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1. Global rules relating to illegal/board-jeopardizing content are enforced.
2. Slander/libel Dwayne "Wanton Waylaid Bercesure-Jobber Names" "The Rock" Johnson at ur own peril.
3. As much as possible keep discussion related to literature or its creation/critique. Philosophy threads should preferably pertain to a direct written source (this definition's flexible in anticipation of wat ppl like 2 use these boards 4), branching out accordingly. /lit/ boards regularly serve as catch-awls for "social science" discussion, which suffices in moderation but doesn't excuse eschewing conversation about the board's chosen topic + its baseline medium (writtan + reedan).
4. Poasts awn this board are occasionally harvested foar submissions ean2 the board magazine, THE /LIT/TYZEN'S FEUILLETON (collective issues interred herein: https://mega.nz/folder/vh5ilKLZ#6AuBFAfWUYlBdr_ob1j5KQ) - if you do not desire your poasts 2 evur find their waie ean2 the feuilleton, please note in the subject phield oar body "NF". Submit werks 2 [email protected] eef 1 soe desires.

This serves as a haberdasherized nu hoam ov duh /lit/erary loam for collective /lit/izens blasted to the four winds after the 'kunpocalypse. Preservation and perseverance provides the utmoast value in prestige-emptied pallet-towns lyk our parochial neck ov duh wouds, so pick your patois and commit to poastean-novelly pashtunwali - or simply enjoie the livean archives, thrivean n growean b4 ur eyes.

/lit/ will inevitably remain a slow board, so post appropriately & enjoy your stay.


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Friends from the webring:

https://alogs.space/pdfs/ - Grimoires, chirographs, and off-mint manuscripts enter the age of endless, eternal propagation.
https://smuglo.li/fanfic/ - Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!).

Frans frum overtoobs:

https://cashedcobrazhousewriter.substack.com - flieto fliete flaith-fliuch piscynełicʿ ssyngzždetito děi wraystać.
https://superpredator.zone - THE OLD GODS ARE WAKING UP
https://daggermag.com - In the night, a shard of moonlight limning - then down comes THE DAGGER.
https://miserytourism.com - Tourism, tohr-'retes, and the reticentorniquet ov disquiet-kempteanness, melchizedek'd.

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 No.3692[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

On the table there sat…
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 No.4083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

B.O. OP EDIT: VIEW THE /LIT/PENDIUM HERE - https://mega.nz/folder/ThhnnayI#T30OHb3sHifcmVzLlnkYZg

Today begins a new chapter into the /lit/club. I made a fateful mistake by choosing the subject for the first nomination (Book Published 2 Years Ago) because of those bastards at the FBI. There are different resources vying for the vacancy filled by such a great site and I found one called

annas-archive.org which indexes a bunch of shadow sites.

Anyways without more stalling tactics. I present the list for this season and the nomination: World of Wonders

Thank you everyone as usual and I look forward to your tastes.

ANIMAL PLANET is the next theme, books centered around animal characters and their environment.
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Secondly the nomination is MOLLOY TRILOGY which I wasn't sure if it's actually just one novel or an actual trilogy so my bad.

I cried at the end of a Christmas Memory but I feel the whole thing was fabricated, not sure how I feel about Capote but he writes peacefully

Next theme is Norwegian

[Last 50 Posts]

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>his parents named him Francis Cuckold

I'm glad he managed to overcome that handicap he had from birth and became a prominant author, at least.

What do you lads think of Frank's body of work?
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Less satanic than anime.



I have no idea what you're talking about, what you're referring to, and those links don't shed any light on what you're saying.

Did you remember to take your meds today?


Yakuza is a black dick expert.


Post it on /cow/

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Thoughts on Yukio Mishima?
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i'm planning to grap some of his books, i hope he is actually good not just a meme


Necro response but I am unsure if he was actually a faggot, I have heard other sources claiming he was not. Either way faggotry aside he says so much based shit that it really levels it out.


Not such thing as necron reply around here tbqh. I want this board alive and well.


Hmmm sweetie. Drop the immature posturing and le right wing meme books (spooky rightoid philosophy has its time and place but don't make it your whole personality). You should get into actual literature instead; novels, poetry and plays. I recommend James Joyce, Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Samuel Beckett, Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gogol, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Paul Auster, C.S. Lewis, J.G. Ballard, Pär Lagerkvist, Peter Handke, Yukio Mishima, Flannery O'Connor, Don Delillo and Virginia Woolf. If you want to start somewhere accessible I would go with one of Kazuo Ishiguro's novels, though. Remains of the Day is really good, for example, but all of them are pretty much excellent.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The fact that he still makes people seethe shows how good he is.

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My biggest problem with Bloom's list is that it shows strong partiality towards late 20th century English speaking culture in its focus. This is already obvious from the way he divides the periods of Western literature (and Eastern literature that's had a significant impact on the West). The first age, which he calls the "Theocratic Age" begins essentially with the invention of writing and extends to about 1300 AD. The next era, the "Aristocratic Age" lasts for a little over 500 years. The "Democratic Age" then lasts for less than 70. You get the idea. The nearer an era is to his own time, the more focus he gives it, and this causes him to greatly over exaggerate the importance of many authors close to his day. It reminds me of how August Comte divided all of human history into the beginning of time-1789, 1789-1815, and 1815-the end of time. (I'm not going to criticize his picks for what he calls the "Chaotic Age" since he admits he's really just guessing there.)

The next way this bias is seen is in how much focus he gives English language literature. Not only are his lists for other languages much smaller, but what he does select for those lists seems to be based on how much they influenced modern English literature (or what he personally found interesting). He leaves off books that had, at best, only an indirect influence on English lit, but nevertheless had a massive impact on their own nations (The Song of Roland, Amadis de Gaula, Der Messias, etc.) There are even some books which did have a strong influence on English language culture that he excludes for some baffling reason, like the tales of Hans Christian Andersen. If he were just trying to create an English canon, I would be mostly okay with his choices, but since he's trying to create a list for all of Western literature, I think it's fair to criticize him on this point.

There are plenty of other problems I could point out, but they're quite minor in comparison. I agree that there should be some kind of Western canon, but it should be one that takes into account the full heritage of all of Western literature.

You can read the full list here if you're interested: http://sonic.net/~rteeter/grtbloom.html


When Ezra Pound complained about the Brythonic imbeciles letting in the Jews and the Jews then rotting out the British empire, and then the British out-Jewing the Jews, he was referring to the Harold Blooms of the world.
Harold Bloom is a very self-conscious Jew. Bloom includes all the good goys and deliberately excludes or marginalizes the bad goys. That is why he centers English writers so much; the British empire became the Jews' second home until the establishment of the Israeli state. That is why Britain and America were and still are so deeply liberal politically, especially in their art. Bloom continues this Jewish tradition of "liberalizing" his host country to make it more "humane" and "humanist."
Being classically trained however allowed some of that whiteness he tried to extinguish to rub off on him. This is why Bloom is instinctively and correctly dismissive of black writers. He can't come out and say it as such so this is where he invents his "aestheticism." Aestheticism is a deliberately vague term that gives Bloom plausible deniability when he engages in politics. When he sees bad goys like Pound or Celine or Wyndham Lewis, then become "aesthetically painful" and thus not enjoyable to read. Blacks are "aesthetically wanting," which is to say they are dumb.
Bloom occasionally dropped the mask when talking about Jewish writers like Kafka. He straight up declared Kafka to be a Jewish only author that goyim could not understand.


>his bias is seen is in how much focus he gives English language literature
England didn't invent the novel but they were the biggest enthusiasts of the format; no non-English-speaking Western country can challenge them in terms of amount of books published.
Bloom is based actually, he identified the School of Resentment (SJW "wokies") as the biggest threat to media back when there numbers were so few that they could've been easily defeated, but no one listened and they were allowed to indoctrinate millions into their camp.

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Piracing E-books

does anyone have any recommendations of sites to get a great variety of books for free? Let's share it!



[link removed]/
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What's some /ramoncore/ literature I can read?


Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse.



Nova by Samuel R. Delany
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by PKD
Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner
Alacrity FitzHugh and Hobart Floyt Series
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
The Invincible by Stanisław Lem
The Stochastic Man by Robert Silverberg
Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life by Philip José Farmer
Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut Jr
Damnation Alley by Roger Zelazny

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hello faggots
is this a good introduction to eastern religions?


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The best ones are the ones written by the author of The Kybalion

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Where do I start with Archie comics?
What are the essential issues?
Which ones are canon and non-canon?
What are the arcs to skip?
Is there any reason to read this stuff besides masturbating to Betty and Veronica?
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It's a good archie comic, man. It's on topic.


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Looks well drawn. Looks canon to me!


I am not Louis. This is the first time I post on this website.


Archie is one of the few comfy Americana icons left alone so far. Inserting cuck shit into this is pure malice.


There's like four or five comics about Betty and Veronica Kennycomix made. They're all pretty faithful to canon.

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>Virgil is shallow and phony compared to Homer
>Roman literature in general is shallow and phony compared to Greek literature
>the French chivalric romances and chanson de gestes pale in comparison to the German ripoffs
>the Decameron sucks
>the Canterbury Tales are even worse
>the "picaresque novel" is the worst is the worst thing to ever come out of Spain
>The Faerie Queene is a much better "English Renaissance Epic" than Paradise Lost
>all of Shakespeare's early comedies are awful
>Amadis of Gaul is better than Don Quixote
>Moliere is neither amusing nor insightful
>the 18th century was the dark ages of Western literature
>Voltaire is the most overrated writer in the history of Western civilization
>nobody cares about the literary merits of Jane Austin's novels, they only read them because they were written by a woman and have women protagonists
>Percy Blyth Shelly was a worse poet than Mary Shelly was an author (bad!)
>Walter Scott was better than William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Hardy, and George Eliot combined
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I've noticed this too, during the late 19th century and throughout the 20th century France lost the talent for producing any really good and original writers.
So much so that the best French writers of the 20th century were in fact of other nationalities fleeing the Soviet Union and only gained citizenship.


Who are them?


I think that was a thing throughout the West. English literature also went downhill during that time. I read this old book about Victorian literature and it mentions that all the best books of the era were written in the first half of Victoria's reign. There were plenty of good books written in the second half, but hardly any great ones.
Germany produced, what, Fontane and Mann, and that's it? Russia had some good writers, but they were also behind Western Europe in almost every way. Norway had Ibsen, but, again, Scandinavia was often behind England, France, Germany, etc. too. I can't think of anything significant from Italy or Spain from that time.
American writers like Twain and Bierce were a clear step down from the days of Poe and Melville.
I guess it was just an age of extreme decadence. Books from it are very comfy, though, even if they're not masterpieces.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It's from the Game Sack video that parodies game-related YouTube channels.


Don DeLillo is just another big city clueless faggot who hate "the nazis" and "small cities folk" and don't understand why eventually everything started to became shit in the 2000s.
He got prizes but his books aged badly and the same left-winger faggots who used to praise him back in the day are now letting him fall into the oblivion for not being left-winger enough.

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