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1. Global rules relating to illegal/board-jeopardizing content are enforced.
2. Slander/libel Dwayne "Wanton Waylaid Bercesure-Jobber Names" "The Rock" Johnson at ur own peril.
3. As much as possible keep discussion related to literature or its creation/critique. Philosophy threads should preferably pertain to a direct written source (this definition's flexible in anticipation of wat ppl like 2 use these boards 4), branching out accordingly. /lit/ boards regularly serve as catch-awls for "social science" discussion, which suffices in moderation but doesn't excuse eschewing conversation about the board's chosen topic + its baseline medium (writtan + reedan).
4. Poasts awn this board are occasionally harvested foar submissions ean2 the board magazine, THE /LIT/TYZEN'S FEUILLETON (collective issues interred herein: https://mega.nz/folder/vh5ilKLZ#6AuBFAfWUYlBdr_ob1j5KQ) - if you do not desire your poasts 2 evur find their waie ean2 the feuilleton, please note in the subject phield oar body "NF". Submit werks 2 [email protected] eef 1 soe desires.

This serves as a haberdasherized nu hoam ov duh /lit/erary loam for collective /lit/izens blasted to the four winds after the 'kunpocalypse. Preservation and perseverance provides the utmoast value in prestige-emptied pallet-towns lyk our parochial neck ov duh wouds, so pick your patois and commit to poastean-novelly pashtunwali - or simply enjoie the livean archives, thrivean n growean b4 ur eyes.

/lit/ will inevitably remain a slow board, so post appropriately & enjoy your stay.


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Friends from the webring:

https://alogs.space/pdfs/ - Grimoires, chirographs, and off-mint manuscripts enter the age of endless, eternal propagation.
https://smuglo.li/fanfic/ - Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!).

Frans frum overtoobs:

https://cashedcobrazhousewriter.substack.com - flieto fliete flaith-fliuch piscynełicʿ ssyngzždetito děi wraystać.
https://superpredator.zone - THE OLD GODS ARE WAKING UP
https://daggermag.com - In the night, a shard of moonlight limning - then down comes THE DAGGER.
https://miserytourism.com - Tourism, tohr-'retes, and the reticentorniquet ov disquiet-kempteanness, melchizedek'd.

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 No.3692[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

On the table there sat…
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said the brown incel who lust for nigger dicks while angry and crying.

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 No.4083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

B.O. OP EDIT: VIEW THE /LIT/PENDIUM HERE - https://mega.nz/folder/ThhnnayI#T30OHb3sHifcmVzLlnkYZg

Today begins a new chapter into the /lit/club. I made a fateful mistake by choosing the subject for the first nomination (Book Published 2 Years Ago) because of those bastards at the FBI. There are different resources vying for the vacancy filled by such a great site and I found one called

annas-archive.org which indexes a bunch of shadow sites.

Anyways without more stalling tactics. I present the list for this season and the nomination: World of Wonders

Thank you everyone as usual and I look forward to your tastes.

ANIMAL PLANET is the next theme, books centered around animal characters and their environment.
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ty 4 the kind werds OP/anon nommin' and eye thinq erriethang we've read has been valuabley [even that 1 rly shite book u taulcin baot dat i cant b fuggged :DDD 2 remembahr] - u have gieven a gr8 service 2 this boahrd and hoapphoallie in fewchur times ppl will recawl this period az 1 which shephered knawlidge threw the darkness ov our epoch - a necessary, brewtal, yet terribly rewardean tasq dean-deemed necessitario 4 us amtmanns of /lit/tykino 2 light duh tourch 4 %^)

eye will have a buncha category recs up 2 - but eye want 2 echo 1 thang 4 ne1 aot thurr: continew seekin the knowing ov za warudo. god loves us through the world, our tribulations and trials a tributary ean2 the bosom of his beautiphoal forgiveness, and recognizing hao the whirld werks, hao it percolates and premieres and bubbles up and carcinogens daonward, is part ov dat prawciss - this has been the best venture eye've structuralized in my lifetime IMO, and errie1 whew poasts awn /lit/ ean god's good faith is a comrade ean mie eyes. thank u guiez 4 a fantastic medium, and thank u awl 4 keepin /lit/erature alive. %^D

great love 2 errie1 <3

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Where do I start with Archie comics?
What are the essential issues?
Which ones are canon and non-canon?
What are the arcs to skip?
Is there any reason to read this stuff besides masturbating to Betty and Veronica?
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It's yet another milking farm franchise.
As to its "continuity", consider the very existence of Archie vs Predator…
IMHO the same general approach applies to most lines that ran long enough to outlive their own running gags:
⁃ start at the earliest,
⁃ read until it all gets "more of the same" and you are bored,
⁃ later return for some self-parodies and crossovers.


>Is there any reason to read this stuff besides masturbating to Betty and Veronica?
I don't think I've read them since I was a kid, but I can't really name any reason other than nostalgia. I have a fond feeling for Archie comics but can't really say why other than that.


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She is waifu tier among smart guys with good taste

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WE LEFT behind the painted buoy
That tosses at the harbor-mouth;
And madly danced our hearts with joy,
As fast we fleeted to the South:
How fresh was every sight and sound
On open main or winding shore!
We knew the merry world was round,
And we might sail for evermore.

Warm broke the breeze against the brow,
Dry sang the tackle, sang the sail:
The Lady's-head upon the prow
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Let's go, let's make this board more alive and helpful to anons. Depending in your reply I'll be buying some books from these authors.

Is William Faulkner really good or not? Should I buy his stuff? Does he deserve a Nobel?

Is Ivan Gontcharóv good?

Is Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal overrated?

Is 11/22/63 by Stephen King "good" by his standards? I need to be an americanmutt boomer to enjoy it?

Are Ken Follett and Robert Musil pretentious shit for midwits?

Is Mark Twain underrated?

Is Haruki Murakami really the best Japanese modern writer or just the one by beloved by westerns?
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I need to know ASAP if "Cloud Cuckoo Land" is good or not


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I'd like to know who actually writes it, let alone enjoys it.


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>TFW your actual IRL real last name isn't Cuckold


Very uncreative and cringe, the Futa dairy farm series is far more creative and bold.

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I've decided I'm finally getting into manga in middle-age. What are the must-read titles for the thinking man?


>thinking man

but more seriously, i think FMA is a mature story that has several layers of meaning
while it can be enjoyed as a simple adventure, it also offers some thoughts about revenge, duty, science and playing god, the essence of humanity, etc illustrated by the charaters' choices and the consequences that follow

berserk is cuckshit draped in an edgy grimdark atmosphere to seem mature, dont waste your time


>but more seriously, i think FMA is a mature story that has several layers of meaning
Should I watch the anime first? I've never seen it.

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Use this thread to discuss anything related to J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium.
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>fantasy fans
you mean redditors who fap to Amiri putting men in their place before sucking an entire orc tribe dry ? i wouldn't call them fantasy fans they're just degens who picked fantasy as an aesthetic background for their sick fantasies


I have plans to start rereading the Lord of the Rings in its entirety for the third time in my life.

I first read it during my childhood, then in my 20s and now in my 30s.


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That sounds hot, I'd love to read that one. Got a link? I love a good BJ story.


What's the deep lore about that draw???

I'm doing it atm too. Sadly am not having much free time.

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Written in the middle of the 19th century, Debit and Credit (AKA Soll und Haben) by Gustav Freytag is a very interesting work. It was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed German novels ever written until 1945. Supposedly wealthy German fathers would buy it as a gift for their sons when they reached adulthood because of it's encapsulation of Prussian middleclass values. The reason it fell out of favor after WWII is because of it's negative portrayals of Jews and Poles, although not all Jews and Poles in the novel are villains. The main story is about a young German businessman who gets caught up in a struggle between a declining Silesian aristocratic family and Jewish moneylenders.
All the social and political aspects aside, it's just a well written novel. It strikes a unique balance between romanticism and realism which makes it very enjoyable to read if you like old literature.
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>Christian stuff and woman stuff


It's not theological or apologetic writings. Hamann was a philosopher who happened to be a Christian like most people were back then. Most of his treatises are critiques of Enlightenment rationalism on philosophical grounds. The references to the Bible and Greek mythology are just allegories to show absurdities of his opponents views, like in the Socractic Memorabilia where he uses the language of a false idol to demonstrate how "the public" isn't a real entity.
And I recommended Dickson's translations and introductions because I think those are the best ones in English. There is another collection of translations by some guy from Cambridge but if you want to read that instead. He's just general philosophy professor rather than a Hamann scholar, like Dickson, and it's clear he doesn't understand a lot of Hamann's writings though.


Wow, I made a lot of typos in this post. Too many even to correct. That's what happens when you don't eat a J Balvin meal everyday. You should still be able to grasp what I'm saying.


>not all Jews and Poles in the novel are villains
immersion ruined


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The Relic by Eça de Queirós

Is a realistic work with some touches of romanticism that had already gone out of fashion at the time, with a pleasant humor and some choices and tools used in the plot that were quite innovative and controversial for the time.
It reminds me a bit of Italo Calvino, It is an intelligent and dense text without being pretentious and moralistic.

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The most dishonest and idiotic reviews you've ever seen /lit/
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You mean jewish americans and nigger americans.


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Besides kino books are really difficult to find, not only Mein Kampf, but also Brave New World because it accurately describes how Banana Republics function:
>Everyone is happy living in their thirdworld shitholes
<Getting high just to escape their harsh reality
<Submitting to their government like the inferior racemixed mutts they are


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Male feminists are already cringe, then imagine a shitskin male feminist who definlly is an incel to make matters worse, even a book by a socialist isn't progressive enough to this modern soyboys.


what book is this?


The Player of games by Ian M Banks.

Which makes this even funnier since the author was a proto-Redditor writing about a socialist utopia, and yet modern left-wingers will cry about something about his books not being pozzed enough to then.

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