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1. Global rules relating to illegal/board-jeopardizing content are enforced.
2. Slander/libel Dwayne "Wanton Waylaid Bercesure-Jobber Names" "The Rock" Johnson at ur own peril.
3. As much as possible keep discussion related to literature or its creation/critique. Philosophy threads should preferably pertain to a direct written source (this definition's flexible in anticipation of wat ppl like 2 use these boards 4), branching out accordingly. /lit/ boards regularly serve as catch-awls for "social science" discussion, which suffices in moderation but doesn't excuse eschewing conversation about the board's chosen topic + its baseline medium (writtan + reedan).
4. Poasts awn this board are occasionally harvested foar submissions ean2 the board magazine, THE /LIT/TYZEN'S FEUILLETON (collective issues interred herein: https://mega.nz/folder/vh5ilKLZ#6AuBFAfWUYlBdr_ob1j5KQ) - if you do not desire your poasts 2 evur find their waie ean2 the feuilleton, please note in the subject phield oar body "NF". Submit werks 2 [email protected] eef 1 soe desires.

This serves as a haberdasherized nu hoam ov duh /lit/erary loam for collective /lit/izens blasted to the four winds after the 'kunpocalypse. Preservation and perseverance provides the utmoast value in prestige-emptied pallet-towns lyk our parochial neck ov duh wouds, so pick your patois and commit to poastean-novelly pashtunwali - or simply enjoie the livean archives, thrivean n growean b4 ur eyes.

/lit/ will inevitably remain a slow board, so post appropriately & enjoy your stay.


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Friends from the webring:

https://alogs.space/pdfs/ - Grimoires, chirographs, and off-mint manuscripts enter the age of endless, eternal propagation.
https://smuglo.li/fanfic/ - Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!).

Frans frum overtoobs:

https://cashedcobrazhousewriter.substack.com - flieto fliete flaith-fliuch piscynełicʿ ssyngzždetito děi wraystać.
https://superpredator.zone - THE OLD GODS ARE WAKING UP
https://daggermag.com - In the night, a shard of moonlight limning - then down comes THE DAGGER.
https://miserytourism.com - Tourism, tohr-'retes, and the reticentorniquet ov disquiet-kempteanness, melchizedek'd.

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 No.3692[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

On the table there sat…
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 No.4083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

B.O. OP EDIT: VIEW THE /LIT/PENDIUM HERE - https://mega.nz/folder/ThhnnayI#T30OHb3sHifcmVzLlnkYZg

Today begins a new chapter into the /lit/club. I made a fateful mistake by choosing the subject for the first nomination (Book Published 2 Years Ago) because of those bastards at the FBI. There are different resources vying for the vacancy filled by such a great site and I found one called

annas-archive.org which indexes a bunch of shadow sites.

Anyways without more stalling tactics. I present the list for this season and the nomination: World of Wonders

Thank you everyone as usual and I look forward to your tastes.

ANIMAL PLANET is the next theme, books centered around animal characters and their environment.
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FLUSH by Virginia WOOLF (what a fursona) is the winner! Underworld is a very good novel but Pynchon does it better. Pretty encompassing and beautifully phrased but still basic themes but the references to Odyssey and Ulysses are pretty crazy and make you schizophrenic trying to piece them all together. A cool read worth the time.

We will do CHRISTMAS next to get it out the way. I'll even allow Kwanzaa to participate.


This is my first Virginia Woolf and I'm a little nervous to start on something so probably gay

[Last 50 Posts]

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Let's go, let's make this board more alive and helpful to anons. Depending in your reply I'll be buying some books from these authors.

Is William Faulkner really good or not? Should I buy his stuff? Does he deserve a Nobel?

Is Ivan Gontcharóv good?

Is Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal overrated?

Is 11/22/63 by Stephen King "good" by his standards? I need to be an americanmutt boomer to enjoy it?

Are Ken Follett and Robert Musil pretentious shit for midwits?

Is Mark Twain underrated?

Is Haruki Murakami really the best Japanese modern writer or just the one by beloved by westerns?
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Why the hell did the modnigger delete that post?


The same anon probably spammed shit in other boards and all the posts got deleted together.


How bad is The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy?


It's his best book. Everyone I know who hates this book is low IQ women and spics.


Read The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera.

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>his parents named him Francis Cuckold

I'm glad he managed to overcome that handicap he had from birth and became a prominant author, at least.

What do you lads think of Frank's body of work?


I mean Cuckold is his last name, so it isn't like it's strictly his parents' fault.


Has anyone actually read any of these?


Less satanic than anime.

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>Virgil is shallow and phony compared to Homer
>Roman literature in general is shallow and phony compared to Greek literature
>the French chivalric romances and chanson de gestes pale in comparison to the German ripoffs
>the Decameron sucks
>the Canterbury Tales are even worse
>the "picaresque novel" is the worst is the worst thing to ever come out of Spain
>The Faerie Queene is a much better "English Renaissance Epic" than Paradise Lost
>all of Shakespeare's early comedies are awful
>Amadis of Gaul is better than Don Quixote
>Moliere is neither amusing nor insightful
>the 18th century was the dark ages of Western literature
>Voltaire is the most overrated writer in the history of Western civilization
>nobody cares about the literary merits of Jane Austin's novels, they only read them because they were written by a woman and have women protagonists
>Percy Blyth Shelly was a worse poet than Mary Shelly was an author (bad!)
>Walter Scott was better than William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Hardy, and George Eliot combined
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Lolita didn't make the nips lolicons, they have had a long history of it before that. I do think the book might have helped in injecting jewish poison into their minds since the authors wife was a Russian Jew.


Balzac is one of the most overrated writers who ever lived. The main reason Boomers love him so much is strictly political.


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I've noticed this too, during the late 19th century and throughout the 20th century France lost the talent for producing any really good and original writers.
So much so that the best French writers of the 20th century were in fact of other nationalities fleeing the Soviet Union and only gained citizenship.


Who are them?

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Piracing E-books

does anyone have any recommendations of sites to get a great variety of books for free? Let's share it!



[link removed]/


The last link as an onion, zlibrary24t if anyone wants to try out by own your risk.


For reading some authors online without dramas




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Where do I start with Archie comics?
What are the essential issues?
Which ones are canon and non-canon?
What are the arcs to skip?
Is there any reason to read this stuff besides masturbating to Betty and Veronica?
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Jughead was a supreme gentleman.



You're back to posting this shit again, Louis?


It's a good archie comic, man. It's on topic.


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Looks well drawn. Looks canon to me!

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meanwhile y'all millennials and gen X praise him like a God lol
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What about angloids?
His only five stars book is Roots, so I guess he is a Louis C.K fan.


>supposedly heterosexual women still vastly support the LGBTQ rights thing
modern white women who have been gulping up propaganda from birth aren't a reference you can use to deduce anything about the essence of women, anon
go and ask women literally anywhere else in the world, or white women before WWII what they thing about lgbtp degeneracy and you'll see


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I hope you now understand Zach that we "Nazis" were your only true allies.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The eternal anglo always back stab each other. in this case a trannyangloid vs a jewish angloid


When Stephen King will be cancelled and called out as a pedo like they are doing with Cormac McCarthy?

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Recommend me some essential /hitlercore/
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
What do you think of his recommendations? And which ones would you like to recommend to your friends?


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There you go


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The Red Cross report.


Thanks for the source anon.

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