>>161064>They are their own version of a groupthink echochamber that participate in witch-burnings.They've always been a sanctimonious hivemind of one kind or another. Before the site was filled with left-wing trannies and spiritual Redditors who virtue signal over how against the usual ideological peeves like "racism" they were, and now it's filled with Cringian tradlarpers circle jerking over how uptight and puritanical they are. They also love to bloviate about things they're not very knowledgeable about, especially when it can used to feel smugly superior to whatever lolcow they're discussing. One example would be how they call people like Fatt Morney and Andrew "Bottom G" Tate MRAs. Being an anti-feminist manosphere figure doesn't make someone an MRA. Men's rights activists is pretty much the male equivalent of feminism. It largely comes down to complaining about double standards and asking "but what about discrimination against
men?" instead of focusing on perceived injustices against women. They look at the topic through a lens of sexual egalitarianism that people like Andrew Tate don't. Another instance I've noticed is how many users in the KingCobraJFS thread talk about Casper, Wyoming as if it's some jerkwater little way station in the middle of nowhere. In reality, it's a city of 59,000 people. That's not massive, and Wyoming has the lowest population density of the 48 contiguous states, but it's far from being some tiny village unless you're an incorrigible bugman.
The Foxdick Farms does have its merits, but Jewsh is an insufferable fag and so are a good chunk of its users. I miss /cow/ and ED back when they were at their peaks.