[–]▶ No.24[Watch Thread]>>1347
Game Finder Thread
>what is the purpose of this thread?
To help tvchanners who are interested in tabletop games to connect with one another and make it happen.
>how do i use this thread?
<1: Specify whether you want to be a player or a GM.
<2: Specify what system or systems you're interested in playing or running.
<3: Include a method of contact. (e-mail address, IRC channel, slack workspace, thread on this board, etc, etc(more important for GMs than players))
<4: Include your timezone and/or what days of the week and times of the day you can be available. (It can be difficult to coordinate when you've got a burger, a yuro, and an ausfag all in the same game.)
GM Example:
Hi I'm GMing a DnD 3.5 campaign on Thursdays at 8PM EST. Players can sign up by coming to my DnD 3.5 campaign thread to roll their stats and post their character sheets, first five to sign up get to play.
Player example:
Hi I'm fucking desperate to play DnD with you people so if you know an online campaign that needs a player please e-mail my throwaway at faggot@niggers.com. I am available all day on weekends.
You might also want to specify your level of experience with GMing or playing, either for your specific system or just in general.
Good luck finding games, bros.
▶ No.43>>48
I want to play 3.5 as it has lots of books to draw from and is only partially filled and not completely filled with retardnigger AIDS like 4th and 5th. I have never played but I used to collect and read through all the books and supps like a madman back in the 00s brainstorming characters I never had a group to play with. Other than Mondays I am free most evenings from 5PM EST to 10PM EST. Not a munchkin looking through books for every tool I can use to derail a campaign, just like to make weird autistic characters and think about what they would do in other people's stories.
Also if someone know where to find an archive of the 3.5 books that would be great. My drive that used to have them all died shortly after 4th became a thing.
▶ No.48>>51
>>43The share thread on smug/tg/ has a repository with basically every dnd book ever written.
▶ No.51>>69
>>48But I don't want to cut my dick off and wear a dress.
▶ No.69
>>51/tg/ isn't run by the /a/ mods. Anyway it looks like Gahoole reposted the repository here:
>>55 ▶ No.98>>109
>>35>Specifically 5eGross. /top/ is an osr board.
▶ No.109>>124
>>98It's the only edition I've played with.
▶ No.124>>125
>>109/top/ is a 5th edition board, fucking /v/ermin
▶ No.125
>>124>/top/ is the most generic and popular D&Dterritory
Alright zoomer. Have fun when 5.5 comes out and its even shittier.
▶ No.129>>132
>>128Imagine allowing a cripple to join you for an adventure. Imagine depending on some loser with no working mobility to have your back in a fight. Imagine having to take the time and the energy to transport a useless sack of shit over rough terrain and behind sensitive enemy lines.
>roll for stealth with disadvantage because your wheelchair squeaks ▶ No.133
>>132Oh no there's a narrow crack in the wall we have to squeeze through. Guess you're fucked wheel chair boy.
▶ No.140
>>132Listen here, Hotwheels. The second you get into the game, you're going down a long flight of stairs.
▶ No.248>>253
>>243I have no idea what B/X means, but if it's DnD-related then count me in.
▶ No.253
>>248It's an old edition of D&D from 1981. B/X stands for Basic/Expert, the two rulebooks that make up the edition. It's got a few major differences from later editions, so if you've only ever played 5e you should get your hands on the Basic book and give it a skim before committing.
▶ No.255>>256
>>243You should give more details than none. Where would you play? Voice or text? Theme/Style of the campaign?
▶ No.256>>257
>>255I'll give details if I get some interest. I'm thinking text, naturally, and sandbox-style since so much of B/X is randomly generated.
▶ No.257>>263>>270>>274>>811
>>256Oh, fuck it, I'll just put out the whole ad now.
>GM>DnD, 1981 B/X>I will make a sign up thread on this board shortly>probably Tuesdays at 7PM CSTI'm thinking weeknights because I do things on the weekend, while weeknights from about 7-10 are pretty much empty. And since every weeknight is about the same, it's easy enough to reschedule to Thursday or Wednesday if something comes up for somebody.
Gameplay will probably take place over IRC unless somebody has a really strong objection to it.
▶ No.263>>264
could make that work. I just gotta find a pdf of the material and look through it.
▶ No.264>>268>>270
>>263It's in the repository gahoole posted in the sticky. All you'll need is the Basic book until you hit level 4.
▶ No.270>>271
>>257sounds like a good time.
>>264Just an FYI we support PDF uploads, so if you find something in the repository you wanna play may as well upload it here too for posterities sake. Oh and for larger files you can use
https://catbox.moe/ up to 200 mb there
▶ No.271>>273
>>270Yeah see here is the PDF for those who wanna play with this dude
https://files.catbox.moe/9t6bjr.pdfThere is also the Expert box set but for now just get this basic set to start. The repository has everything BUT I know people sometimes have issues accessing it and if it's smaller than 10mb it can be uploaded here easy no problem. Good for sharing character sheet templates etc.
▶ No.274>>277
>>257I might be willing to play if you could push the time back by an hour. Tuesdays I generally have to work late cleaning up the fall out from the Monday meeting. 8PM CST would ensure that I am 100% home on time every week.
▶ No.277
>>268There should be a folder labeled "BX BECMI". From there there's one called something like "1981 B/X".
>>274Yeah that's doable.
▶ No.281
>>280Campaign thread is up.
▶ No.286>>289
For the sake of it, don't ever settle for the DnD Beyond scam. It's bullshit. I have yet to explore it, but word on the street is to use Foundry VTT.
▶ No.289
>>286Yeah once a group gets locked into dnd beyond it's hard to get them into anything other than dnd 5e. The automated character builder and dice bots get people used to not spending any effort on the game, so the thought of reading the rulebook and filling out a character sheet becomes too daunting for them. Also, any ebooks you buy there get automatically updated whenever wotc decides to change shit; just recently they cut out a bunch of heckin problematic lore about monsters and basically stole pages worth of content from dnd beyond users that bought.
Foundry looks good, but it does cost money to get, and you also have to run your own server to use it. Roll20 can be kind of garbage, but it's free and it's decent enough as long as you only use it for battlemaps. Your best bet is always to just get the books and play normally though.
▶ No.525>>526
>>243Up for it if text based, sorry if too late. Also haven't played D&D other than a smidge of 5e
▶ No.811>>1375
>>257I am putting out an official advertisement for the B/X game.
Nominally, we have four players in the party, but one of them is on break right now and it often happens that one of our remaining players has to skip a session, and we don't normally bother with the session without at least three players present. We have, however, always been open to up to five players at a time. Thus, one more player would be greatly appreciated now.
If you're interested, just head over to
>>279 , download and skim the rulebook linked in the thread, roll your stats there, and post a finished character sheet, and the spot will go to whoever does this first.
Don't be worried about how long the campaign has been running for; B/X's treasure-based XP system has been fairly slow so most of the party is still level 1, and right now they're still living in the starter town. Don't be too worried about memorizing every little rule either; we play somewhat fast and loose. All we need is someone who can show up to most sessions mostly on-time and not act like a faggot. If you can just do that then we'll be glad to have you.
▶ No.1347>>1349
>>24 (OP)As much as I love ttgs, I dont think I would ever want to meet anyone from this website in the real world. The people here scare me to be quite honest.
▶ No.1349
>>1347Now I'm going to hack the site, find your IP, and come to your house so we can hang out. Prepare yourself. We're gonna have fun.