▶ No.280>>282>>812>>862
On the off-chance I need to identify myself, I'll put on the above tripcode. Other than that I'll just namefag when posting as the DM.
How to Sign UpIt's really quite simple. First, download the Basic Rulebook here:
https://files.catbox.moe/9t6bjr.pdfNext, give the rules a quick read, especially the parts about character creation.
After that, just download one of the class-specific character sheets
attached to this post gahoole you nigger i thought you said pdfs were enabled now from here:
https://files.catbox.moe/q74j5c.zipThen just fill it out, and post
it a screenshot of it in this thread.
>We will not start with less than three players.>We will not accept more than five players at a time.>To roll your stats, simply fill out a post like the one in the attached screenshot.>Gameplay will take place in an IRC channel which I will create shortly.>Gameplay will usually take place on Tuesday nights at 8PM CST.▶ No.290
{1d6}||[ 1d6 = 5 ] HP
{3d6}||[ 3d6 = 10 ] GP
▶ No.292>>293
>>291Old DnD had you either meditating or praying to the Gods in order to prepare a spell. IF you were a cleric the Gods would place the image in your mind and the wizard would form their own image. Kinda like loading a bullet in the chamber of a gun.
▶ No.293>>295
>>292I was just about to say that I just noticed that I'd be carting around a book with the spell written in it, which would negate the issue. I'm not seeing anything about meditating.
▶ No.294>>296
>>291You don't forget the spell forever; that's just fluff text meant to justify why you only get limited castings per day/adventure. It's similar to "spell slots" in later editions. You'll get all your spells back either the next day or the next adventure, whichever comes first, provided you get some rest on between.
▶ No.295>>296
>>293The meditating shit is fluff to explain the memorization and well rested shit
▶ No.296
>>294>>295Roger that.
{1d4}||[ 1d4 = 1 ] HP
{3d6}||[ 3d6 = 10 ] x10 GP
▶ No.297
Welp. At least I'll die with cash in my pocket.
▶ No.298>>301>>317
I don't get this base attack bonus. I am just not seeing it anywhere here in the rulebook. Here is my character sheet. I be sneaky, I be dumb, I throw stones and run away.
https://files.catbox.moe/txjaim.pdfPoxxy Emma on Gropecunt Lane is the highest grossing prostitute of all time.
Halflings are superior.
Seethe and mald heightcels
▶ No.301>>302
>>298Man I fucked up. It is a 10% chance to be discovered when hiding in woods and brush and a 60% chance of being discovered indoors if they are hiding in shadow.
▶ No.302
>>301Hapa manlets BTFO yet again! Sad!
▶ No.311>>316
>the dm stole the character sheets and ran off to create his own nft's
▶ No.316
>>311Calm down I'm still here. Just give me a little bit to review the character sheets.
▶ No.317>>318>>319>>324
>>298Looks mostly okay, just a few problems. Your DEX gives you an AC bonus of -1, bringing it down to 8. You might also want to mention somewhere that your race also gives you a -2 bonus against man-sized or larger creatures, making it 6 in those scenarios. Also, the book says the roll for indoor hiding is a 1d6, not a 2d6. Finally, you'll probably want to make a note of the divisions between your sling's short, normal, and long range.
And don't worry about the "base attack bonus." These character sheets are from a third party and the only thing that block represents is some guy's house rule.
>>300I just realized you rolled a 17 on strength and decided to build a wizard. It's not a problem I just thought it was funny. Also, since you rolled a 1 on HP I'll let you mulligan that one time.
One mistake here too, your STR makes the damage on your dagger a 1d4+1.
▶ No.318>>319
>>317Does Miscellaneous count each individual item as 80 coins worth of weight or is it collectively. All the things listed under
Misc. equipment and provisions have wildly different weights. Like a tinder box containing a flint and steel doesn't not weigh nearly as much as a 1 quart wine skin. My character is highly dependent on his movement to not get smacked after someone posts a lithograph showing the location of the whole hill he lives under next to an empty stable.
▶ No.319>>324
>>317>I just realized you rolled a 17 on strength and decided to build a wizard.If anything, I thought it was lucky to have for a magic-user. Since I can only cast one spell a day, what else am I suppose to do during engagements?
{1d4}||[ 1d4 = 4 ] HP
>>318I was assuming that weight for misc equipment lumped all that stuff together. That's why I included so much in my own inventory.
▶ No.324>>325
>>319You put the cost in gp, not the weight measured in cn in the encumbrance column on your character sheet. For example the weight in cn for a single normal dagger is 10 cn but its cost in gp is 3.
>>317Alright here is another go.
https://files.catbox.moe/2nko0g.pdfAdjusted for party comp and including a convenient hit table for both weapons with range adjusted.
Another thing. I am assuming that the 30cn encumbrance provided by Bow + 20 arrows consists of 10cn bow and 20cn quiverful, therefor a single arrow weighs 1 cn.
▶ No.325>>326
>>324>gp, not the weightNoted and corrected but what I was saying was, I agree that it seems weird that each individual misc item would be 80. Surely it counts all misc items as 80. I included the amount of misc items I want to be carting around because I'm running on the assumption that it would be 10+80+money, not 10+money+80+80+80+80+80+80+on and on.
https://files.catbox.moe/qfu5f5.pdf ▶ No.326
>>32580cn is 8lbs so seems really silly to me that a flint and steel in a dry wooden box wouldn't weigh more than 5cn while a 1qt water skin would weigh at least 20cn
>encumbrance - The equipment, treasure, and other burdens carried by a character given in one pound equal to 10 coinspage b63
I guess we can handwave it. The entire encumbered thing is half-assed on account for racial differences in size. For example 60 lbs halfling would be far more encumbered by 40 lbs of gear than a 4 foot 150 lbs dwarf or a 6 foot 190 lbs fighter.
▶ No.327>>328
Yeah guys not gonna lie I was planning on mostly ignoring the encumbrance rule. Pretty sure the book says it's an optional rule anyway so it's not gonna be gamebreaking to just leave it out. We'll just come up with common sense limitations if they're ever needed, eg you can't just load up a two ton dragon horde onto a single halfling.
▶ No.328
>>327>just leave it out.Oh goo-
>you can't just load up a two ton dragon horde onto a single halfling.I LEAVE FOREVER
▶ No.330>>334
Party's looking a little squishy. A dwarf would make a good third player.
▶ No.334>>336>>357
>>330I'll roll up a dwarf later today if you guys don't mind me joining in. Should have it ready in a few hours.
▶ No.338>>339>>343
Well, if we get our third character tonight then that's enough to start our campaign. We'll give it one more week to see if we can get two more players and so I can finish setting things up, and then our first session will be on Tuesday, Feb 8, at 8PM CST.
▶ No.339
>>338For anyone else looking to get in on this, the classes we don't have yet are:
>Fighter: not quite as sturdy as Dwarf but can use stronger weapons>Cleric: no spells until level two, but you do get Turn Undead right away, can fight with blunt weapons>Thief: stats at level one are pretty garbage but it's still the only way to pick locks and disarm traps>Elf: half fighter, half wizard ▶ No.343>>344
>>338Which IRC network are we going to use?
▶ No.344
>>343I'm most familiar with Rizon.
▶ No.362>>363
Well it looks like we still need a third player then.
▶ No.363>>364
>>362Gahoole lied, campaigns died.
▶ No.364>>365
>>363This board was set up to fail from the beginning.
▶ No.365>>366
>>364Everybody's too busy shitposting and out-ironicing each other. Feels bad. /top/ deserves better.
▶ No.366>>367
>>365Could have been an intersting board except that the attitudes towards D&D, roleplaying, and other games of this nature were pretty clearly negative when the threads on dunk were created. Any serious thread here will get trolled so why bother making effort?
▶ No.368>>369
/top/ocracy dies in darkness
▶ No.370
I mean it's not an insurmountable problem. We just need one more anon to roll up a character.
▶ No.371>>372>>373>>376
If we don't have a third player by Tuesday, we'll give it one more week. If we don't have a third player by then, we'll either proceed anyway or just let you guys run two characters each, whichever you prefer. We'll make it work.
▶ No.376>>377>>378
>>371I AM SORRY I FUCKING FORGOT SHIT. I WILL roll up a character BEFORE tuesday
so tonight ▶ No.378
>>376Certified Gahoole Moment™
▶ No.380
>>379>59 total pointsWell, good enough for cleric work.
▶ No.381>>382
>>379Hit points:
{1d6}||[ 1d6 = 4 ]Gold:
{3d6}||[ 3d6 = 8 ] ▶ No.387
>>382Welcome to the party. We can start tomorrow then.
For anyone else who was hoping to join but might not be ready in time,
Gahoole we can accept late arrivals up until we get five players. Late arrivals will make a character one level lower than the lowest-level member of the current party, though obviously that doesn't apply until the current party gets above level one.
The IRC channel is already live at #tevechia on rizon. I hope to see you all there at 8PM tomorrow.
▶ No.388
>only a few hours left before tuesday
Can Gahoole hit the deadline or will he be a CONFIRMED LIAR for the rest of time?
▶ No.390
>>389Hit point
{1d8}||[ 1d8 = 6 ]Gold
{3d6}||[ 3d6 = 16 ] ▶ No.392>>394
https://files.catbox.moe/h0c19g.pdfDONE I should be good to go for tomorrow then.
let me know if I fucked anything up on my sheet ▶ No.394>>395>>396
>>382Remember to fill in the damage roll on that club, it's 1d4.
>>392Remember that as a dwarf you also get the languages of goblins, gnomes, and kobolds. Also, the range on your hand axe, should you ever choose to throw it, is in a table on page B27. Not sure why you put damage rolls in that column.
Anyway, other than that everything looks good. Should be a good time tomorrow.
▶ No.397>>398
So how are we playing this again?
▶ No.398>>402
>>395>>396Thank you, looks good.
>>397IRC, #tevechia on rizon. I know IRC has some issues, but I'm sure nobody wants to sign up for discord or roll20 or whatever. Still, like I said in the other thread, if anyone has any major objections to IRC we can maybe work out something else.
▶ No.401>>402
30 minutes, nerds.
▶ No.403
>>402No, ignore that. Just type in your character name by Nickname and #tevechia by Channels.
▶ No.404
Rolling for initiative
{3d6}||[ 3d6 = 10 ]▶ No.405
Rolling for a Goddess and highest grossing film star save
{1d20}||[ 1d20 = 15 ]▶ No.406>>407
Gahoole really just showed up and immediately left to go paint models, huh?
▶ No.407>>408
>>406They aren't just models they are scale fig Love Live character models. Let me finish putting the primer on Nico and then I will get back to the game.
▶ No.410>>411
>zach is just a lapdog being carried everywhere
▶ No.411>>412
>>410he gets what he fucking deserves
▶ No.412>>413
>>411You don't use hazelnuts to make hazelnut coffee. Hazelnut coffee is just coffee beans that have a natural hazelnut flavor. Why would he have loose hazelnuts in a pile with coffee beans and claim it is hazelnut coffee?
Zach was always right
Hapas are superior
▶ No.414>>415
I keep expecting some Temple of Doom fuck you swerve around every corner.
▶ No.415
>>414Bear in mind that this is only a level one party, and B/X is more about gathering treasure than getting into fights.
▶ No.419
>>417That went surprisingly well in the face of having a murderhobo Halfling. I look forward to next time.
>>418Alternative artistic rendering. Definitely need to collab to zero in on the deets for that sweet, sweet OC.
▶ No.430>>431
<Kinogre> So
<Kinogre> What do we do now
<Bailes> dm's gotta do his intro
<DunkinMaster> I'll introduce the scenario and you'll decide what to do
<DunkinMaster> typing it out now, just a moment
<makoto> >he doesn't have the intro prepped
<TeaBaggins> tvch tier first attempt
<Kinogre> Hey don't make fun of tvch!
<TeaBaggins> Brah
Our tale begins in the town of Slapmarsh, Tevechia. Though Slapmarsh is a quiet little town where exciting things don't normally happen, it does host a house for the Goodfellow's Society, an imperial program designed largely to keep young thrill-seekers out of trouble.
<Kinogre> Wow I am young and seek thrills
<makoto> I'm not a thrill-seeker.
<TeaBaggins> Wow I can read
The Slapmarsh Goodfellow's House did not usually play host to much more than its elderly overseer, but on this particular day, four would-be adventurers happened to meet.
The first to enter the House that morning was Bailes, a medium with the power of sleep.
He was followed by Zach T. Baggins, a halfling who, though raised into the cult of Neutrality, was perhaps starting to lean a bit more toward the Chaotic way of life.
Next was Makoto, a cuckime whore foreign-born acolyte of Law.
Finally - indeed, almost at the last second - arrived Kinogre, a dwarven veteran hoping to turn his axe to battle once more.
These four might have have left the House that day without ever speaking to one another, but the die of Fate had cast the last puzzle-piece necessary for adventure in Slapmarsh. A single advertisement for a single quest hung on the wall. Makoto was the first to step up to examine it, finding that it was a request to retrieve some kind of treasure. While >she was doing this, Kinogre went to make small talk with the House's overseer and Zach went to hide in the shadows to peek over the overseer's shoulder. Bailes also went over to the overseer, and asked the old man if he was the one to talk to about the quest in question. He was not, but he was happy to tell our heroes that Paccinto, the one who had posted the notice, lived in the old house at the end of Alpa Street.
In this moment, a sort of unspoken agreement to travel and work together passed between all young adventurers present, and they resolved to get out to this Paccinto character at once for more information. On the way to Alpa Street, Bailes attempted to get the party into a marching order, but failed as some minor squabbling arose from Zach trying to conceal himself under Kinogre's stout, dwarven gut.
<DunkinMaster> you do, in fact, notice a starlet-obsessed halfling trying to hide under your gunt
<TeaBaggins> "We are walking down the street, fag. You that insecure you got to stand next to your boyfriend?"
<Kinogre> I grasp the hapa with my meaty paws "Hah a wee hapa here tryin to hide no use hiding lad yer comin wit us" I hold him in a bear hug under one arm and carry him with me to Paccinto house
<Bailes> "weird thing to say, being so close to another man's dick ya weirdo"
At length, the party arrived at Paccinto's house. The place was old and run down, but the kitchen smoke rising from the chimney was proof that someone was living there. Bailes attempted to peer into a window before inquiring further, but Kinogre took a somewhat bolder approach.
<Kinogre> I knock on the door of the house and call out "OY ARE YOU IN THERE PACCINTO?"
The door opened to reveal a tanned, bearded man and the scent of hazelnuts. He asked the party what they wanted from him, and Kinogre explained that they were there to find out more about the quest he'd advertised at the Goodfellow's House. At this, Paccinto invited the four adventurers inside with apparent delight and offered them tea. Once inside, Zach was dropped and promptly scurried into the shadows. Makoto, no doubt out of an abundance of Eastern sensibilities, was the first to accept some tea and take a seat. The dwarf and wizard took some tea shortly after. The host looked about for his fourth guest and inquired as to the halfling's whereabouts, but as luck had it, Zach was just then trying to get into a cupboard with creaky hinges, and he was quickly apprehended and force-fed tea by Kinogre.
At last, the party was able to make its inquiries about the nature of Paccinto's quest. As it turned out, their quest giver was an old scholar of antiquities and lore, and he had heard word of the discovery of an ancient ruin in the swamps surrounding Slapmarsh. This ruin, according to his research, was likely one containing an artifact of "great historical value." On what the treasure was exactly, the old man was somewhat vague. On how he'd come to learn of the ruin, he was strangely evasive. All he was able, or perhaps willing, to share was a map leading to the ruin and a description of the artifact as a symbol of power from the old dynasty before Patrocles. The party questioned him a bit longer, but ultimately was silenced when the old man dropped a large bag of gold onto the table. Kinogre and Bailes thanked their host for the quest, Makoto thanked him for the tea, Zach stole a cup, and the four adventurers left to prepare for their quest.
▶ No.431>>436
>>430After filing back out into Alpa Street, the adventurers took a few moments to introduce themselves to one another.
<makoto> By the way, what does everyone look like?<TeaBaggins> Yellow manlet<DunkinMaster> Yeah, you guys can introduce and describe yourselves before you head out<DunkinMaster> Other than that, the swamp lies directly ahead and the town lies directly behind<Kinogre> I am Kinogre, a stout fat balding bearded dwarf<Kinogre> In my arms is still the hapa<Bailes> wavy black hair, slightly pronounced nose<Kinogre> Who I have not let down yet<makoto> Makoto is a young woman with long black hair. She is wearing red and white ceremonial garb.After this, Zach voiced a number of concerns and suspicions regarding the quest and its giver.
<TeaBaggins> "Alright, that's enough shitposting. This stinks. The whole thing smells like a set up. I may not be smart but I have survived this long by avoiding danger my whole life. I don't know about you guys but this whole thing stinks."<Kinogre> "that's me pit stink lad, I haven't bathed in naught but three weeks"<Bailes> "what don't you like about it? he was fairly upfront. it's not like the tea was poisoned"<makoto> "I don't see why we shouldn't go and look."<Kinogre> "Worst case we get jumped, I smash everyting wit me axe then we come back and ask for more gold"<Kinogre> "simple as"<TeaBaggins> "I don't trust that Paccinto. He is a guy that is pretending to be too weak to do this himself, yet he carried around and showed off that much gold without a guard in site? Either he is a complete mark or he is confident enough in his own strength to not worry."Ultimately, the rest of the party didn't share Zach's concerns. They were, however, concerned with the issue of swamp gorducks, and spent a bit of time brainstorming to gather up everything they knew about the beasts. Zach knew that swamp gorducks, while one of the weaker breeds, are also a bit aggressive as far as gorducks go. Kinogre knew that swamp gorducks were usually brown and lanky. Bailes realized that gorducks, like all animals, may or may not stop chasing people to pick up dropped food. Then Zach attempted to convince the others that gorducks were interested in Emma Watson, the highest-grossing prostitute on Gropecunt Lane, but this was met with derision from Kinogre. So, before heading out to the swamps, the party went into town to acquire some old bread in case of gorducks, and some lamp oil to navigate the old ruin by. Finally feeling prepared, they then went off.
In the first hour of the hike, Bailes attempted to whistle.
<Bailes> .dice 1d20<Internets> :: Total 5 / 20 [25%] :: Results [5] ::<DunkinMaster> your whistling doesn't very good<Bailes> uh<Bailes> lol<Bailes> i'll stopAnd that's when Makoto, somehow through her slanted eyes, spotted it. A shaggy, brown figure rooting through the mud near the trail. The cleric grabbed Kinogre's shoulder and pointed to it, and that's when the party realized their concerns had been well-founded. Here, already, was a swamp gorduck. The beast looked up at the sound of the commotion, and a tense staring contest began. Fortunately, this particular gorduck was more uncertain than aggressive, and it warily returned to its foraging as the party cautiously backed away.
The second hour of the hike was less dangerous, but perhaps just as unfortunate for Bailes. Out of the four people it could have happened to, a swamp bubble randomly chose to erupt near the wizard, spraying him with foul swamp sludge.
The ruin turned out to be surprisingly near to the town indeed, as it was reached at the end of only two hours of hiking. Traces of swamp sludge clung to the crumbling masonry of the ancient structure, perhaps hinting as why the place had only been recently discovered. By now it was about noon, and the party wasted no time in having its dwarf force open the doors to the mysterious ruin. Makoto lit a lantern, and in they went.
▶ No.432
The hapa handbag
▶ No.436>>437
>>431Entering the ruin, our heroes were confronted with a dark, dank passage, and together they strode down it. Part of the way down, they found themselves in a wider hall, and confronted by three possible paths forward: two doors embedded in the wall to their left, and another passage leading deeper in. Kinogre went to try the doors, but found that they were locked. Unfortunately, there was nobody in the party who knew how to pick locks, but fortunately, it was plain to see that the padlock on the farther door was badly corroded. Kinogre strode up to it, dropped the yellowish halfling, and hefted his battle axe. It was, however, a near miss, and the axe thudded into the door. Next, Zach drew his sword and tried his own aim against the ancient lock.
<TeaBaggins> .dice 1d20<Internets> :: Total 1 / 20 [5%] :: Results [1] ::<makoto> ha<DunkinMaster> Welp<Kinogre> BroAn unfortunate cracking sound pinged out from Zach's sword as it was hastily driven into the stone door at an awkward angle. After a quick, pained examination, Zach realized that his trusty blade was going to be a bit less damaging until he could get it repaired. After seeing how things with the lock were going, Makoto declined to try her club against it. The party was on the verge of just heading down the open passage when Bailes approached the old lock and struck it with the butt of his dagger. The lock cracked, rust flaked to the floor, and it was apparent that a few more good strikes would shatter the thing. Encouraged by this, Kinogre tried his axe again, this time connecting and dealing even more damage. And that's when Zach approached the lock once again, tempting fate in the hopes of avenging his earlier setback.
<TeaBaggins> .dice 1d8<Kinogre> WHOAH<DunkinMaster> very nice<Bailes> beastly<DunkinMaster> Zach's sword is avenged as it comes down and annihilates the lockAt last, the lock fell to the floor in pieces. Satisfied with this, the Zach told Kinogre to hurry up and get that door open, which Kinogre wasted no time in doing. Once, the door hinges got caught on some rust, but with an angry curse he braced himself and flung it open in a burst of explosive strength. That's when a pair of skeletons rushed out of the now-opened room. Makoto was the first to get over the initial shock, and quickly invoked the power of the Lords of Law to drive the skeletons away.
<makoto> "Begone, unnatural creatures!"The skeletons rattled and chattered, and ran up the passage which the party had come from as fast as they could.
<Bailes> "uh, should we be concerned about that?"<TeaBaggins> "Seems fine to me."<makoto> I pray for their accursed souls.Suspecting that more skeletons lay ahead, Kinogre charged into the room. All he found, however, was a cache of weapons which the skeletons had presumably guarded. But the undead sentinels had clearly failed to protect their treasure against the passage of time, and the weapons on the wall were corroded far beyond use. Fortunately, by some random twist of the ages, there was still one finely-wrought battle axe in decent condition on the wall, which Kinogre took jubilantly. Bailes and Zach, hoping to find some treasure of their own, gave the room a quick lookover themselves. Bailes couldn't spot anything, but Zach noticed a few gold coins on the floor, and he quickly snatched these up before anyone else could see them.
Done with the treasure room, the party went back out into the hall. Makoto then approached the passage going forward, peered down it, and listened. She could see that it led into a wider room, but not much beyond that. She did, however, hear an ominous racket from somewhere up ahead. She called Kinogre over to come check it out, and the dwarf scooped up Zach and did so. However, Zach quickly managed to escape from Kinogre's grasp and he scuttled off into the next room to hide in the shadows.
As the rest of the party filed into the room, the racket that Makoto had heard grew louder, and she could now see that it was coming from a stairwell at the end of the room. Something came sprinting up those stairs and into the room, saw the party, and screeched to a halt. Standing there, trembling, were four, stunted, hideous, dog-like men with scaly, rust-brown skin: kobolds. The kobolds were clearly shocked to see adventurers here, and they did not react as Makoto drew her club and warned them not to get too close. Kinogre, familiar with the languages of all tunnel-dwelling creatures, heard the kobolds stammering about some monster chasing them. This he passed on to his companions and made to let the kobolds escape. Bailes tore a hunk of bread off of one of his loaves and threw it at the kobolds. The kobolds, being not technically animals, didn't stop to eat any of the bread off of the dank, dirty floor, but they did seem to realize that this was an overt gesture of non-aggression. It seemed as though the little creatures might calm down enough to clearly communicate what they had seen, but that's when Zach decided make his contribution.
<TeaBaggins> I nock an arrow and aim at the lead kobold<TeaBaggins> "Nothing personal, kid"<Bailes> oh god dammit<TeaBaggins> .dice 1d20+3<Internets> :: Total 10 / 23 [43%] :: Results [7] ::<DunkinMaster> a 10 will not hit, I'm afraid<TeaBaggins> "Just kidding, haha"<TeaBaggins> "Translate that kingore."<Bailes> "you're a total psycho"<Kinogre> I say "He's a Faggot" in koboldThe kobolds immediately began to panic again, and all four of them dashed out of the room as quickly as they could, with none of the party members caring to stop them. The room grew quiet, and all that remained were the four adventurers and whatever monster was lurking down those stairs.
And that's where session 1 left off. What will happen next? We'll find out next Tuesday.
▶ No.437>>438
>>436Zero (0) posts in the past 3 days.
▶ No.438
>>437should be some more tonight
▶ No.439>>441
lol the DM no showed his own campaign
▶ No.440>>441
Hey DM, it's Tuesday night.
▶ No.444>>445
Sorry, sorry, I am here. I overslept a nap. I'm still good to play.
▶ No.445>>446>>447
>>444DM already abandoned us.
▶ No.447>>449
>>445>>446I'm still lurking in the thread. I doubt if we're gonna get three players in the channel tonight though.
▶ No.448
▶ No.449
>>447Actually nevermind we do have two players in the channel. I can autopilot the slaphead if the hapa comes back.
▶ No.452>>454
I tried to log back in but there is something funky going on with nickserv and I can't log on and I am not exposing myself.
▶ No.454>>455
>>452That's weird, I don't see your ghost in the channel.
▶ No.455
>>454I have reset my pass twice and both times the moment after I reset it the nickserv decided that it doesn't recognize the pass.
▶ No.457>>461
>>450Sorry I missed last night. Had some bad IRL shit happen that I had to take care of and couldn't get back on my PC basically all night. I will be available next week unless some bad shit comes up but hopefully it will not.
▶ No.461
>>457It's fine, just try to make a phonepost in this thread next time so we know if you're not coming.
▶ No.474>>475>>476>>477
Session is tomorrow night. If you think something is going to come up, now is the time to say so.
▶ No.475
>>474I'll be there, assuming I don't die or my internet goes down or the world ends.
▶ No.477
>>474I will be there this time!! I need to cook dinner quick but should be on a bit after 8
▶ No.481>>482
▶ No.482
▶ No.483>>484
3/4 players are in the chat. The fourth player has five minutes before I start auto-piloting his character through the rest of this dungeon.
▶ No.484
>>483All right, we're starting without Makoto. If you show up you can take control of your character again, if not she'll leave town at the end of the session and come back whenever you do.
▶ No.485>>486
Time to rape an anime.
▶ No.486
>>485>makoto immediately arrivesDamn.
▶ No.487
Got disconnected somehow, standby, I will return.
▶ No.494>>495
>>492Hit points
{1d6}||[ 1d6 = 5 ]Gold
{3d6}||[ 3d6 = 13 ] ▶ No.495
>>494I forgot to add in the -1 modifier for 8 CON so that is 4 HP
▶ No.497
>>496Actually scratch that I am going halfling again so I will keep the d6 and I am going to adjust my stats so I take 4 from wisdom and give 2 to strength.
▶ No.498
>haha look at them fight
>boys will be boys
>oh wait they're actually fighting
>oh shit he just died
▶ No.499>>500
>Follow us into the uncharted tunnels, Makoto.
>What could possibly go wrong?
▶ No.501>>514
Alright see if there is anything I am missing
https://files.catbox.moe/jftk2y.pdf▶ No.503>>504
We're never gonna see the sunlight again.
▶ No.511>>512>>514
>>489Per page B13 I am invoking the inheritance rule. The going to need an appraisal on the value of the damaged sword, the two swords collected from the bodies, the 4 pickaxes, and the mushrooms (all of them) gathered from the layer of Mark.
Aside from the items in need of appraisal Zach's assets are valued at 177.83 GP so far and the final total will have a 10% tax
▶ No.512>>513
>>511Dude, you were eaten. How are you going to pass on your stuff?
▶ No.513
>>512When Gahoole is digging through the troll shit, as jannies are want to do, he recovers the possessions of Zach (pbuh).
▶ No.514>>518
>>501>Bloodreaper Avatar of VenganceGee golly I sure do hope this guy is a team player.
Yeah it's fine, just keep in mind that your shield has to be in one of your hands to give you its AC bonus. I've got a few ideas for when we can bring him into the story, but given how off-the-rails last session went all I can say is that I'll keep my eyes open for a good chance to do so.
>>511Inheritance doesn't logically apply in this case. Zach didn't exactly have an estate that required legal handling, and all his possessions were on his person. However, if you want to say that Bloodreaper is Zach's next of kin and will therefore have a motivation to retrieve Zach's body and possessions upon hearing of his death, that will work. In that case, it'll be as simple as finding the body and retrieving the stuff, no 10% tax required.
▶ No.518
>>514>Inheritance doesn't logically apply in this case. Zach didn't exactly have an estate that required legal handlingAll Hapas are brothers in blood and ideology. Zach(pbuh) is a saint who died a martyr and stands at Saint Elliot's left hand. So appraise the mushrooms and assorted miscellany.
>Teleports behind youis the only introduction Blood needs. Also I should update that the +1 to initiative rolls is actually +1 to dex on initiative rolls, a subtle but important difference.
▶ No.521>>522
Hey guys, I'm coming down with some kind of cold. My brain is foggy as hell right now and I don't think I'll be able to run this week's session. Sorry about that. If you guys want to use the IRC channel to chat or run your own one shot or something, please feel free to do so.
▶ No.527>>528
>>522And game day is Tuesday. If I'm able to recover by tomorrow I'll try to say so as early as possible, but since I doubt that will happen I figure I'd better announce my probable absence sooner rather than later.
▶ No.531>>532
Even in death Zach has cursed the game. Should have paid him what he was owed, you knew he was neutral.
▶ No.532>>533
>>531>neutralHe was a complete psychotic. I still don't understand what he was "owed".
▶ No.538>>539>>540
Sorry, im the guy from the gamefinder thread who asked recently, i cant join in as i am a europoor and cant stay up at 3 am wednesday nights lol
▶ No.539
▶ No.540
>>538Yeah, it's always hard to coordinate games between people on different continents. Nothing stopping you from organizing a game for /top/'s yuros though.
▶ No.547>>548>>551
I just want you guys to know that all of my plans for session two involved you guys beating the troll, grabbing the rod, possibly finding the treasure, returning home for a fat payday and possibly a level, and then choosing your next quest.
And so, the kobolds fled up the passage, leaving our heroes all alone, except for whatever was lurking down those stairs. After a brief discussion, Zach decided to run up to the stairway, toss a flask of oil down, and set it on fire. A small pool of flame flared to life. A moment later, a sound as of something flabby and massive walking away was heard from the lower passageway, followed by that of a great door opening and closing. A bit of speculation went on, regarding what the creature might be and what should be done about it, and Zach decided to take a few minutes to prepare some makeshift torch-arrows. While Zach was doing that, the rest of the party went back up the dungeon a bit to try their hand at the other locked door. This lock proved to be in much better condition than the other one, but after several heavy thwacks of his axe, Kinogre succeeded at breaking it and getting the door open. A zombie came shambling out, but Zach, having just completed his torch arrows, stood up and quickly annihilated its rotting head with an expertly-placed flaming missile. With the threat removed, Kinogre walked into the room the zombie had been guarding, allowing the door to swing shut behind him. Spying a fine necklace, he managed to snatch it up before Bailes who I've been informed is apparently a female could open the door and question him.
<Gahoole> WHAT A SHAME
<Bailes> "yes. what a shame"
<Bailes> lol
<DunkinMaster> if anyone feels like contesting this, you can roll your intelligence against kinogre's charisma
<ZachTBaggins> .dice 1d20
<Internets> :: Total 11 / 20 [55%] :: Results [11] ::
<Bailes> .dice 1d20
<Internets> :: Total 3 / 20 [15%] :: Results [3] ::
<Bailes> pffffft
<makoto> .dice 1d20
<Internets> :: Total 5 / 20 [25%] :: Results [5] ::
<Bailes> why would i ever doubt a dwarf
<Gahoole> .dice 1d20
<Internets> :: Total 2 / 20 [10%] :: Results [2] ::
<Gahoole> NOOOOO
In the end, Kinogre failed to fool any his comrades, and conceded to have the necklace sold and the profits split. Down below, the fire Zach had lit at the bottom of the stairs fizzled out. The party, not seeing anything further to do in the zombie-guarded room, left it and decided to head down to the lower level. The stone down here was darker, and Kinogre's dwarven expertise in tunneling enabled him to remark that the lower level seemed to have been carved out of pre-existing stone, whereas the upper level had to be constructed from stones brought in from elsewhere. The party passed by a room filled with something that seemed to be some ancient, mummified sleeping skins, some with putrid mushrooms growing up out of them. Kinogre stepped in and found 11 gold, which he distributed amongst the party. Zach stepped in and grabbed all the mushrooms. Done with this, the party proceeded toward what seemed like the obvious path to their goal: a pair of huge stone doors at the end of a hallway. These, Kinogre flung open impatiently, revealing a large room with a zombie troll inside. Makoto leapt into the room and successfully turned the beast with the divine power of Law, and the zombie troll ran off to a corner to tactically cower like a little bitch.
With another hard-won battle under their belts, the party stepped into the room and got a decent look at it. There were bones and a few dead kobolds on the floor. And, on the far side of the room, a clear sign that their quest was near its end stood glittering in the wall: a great, obsidian door. Bailes, feeling… drawn to that door, somehow, approched it. Putting her hands on the glossy stone, the medium could feel some sort of strange arcane presence on the other side. She braced her feet on the dungeon floor, and pushed. Only for the door to budge a little and fall shut again. Zach ran up and tried his hand at the door, only to fail as well. Then Kinogre came and met with the same fate. The zombie troll was beginning to seem restless in its corner, and the party began to strain at the door with a bit more haste until Kinogre finally managed to get the damn thing open. Bailes felt a wave of magical energy wash out of the door and hurried inside before her comrades could try to chase the troll through it.
The room was covered in glowing symbols of arcane power, and in its center stood an obsidian altar. Atop the altar lay a wand-sized rod made of gold, with jagged breaks on each end. Bailes grabbed the rod, realizing that this was very likely the symbol of power Paccinto had hired the party to collect. At last the quest was over, and our heroes would get that big payday they'd all been dreaming of.
Or so one would hope, anyway.
▶ No.548>>551
>>547Bailes noticed another door on the other side of the altar and called Kinogre over to open it. This Kinogre did without much fuss, revealing another corridor. Bailes and Zach went down this corridor to see if there was anything to find. Kinogre and Makoto, wary of traps, stayed behind to hold open the doors. They didn't wait too long, though, and ended up heading after their companions. Kinogre and Makoto beheld a room with three crates of treasure on sledges in it, which Bailes and Zach were already gleefully breaking into. There were also a few slain skeletons and kobolds on the floor, indicating a possible fight and possibly more loot (which Zach gladly collected). There was also a rough tunnel hewn out of the wall of the room, perhaps indicating where the dead kobolds with pickaxes had come from. Things were going well, until the time came to divide up a pile of gold from one of the crates.
<DunkinMaster> 55 gold pieces glitter at the bottom of the box<Gahoole> WHOAH<Gahoole> MASSIVE HAUL<makoto> Oh baby<Bailes> well well well<Gahoole> We split it 4 ways<Bailes> yes we do<Bailes> 4 ways<Gahoole> That would be…<ZachTBaggins> 13 each with me getting the left over to make up for the last time<Gahoole> WRONG<Gahoole> 14 each<Gahoole> you get 13<Bailes> it's fine, i'll take the 13<Gahoole> No m'lady<Gahoole> Zach must pay the hapa toll<ZachTBaggins> I draw my sword<ZachTBaggins> "give me my due"Zach lashed out at Kinogre with a wicked slash, and Kinogre reflexively swung his axe. Before the two humans could realize that this wasn't just banter, the halfling lay dead on the ground, and the dwarf stood stooped with a grievous wound.
That's when the zombie troll, apparently recovered from Makoto's divine assault, squeezed its way out of the corridor and into the treasure room.
<Gahoole> "WHAT THE FUCK<makoto> Is it the zombler again?<Gahoole> RUN INTO THE TUNNEL<Bailes> oh great<Gahoole> YE GOTTA BE KIDDING METhe gold in the box was quickly forgotten. Bailes grabbed the nearest dead body - Zach's - and placed it between herself and the troll. Kinogre threw a hand axe - landing a powerful blow, but not quite enough to kill the beast in one hit - and booked it down the tunnel. Makoto raised a hand, called upon the power of Law… and was in for a nasty surprise when, for the first time today, the power to turn the undead failed her. She also turned and ran. Bailes, having chosen to not run so as to ensure her companions escaped, was suddenly aware of the fact that she held in her possession the very item the zombie troll had been guarding, and that the only thing between her and it was a dead halfling. Fortunately, the zombie troll must have been hungry, because it reached down to tear off a halfling leg, and Bailes took the opportunity to race after her companions. It wasn't long, however, before the zombie troll apparently received some sort of arcane admonishment for shirking its duty, and it came shambling down the hallway after the remaining party members.
Makoto tried and failed to turn the beast again, the party continued to flee, and the monster continued to chase. Makoto and Kinogre waited for Bailes to catch up, lit a fire behind them, and kept running, until at last… they ran into ten kobolds.
I would distribute XP here, but at this point there's a realistic chance you might have to escape without your treasure. Hopefully you manage to get your treasure somewhere secure tomorrow, but for now the only XP you've got is from that zombie, which comes up to 3XP for each surviving party member.
▶ No.551
>>547>>548Kobold diplomacy inbound.
▶ No.552>>553
Seeing as Gahoole is still unavailable until next week, are we gonna try for a session if you've gotten over being sick?
▶ No.553>>554
>>552If we can get three players tonight, I've got a scheme that should be able to take the slaphead out of play for a session and put the hapa 2.0 into play fairly quickly. If there's anyone who'd rather wait, we can, but as it is a session tonight should be entirely doable.
▶ No.555
We doing this you niggers?
▶ No.557>>559
>>556Gahoole, Zachychan is coming for you niggah
▶ No.558
Bit of a shorter, quieter session tonight, hope everyone enjoyed it nonetheless. XP will be coming soon, and thanks for coming.
▶ No.560>>561
>>559Kobold scales are an aphrodisiac in traditional halfling folk medicine.
▶ No.561>>562
>>560Thank god the Chinese hapas will manage one more erection.
▶ No.567
Damn this looks promising, hope your still here OP I will check back to catch up on the thread and get more aquanted.
▶ No.569>>570>>571>>572>>573
What did I miss
▶ No.570>>571
>>569Zachychan single-handedly killed the zombie troll, soloed an army of goblins, saved the kobold village, and mercifully did not execute the drawven worm that was unconcious.
▶ No.571
>>570You wish.
>>569You collapsed from blood loss in front of the kobolds. Bailes and Makoto caught up right then and the kobolds helped to dispose of the troll. In exchange for the help and keeping you alive, they agreed to help with a goblin problem. While momentarily put in holding, they met the new halfling, Bloodreaper. The three of them put in some time watching a path for gobbos alongside another kobold while you were isolated for cultural reasons. A gobbo tried to attack, got btfo, and just as other kobolds arrived for news on the happening, more gobbos also arrived and
COMMENCED BATTLE which is where the game ended for the night.
▶ No.572
>>569Your fucking axe throw brought the zombie troll down to 1 HP.
▶ No.573>>574
>>569We're an all-girl party now.
▶ No.575
>>574y u gotta make it weird, nigga
▶ No.577>>578
Uh, right, the summary, guess I should do that.
<Now talking on #tevechia>
<DunkinMaster> niggers
<Notim_Portent> NIGGERS
<DunkinMaster> so true
<makoto has joined>
<makoto> nigger
<Notim_Portent> NIGGERS
<DunkinMaster> niggers?
<Notim_Portent> N
<DunkinMaster> I
<makoto> G
<Notim_Portent> G
<DunkinMaster> E
<makoto> R
<Notim_Portent> Powerful
<Notim_Portent> Wait, was there another player besides Gahool?
<Bailes has joined>
The kobolds raised their spears at our weary heroes defensively, warily eyeing both them and the pursuing zombie troll, which was temporarily held at bay by the small pool of oil-fire which the fleeing adventurers had left in their wake. Makoto attempted to turn the monster once more, and once more failed to do so. The kobolds, having only seen the eastlander suddenly turn around, raised their spears just a bit higher and shouted at her to stay still. Kinogre, meanwhile, was beginning to grow drowsy and unsteady from the wounds he'd received, and Bailes hurried to support him.
<Bailes> "please help us. all we want is to leave. if you help us, we'll help you"
<Bailes> "get us away from this evil and we'll do anything within reason"
The kobolds frowned and had a hasty, hushed discussion in their unpleasant tongue. The kobolds perceived something which the party members, in their haste, had failed to note: that the undead monstrosity was already severely damaged down to 1 fucking HP from the axe which Kinogre had lobbed at it before fleeing down the tunnel. The little creatures, realizing that they could put these surface-dwellers to work, and seeing that it would be easy to earn their assistance, made a decision. The kobold at the head of the pack hissed out, "We are… in need of some bodies at the moment," and barked an order to his underlings. Several kobolds darted out, skirted around the flames, and quickly overwhelmed the zombie troll. With this, the lead kobold haughtily informed the party that their punishment for trespassing would be a short term of service, and led them at spear-point to the kobold lair. The two humans were thrown into a small room lit by a single torch, but the dwarf was led farther on. Regarding Kinogre's fate, the kobolds only said that, as a dwarf, he would have to undergo the "Trial of Silence" before being allowed to carry out his sentence in the lair. With that, the door was shut, and Bailes and Makoto realized that they were not alone. A female halfling in heavy armor was sitting by the torch, eyeing the newcomers.
<Bailes> "well hi there. how do, stranger"
<Notim_Portent> "My name is Notim Portant. What is important is what I'm going to do."
<makoto> Nice to meet you. My name is Makoto.
<Bailes> "and i'm bailes. funny coincidence, we just had dealings with a halfling up until maybe ten minutes ago"
<* Notim_Portent cocks head>
<Notim_Portent> "Is that so? Care to tell me more?"
<Bailes> "it didn't work out. which i guess takes it from funny to fairly depressing"
<Bailes> "if we ever get out of here, we'll have to set up a memorial or something at the cemetery"
<Notim_Portent> "What exactly happened if you don't mind me asking?"
<Bailes> "our traveling companion, his name was zach teabaggins"
<* Notim_Portent hand slides down to her sword.>
<makoto> "He and the dwarf had a payment dispute."
<Bailes> "i'm not entirely sure why it all went down the way it did, but he got into an altercation with our dwarf"
<Notim_Portent> "Is he dead? Are you sure he is dead?"
<Bailes> "we didn't exactly have time to check for a pulse"
<Bailes> "fair to say it looked really conclusive"
<* Notim_Portent clicks tongue>
<Notim_Portent> "Where would the body be?"
<Bailes> "his body is back a ways. if it wasn't for the zombie troll, we would've tried to recover it"
<* Notim_Portent relaxes and let her hand fall from the hilt of her sword>
<Notim_Portent> "Very well"
<Bailes> "i don't know if the kobolds would grant us much leeway on recovering it"
<Bailes> "we already seem to be at the limits of their hospitality"
▶ No.578>>580>>582
>>577With that, a relatviely-polite knock sounded on the door. Into the room walked a kobold wearing an ornate tribal headdress, and flanked by three guards. This creature introduced himself as Gritchknak, the chief of this lair. Notim asked for a waterskin, citing an earlier agreement, and Gritchknak had a guard toss her one. Bailes inquired about Kinogre, to which Gritchknak reiterated that the dwarf would be undergoing some "Trial of Silence." Since dwarves were the traditional enemies of his clan, this was a tradition which he felt he could absolutely not waive, though he did assure them that, in his opinion, the trial had lessened in severity since his day, and the dwarf would likely be fine to rejoin his companions before long. With these questions answered, Gritchknak proceeded to inform the hostage heroes of the terms of their service. As it turned out, the kobold lair was experiencing a period of some tension with a nearby goblin warren. All that was required of the party was to supplement a guard post at the edge of the lair, to keep an eye out for trouble, and to sound the alarm if there was any. The chief dispatched the captain of his guard to lead the party to their post, and they were led through the tunnels to it. The guardpost was a lonely campfire in front of a dark tunnel leading deeper into the earth. Around the campfire there was a pile of firewood, a brass alarm bell, and a single, exhausted guard by the name of Kriknok. The guard captain told the party to coordinate a watch rotation with Kriknok, to ring the bell if needed, and that food would be brought to them regularly. With that, the captain left, and the party proceeded to make itself at home.
<* Notim_Portent pulls down her mask revealing a heavily scarred face.><Bailes> "in here for the long haul, then"<Notim_Portent> "You, yellow one. You are a priestest of some kind?"<makoto> "Yes. I am a shrine maiden."<Bailes> bailes stares at notim's face, realizes she's staring, then looks away and starts nibbling on the one half loaf she still has on her<Notim_Portent> "And you swarthy one, you are familiar in the weirding ways?"<Bailes> "i have some skill and education"<* Notim_Portent grimmaces>Kriknok interjected to ask if the newcomers were reinforcements. Upon hearing that they were, the kobold proceeded immediately to throw himself upon the cavern floor and begin snoring obnoxiously. With that, the party quickly worked out a watch order, with Notim going first.
<Notim_Portent> "I shall stand watch. You two need to rest, pray to your gods and gaze into the abyss. If death comes I will call for you."<makoto> "I will take the next watch after you."<Bailes> "hopefully death is still a ways off. if you're fine keeping watch first, a rest would be great"<Notim_Portent> "I have little need for sleep until my task is complete. The two of you are as useless as he is without rest."<* Notim_Portent tilts her head towards Kriknok><makoto> I say nothing more and sit down.<Bailes> "do you need any food? we have rations and some bread that's still good"<Notim_Portent> "The chieftan gave me what I needed."Notim positioned herself at the mouth of the tunnel, bow ready, with every intention in the world of standing a vigilant watch. Unfortunately:
<DunkinMaster> let's get a wisdom check<Notim_Portent> .dice 1d20<Internets> :: Total 2 / 20 [10%] :: Results [2] ::There was a really weird centipede on the wall that just kept distracting the diminutive sentinel. She spent a number of hours staring at the creature and poking at it with an arrow, occasionally looking at the tunnel to hear a cave noise or spot a rat. At last, she decided that the centipede was probably a poisonous centipede, plucked it from the wall, and tied it to an arrow. Fatigue began to set in upon the little watcher, and to refocus her mind she - though nominally of Neutral persuasion - quietly uttered a bloodthirsty litany which would have sounded perfectly at home in a temple of some unsavory denomination of Chaos. With greatly increased vigilance, the halfling watched the tunnel.
Makoto woke up and relieved Notim.
<makoto> .dice 1d20<Internets> :: Total 20 / 20 [100%] :: Results [20] ::Displaying the very pinnacle of monastic discipline, Makoto gazed down the tunnel. Fortunately, the only thing for her to spot was a single sturge in the distance. The sturge stared for a bit and flew away, and the realization that the little creature may have flown off to get eaten stirred within the cleric's soul a sublime meditation upon the circle of life. At last, Makoto's meditations were interrupted by Kriknok awakening to ask if it was his turn yet. At this, Bailes woke up and declared that it was her turn, and Kriknok instantaneously returned to his slumber.
Bailes stood her watch at a fairly average standard of vigilance, and after some hours, she finally spotted it: trouble. A single goblin, apparently unprepared to see a human, was lurking in the shadowy tunnel. Bailes shouted a warning to her companions, and the goblin was startled into running straight at her with outstretched fists. At length, however, the goblin tripped in front of Bailes, and fell on its face with a dull thud. Bailes reached down and robbed the goblin of a knife it had worn at its waist. Kriknok, aroused at last, reacted to the commotion by leaping from the ground with spear in hand, rushing at the prone goblin, and effectively pinning it to the ground and ending its life. The kobold growled that this particular goblin had been harassing his post for some days, and the fight was over.
Notim and Bailes attempted to examine the dead goblin for clues regarding the condition of its warren, but were unable to determine much, so Notim shrugged and harvested its ears for what she claimed was a "traditional folk fertility medicine." Bailes went back to watching. Kriknok said that there would be guards coming before long to ask for a status update who could be informed of the indcident, and then he promptly went back to sleep. And, just as Kriknok predicted, it wasn't long before two guards did come and ask how things were going. Bailes pointed at the dead goblin, and the two guards went to kick Kriknok awake. It was then, as the three kobolds were conversing with each other, that an arrow came sailing out of the darkness and slew one of the guards.
Yeah, that was a bit of a shorter session. Give me a second to get the damn XP calculated, it's been long enough.
▶ No.580>>581
>>578All right, that's 419 XP for everyone who was at the last session, and 416 for Kinogre, whose player was absent when the goblin was killed. It may be possible to get more out of this adventure if you can locate Zach's body to retrieve what he was carrying, and of course it'll be possible to get a whole bunch more if you can successfully get that golden rod to Paccinto. There'll be some XP for killing goblins too, but B/X really does reward treasure hunting more than it does monster hunting.
▶ No.581
>>580>419 XPaw shiet lvl 2 soon
ish ▶ No.583
>>582This may be something which the hapa halflings of Stratfordshire believe, but most of the NPCs you'll meet - including those from more mainstream sects of Neutrality - will consider things like genocide to be usually Chaotic.
▶ No.586
where the fuck are my other two players shit fucking damnit we were supposed to start 30 minutes ago
▶ No.587
>an hour later and makoto and gahoole are nowhere to be found
▶ No.589>>590
Sorry had an IRL emergency happen. I'm sorry I'm so late
▶ No.592
>>591Fuck, I forgot it was game night. Gonna have to start setting an alarm.
▶ No.596>>597>>599>>601>>602
Session's tomorrow, gentlemen. Is everybody good to go?
▶ No.601>>603
>>596Yeah I'll be there for sure today 8 central time right?
▶ No.604
Get in here bros it's happening this time.
▶ No.605>>608
Just finishing up cooking my dinner be there soon
▶ No.606>>608
▶ No.608>>609
>>605>>606>>607lol all within 30 seconds of each other
▶ No.610
<Gahoole> .dice 1d20-1
<Internets> :: Total 3 / 19 [15%] :: Results [4] ::
<Internets> :: Total 6 / 20 [30%] :: Results [6] ::
<makoto> .dice 1d20
<Notim> .dice 1d20+3
<Internets> :: Total 22 / 23 [95%] :: Results [19] ::
<Bailes> .dice 1d20-1
<Internets> :: Total 19 / 19 [100%] :: Results [20] :
▶ No.612
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ No.613>>614
>hey let's go talk to this obvious criminal
>what could possibly go wrong
▶ No.614>>615>>617
>>613I'm sure the thief hireling will be perfectly loyal guys.
▶ No.615>>616
>>614He can't be much worse than Zach was.
▶ No.616
>>615At least nobody got stabbed
for now. ▶ No.617>>618
>>614Thieves are unironically really important in this game since Treasure hunting is the main source of XP.
▶ No.618>>620
>>617True, but one of the downsides to having a hireling is that they get a cut of the XP. It's only half as much as a player gets though.
▶ No.620>>621
Small Sack 1gp
Short Bow 25 gp
Leather Armor 20 gp
Standard Rations (12) 8gp 57 copper
Torches (4) 67 copper
Water Skin 1gp
Also converting the remaining 6 torches in my inventory to fire arrows. Current inventory and funds after paying taxes and debauchery.
https://files.catbox.moe/graeor.pdf>>618Half a share of something is better than all of nothing
▶ No.621
>>620Shit I forgot my 17 gobbo ears. I mean it isn't like I am going to be allowed back in Stratforshire since I can't prove Zach is dead and good luck finding a Traditional Halfling Apothecary to see dried and powdered gobbo ear to, but they are there.
▶ No.622>>623
i kinda fizzled out thanks to sleep deprivation by the time we got to that gorduck fight, sorry about that
▶ No.623
>>622's right. The party is set up with a connection to the thieves guild now so you can hire a thieve to pick locks and disarm traps.
▶ No.625>>626
Is there a dual wield mechanic? I can't seem to find anything in the rules that would say yay or nay. Can I get a DM fiat on this?
▶ No.626
>>625I have ripped a rule out of a B/X clone called ACKS.
>Some characters and monsters can fight with a weapon in each hand (dual wielding). Characters fighting with two weapons still make 1 attack, using the primary weapon, but they gain a +1 bonus to the melee attack throw from having the second weapon. If the second weapon is magical, its magical bonus may be added to the attack throw (stacking with another weapon the way a shield stacks with armor), but not to the damage roll. Dual wielding does not give additional attacks.TL;DR you still get one attack per turn, but you get a +1 bonus to hit. Naturally if you do this you can't hold a shield or a light source. I'm also gonna say you have to be a class that uses the fighter character sheet (fighter, dwarf, halfling) to have the requisite skill to do this.
▶ No.628>>629
Might not be able to make it to tonight's game. Everything went to shit here and I am probably going to have to pull an all nighter here to unfuck this mess
▶ No.629>>630
>>628Today's a Monday, tho.
▶ No.630>>633
>>629I might be able to make it tomorrow. I don't know how long this is going to take, but I should probably be done at least six hours before the game starts. If I am not there on time can you please wait an extra half an hour before you call it off? This has been an exhausting day and it is going to continue to be an exhausting night. If I don't get some sleep before the game I would be no good anyways.
▶ No.631>>632>>634
Kinogre awoke in a totally silent room. He attempted to think out loud about how he'd ended up here, and while he could remember - and regret - surrendering to the kobolds, he found that even his voice was silent here. This, he realized, was the Trial of Silence, a special treatment reserved for the racial enemies of kobolds. Ironically, however, the silent room had turned out to be a decent spot to rest and recover from the fight with Zach, and the dwarf found that he was feeling well enough to stand now. And, with another twist of fortune, he learned that he had slept through most of the Trial when the door opened, revealing a kobold guard come to escort him back to the rest of the party. It was just as Kinogre was rounding the corner to the guardpost that he beheld an arrow sailing out of the tunnel to strike down a kobold guard, signalling the beginning of a goblin raid.
Notim and Bailes had been standing at the mouth of the tunnel doing their watch turnover when the assault began. Notim wasted no time in firing an arrow. The centipede tied to the arrow died horribly as the arrow sailed over all the goblins' heads and collided with a cavern wall. Bailes followed this up by casting Sleep, and the battle was over as quickly as it began when all eight goblins slumped to the floor. The party and their allies quickly went about slaughtering the sleeping goblins, though Bailes selected one with nicer equipment to take as a prisoner, on the assumption that it could yield useful information. As luck had it, the prisoner Bailes had chosen was quickly recognized by a kobold as a prince of the goblin warren, and he was quickly hauled off the kobold chieftain to be used to force a goblin surrender.
And so, after one more day of uneventful watching, the party received word that the goblins had surrendered, a handful of rough-hewn gems, and they were allowed to leave the kobold lair with full honors. The party decided to head back through the ruins they'd come from, partly to return home, and partly so that Notim could investigate the remains of Zach, whom she'd apparently been sent to apprehend. When the party reached the room where Zach had fallen, they found that the treasures they hadn't taken had already been removed, and Notim found that Zach's face wasn't recognizable enough for her to take home as proof of his demise. Thus, it was with a bit of dejection that the party emerged from the dungeon into the swampy night.
Despite it being night, the party decided to proceed on to Slapmarsh regardless. As they trudged through the sludge, they became aware that something was following them. That something turned out to be an aggressive swamp gorduck. Notim lit an arrow and fired it at the beast. Kinogre and Makoto charged into the swamp and began to swing with their weapons. Bailes stayed behind and kept an eye out for any more attackers. Notim fired off one more arrow and then joined Makoto and Kinogre in the melee. Ultimately, the beast was felled, though Kinogre and Makoto were injured for their troubles. The rest of the hike back to Slapmarsh was fortunately peaceful.
Since it was night time, and there were no lights in Paccinto's house, the party decided to check into an inn called the Crab's Legs. Kinogre and Makoto went straight to bed to recover from the gorduck fight, and Notim and Bailes stayed up to have a bite to eat. A bit of people-watching revealed an elf whose party tricks interested Bailes, and a shady-looking man who seemed professionally interesting to Notim. Notim approached the man, offered him a drink, and got to talking. Eventually, she managed to learn that he was a thief and proceeded to ask if she could use his talents. The two agreed to meet at the Goodfellows' Society the following morning, and Notim proceeded to enjoy the rest of the night.
And, between the gems from the Kobolds and reclaiming the treasure Zach had collected, that comes out to 67 XP for each of you.
▶ No.633
>>630Well, just do what you can man. Show up if you're up to it, and if not then just leave a post in the thread if you're able.
▶ No.636
I'll be here tonight
▶ No.637>>640
Provided I wake up bright and early with no hangover thanks to noselling alcohol I want to take the chance to purchase
Standard Rations 5gp
Lantern 10gp
Flasks of Oil (10) 20gp
Torches (24)
Leaving me with 24gp 1ep 20cp
I want to convert 24 of my arrows into fire arrows and lose the torches in the process.
Also I want to string the gobbo ears and tie them to my bag to dry. I don't know how long that will take so I will leave it to DM fiat.
Current character sheet with adjustments
https://files.catbox.moe/3hpuqs.pdf▶ No.639
I am on my way, filming a video thing. Sorry I'm late again
▶ No.640>>643>>648
>>637In accordance with fiat sold all equipment and respeced everything with encumbrance.
https://files.catbox.moe/i4bkr6.pdf ▶ No.641>>642
>"Praise neutrality and loot everything."
▶ No.643
>>640Weight on the quiver should be 14cn and for the fire arrows 6cn
▶ No.645>>646
I literally started laughing out loud.
▶ No.647
Hey Gahoole, you have 10 gold waiting for you and 1000 gold sitting in a bank account when you come back next week.
▶ No.648
>>640Updated to include banking and correct weights.
https://files.catbox.moe/5ohvul.pdf ▶ No.651>>653
Hey, I'm gonna finish the summary tomorrow, but I'm gonna put out the XP now. Everyone gets a thousand XP for completing the golden rod quest. That's not necessarily going to be the norm for quest rewards, but hopefully this speeds up the process of getting past level 1. I'm putting this out tonight instead of tomorrow because I'm pretty sure Makoto's threshhold for level 2 is only 1500, so I want to give Makoto's player at least a day to work out the level up.
▶ No.652
The next morning saw Notim Portent wake up early. She went into town to sell off some of her goods and then went down to the Goodfellows' Society to meet up with her new acquaintance. She quickly pressed the thief to find out what exactly he could do for her, and worked out that he was willing to hire out his services for pay. Notim, having heard a bit about the man who'd commissioned the party to recover the golden rod, settled on telling the thief to help her rob his house.
Bailes woke up back at the inn and set about checking up on the rest of the party. Finding that Notim had already left and that Kinogre was un-rousable from his slumber, she managed to meet up with Makoto and head out into town together with her. The pair went to the general store and were greeted by the shopkeep, who informed them that their little adventure was now a hot topic in the little fishing hamlet. Bailes sold off a gem and inquired as to where she could find a grave marker for Zach, to which the shopkeep informed her that Benito, the local priest, could often be found managing the local Goodfellows' Society.
When they arrived at the Society, it was easy to deduce that the old man at the writing desk from before was probably Benito. Looking around, Makoto also noticed that there were two new postings on the board, and that Notim and her new acquaintance were next to the board. Makoto went to read the postings. One was a request to clear some bandits out of an old house. The other was a request to clear some gobins out of an old Chaos church. Makoto found the second one more interesting, and, finding that the poster was none other than Benito, decided it was time to talk to the old man.
Benito, as it turned out, was a priest of Neutrality, Slapmarsh's only remaining church. He claimed that his concern with allowing monsters to squat in a site of chaos was that it would have some sort of metaphysical consequences which might manifest as supernatural inconveniences for the town. Bailes and Makoto were a bit taken aback when the old man's suggested that getting some proper Chaos priests into the old church would be a good thing, but ultimately agreed to clear out the goblins when he offered a reward of 800 gold pieces. Bailes also arranged for Benito to prepare a grave marker for Zach to be ready when they returned.
The next step for the party was to turn in the golden rod to Paccinto. The old scholar seemed agitated and distracted. He let the party in, took the rod, told the party that four thousand gold pieces were sitting on the table, and promptly went into his study. This much gold proved to be something of a blessing and a curse; it was a lot of money, but it was certainly far too much for adventurers to have on their persons when delving into dungeons. So, hauling the gold into the town, they made their way to a small bank in the town square, where they managed to set up four accounts, accessible both in Slapmarsh and in K'no, the capital of Tevechia.
With that out of the way, the party made its way to a tiny magic shop which Bailes was familiar with. There, Bailes got the wand she'd found on the previous adventure identified as a wand of magic detection. Meanwhile, Notim began to poke around among the wares…
And we'll find out what happens with that tomorrow. Like I said, 1000 XP for everyone. Be sure to say something if you don't think you can make it to tomorrow's session.
▶ No.653>>654
>>651Rolling for Makoto's HP gain.
{1d6}||[ 1d6 = 1 ] ▶ No.656
>>655Remember to take a spell, mate.
▶ No.657
You faggots better not bail tonight. That girl that gave me her number this weekend texted me up and wanted me to come over to drink and watch A River Runs Through It. I blew her off for this shit so you better fucking be here.
▶ No.658
I will be here tonight. Will be 5 or 10 minutes late
▶ No.667>>668
The party turned around as they heard the door to the shop open, and they beheld Kinogre trudging groggily inside.
<Bailes> "enjoy your sleep, sir?"
<Gahoole> "aye"
Notim, meanwhile continued to carefully examine the wares.
The eyes of the wound-up halfling eventually settled on a scroll.
<Notim> "What's this? Will is make me bigger?"
As it turned out, it was a scroll containing two spells, but its price of 500 gold pieces proved to be a bit more than anyone was willing to spend.
Now that everyone was assembled, Makoto wasted no time in prodding the party on to the abandoned Chaos church. Though it was broad daylight, the buildings began to cast sinister shadows upon the ground as the cheery fishing town of today gave way to the abandoned ghost town of Slapmarsh's heyday. Finally, they reached an ornate structure with painted symbols of Chaos flaking off of the walls. Here was their destination.
<Notim> "Disgusting, once we are done looting let's burn this to the ground."
<Notim> "So how are we going to do this?"
<Bailes> "do we want to do some recon?"
<Bailes> "we don't know how full this place is"
<Notim> "Aye, sounds good. Let me run around the sides and back and see if there are any other windows or doors."
<Bailes> "make sure to watch for traps"
<Notim> "I'll fine."
Notim examined the area, and, between the abandoned buildings, the rubbish on the groud, and the slowly re-conquering swamp vegetation, she estimated there would be about five good hiding spots as she flitted around the old church in a stealthy circle. Dashing to the first hiding spot, she noticed a large, broken window. Dashing to the next, a blank wall. But on her way to the third, she spotted two goblins. And they spotted her. Attempts to hide and flee did not avail the halfling, as one goblin rushed into the church to sound the alarm, and the other leapt out to attack her. The goblin dealt a nasty blow with its dagger, but was soon put down by Notim's sword. Notim raced back to the front of the church to communicate the new complication.
<Notim> "Bad bad bad. Windows on the left and back. Couldn't get to the right. They are coming."
<Bailes> "are you good? should we do a tactical retreat?"
<Notim> "I am good if I stay back and use my bow. No idea how many they are."
<* Notim holsters sword and knife, and draws bow and arrow.>
<makoto> I draw my club.
As the party stood fast and prepared for a flood of goblins to come rushing out the door, something unexpected happened. There was a bang on the door, and then… there was silence.
<Bailes> ".. how much do you want to bet they just barred the door?"
<Notim> "Could be worse. We need to check the right side, but we might be able to do something."
<Notim> "Listen, if we bundle up brush outside the windows I saw and light them on fire than I could throw some flasks of oil in and then shoot a fire arrow."
<Notim> "Listen, if we bundle up brush outside the windows I saw and light them on fire than I could throw some flasks of oil in and then shoot a fire arrow."
<Notim> "That should force them out. But we need to see what is on the right side of the building. What do you think?"
<makoto> "We'd have a lot of panicked goblins to deal with if we do that."
<Bailes> "we still don't know how many are in there"
<makoto> "What do we do when they rush out?"
<Bailes> "well, i do have my sleep spell ready"
<Bailes> "you said the right side of the building still needs to be looked over?"
<Notim> "Boobytrap the front. If we pour oil out in front of the door we can force them out single file. The worm can try and hold them back while Bailes casts sleep. If all else fails I can pepper them with arrows as they file out and Gahoole holds them back. What do you say dwarf?"
<Gahoole> That works
<Gahoole> We get them out and feed them into the axe one at a time
<Notim> "I have ten flasks of oil. If we use one on each window, throw one into the building before shooting an arrow, that leaves six to surround the door with. We need to check that last side of the building first."
<makoto> "I have some oil as well. I can help with the front door trap."
<Notim> "Anyone have any objections?
<makoto> None
<Bailes> "if it's the best course of action, no"
<Notim> "Gahoole?"
<Gahoole> No
<Gahoole> Let's go with it
<Notim> "Alright, here"
Flasks of oil were distributed, and the adventurers split up to run to their positions and lay down the preparations for the fire. Will the fire rise? We'll find out tomorrow.
Also, 1XP for everyone for the one goblin that was killed.
▶ No.668>>669
>>667Hey DM, with Bailes, in the book it says that having a high enough INT means I should be getting a boost to exp. I have a note saying it should be 10%. For whatever reason, though, I can't find where I got that number from. I don't know if I'm being a blind retard or not. Can you clarify?
▶ No.670
Five minutes, niggers.
▶ No.673>>674>>677
It's not genocide if they're chaotic evil.
▶ No.674>>675
>>673I wonder if the gods of chaos will be happy or mad that we're burning their church.
▶ No.675
>>674Looking at the current fight's initiative order, I think we just got the answer to that.
▶ No.677
>>673Praise neutrality and pass the torches
▶ No.678
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The actual theme song for this fight.
▶ No.680
inb4 we've burnt down the entire town of slapmarsh
▶ No.682>>687
>>681Hey look, I'm fake gahoole too
▶ No.683
A whoosh sounded, and Kinogre's wall was set ablaze without any issue. Then Notim's and Bailes' wall went up. Next, a couple of fires were lit outside of the front door by Makoto. Then Notim and Bailes went around to the back to light the final fire, but something went slightly awry. Perhaps a gust of wind came and added just a bit too much oxygen to the mix. Perhaps our heroes had added a bit too much oil. Whatever the reason, the fire in the back exploded in a massive, noisy conflagration, and it was mostly by sheer luck that our arsonists managed to avoid getting burned by it. The party hastily reconvened at the front door and waited. They didn't have to wait long. With another bang, the door was unbarred, and six desperate goblins came charging out.
Spurred on by their perilous situation, the goblins quickly launched themselves upon the party. Bewildered by the commotion and forced to advance in a double file line by two columns of fire, they couldn't land a blow. Bailes invoked the power of sleep, and was pleased to note the flawless execution of the spell. Six goblins slumped to the ground. Kinogre and Notim wasted no time in jumping in to slaughter two of the sleeping goblins. Makoto, sensing that something wasn't right, stood by and watched. Bailes, examining the state of the fire, realized exactly what wasn't right. Specifically, that the fire had spread to two nearby buildings. She then tested out the wand of enemy detection, and was at least halfway relieved to find that no further enemies were coming to flank the party.
Kinogre, Notim, and Bailes all rushed in to kill or apprehend the remaining goblins, but were perhaps a bit shaken by the spreading fire and the renewed attack only resulted in one of the goblins waking up. Makoto decided to run back to town to warn the people of the coming fire. After a few more attempts to attack, Kinogre and Notim managed to kill the remaining goblins before they woke up, and Bailes was unable to save a captive from Kinogre's axe. Then our heroes ran after Makoto. The fire had spread through the abandoned quarter of the town with alarming rapidity.
<Notim> "Ehhh, fucking gobbos did this. I hope that priest pays well."
<Bailes> "we should probably run"
<makoto> hahahaha
<Bailes> "oh god"
<Bailes> "oh fuck"
<Bailes> "i take no responsibility for any of this!"
Makoto was the first to reach the Goodfellows' Society. She attempted to explain to Benito what had happened, and the old priest suggested that she get to the town square and start shouting about the fire. This she ran off to do, and the rest of the party followed. With the warnings being shouted in the square, it wasn't long before the townsfolk mobilized, and so did the party. Notim deceived the guards into thinking that goblins had lit the fire, then retreated to the now-empty tavern to steal an ale and relax. Kinogre took his axe and a handful of good men to go and contain the blaze. Bailes commandeered a very expensive staff of create water from the local magic shop, but promised to pay the shopkeep for it later. Makoto grabbed a bucket and joined the townsfolk. The struggle to save Slapmarsh had begun.
And 7 XP for everyone for the six goblins you killed.
▶ No.685>>686
Hey guys, sorry to have to do this at the last minute but Bailes isn't going to be able to make it. I'm pretty under the weather.
▶ No.686
>>685Could be worse, you could have waited three hours before saying anything.
▶ No.688
Session postponed in favor of a Week of Rest and Relaxation™
▶ No.696>>697
Makoto player here. If we're playing tonight, I'm gonna be late. Go ahead and get started without me, and I'll join when I can.
▶ No.697>>698
>>696Okay just remember that this is the week we switch to voice chat so Notim can stream the sessions to his twitch channel.
▶ No.698
>>697Oh? You're streaming this on twitch?
where the FUCK is bailes
▶ No.700
>>699Bailes is DMPC. They will show up as soon as Mankoto does.
▶ No.701
>>699sleep is a powerful mistress
▶ No.703
>hey babe wanna fuck
▶ No.704>>705
Saved some crack babies and told some lies at a pub. If that's not a good day I don't know what is.
▶ No.705>>706>>707
>>704We legitimately need to do this over voice. This is some good content. I would even be willing to shell out cash for fivrr artists to make a bunch of art based on the campaign for my twitch channel.
▶ No.706
Well, looks like I missed the whole thing.
>>705>voice chat>twitch channel>fivrrSo this is the kind of degeneracy that happens when the cleric isn't around.
▶ No.707>>708
>>705Twitch is a terrible idea. We
will say nigger. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who's a little reluctant to put his voice out there in association with tvch.
▶ No.708>>709
>>707Bro, I say nigger all the time when I am streaming.
▶ No.709
>>708But you have mob protection.
▶ No.713>>714
Our scene opens on Bailes and Kinogre heroically beating back the flames. Well, mostly Kinogre, since Bailes somehow managed to knock down a burning wall and spread even more fire. The two of them managed to get that under control and continued firefighting along the perimeter with the other volunteers. Eventually, it seemed as though the fire was pretty well contained. Most of the abandoned quarter would be ruined, but as long as the fire didn't spread into the town proper, nobody seemed to mind this all that much.
Of course, things can never be quite that simple. A repulsive wreck of a wretched beggar-woman came shambling out from between the burning buildings and made a beeline straight for our heroes. She clutched at Kinogre's beard frantically and started babbling about her children. Apparently, they were trapped behind a collapsed wall, and she wanted someone with an axe to come rescue them. Kinogre so disgusted by the aspect and stench of the woman that he was of half a mind to just let her suffer, but ultimately he was unable to let innocent children perish. He allowed the woman to drag him amongst the perilous flames, and Bailes followed.
The trio reached the collapsed wall, and Kinogre wasted no time in hacking away at it. Bailes kept an eye out, and noted that flames were advancing on the party's position. The wizard readied her staff of water and fired it… causing another mostly-destroyed wall to collapse, and this time right on top of everyone! Kinogre and Bailes found themselves trapped under the wall with the homeless woman, and with heat and flames quickly making the situation unbearable. With a bit of quick thinking, Bailes pointed the staff straight down and fired it at the ground, putting out the flames and making the enclosed space significantly more comfortable. Kinogre continued hacking away, and before long managed to hack his way first to the children, and then to freedom.
Everyone stepped out from under the wall to find that the fires outside had largely run their course and were dying down. Slapmarsh was saved. Breathing in the fresh air, Bailes looked down at the rescued children and noted certain signs on their faces indicating that their mother had been a fan of drinking while pregnant, and remembered her sister Jennyvive, who also suffered from this defect and had given it to her own children. Kinogre wondered where the hell Notim and Makoto had gotten to. He wasn't sure where Makoto had gotten mixed up at, but he was pretty damned sure he'd find Notim lazing around at the inn.
So, Kinogre and Bailes headed back to the inn. Bailes went off to bed, but Kinogre was persuaded to hang out in the tavern when the keeper announced that the first round of ale for everyone today would be free. This announcement also managed to lure Notim into the tavern. With a few rounds in her, Notim quickly got around to boasting about the events that had led up to the fire - leaving out certain details and blaming the whole thing on goblins, of course - as well as exaggerating, so to speak, her role in fighting the fire. Kinogre, for his part, backed her up on this when she exaggerated a few of the dwarf's deeds as well, and the tavern-goers believed every word of it. More free drinks were bestowed on the two demi-humans as the night wore on, and a few embarrassing decisions were inevitably made.
Kinogre, for his part, began scanning the tavern for women to hit on. Notim, naturally, was out of the question, but the only available alternative was almost worse: an elf. Nevertheless, he decided to attempt it. The elf responded to Kinogre's advances by playfully mocking his height, and Kinogre responded by babbling a string of incomprehensible nonsense, which quite effectively scared off his quarry.
Meanwhile, Notim started a bar fight which ended up putting another patron through several tables. The festivities were somewhat dampened when the innkeeper demanded seventy gold pieces as compensation, but Notim and Kinogre managed to convince him to accept an opal worth 20 gold pieces for now so they could bring the rest tomorrow. This accomplished, now seemed like a decent time to go to bed. What will our intrepid adventurers get up to next?
▶ No.718
>>716Yeah I was going to have to cut out early tonight since I have to wake up early to make a flight.
▶ No.719
>>716Damn, sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon.
▶ No.720
>>716Get better, bro. No worries.
▶ No.726
I will be there but late! Like 30 minutes from now sorry
▶ No.727
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The time. Is now.
▶ No.730>>731>>736
>>729That is F/SN Illya modest chested but 18 since she was created 8 years prior to the 4th Holy Grail War.
▶ No.733
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ No.734
▶ No.735
>lawful good wizard destroying private property
>holy woman and dwarf murdering pets
>the designated psychopath minding her own business relieving herself in the outhouse
dnd, yo
▶ No.737>>738
>>736She is stunted and weird because she was a vat grown homunculus. Like she is older than Shiro is during the 5th Holy Grail War. Hell in Fate/Zero she is a little eight year old and that takes place almost exactly ten years prior to the 5th Holy Grail War.
▶ No.738
>>737I accept your explanation of the character being over 18.
I'm just saying
>fate ▶ No.745>>746>>747
With the dawn of what was hopefully the first normal day in several days, the party members went out to perform various mundane errands. Notim went to retrieve the gold she owed the tavern owner. Makoto went down to the Goodfellows' Society to collect the party's 800 gold reward for, in a technical sense, successfully removing the goblins from the bad part of town. Kinogre slept in.
It was Bailes' errand that would deny our heroes their much-deserved day of rest. All she wanted to do was return the staff of create water to the shop she'd borrowed it from. But she didn't want to just give it back without any charges left. So, after a bit of thought, she remembered Paccinto, and wondered if the old scholar could possibly have been a wizard. His behavior was certainly odd enough to justify the suspicion. Could Paccinto possibly have the know-how to recharge the staff? It seemed likely enough, given his age. So, Bailes went to Paccinto's house.
She arrived at the front door of the house and, seeing no signs of anyone home, gave the door a tentative knock. No reply. She went to peer i>>738
nto a window and was surprised to find the house in a radically different state from how she'd last seen it. The place was in total disarray, dust and cobwebs and decay everywhere. Bailes ventured to open the door and step inside, but decided to wait til she had her companions with her.
Around this time, Kinogre awoke. He stumbled, naturally, to the tavern area, where he found Notim who had recently returned. The two immediately proceeded to get some morning drinking done. Not long after, Makoto came in with the sack of gold from Benito. The three began to merrily divide up the gold.
Bailes quickly made her way to the shop and, nobly if somewhat begrudgingly, agreed to pay the shopkeep for the mostly used-up staff later. The medium then made her way back to the inn and walked in on her companions as they were enjoying a morning of booze and gold. The party wouldn't listen to Bailes' news til she'd sat down and taken her share of the gold, but eventually she managed to share what had happened. Paccinto had gone, not only without a trace, but practically having left positive evidence that he'd never been there. The party resolved to drop off its new earnings at the bank, ensure their old earnings were still there - they were, thankfully - and go investigate the old house on Alpa Street.
The party stepped in and had Bailes use the wand of enemy detection. Nothing glowed in the entry hall. So, Notim stepped outside to find a restroom, and the rest of the party ventured further into a sort of gathering hall. But the gathering hall proved to be home to four giant bees.
In reality, the ensuing combat took under a minute, but to the combatants it seemed much, much slower than that. The heroes stared at the bees. The bees stared back. Then Bailes cast sleep. Over the course of the next fifty or so seconds, Makoto left, a stairway to a cavern was discovered, honey was eaten, Makoto and a false wall was discovered. It was eventually decided that killing the bees before they woke up would be the safest course of action, and Makoto splattered the first one. Kinogre also split one, and Notim returned but only managed to wake one up. While all this was going on, Bailes was busy knocking down the false wall. At last, the bees were all dead.
But, staring past the broken false wall, the party made a ghastly discovery: four bowls, such as one might feed a hound with, each with a pet's name on it, and each… filled with honey.
With that, the mystery of the false wall was solved. But the mystery of the dark cavern under Paccinto's house still remained. What will our heroes discover in this unexpected grotto beneath our seemingly-peaceful Alpa Street?
205 XP for everyone, for the reward and the bees. Obviously no session tomorrow, since two of our players already announced their absence. Remember to keep track of your XP though, more of you should be getting pretty close to level 2 by now.
▶ No.747>>749
>>745We should hunt more bees
▶ No.749
>>747>>746It was 205 xp for the 800 gold reward
and the bees. I'm sure you can figure out where 200 of those xp came from.
▶ No.753>>756
I finally tried to calculate how much xp Bailes is suppose to have on top of her prime requisite bonus but then found out that I may have forgotten how percentages work. If I haven't missed anything, all of us should have a base of 1702 xp. Check my math, but if I did this right then Bailes' 10% boost per xp gain should put her at 1889.22.
▶ No.754>>755>>758
I think the ogre is MIA again tonight. We still doing this?
▶ No.755
>>754I am here. Is der Ogrefuhrer still in bongistan?
▶ No.757>>758
>>756shiet hit the wrong button 1872.2
▶ No.758
>>754I'll still be available.
>>756>>757So just to make sure, this is 3+416+67+1000+1+7+205 with the 10% figured for each?
▶ No.759>>761>>774
Makoto we're waiting your reimu-looking ass.
▶ No.762
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Game theme song.
▶ No.765>>766>>768>>769
>>764>lana del ray fans are sheepbased
▶ No.766>>774
Makoto, are you still alive?
>>765They are when they're alive, anyway.
▶ No.768>>769
>>765Wildest Dreams is by Taylor Swift you fucking retard, it's also "del Rey" not "del Ray", fuck you.
▶ No.769
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>765>>768What the fuck are you nerds talking about?
▶ No.771>>772
Not going to be able to make tomorrow's game. Something came up in my personal life and I will be busy. Gomensorry
▶ No.772>>773
>>771anyone else gonna be unavailable this week?
▶ No.773
>>772Bailes is good to go if there's anyone to play with.
▶ No.776
>>775I thought I just saw something digging into my garbage making weird grunting noises, I'll go check.
▶ No.777
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ No.782>>783
>still no word from gahoole
Has vol 3 finally sent him swimming with the fishes?
▶ No.786>>787>>791
I will return
▶ No.787
>>786Big talk for a ghost.
▶ No.788
Now let us step back in time to some hours ago, when the members of our party were fast asleep, to examine a curious dream which some of them shared last night.
In a barren plain that doesn't exist, Bailes and Notim awoke. Bailes attempted to talk about the strange happening, but didn't get very far before Notim attempted to reach for the knives under her pillow. The obvious problem of Notim's pillow not being in the plain came with the obvious consequences that there were no knives under it. The brutal halfling, feeling more than a little insecure without her weapons, began to panic before she could think to check her attire for the missing blades. Bailes examined the surrounding area - finding that there were plains, mountains, and a sheer drop with a village beyond it - while Notim went searching the terrain for something that could be used to bash an enemy's head in.
Unable to bear the panic any longer, Notim went racing into the fields, and Bailes went after her. After a short distance, the pair of them noticed a large crowd of slowly shambling figures. Bailes yanked Notim to a halt, and Notim dropped to the ground and searched for something, anything. She found something. And, after digging at it with her hands for a bit, found that it was a skeleton, which began visibly straining to free itself from the caked on dirt. At this point, Bailes, somewhat clearer-headed than Notim, thought to check her attire, and was satisfied to learn that it was her normal daytime attire with all her normal daytime gear where it normally was. While Notim struggled to yank the skeleton's femur away from it, Bailes proceeded to attack the skeleton's skull with her dagger. The skeleton couldn't manage to break free before two good blows caved its skull in, and Notim flew back with its now liberated femur. Glad to have found a new weapon, Notim attributed the bone to a gift from the great hapa halfling sage Saint Elliot and decided to use it as a club.
The shambling figures, meanwhile, were now close enough to be distinctly recognized as zombies. The pair of adventurers ran for the sheer drop and, peering down, determined a narrow shepherd's pass carved into the cliff face. This they wasted no time in fleeing down, but within a few minutes they realized that the zombies were doing something a good deal stranger than chasing them. The zombies came to the precipice, and, one by one, kept walking forward. The dead forms each fell to the ground below and were shattered. The two of them ignored the odd happening, Notim naturally and Bailes with some effort.
At about the midway point down the shepherd's pass, Notim and Bailes met a goat. It wasn't doing much, but it was definitely blocking their way.
<Bailes> "aw hey there buddy"
<TheDunkinMaster> "bleheheheheh," he responds
<Notim> "You dare to challenge Saint Elliot's chosen? HEY BAILES, WE EATING GOOD TONIGHT."
<*Notim brandish's her holy weapon and attack's the GOAT*>
<Bailes> "now wait, don't antagonize something that could knock you off"
<Bailes> "oh crap"
Notim swung the bone!
<Notim> .dice 1d20+1
<Internets> :: Total 4 / 21 [19%] :: Results [3] ::
<TheDunkinMaster> well that'll miss anyway
And the goat charged!
<TheDunkinMaster> now the goat's turn
<TheDunkinMaster> and possibly some real B/X tier gameplay
<TheDunkinMaster> .dice 1d20
<Internets> :: Total 1 / 20 [5%] :: Results [1] ::
<TheDunkinMaster> never mind
The goat lost its footing and plunged to its death on the rocks below.
Notim had hoped it might be possible to recover the goat's body for food, but this hope was dashed near the bottom of the cliff, where a charnel odor began to waft up from large piles of broken corpses. It seemed as though the zombies from earlier were far from the first to destroy themselves in this manner.
In the distance, a village with some sort of apparent human activity could be discerned. Nearby, a pair of jackals was gorging on the macabre mounds. Overhead, another zombie flung itself from the cliff. Bailes was all in favor of moving on.
<Notim> I attack the jackals
Notim charged, a jackal snapped at her, and Bailes tried to frighten the animals by shouting at them. The jackals seemed startled, but would it be enough? Notim landed a blow on one the beast's heads. The other jackal seemed to consider for a moment whether or not it should stick around, but ultimately decided to snap at Bailes. A single bite was enough to leave the wizard seriously wounded. The first jackal followd this up with another snap at Notim.
Now Notim was quite a bit sturdier than a wizard, but the jackal managed to land a more devestating bite. Notim Portent woke up in her bed at the inn. Bailes, still stuck in the dream, beheld the halfling crumple to the ground. The wizard proceeded to cast sleep and run like hell.
5XP to both Notim and Bailes for the skeleton and the goat.
▶ No.789
Bailes had managed to run for about a minute before two things happened. The first, naturally, is that the jackals woke up. The second is that Makoto woke up next to her, having hit the ground running, so to speak. Thankfully, a minute proved to be an adequate lead to make it to the village unharmed.
<TheDunkinMaster> roll me CON checks, you'll pass as long as you don't crit fail
<Bailes> okay that's not so awful then
<Bailes> .dice 1d20
<Internets> :: Total 4 / 20 [20%] :: Results [4] ::
<makoto> .dice 1d20
<Internets> :: Total 2 / 20 [10%] :: Results [2] ::
Just barely, they made it. Once the adventurers got close enough to the village, the jackals slowed, stopped, stared, and slunk away.
<Bailes> completely in tunnel vision mode, i only notice makoto when i look back to see if i'm still being chased
<Bailes> "oh no, you're here too?"
<Bailes> "we need to get out of the open, this place is some kind of evil"
<Bailes> "notim is fucking dead"
<makoto> "Oh dear."
<Bailes> "i don't have much more in me, we need to get inside"
The two of them turned to look upon the village they'd fled to. They beheld a number of old, rotted shacks with wilted thatched roofs, and an endless procession of silent villagers marching from house to house. Makoto stopped one of the villagers and asked if there was any place to take shelter. The villager solemnly replied that they could rest in one of the shacks, and resumed his place in the silent procession. Bailes and Makoto slipped into a shack, sat down, and began to talk.
<makoto> "The last thing I remember is coming back to the inn in Slapmarsh."
Bailes explained to Makoto everything that had happened up until the cleric's arrival. Everything from waking up in that field to Notim's demise at the fangs of the wild jackals.
<Bailes> "gods, you should've seen the bottom of that cliff. corpses everywhere"
As the two of them were discussing what to do next, the man Makoto had spoken to earlier entered the shack with the procession. He seemed to regain a moment's worth of increased lucidity, and used it to warn the pair of adventurers against waiting too long in the shack. Apparently, someone was watching. Bailes attempted to question him further, but he refused to wait any longer and rejoined the procession. The wizard and cleric ran out and fell into the procession after him to get more answers. The man spoke like one merely sleepwalking, and it was difficult to get much of substance out of him. The key things the two learned were that this land was called the Dreamlands, that it had once been where people went when they dreamed, and that this had changed with the arrival of someone named "Capricus." That's when the man drowsily mentioned that walking with the procession for too long could result in the two adventurers becoming "enthralled" by it. Bailes and Makoto didn't like the sound of that one bit, and decided to leave the line, only to find that they could not.
When the procession led them into another shack, the man managed to impart one last piece of advice to our heroes: that the enthrallment is less potent within the shacks. Bailes and Makoto managed to break free in here, and their guide was swept away by the flow of quiet walkers. The two rested in silence for… was it minutes? was it hours?… before Makoto prayed for the miracle of healing and bestowed it upon her comrade. The two then began to talk again, but were interrupted by the sound of a deep, guttural growl.
Bailes peeped outside of the shack and beheld something white and rubbery loping around the village.
<Bailes> "okay, fuck whatever that is"
Makoto peered outside the shack and recognized a ghoul. Worse, three ghouls. Worse, a fast variety of ghoul. These would be a lot harder to outrun than jackals. The three monsters prowled about the village, sniffing the air carefully, clearly searching for something. As their search seemed to lead them toward the edge of town, Bailes had a hopeful thought.
<Bailes> "well, the cliff had a huge mass of corpses. maybe they've got business there"
The ghouls turned around and began to lean toward the side of town where our heroes were hiding.
<Bailes> "or not"
Bailes and Makoto decided to hunker down and wait for the ghouls to come to them. Makoto readied her holy symbol. Bailes readied her water staff. The ghouls paused outside the door. Then, in unison, their heads snapped in the direction of the adventurers. Then they charged in.
The ghouls evidently had a hard time using their long claws and ape-like arms to their advantage in the small shack, as the first one to charge in missed, and the second one even hurt itself on a wall. Makoto attempted to turn the ghouls, but the power to do so didn't quite manifest. Bailes blasted the third ghoul out of the shack with the water staff, and the creature landed with a painful thud on the ground. The first two swiped at Makoto again, but again managed to miss, and this time one even broke a claw on the ceiling.
Unfortunately, the ghouls weren't the only ones that luck had forsaken. Makoto once again tried and failed to turn the monsters. Bailes raised her dagger to stab one of the ghouls, but slipped up in the worst possible way. Bailes' dagger landed square in Makoto's heart. Makoto awoke in her comfortable bed at the inn, remarking what a curiously terrible dream she'd just had. Bailes watched in horror as her own comrade fell beneath her blade. The third ghoul charged in and chipped a tooth on the wall. The first ghoul landed a blow; it wasn't a strong blow, but Bailes realized that it could easily have disabled her as she managed to shake off the paralyzing jolt of the ghoul's claws.
Bailes was not interested in whatever nameless fate the ghouls had in store for her. And it seemed to her in this moment that there was only one way to escape it. The wizard took her dagger to her own throat. Bailes woke up in bed at the inn, covered in cold sweat.
<Bailes> "what the FUCK"
And that concludes the party's first outing into THE DREAMLANDS. Hopefully tomorrow's session concludes the adventure at Paccinto's house.
▶ No.791
>>786Soon as in this week, or not this week?
▶ No.793
>if they're killer bees it isn't so bad
▶ No.800>>801>>802
Alright guys I am going to have to dip out of the game for a while. This internet shit is taking over my life and I don't like the person I am becoming. I am sorry to fuck the game over like this, but I need to at least try and get my shit in order, and I don't have the self control not to just waste hours of my life at a computer screen every day. Maybe I will be able to pull myself together and return to being a well balanced individual who can moderate their online time, maybe I will fail spectacularly and come slinking back like a guilty dog to lap up it's vomit. Either way I won't be at next week's game.
Once again sorry.
▶ No.804
With the upper floor secured, the party set about preparing to explore the caverns below. Our adventurers traded the water from their waterskins for honey from the bowls and table, and down they went. The caves below were apparently not terribly large, as the party split up for a moment, only to run into one another twenty minutes later. And, at first at least, the caves seemed rather empty. It seemed as though, no matter how they wandered or called out, there was nothing to react. And as for treasure, only a few scant coppers could be found on the floor. Paccinto's mysterious basement seemed to have been cleared out about as well as the house above.
Venturing a bit farther into the cave, however, the adventurers finally found a clue. There was a room strewn with old bedrolls, with piles of scraps and waste in the corner, as though some person or persons had been living here for some time. And, when Bailes stepped forward to examine the bedrolls more closely, she saw that they were splattered with blood.
<Bailes> "zach might have been right about the old man"
<Bailes> "why would somebody have a chamber to house multiple people in a small room, deep in a tunnel under their home, with remains of blood and waste?"
<Gahoole> "ah yes… poor guy"
<Notim> "Zach *spits* was always wrong. I am sure this Pacciato chap is a wonderful follower of the path of neutrality."
<makoto> "And guarded by giant bees."
<Bailes> "and we gave this guy a potentially super powerful relic, too.."
From a tunnel to the south, a loud splash was heard. The party peered, cautiously down the tunnel to see what they might. They couldn't see anything large enough to have made that splashing sound, but they did see a zombie shambling in their direction. In an act of what could politely be referred to as "overkill," Notim threw a flask of oil at the zombie, Bailes threw a torch at it, and Kinogre smashed its twice-dead corpse with his axe, splattering oil everywhere. Nobody was hurt, but it looked like the way south would be blocked for a bit.
The adventurers took this time to sit and rest for a bit, prepare equipment, and explore the ominous room a bit further. It was Bailes who stumbled upon a simple urn with a wax stopper. With the fire still raging, the wizard took this time to break the seal and dump the urn's contents onto the floor. What tumbled out proved to be a source of no little excitement. It was a strange skull with jewels in its eye-sockets, skittering about by clacking its jawbone.
Makoto instinctively turned the thing, and it fled with a squeal. Kinogre gave chase, supposing it might lead somewhere interesting. Notim also gave chase, hoping to save it, perhaps as some sort of pet. Bailes, not wanting to be left alone, followed with the rest. Our heroes managed to chase the skittering skull up to the ground level, where it went and hid under a desk. It was Kinogre who found it, whereupon it bit his ankle and continued to skitter about madly. Once it nearly escaped through the front door, which Notim had left open upon leaving to search the garden, but Makoto had been fortunately nearby the door, causing the still-turned skull to flee back into the main hall. Makoto slammed the door shut, and Notim heard this and began to run back for the house. Bailes and Kinogre, already in the main hall gave chase to the skull, but Kinogre reached it first. And the dwarf, enraged at having been bitten, forgot his earlier intention of following the skull to see where it might lead. Instead, he embedded his axe into the abomination. The skittering skull let loose a low squeal and skittered no more. The gems in its eye sockets rolled out, and Notim came in just in time to see her plans for a pet skull shatter to pieces.
The humanoid heart is a strange thing sometimes. Notim Portent ignored the gems, gathered the skull, and ran out of the house. The other adventurers didn't know it yet, but they wouldn't see Notim again for a while after that.
Kinogre paid this no mind. Instead, he hastily gathered up the gems. With something of a wild look in his eye, he then cursed at Bailes and marched back down to the caverns without waiting to see if anyone would follow. Bailes and Makoto did follow, after a short while, and things calmed down a bit in the caves as no further incidents occurred to hold up the remaining adventurers. Finally, the three of them stood where the fire had held them up before, and stepped forward. Sunlight and briny wind began to filter into the tunnel as they proceeded, and they emerged into a cave mouth which opened into the sea.
The first thing they noticed was the enormous, white sea gorduck.
230 XP for everyone.
▶ No.806>>807
I'm gonna be out this session guys sorry
▶ No.807>>808
>>806I'll leave it up to Bailes and Makoto then. Do you want to do a THE DREAMLANDS session or take a break this week?
▶ No.808>>809
>>807I don't really want to go back to dreamland yet.
▶ No.809
>>808It's official then, we're taking a break this week.
▶ No.812
We are looking for one more playerIf you're interested, read
>>280 and fill out a sheet.
▶ No.818
gahoole forgot the board exists unfortunately
▶ No.819>>820
Sorry I missed this week. I will be back next week.
▶ No.821>>822
▶ No.824
Makoto here. Gonna be about an hour late tonight. Start without me.
▶ No.827
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ No.829
>>828Fucking chaos goblins dragging down neighborhood.
▶ No.832>>833
Game tonight or no?
▶ No.833>>836
>>832With Gahoole having already said he's not showing up tonight, that depends on whether or not the other two want to do a one shot or dreamlands or something.
▶ No.836>>840
>>833Trying this again next week. We really could use just one more player.
▶ No.846
>>840Roll up a character if you're serious. We've already had two murder hobos.
▶ No.848>>849>>850
Any Room for a DnD newfag?
▶ No.849>>851
>>848Absolutely. The version we're playing is pretty simple rule-wise so you don't have to get an aneurism keeping track of stuff. Go to the start of the thread and run through the DM's steps. We have a Dwarven brute, a cleric, and a wizard atm. Maybe a halfling edgelord schizoid if they ever come back.
▶ No.850>>851
>>848Yeah mate, just read the character creation stuff from the rulebook and skim the rest, you'll be good to go.
▶ No.851>>852>>858
>>849>>850Ok cool. when is the next game? i'll start on my character tomorrow.
▶ No.858>>861
>>851Roll your stats nigger.
▶ No.859
Our heroes stared down the great white gorduck, and it seemed as if the beast was willing to leave peacefully. But Kinogre interrupted it by tossing it a loaf of bread. The gorduck took the bread and looked at the party with something that almost seemed like approval. Then, it disappeared beneath the waves. Examining the beach head, the party discovered a few interesting things. The first of these was another obsidian altar, though this one looked recently cracked. Kinogre took it upon himself to finish breaking it. Bailes found some scattered bones, and on closer inspection sensed that they had been animated up until recently. Makoto reflected on the gorduck, and realized that the great white gorduck was a sacred motif in her homeland.
A discussion was held , and the party considered the possibility that Paccinto had fled his house by launching a boat from this beach. But if so, then where had he gone? Crossing the straits to Wuveria would take more than half a day on a proper sailing ship, but Paccinto might also have escaped by skirting the coast of Tevechia in either direction. Unsure of what to do for the time being, and with the realization that they'd retrieved some sort of magical artifact for a man who was evidently not some innocent old scholar now dawning upon them, the party decided to return to the town proper.
As they exited the house, however, they soon found that they wouldn't have a peaceful village to think things over in. A regiment of royal guards came marching down Alpa Street. The party quickly got out of the way, and then followed the intruders. The guards marched down to the town square like juggernauts, bowling down pedestrians as they went. As Bailes helped an old lady to her feet, the interlopers came to a stop and formed ranks before the village's own local, modest guard shack. An officer went inside and discussed something with the apparently-surprised local authorities for a few minutes. The man then stepped out of the shack, announced that his men were here to investigate the recent fire, and ordered the crowd that was gathering to disperse.
Our heroes - who were obviously and definitely not responsible for the fire in any way, shape, or form - began to nervously whisper among themselves. Unfortunately, the sight of a wizard, an armored dwarf, and a foreign cleric huddled together seemed to attract the attention of a pair of guards as the regiment began to break off into patrols.
<TheDunkinMaster> "You there. You look like a wizard."
<Bailes> "uhhhhhhhhhh why yes, i do have some practice in the magical arts"
<TheDunkinMaster> "Notice anything unusual lately? In a… magical sense?"
<Bailes> "uh"
<Bailes> "well"
<Gahoole> "Ye I did I saw a giant fucking fire burn almost everything down, dark goblin magic if ye ask me"
<Bailes> "yeah, there was the weird fire!"
<Bailes> "chaos goblins, very serious stuff"
<TheDunkinMaster> "Goblins?"
<Gahoole> ya lad saw a few corpses in the fire during cleanup
<Gahoole> Have te imagine them fuckers did all this damage
<TheDunkinMaster> "I see."
<*makoto sweats.>
<TheDunkinMaster> The guard breaks into a grin
<TheDunkinMaster> "Well, by the look of you lot, you must be adventurers, right?"
<Bailes> "mostly dungeon-delving at this point, but that's the goal"
<TheDunkinMaster> "Many good dungeons round these parts?"
<Gahoole> Ahh nothin big yet just a few ruins and some odd jobs out in the woods
<Gahoole> we were thinkin bout movin on from these parts soon enough anyways
<Gahoole> why you ask lad?
<TheDunkinMaster> The guard looks at his partner
<TheDunkinMaster> "Ruins in the woods?"
<Gahoole> Ay of course ye must know them being a royal guard an all
<Gahoole> Why don't ye go look for yourself just gotta get through 20 or so feral gorducks to get to em
<TheDunkinMaster> The guard looks back at you, his smile gone
<TheDunkinMaster> "Why don't you stick around in town a while longer, Mister Dwarf? We might just have to follow up on this."
The patrolmen left the party with a request that they stay in town, their voices not so subtly implying a threat. With that, they marched off in the direction of the Goodfellows' Society.
<Bailes> "i don't know if i'm having about to have a panic attack or if we're in actual danger right now"
<Gahoole> If they start actin uppity we'll just take em out
<Gahoole> no problem
<makoto> "I don't think we should do that."
<Bailes> "why would they send so many royal guards down for a fire in a backwater town"
<makoto> "What hurts one town may hurt the kingdom."
<Bailes> "okay but you saw the guardsman who opened the door to them, he wasn't expecting all of this"
<Bailes> "what if, i dunno, what if this is about the rod?"
<Bailes> "what if we've really fucked up?"
<makoto> "They did seem interested in the ruins outside of town."
<Gahoole> The altars
<Gahoole> some kinda dark magic
<Gahoole> my gues… they wanna use the power for the king
<Gahoole> for some evil plot
<Bailes> "and they asked about noticing any magical abnormalities"
<Bailes> "again, i don't know if i'm overreacting here, but maybe we need to get the hell out of here"
<Bailes> "just get out of slapmarsh"
This sparked some heated debate. Whether the guards were just here for the fire, or whether that was just a cover for the ruins in the swamp, the party was already involved. Bailes was concerned that staying in Slapmarsh would make them easier targets for the investigations. Kinogre argued that fleeing would only make the party look more suspicious, resulting in their becoming fugitives on the run. And Makoto, having faith in the laws of Tevechia, refused to run from them.
In the end, our heroes took the guards' advice of staying in town for a while. And, one way or another, there will be trouble.
▶ No.862
>>861You should start by reading the thread mate.
See the links and screenshot in
>>280 ▶ No.863
>>861Cutting it a bit close if you're serious about joining us. If you mean how to literally roll dice on the board, it's in the stickied thread
>>1Roll 3d6 for your individual stats, 1d whatever your class calls for in the guide, and 3d6 for how much gold you start with.
{1d20}||[ 1d20 = 4 ] ▶ No.864
Had to test it to remind myself. Post the roll as [ (number of dice) d (type of dice) ]
▶ No.865>>867
▶ No.866
>>861Bro if you get on #tevechia on Rizon before we give up on waiting for Gahoole, I will walk you through the whole character creation process.
▶ No.867>>868>>872
>>865HEY SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT DnD THIS WEEK SOMETHING ELSE CAME UP. I will 100% be there next week you can run without me
▶ No.870
▶ No.871
Will our heroes be able to clear their names???
▶ No.872>>873
>>867reminder that even ethan ralph was able to attend a weekly online dnd session for a month
▶ No.874
>>873Get the fuck out of our dnd thread, Ralph.
▶ No.875
>>873Join our DnD game Ralph we need one more player.
▶ No.876
Kinogre stalked off for some reason, leaving Bailes and Makoto alone to think things over.
Makoto, seeing guard patrols interviewing townsfolk all over the square, decided to listen in to see what they were really interested in. There was some talk of the fire, but the majority of the questioning was alarmingly related to things like adventurers going into the swamp to see anything interesting. Thankfully, nobody seemed to know anything about any place in the swamp, let alone any adventurers going there. Makoto blanched, however, when she heard one questioned villager mention four out-of-towners heading toward the section of town that burned on the day of the fire.
<Bailes> "how bad does it look?"
<makoto> "Very bad. They know there was something important in the swamp, and they're getting close to figuring out that we were present for the start of the fire."
<makoto> "They also, uhhh…. asked about any wizards in town."
<Bailes> "but they haven't pinpointed us exactly if we're still not in custody"
<Bailes> "so i guess there's that"
<Bailes> "i don't know how much we want to be staying outdoors before somebody points us out"
<Bailes> "at the same time, i'm kind of wondering something about paccinto. i'm really curious if we went to the society or the municipal office if there'd be any real proof that he was ever in town to begin with"
<Bailes> "obviously he was at the society to issue the job"
<makoto> "We'd better stay away from the Goodfellows' building for now. The old man there knows enough to point the guards back in our direction."
<Bailes> "right, right. it's just a thought. he had a fully furnished house that's now empty. how crazy would it be if we went asking and the oldtimer at the society had no recollection of the job in the first place, is all"
<Bailes> "it's really bothering me about how much of paccinto is an iceberg situation"
<makoto> "Well, we remember Paccinto. And the money he gave us was still in the bank after he disappeared. So there are probably other traces of his having been here."
<Bailes> "yeah. plus the pets, which may have indicated he planned on coming back"
<Bailes> "i really want to think that he's a nice guy after all and all of this is one big misunderstanding. at the same time, you saw that room in those tunnels. the bones by the shore"
<makoto> "Whatever he's done, we're going to have to find him if we want to clear all this up."
<Bailes> "which means leaving town. which you guys don't want to do until things simmer down, right?"
<Bailes> i'm digging into the dirt with my staff while we're talking
<makoto> "If we can find evidence of Paccinto's involvement, we may be able to leave without becoming fugitives."
Bailes and Makoto then realized two things. First, that if the job posting Paccinto had left to hire them on to find the golden rod still existed, then there would be definite evidence that he had been in the town. Second, it had only been four days since they first took that quest. This was shaping up to be one long fucking week.
<Bailes> "if you're thinking of getting the original posting without going into the office, then what, you want to try shuffling around the back to see if it's in a pile?"
<makoto> "Could be worth trying."
Bailes and Makoto then proceeded to make me come up with the waste management lore of the setting, and remembered that most trash was usually burned. Still, it was possible that the note still existed. The sun began to hang low in the sky from the onset of late afternoon, and Bailes decided to take care of something before looking for the note. Just in case. Bailes and Makoto went to the bank, where Bailes withdrew 700 gold pieces. Then, they went off to the magic shop to pay for the debt Bailes had agreed to take on for the water staff. They had a brief encounter with another guard patrol on the way, but ultimately made it to the magic shop in one piece. The shopkeepers had apparently been recently interrogated regarded their regular customer base and were a bit haggard from the ordeal. Still, they accepted Bailes' payment gratefully, and our heroes proceeded to the Goodfellows' Society to try and find that note.
The two proceeded along a somewhat indirect route, hoping to avoid being detected. At last they came to the back of the Society building, only to find a meticulously clean alleyway. The old monk who ran the place apparently did not have a habit of dumping his trash out back. Or if he did, he must have also had a habit of making his assistants clean up out back. Bailes looked at the back door of the building, and then looked at Makoto. Makoto, unable to justify breaking and entering, suggested knocking. So they did knock. A short while later, Benito opened the door and let them in with a cheery greeting, apparently choosing not to see anything odd in their being at the back door.
<TheDunkinMaster> "Feeling all right? All in one piece?"
<Bailes> "things could be better. this might be weird to ask, but are you alone in here?"
<Bailes> "there's some attention we're trying to avoid"
<TheDunkinMaster> "If you're asking if those fellows from the capital are loitering around here, I'll have you know I showed them the door just a short while ago. We're quite alone here."
<makoto> "All right. There are a few things we would like to discuss with you."
<makoto> "Do you recall the first job we took on a few days ago? To find a certain item?"
<TheDunkinMaster> "Your first job? Oh, don't worry about that. After all, it was goblins that caused that fire, eh?" he says with a wink.
<*makoto gives Bailes a sidelong glance.>
<Bailes> stares right back at makoto
<Bailes> "haha, hahaha, yeah, those god dang goblins"
<makoto> "Actually, there was another job before that."
<TheDunkinMaster> "Was there?"
Bailes> "wait, yeah, she meant the first one"
<Bailes> ".. are you saying you don't remember?"
<TheDunkinMaster> "Dear me, what exactly are you on about?"
<Bailes> "sir, what do you do with old postings?"
<TheDunkinMaster> "I file them away, of course. I suppose it's possible there was an old posting I forgot about."
<makoto> "Is there any way we might take a look at those files?"
Benito obliged them, heading over to his desk and asking when and what exactly the quest was.
<Bailes> "it wasn't more than a week ago"
<Bailes> "it was basically a fetching errand for a man named paccinto"
<TheDunkinMaster> "Well, the only quest I filed away this week was the old church, so this shouldn't be too hard to find."
<TheDunkinMaster> "Oh? Oh! I see, no, there's a second one, and it is…"
<TheDunkinMaster> "A fetching errand for a man named Paccinto! Dear me, I can't remember a thing about this one. I can't say I've ever even known a Paccinto!"
Benito scribbled out a copy of the note for his records and handed the original to Bailes and Makoto.
<Bailes> "all these guards, the item that we recovered for paccinto is what they're after. there's details that imply he's of lesser repute than we assumed at the start. if he's doing something criminal, or worse, we need to be able to prove ourselves"
Armed with hard evidence of Paccinto's existence, Bailes and Makoto went back out through the back door. Would they find themselves forced to hand this note over to the guards to prove their innocence? Would the guards believe it? Would Kinogre rejoin them to help deal with the complications? Only time would tell.
▶ No.877>>878
I will be at tonight's game but maybe like 10-15 minutes late
▶ No.880
▶ No.883
As Bailes and Makoto exited the Society building, Kinogre came stumbling through the alley, apparently having wandered there at random in a state of distress.
<Bailes> "we were just about to come looking for you back at the inn. we've done some sleuthing about paccinto"
<makoto> "We found out that Benito at the Goodfellows' doesn't remember Paccinto or that first job we did at all."
Makoto then proceeded to explain the events leading up to the acquisition of the job listing that proved Paccinto's existence.
<Gahoole> Then wat the fuck is going on here?
<Bailes> "that's the big question we keep running into"
<Bailes> "at the moment, at least, we have something that can point the guard to somebody other than us"
<Bailes> "if there's nothing else to look into"
<*makoto looks to Kinogre.>
<Bailes> "i'm still wondering if he shows up in any town records as being an actual resident. or if there's any records of that house. but it's not like we could get into the municipal building without dealing with the guards anyway"
<makoto> Let's go try to find the guard captain.
Our heroes, having had an idea that could certainly be described as an idea, decided to look for the officer from the capital so they could tell him what they knew and turn over their evidence. They found him where they had seen him last: in the town square near the local guard shack. The officer was in the middle of arguing with one of the local boys about something, and ended the argument by kicking the lad's dog. Then he approached the party, smirking and stroking his mustache.
<TheDunkinMaster> "Ah, you must be those adventurers my men told me about. The ones who knew about that nice little 'dungeon' in the swamp?"
<Gahoole> Ya that's us you like beatin dogs?
<TheDunkinMaster> "Oh? You saw that? Mangy little cur bit me. I let it off lightly for the boy's sake. It happens, in my line of work."
<Bailes> i try to whisper to kinogre "let's try and play cool. we're trying to get off the hook here, not assault the royal guard"
<Gahoole> Well that is completely fair then sir
<TheDunkinMaster> "More than fair. Now then, about what you can do for your country. Do you all think you remember the way to that place in the swamp?"
The party thought hard about that for a moment before remembering that there was a map on the notice they had brought. Makoto quickly produced it, explaining that there had been a job at the Goodfellows' Society. At this, the officer's smug demeanor vanished as he snatched up the note. He stared at the note, growing visibly more upset by the second.
<TheDunkinMaster> "You… retrieved something from this place, then?"
<Bailes> "as per his request, yes. we didn't think anything of it until recently"
<Bailes> "the magnitude of doing so didn't really hit until some things came to our attention"
<TheDunkinMaster> "What… was… the object… you retrieved?"
<Bailes> "a damaged rod or scepter"
<TheDunkinMaster> "Well, we're gonna need someone to blame."
<TheDunkinMaster> "And this Paccinto fellow, do you know where he is at the moment?"
<makoto> "He fled town shortly before your arrival."
Things went crazy pretty fast. The party was placed under arrest, with nearby patrolmen being summoned to restrain them. Kinogre aimed a kick at the officer's crotch but missed and started to run. Makoto froze in place. Bailes cast sleep, fortunately mustering enough power to down all of the nearby guards. Bailes then began looking for horses nearby, and by more good fortune found a number of them tethered to the nearby guard shack. Kinogre and Bailes quickly set about stealing some horses, but Makoto was still rooted in place.
<Gahoole> MAKOTO It's time to go lass
<Bailes> "what are you doing, come on, we're a little screwed here"
<makoto> "Go ahead, but I'm not going to run."
<makoto> "I have to face justice for my crime."
<makoto> "Even if it means also getting blamed for something else."
<makoto> "I won't be a fugitive."
Bailes and Kinogre continued to yell at Makoto. Kinogre even attempted to forcibly yank her toward the horses, but in that moment the cleric was as immovable and unhearing as a mighty oak. Her conviction in the forces of Law was so overpowering in that moment that strange connections began to open between her soul and the higher realms.
Makoto found herself in a vision. Standing atop a familiar, desolate cliffside from her home in the Northeast Isles, Makoto was once again face to face with the Great White Gorduck. The divine beast pointed a hand over the sea, and Makoto looked, and she saw. Looming over the stormy sea was the figure of Patrocles, the immortal ogre king of Tevechia, cradling a shadowy staff in his arms. And the staff was Chaos.
Then Makoto was back in Slapmarsh. The sleeping spell wouldn't hold the guards back much longer.
<Bailes> "makoto! makoto? hey, you good? come on, we gotta go!"
<makoto> Uh……..
<Bailes> "we can figure out penitence when we get somewhere that isn't here"
<makoto> Well, the guards can't all be bad, right?
<makoto> I mean, this captain is, and Patrocles is, but…
<makoto> Actually, I'd better go with my friends for now.
<makoto> I get on a horse.
And so, just as the guards were stirring to life, the party rode southward. Past the inn. Past the Goodfellows' Society. Past the magic shop. And finally, out of town, toward Janston and the inland.
By the time they arrived in Janston, night had fallen. As they neared the town, a few passers-by recognized the insignia of the Slapmarsh village guard on the horses and raised an eyebrow, and the party hastily discarded of the horses' barding in a nearby patch of saltmarsh before actually riding into town. They decided to ride on through the town and make camp just before the road to Dunkabury. They certainly attracted a few odd stares as they made their way, but nobody accosted them, and soon they were settling down for the night.
Tomorrow would certainly be the first day of the rest of their lives.
1XP for everyone for the odds and ends you found in those stolen saddlebags.
▶ No.886
▶ No.888
>>887>>884It's funny because you can safely assume he hasn't run that fast since recording this.
▶ No.893>>896
The thread appears to be bast the bumplimit. Should we make a new thread or just keep this one going?
▶ No.896>>899
>>893Eh let's wait til we slide to page 2. This thread will probably stay on the front page for months either way.
Also I've got some personal shit I need to take care of this Tuesday. Sorry about that. As always you guys are free to plan a one-shot without me, or even just use the channel to chat.
▶ No.900
Once on the other side of Janston, our heroes rode off the main road a ways to make camp and took their watches in shifts as usual. Their watchfulness was variable, to put it nicely, but nobody came to bother them in the night. At the very crack of dawn, Makoto saw an old man leaving Janston who spared the little campsite a lingering glance before moving on, but that was the most attention they'd attracted the whole night.
Having survived the night, the party then resolved to head back into town for supplies. The horses had grown a bit ornery, but they reluctantly allowed themselves to be ridden back. The adventurers managed to secure rations, horse feed, and lamp oil. They encountered a minor inconvenience in the form of an irate innkeeper demanding that they pay for the hitching posts where Bailes was watching the horses. The angry little man probably overcharged for the spots, but the party was otherwise unharmed from the shopping trip. So with that, they rode on toward Dunkabury.
On the way, a pair of giant ferrets walked out onto the road in front of the travelers. By sheer good fortune, the horses didn't bolt and the ferrets didn't attack. There was a tense standoff for a bit, but the party managed to ride around the wild animals without any trouble.
At about the midway point, they passed a little cottage on the side of the road. There, a little old lady was sitting on the porch. She called out and inquired if our heroes would like some cold tea. Bailes, Makoto, and Kinogre, beholding the neat little fence and the perfect little yard, saw no harm whatsoever in accepting this offer. So into the cottage they went.
▶ No.902>>903
I am gonna be really busy this week and probably the rest of the month while I get ready to move across the country. I might be able to play next week but I kinda doubt it. Either run without me or I can come back once we're in september. Sorry
▶ No.904>>905
>>903I'm moving to orlando florida
▶ No.905>>906
>>904Gahoole is turning Cuban…
▶ No.909>>910
>>908She seemed like such a nice old lady. Shame we'll probably have to burn her house down.
▶ No.910
>>909Arson, the answer to every question we're forced to ask.
▶ No.912>>913
So our heroes bravely ventured into the cottage of the friendly old lady. They had some tea and chatted for a while, until eventually the old lady revealed that she'd invited the adventurers in for a reason. That reason? Rats in the cellar. Big rats.
The party agreed to look into the matter. After they finished their tea, the old lady showed them to her cellar. As they descended the stairs, they heard the trap door close behind them.
<makoto> I have a bad feeling about this.
It wasn't long before they heard the rats shuffling around, and they charged into the next room to do battle. Bailes quickly dispatched a rat with her dagger. Makoto traded blows with another rat, taking a nasty bite in the process. Bailes intervened by stabbing that rat to death too, and in that same moment, Kinogre's axe came down through the skull of the last rat.
Bailes had saved her sleep spell in anticipation of future fights, but Makoto had gotten badly hurt in the rat battle. Makoto was also keen to save her healing spell. They remembered the honey from the killer bees that they'd gathered the day before damn it's really only been one in-game day since the bees and Bailes had to share half of her supply to restore the cleric to full health.
With that settled, Bailes decided to glance around the room. She saw a mummy with its heart ripped out lying on a stone slab.
<Bailes> "what the actual fuck"
<makoto> "We had better go have a talk with our hostess."
<Bailes> "yeah, i can't wait"
<Bailes> "i'm sure she has a perfectly innocent explanation"
<Bailes> "final nail in the coffin of me going out of my way to do anything for another old person again"
<makoto> Just a nice old lady who steals organs from the dead.
<makoto> Let's go back.
<Bailes> "how much do you want to bet the trap door is locked?"
And so, in a twist that apparently surprised nobody, they returned to the trap door and found that it was locked.
Will our heroes survive this woodland tea cottage of death? Will they escape with whatever treasures it may hold? We'll find out tomorrow.
▶ No.913>>914
>>912Any xp for killing those god damn rats?
▶ No.922
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The sands of time are a fickle mistress.
▶ No.923
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ No.925
What surprises me the most is that she gave us genuine tea.
▶ No.928>>932
<makoto> I call up to the old woman. "Ma'am? The rats are dead. We're coming back up."
No response. Bailes sighed and went down into the cellar to explore, and Makoto stayed behind to knock a few more times. Bailes came across a room that seemed to be loaded with treasure, sent Kinogre into it to check for traps, and called Makoto over. Once they knew it was safe, our heroes walked in and found huge heaps of coins and other treasures, but Bailes detected that the horde was protected by some sort of magical trap and nobody touched anything. They sighed and went back to the trapdoor.
<makoto> "Any ideas how we might get it open?"
<Bailes> "how fastly shut is it? can you get any give? and light?"
<makoto> I step back so Bailes can examine it.
<TheDunkinMaster> it rattles a bit when you push on it
<Bailes> "hm. so there's nothing laying on top of it"
<Bailes> "seems like it could just be latched shut"
<Bailes> "maybe if we had a crowbar?"
As luck had it, Bailes had some metal spikes in her pack that were just long enough to shove under the door.
<TheDunkinMaster> it goes in
<TheDunkinMaster> and you feel a sort of magical "thread" break as it does so
<TheDunkinMaster> roll init :)
<Bailes> fug
Sand began to pour onto the cellar floor below, and slowly rose toward our heroes. Bailes and Makoto began to pound at the trapdoor with their weapons, but in their haste had a hard time working with the awkward angle.
<Bailes> "okay this is quickly looking real bad"
That's when another giant rat scampered toward the stairs, likely scared out by the sand. Thankfully, the rat stopped when it saw the party. It didn't seem willing to fight just yet, but soon it would be forced to flee up the stairs if something didn't change.
Bailes and Makoto decided that a more controlled approach was necessary. They sheathed their weapons and braced their hands against the door. Makoto gave a heave, Bailes gave a ho, and at last Makoto forced the door open. The rat darted between the adventurers and into the upper room, but skidded to a halt when it saw something that was up there. When the adventurers poked their heads out of the cellar, they saw two giant ferrets, who were apparently in the process of carrying two new giant rats into the house.
<Bailes> oh fuck off
<Bailes> fuck it
<Bailes> sleep
The animals all collapsed into a deep slumber. Our heroes were thoroughly done with this shit. They ran to the door, found it stuck, grabbed a chair, threw it through a window, and bolted outside.
The old lady shouted down from a window on the second story, "Get them!"
That's when the house sprouted numerous chicken legs and began to pursue the party. Our heroes had one chance to dash to their horses and escape. Bailes made it. Makoto and Kinogre did not.
<makoto> kuso
A rug shot out from the cottage's open door and snatched up the cleric like a frog catching a fly. Bailes came up with a hasty plan to try and lead the house to Dunkabury to find help. Makoto and Kinogre were dumped back in the dining room. Makoto, eager not to awkaken the ferrets, and hearing the old crone's laughter up above, made her way toward the attic stairs. Makoto made sure Kinogre was following, brandished her club, and charged up the stairs.
There, in the attic, stood the old woman. In one hand was a dagger. In the other was a mummified human heart. She wheeled around and threw herself at Makoto. What followed was a brief flurry of swings and dodges, in which the first one to get hit risked certain death. Ultimately, it was the evil hag who found an axe in her spine, and she fell to the ground with a dull thud.
Outside, Bailes realized that the house had stopped following her. She cautiously approached it and called inside.
<Bailes> "so what is this, you want to parlay? i want my friends back"
<makoto> I shout back, "The fiend has been put to rest!"
<Bailes> "oh shit!"
<makoto> And wave out the window.
<Bailes> i happily wave back
The battle was over. The animals woke up and fled into the forest. All our heroes had to worry about now was what on earth they would do about the walking house, and whether or not they could make off with its treasures.
10XP each for defeating the hag. With over 4000XP worth of treasure sitting in the horde, will our heroes' hard work this past session pay off and push them into a level 2 party at last? We'll find out tomorrow.
▶ No.935>>942
Rollin' for that second level health:
{1d4}||[ 1d4 = 2 ]▶ No.942>>944>>972
>>935Our heroes set about investigating a few things. Makoto went to check to see if the basement had followed the house, and found that it had. Bailes went up to check the slain hag, and took the dagger and the shriveled heart from her. The party then descended together into the basement, found a bit more treasure around the stairs, and proceeded to look at the mummy. Bailes had easily deduced that the hole in the mummy's chest and the mummified heart were related. She returned the heart to its hole.
The mummy's flesh immediately began to fill out, and its tattered rags mended themselves back into clothes. Before long the mummy had become a middle-aged woman, who sat up and looked at the party with an appraising eye.
<Bailes> "hello friendly stranger. welcome back to the land of the living"<TheDunkinMaster> "Did you kill that bitch who lives upstairs?"<makoto> "Aye."<TheDunkinMaster> She slides off the slab and stretches.<TheDunkinMaster> "Nice. It's been like 50 years since she broke into my house and stole my fucking heart."<Bailes> "that's some time to be under. are you saying you were aware for that whole duration?"<TheDunkinMaster> "Yep. Nothing like watching my life's work get misused for petty roadside banditry."<Bailes> "i'm sorry, what is your name? this is makoto and kinogre. my name is bailes"<TheDunkinMaster> "I'm Mak'Karana. Can I get you guys anything? Some tea? You look like a wizard, you want some books? You guys can take all the shiny shit the bitch stole, I don't need worldly bullshit cluttering up my sanctuary."<Bailes> jackpot<Bailes> "i'd love to look over some books, but you should probably be made aware that your sanctuary is currently sitting in the middle of the main road now"<TheDunkinMaster> "Oh, I'll take care of it. You guys need me to drop you off some place before I take this thing back to the mountains?"<makoto> "Mountains?"<TheDunkinMaster> "Uh, yeah. The ones up near Duppa. Hey, hang on, where are we right now? I know there's a lot of trees outside. This is still Truthaust, right?"<makoto> "We're actually in Tevechia. Near the southwest coast."<TheDunkinMaster> She groans, "Oh, ew."<Bailes> "as a point worth making, we don't really have a destination in mind. we're actually in some deep trouble"<TheDunkinMaster> "Hm?"<makoto> "We're on the run from the forces of Patrocles."<Bailes> "yeah, some old wizard tricked us into collecting a chaos object. the crown opted to blame us for.. something?"<Bailes> i'll look to makoto "maybe it would be possible to ask for a prolonged lift. again, we don't really know what to do at this point except run"<makoto> "Miss Ma-Karana, might you be willing to let us travel with you?"<TheDunkinMaster> "Yeah, no, totally. Patrocles is probably why all the magic in this country smells like ass. Ogres should not be necromancers. You wanna hitch a ride, sure. I can drop you off anywhere between here and the mountains.<Bailes> "wait, wait, necromancer? this is the first i've heard of this"<TheDunkinMaster> "Well he's been alive for a thousand years, hasn't he? Or, 'alive' more likely. Don't get me wrong, I use a few evil rituals to stay young myself, but at least I'm, you know, a person."The woman was friendly enough, if a bit rude and disinterested. Critically, she had offered them a ride out of Tevechia. Disturbingly, she told them what exactly they were fleeing from. Bailes and Makoto began to piece more dots together.
<Bailes> "so much for homeschooling. makoto, kinogre, did you two know? i'm completely out of the loop here"<TheDunkinMaster> kinogre is making popping sounds with his mouth<makoto> "I am realizing just how woefully unaware I've been of who rules us."<Bailes> "so, if patrocles is a necromancer, and paccinto had us get a chaos relic of power which he disappeared with, which led to royal forces being sent after him willing, what are we suppose to be getting from that? who was paccinto to patrocles?"<makoto> "His rival, perhaps? A competing power?"Mak'Karana interrupted their musings and insisted it was time to go. Were they going with her, or not?
<Bailes> "ma'am, if you'll have us for a bit, we'd be grateful to be your guests. we just need to unleash those horses we borrowed. give them a chance to make it back to civilization"The former mummy shrugged and went to look for some tobacco. Bailes went and turned the horses loose. Makoto went to count the party's hard-earned treasure. And Kinogre did something too, probably. Before long, the house was scuttling to east to Truthaust.
And that's the story of how a band of novice adventurers got dragged into trouble, and how they dragged themselves out. Once they reached the mountains, they weren't such novices anymore, and surely they survived more and more adventures until at last they had the power and wealth for Bailes to raise her own wizard's tower, Makoto to build her own temple, and Kinogre to dig his own mining colony. Or maybe they wanted to do something else, who can say? And maybe Notim went on to become the sheriff of her village, too. And maybe Zach was raised as a zombie by some bored necromancer and killed again by some new novice adventurer.
Sadly, our story can't deal with all that. Some shit came up that I need to work on. I don't know how long it's going to last, but for the foreseeable future I can't run these games anymore. Sorry, I realize this is sudden. If anyone wants to take over as DM or run their own game in this setting, go right ahead. If any of you want me to transfer ownership of the irc channel to you, just ask. Thanks for playing this campaign.
That's 2057XP each for surviving the cottage and escaping with the treasure.
▶ No.944
>>942>Sadly, our story can't deal with all that. Some shit came up that I need to work on. I don't know how long it's going to last, but for the foreseeable future I can't run these games anymore. Sorry, I realize this is sudden. If anyone wants to take over as DM or run their own game in this setting, go right ahead. If any of you want me to transfer ownership of the irc channel to you, just ask. Thanks for playing this campaign.Well shit. No hope whatsoever that "foreseeable future" means there's room for a possible eta?
▶ No.945
Ironically, I was going to say as well that I couldn't make it tonight. Was still gonna post my updated character sheet and ask if we could reschedule for tomorrow if not next week. This is a downer. If it's the end, it's the end. I had fun all the same. You done did good.
▶ No.1070>>1073
>>1010shame things turned out the way they did.
▶ No.1073
>>1070Why are we still alive? Just to suffer?
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