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Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.
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What are some flaws that just make you retreat when deciding to pirate a certain piece of music?
>The melody is quite catchy and sticks around for a while
<The lyrics are so retarded to the point of being insulting
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Axis forever btfo


I've largely lost interest in music with vocals. With the few exceptions being gothic, new wave and coldwave.
I used to love metal, but nowadays I find it boring to listen to some bands that I loved more than ten years ago.


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I sort of see why artists always have to lower their standards when publishing art for the public, gotta get that Reddit clout, but fucking hell the lyrics are like the icing of the cake much like with writing with those star spangling cartoons. Why is it that NegativeXP and Johnny Rebel remain relevant while slop with playground humor as vid related gets forgotten the next day it launched?


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What a coincidence, a few minutes ago I was listening to this song again, but with a different animation.

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>Muh luv
>Muh hippies
>Muh wurld peace
>Muh racemixing
>Muh drugs
Fucking faggots
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>Beatles were the K-pop before anyone gave a shit about Korea.
No, they had actual songwriting skills, musical integrity, and artistic influence.


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So it is true that culture has been on decay being slowly replaced by sterile and safe faggotry, not to mention how Gook-pop are nothing but living sex toys.


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I think the cultural decline has been going on longer than people realize. There seemed to be higher overall standards for pre-WWII music and way less music that's downright annoying. As much as I love '80s music, I can't tell how much of the draw for me is genuine compositional talent versus more technical factors. When you consider how limited earlier methods of composition and recording were, it seems like the musicians brought more to the table.


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How long did it take for songs such as "My Woman" to be condemned as sexist, bigoted even incelcore by current ebonics?


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normalfags will say the culture is in decay only since 2016 but they are so fucking wrong, music, literature, cinema, television, painting and etc are in frank decay for a fucking long time

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Ramon should do a collaboration with Varg.


The kikes fear such duo.


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This is Ramon's theme song.


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We have to go back


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i love morrakiu and even now i'm starting to admire Ramon for his epic story and fight against the Kike World Order.

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Testing a loop


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I know what song that came from btw you sampled that from one of Kenta v. es's older songs

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People who dislike weird Al need to be lined up and shot.
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Weird Al will be one of the Jews spared on the day of the rope.


He's not Jewish. I thought he was of mixed Yugoslav descent.


I honestly hope he's not Jewish. He's too creative for that, although his rise to fame is unusual for a goyim.
I know he would definitely love Ramon Kino tho.


He's a Slovak/Crotian mix propped up by jewish managers in the 80s

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>Thank god I'm not a jew

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 No.2285[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Recommend me some /interracialcore/ music please so I can play it when my wife's boyfriend comes over.
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This is the only good thread on /ost/


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This was the peak of nig music, nothing before or after will ever beat it.

[Last 50 Posts]
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post them

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Hey, ost, what's this guy's theme song?
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Mike Chudje




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