions.
>The Chirp
Cool meme but that's a thing with methheads and immigrants too


Based, but not his best yet, he just isn't as good as some of the other cartoonists from the "alt-right". So far I had more fun seeing who are the people seething about him on twitter, most of them are making their own really shit cartoons for over 10 years and barely can draw or get any attention, but they think they are better than ourguy.


I don't get it.


It's from a pysch study done on prisoners. Are you german?


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Dupers! Antisemitisum is going unchecked!


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Who is this based dude?


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I don't know who's worse. Naive ancaps who think Dup kicking out the shitskins is bad. The liberals/socialists with their even more idiotic reasons for wanting the shitskins or the cuckservatives in their lack of brains and balls.


UFC or what ever you call that hobo's fighting arena



I can only imagine how much coping and seething these are causing to both sides of the ZOG.


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I'm tired of niggers.


Every single nigger deserves to die.


Hot <3


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Meanwhile in the fetish spectrum:
Because porn sites are known for handling well cringe culture.


Nobody cared about free speech when the feds went after child model sites.


Do you have Signal?


I don't know what's going on on Signal, but it's compromised. You have to scan a QR code with your phone to use the desktop app, and you have to give a phone number.


We are amongst friends here, Anon.


From War on Drugs to War on Dup's, they also ignore all the antisemitic posting that got purged.


I would love to mutilate you pedos.


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Start with Biden
Glowing bait, you're an impotent faggot who won't stand up unless someone else pulls the trigger and gets arrested because pedophiles also have rights.


How anitsemitic of you.


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Wait a minute… that country…


Why did we give so much money to Egypt, to keep them kosher?


The same reason the US sends money to any other shitskin country. To launder taxpayer money.


So they wouldn't invade Israel again.


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Black femcels are real, black women are going insane because nobody wants them. Also the white fatty maybe can learn something from this situation instead of crying about white dudes.


All the kike propaganda over the last 40 years has turned nigger bitches into israels strongest soldiers


So it's time to send them to the Middle East.


They are already in place on the battleground, just not the one americans think it is


>black women are going insane
That's just how niggers are and always have been. Violent apes who's favorite target are those who can't defend themselves. That's why the victims are always old, children, women or outnumbered.


>second pic
Reminder that nigger got no prison time and got sent to a mental institution.


They're never letting her out regardless, mental institutions for the criminally insane aren't any better than prisons.


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I'm ready to die for Israel, are you?


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you're still coming every day to cope about us calling out the jews? Are you a mod or something faggot?


He is Nuzach, anon, he always finds an excuse to be nasty, gay, cuck and a golem.
Just report his posts and keep being an effortposter.


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>sudden rise from 1972
Nixon saved Israel in the Yom Kippur war but after the war ended they still spent exponentially more to support Israel?


Israel needs more money goyim.


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>alex soros reposted

lol kek


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When a jew speaks we must listen!


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>Nixon saved Israel in the Yom Kippur war
But the Israeli dream got shattered when Nixon named the marxist kike pushing for decriminalization of drugs, thank g*d for Carter instead: he's the one who CRACKed the code and gained the shitskin vote through welfare.




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His comedy isn't always the funniest, but his art is top-tier, and his opinions are far more intelligent than other right wing cartoonists or that monstrous faggot George Alexopolous


>Pacific Islands
>Central African niggers
>"his opinions are far more intelligent than other right wing cartoonists"
Honestly i don't see anything slightly different from what the random newfag anon says or even the spicy twitter or jewtube commenter, very safe in terms of efforts
He's significantly above average in terms of drawing ability, that's for sure


That guy seems like a good man.


Lauren is the hottest roastie congresscritter.


I saw those retarded clueless gen x MGTOW clowns being happy about lots of white guys being joining the USA army again. Fucking nice, yeah, let's get lots of white guys dying for Israel again, woketards and feminists btfo'd!!!!


>peace deal coming in Ukraine
>peace deal coming in Israel
<White guys dying for Israel


I'm not even one of those anons who apparently come here just to cry about Dup.


I find the whole thing hilarious.
>I'm a white man straight God fearing american that wants to die for Israel!
>Sorry you cis, we only want POC trannies that want to die for Israel!


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I've said it before, Dup wouldn't have been allowed to win the election if Israel didn't need a strong USA at the moment. Otherwise they would be more than happy to let USA continue to advance in pure nigger gay shithole.
No wonder they want the USA to welcome white immigrants from Eastern Europe and Africa. They need white meat for the grinder.


I'm of two thought about that.
1 - the economy is so bad that young zooms only have the option of the army left because even McJobs are going to Haitians.
2 - the (((record numbers))) are desperate beaners trying to not go back or overcompensate by joining zog.
But yes, fuck any retard celebrating White boys joining up for the greater israeli army
Seems like they're getting very worried about the chinks now, probably why they didn't rig it again.


I doubt the kikes fear the gooks, the entire china being a super power is just a meme like India, the gooks don't have any balls to actually go to war against anyone.
Also modern china also have this weird mojo for Israel sometimes. And remember Israel had the covid virus before all the 2019 shitshow.
Great Israel just want to finish their project in the middle-east and send more muslims to Europe so retarded clowns like Sargon and other fags get in some future war against them.


>I doubt the kikes fear the gooks
the kikes fear their own shadows, anon. They make shit up and get paranoid about fantasy. Actual godless antmen that only exist to burn resources that the well-poisoners want to horde is a nightmare scenario for ol' Rubenstein.


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Gotta keep the goyim schizophrenic as much as possible and call anyone a schizo for questioning the retarded fantasies.


Yeah, fraud, waste, and abuse get lumped together as this monolith, but they really are separate things.


Explains why (((the left))) have been freaking out so hard over elon.


They even flip the fuck out on cars and demand strict car control laws, ignoring the shitskins, mixedrace and gooks who are too retarded to steer. Marxist cucks should be send to thse oh-so beloved turd world shitholes at South America where they lack basic necessities.


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>fox news
Boomer bait


two fags


Hey guys

its me Emoji

I want to have some hot sex with a black shemale

isn't gay


Michael's got that shemale pattern baldness going on lol


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I just realized that Ramon looks almost exactly like Obama.


I think they are both only half black


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Ramon is part of the Cuban master race


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Americanman our diversity is running away!


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(Tweets have been deleted)


based kike


legitimate lol


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>Mexcrement refusing to understand sarcasm (almost the same cognitive of an autist)
>He knows if he starts the fight he'll end up losing
<Wants him to go to the backyard so his fellow inferior shitskin relatives would gangbang him
No wonder why these mutts along side with some gingers got raped badly by the KKK and lost Texas, yet the klan got the shit on the stick by being disowned by their own liberal founders.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Quite weird how these sephardic shits went awfully quiet during Biden's presidency, they didn't even mock his dementia, only portraying him as the stereotypical "gringo" guy.


Sam Hyde is a boring loser with a small dick and a sexual fetish for blacks and troons. Kys


seethe harvested


File: 1739821150296.webm (214.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Play that kino.webm) ImgOps iqdb

More like NuSeethe!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
<Still believing sage is downvoting
Holy shit, talk about mental stagnation.

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