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 No.160910[Watch Thread][Reply]

92 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click to expand.




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>They are their own version of a groupthink echochamber that participate in witch-burnings.
They've always been a sanctimonious hivemind of one kind or another. Before the site was filled with left-wing trannies and spiritual Redditors who virtue signal over how against the usual ideological peeves like "racism" they were, and now it's filled with Cringian tradlarpers circle jerking over how uptight and puritanical they are. They also love to bloviate about things they're not very knowledgeable about, especially when it can used to feel smugly superior to whatever lolcow they're discussing. One example would be how they call people like Fatt Morney and Andrew "Bottom G" Tate MRAs. Being an anti-feminist manosphere figure doesn't make someone an MRA. Men's rights activists is pretty much the male equivalent of feminism. It largely comes down to complaining about double standards and asking "but what about discrimination against men?" instead of focusing on perceived injustices against women. They look at the topic through a lens of sexual egalitarianism that people like Andrew Tate don't. Another instance I've noticed is how many users in the KingCobraJFS thread talk about Casper, Wyoming as if it's some jerkwater little way station in the middle of nowhere. In reality, it's a city of 59,000 people. That's not massive, and Wyoming has the lowest population density of the 48 contiguous states, but it's far from being some tiny village unless you're an incorrigible bugman.

The Foxdick Farms does have its merits, but Jewsh is an insufferable fag and so are a good chunk of its users. I miss /cow/ and ED back when they were at their peaks.


>fuck warski festival


>The Foxdick Farms does have its merits, but Jewsh is an insufferable fag and so are a good chunk of its users. I miss /cow/ and ED back when they were at their peaks.
The merits of foxdick is they still exist as opposed to only existing among obscure archive.is pages like ED and /cow/. Its nce that jewshy the pedo doesn't give up but its also annoying how he completed the infection of one of the internets finest hobbies/studies. The one thing I will say jewsh has that anons don't is he didn't give up, most anons just up and gave up even before 8chan died rather than try to fight for what they believed in.


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 No.150335[Watch Thread][Reply]

It's been a while since I've had such a heavy load or actually some good sex, fucking shit, I didn't expect a milf could be such a wild beast in bed and I usually hate milfags.
She said she came twice, not that I believe that and for an older woman she looks great. No zoomer girl has ever made me come so much.
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>I went down on her first
Stopped reading there, I know all I need to know.


You are a virgin


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>I went down on her first


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>I went down on her first,


>Yes, I'm a big guy

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 No.158060[Watch Thread][Reply]

Hey fellas, Just doing a drive by to say God bless all of you and God exhalt Black cock! Holy shit, I'm up past sunrise again and just nutted for the fourth time to old Jan B videos. Not getting shit done tomorrow and it's totally worth it.

I fucking love this lifestyle. When you realize BBC porn can take over your life things get vastly simpler. No more worries about women or work. No more family issues. No more stress beyond wondering where your next nut is going to come from and the inevitable chaffed skin from too much edging.

Black cock is becoming a sort of mysticism for me. If I had a little more money I would retire, close myself off completely, and spend half the day edging to BBC porn and the other half contemplating its divine pulsing mystery.

Black dick is an eternal sea shadow, washing out white ego until it hangs as small and fragile as the stars in the sky. Black cock is as grounded as God, beyond all description, and Black seed the true creator we white men were put on this rock to see and worship. Black dick is what's real and we are the fever dream, realizing itself only to glorify melanated cock that much more.

I hereby sacrifice another day of my forgettable life to stand at the altar of Black gods with my dick in my hand.
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Fake data.


French are bigger than that


Where does the data come from? Are these numbers based on third-party measurements, self-reported measurements, or a mix of both?


Ramon is obviously in a league of his own at the top of the list of course


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 No.151677[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are the odds that International Jewry set Ramon up for his arrest? What do you lads make of the arrest, anyways?

I presume that nothing came of it, or the charges were dropped, or it got plead down to nothing. I can't really find any information about what happened after he got sentenced to house arrest and the man seems to be doing fine now.

Was he set up? If not, why on earth was this beautiful man out driving around with a bunch of animals in his van?

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There's no question to answer.
You love the gay coon because nuzach makes you seethe.


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seethe collected :}


Looks just like a baboon.


You are unable to answer simple questions and you can't follow a two post conversation.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.161073[Watch Thread][Reply]

Did the cops give you your pc back?
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>coons click on the spoiler
<"get a life, hahaha"
>coons seethe
Seethe collected


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Look at that monkey jump.


I have no idea how that relates to what I was saying.

The screenshot you post like a retarded parrot over and over again. Where the guy says, I'm sure with 100 percent sincerity, that he wants to see Ramon and "him" double team a tranny.

Who is the "him" that post is referring to? I don't mean the epic Reddit Leftist Memeia webm you posted, I mean the one you post constantly here:

You seem to think this one screenshot really says… something, and it's confusing me. Who should "contact trans500" in that screenshot you're in love with?

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 No.154101[Watch Thread][Reply]

Only White People have souls.
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white is a general term for modern humans. across our planet there are ranges from humanoid animals to animal human hybrids, to modern humans.
Trying to figure out where the exact line between a human and an animal-human hybrid is for autistic people. Normal people can look at someone and fairly easily tell where the line is drawn. Trying to give it a strict definition is also for autistic people.
Do you need someone to give a strict definition of a bush and a tree for you to know what a tree is?


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It's easy to think of human hybrids but different breeds is what I go for. Just like how dogs have the majestic great dane yet also the retarded pug, all still the same species.






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Trump making efforts for the USA to no longer fund the trash politician class in Europe might actually save the continent.


The only difference between a breed and a species is that the selection process for breeds are unnatural. hence "breeding"

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 No.149322[Watch Thread][Reply]

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It's Ramon coon.
Seethe collected


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Stupid coon


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I believe in a mix of deep sexual repression, bipolar disorder and having a shitskin spirit.

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 No.161053[Watch Thread][Reply]>>161082

This thread is dedicated to all the trannies in the world.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>161053 (OP)
>When all controversies are directed to soyjak.party
<no tvch
<no Mark Mann's 8ch
<not even Cuckchan

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 No.160868[Watch Thread][Reply]>>161079

What did you coom to the most in 2024?
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Frankly i can't stop jerking off to these types of vids


Not enough BBC to even begin to be arousing tee bee aitch


Calm down Nuzach, now is not the time.


I just remember that these surveys proved to me that GEN X is the most degenerate and cuck, while they pretend to be better than everyone else.

In previous years they were the ones who consumed the most BMWF and Sissy porn.


>>160868 (OP)

Pornhub went downhill when they purged everything because of shitposters dumping YTP's and even the fucking Bee Movie, do these cancucks take seriously their degenerate arts?

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 No.159725[Watch Thread][Reply]>>159740



I want to point out what it means when women say this bullshit line of "I want a man who is SECURE enough to…"

They pretend as if it's a matter of personal internal security that you don't want your wife to go and get fucked by other men. We are men, so we know this is not the case. But the girls don't know that. For THEM, any discontent with their bf/husband fuckign other women is closer to personal insecurity than something more Darwinian. And they project this onto us. And notice how they excuse cheating with "it was just sex, it didn't mean anything". This is them telling us their genuine appraisal of how they feel when their bf/husbands "cheat" on them. The conclusion is that the girls don't actually give a shit if you fuck other girls. They just pretend to because they looked around and saw other people becoming livid, and figured that's the correct response. The most damning evidence is that women who get "cheated on" (in quotes because it's a misnomer) never kill anybody. They don't feel the primal homicidal rage we feel. There isn't really such a thing as sexual competition for them, not the way there is for us.
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>>159725 (OP)
Bruh….it doesn't matter anymore. Women owned themselves. Hypergamy is not real. Women are just spitefully rebelling against nature. They are baby factories. When women go on period, they become less discriminating, not more. They are just slinging piss and shit on the walls after being called out. There is nothing more to it.
Why so serious? Bask in their self destruction. Just laugh.


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I didn't know Ramon was married ?


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No problem.


I don't know the lore of that picture, was something posted by him on twitter or facebook.
And who is this tomboy?


ramon is in africa protecting the big bank cargo

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