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Its crazy how many (((media figures))) are actually Jewish, but most people dont even know it.


yep shes a literal yid

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Why are Confucian societies like this? A Korean entertainment corporation tried to export their kpop "success" into the United States and tried to bring the same horrible workplace culture into America. Why are cultutally Confucian dominated East Asians like this /pol/? Why do they suddenly become horrible pieces of shit when they get into power?


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 No.146899[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The easiest way to differentiate a latinomutt from pajeets and sandniggers is the fact that latinos are obese and closet homos.
Other than that, imagine being such a mixture of "colors" that you end up with a boring and ugly brown shade that can "pass" as other inferior races.
Latrinos truly are the transvestites of the races.
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The only one seething is you, essaycoon.
I ruined your gay play place forever. Haha. Fuck you.


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I was actually paid by Mark and Acidman the whole time. I've been friends with them since the /gamergate2/ board. This is all revenge for Gahoole delisting us from the webring.



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[Last 50 Posts]

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alright which one of you runs this site? i found it accidentally and cant stop laughing at the custom subtitles
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This site is like yakuzas ramblings if he had more hatred in his heart for the whores he documented.


Dajoos run this site, this is the kind of shit they get up to in those skyscrapers in Tel Aviv.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.143985[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ASMR thread
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Just found this slampig


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Wtf I love jav now?????????


Well that's deeply unpleasant. Please never show me that again.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.152144[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Nuzach not only saved Ramon but literal tranny porn into his barely functioning spic HDD
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This man is like a God to me. Do you think he's going to record me sucking his Jewish dick like he did with /leftypol/ BO? I need some love in my sad life!


I'm Ramon's number one fan, I think about his dick every day. Do you think he would be interested in fucking me even though I'm an ugly thirty year old incel?


Lol seething


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[Last 50 Posts]

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lol, lmao
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>autism is aryan


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You baited me, OP, but joke's on you! I don't go a single day without thinking about black dicks!


We know, champ. All that zoo porn won't make you White lmao

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Z3R0 do you fap to f1nn5ter no joke?
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Emoji fucks culo


I hope he is better, he was having a spiritual crisis like Judas.


I'm tired of being a gaycel, Mark should let me worship his Jewish ass. I will be a good pet.


Seethe essayfag.


I wish it was me with Mark in this video.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit is so bad nowadays that people are nostalgic for the 70s.
So why not the 00s?

What do you miss the most about this mediocre decade you were growing up in?
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During the 2000s I could buy three Kinder Eggs for a few cents and return home with my chrome bmx and play MtG with the other kids on the street outside my house without worrying that a drag queen or nigger would show up to ruin things.


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It's weird that MMOs basically peaked in popularity the 2000s and is basically a dead genre now despite improved internet speeds. The social aspect was neat, people used to use it to hangout online but now they do so on other games but it isn't quite thr same.


people became disillusioned with them I think
the promise of MMOs was never really fulfilled


I remember doing an Easter egg hunt with other kids in my local community and none of that shit existed.


What are you referring to?
Nowadays these games are played only as a cope mechanism between failed normalfags and autistics. Taken a look at the new game from the creator of RuneScape, there is no interaction or fun, just repetition and a false sense of accomplishment.

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