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How to Enjoy TVCH Video game Board

1. Read the Global Rules
2. Be Badass
3. You can't ever lose
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>identity politics
That's a dumb phrase. It's basically redundant, since politics is inextricably tied to identity.
>I play a lot of games I just don't talk much about playing them since no one else plays the games I play.
I play fewer games than I used to, but I can sympathize because I basically just play old games or newer reimplementations of old games.

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>Edgy Pac-man reboot
The 2000's are back
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>Audio got cut
Bullshit, well the only Pacman kino is gone for good.


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>It got taken down
Of fucking course it did, cocksucking corpo faggots.
Here you go

Might crop out that TikTok shit in the future.


Fun fact, that app is lost media and the only thing it will be remembered for are the videos that ruined its reputation.
Pretty sure that was Vine, did they have strict moderators? Don't know, it definitely was a numale-fest for sure.


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Here you go.

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We need to go back!
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Sank u


I remember the first Super KKK Bros. being done better than that. I don't know if the sequel was done by the same guys.


I think it was. Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighter 3 was the best one imo. It's a SMB3 ROM hack


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So they translated Ongzelling's recap.

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They both had their strengths and weaknesses. PlayStation had a ton of games, but most of it was shovelware. The loading times were terrible. Where it excelled was primarily with JRPGs, which took advantage of the CD format.


>but most of it was shovelware
Better than having fuck all games like the N64.
Censored to booth


>load up banjo kazooie
>it runs at 12 fps
<hmm does my emulation set-up suck
>learn it's actually SUPPOSED to run at 12 fps
and THIS is the game all those youtubers wouldn't shut up about?


Runs at a solid 30fps 99% of the time on the Switch emulator. Maybe it's you.


Emulating N64 shit was always a hassle, even the DS and GCN have been perfected, one can assume it's Nintendo's answer to the Dreamcast.

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Since the unveiling of the Switch 2 is believed to be imminent, let's discuss what we know thus far:

-8-inch OLED screen
-Magnetic contacts for the controllers, no more "drift"
-Overhaul of Nintendo Switch Online with more intuitive matchmaking
-Backward compatibility, Nintendo accounts will carry over
-256 GB internal storage
-Performance will fall somewhere between Gen8 and Gen9
-Most AAA titles from the current era will be able to be ported
-Microsoft deal will allow COD to return to a Nintendo console and other Microsoft properties like Halo and Flight Simulator
-3D Mario and cross-gen Metroid Prime 4 at launch
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What are you /v/eddit from 2017 in a time capsule.


Anything newer than 2013 with AVX should be fine. We're talking about mobile games rendered at 540p(according to their patents) and upscalled up to 4k with fake frames inserted to make it feel smooth. The same game running on an emulator could have textures patched for the desired resolution and run at a higher framerate to not need the upscaling or frame generation. If the emulator does run a DLSS style upscaler you can be sure it'll be much better than the one used in the Switch 2 and each game will have a different one optimized for it.

That's all the Switch 2 is, a stupid AI gimmick added to a slightly improved existing product to take advantage of consumers buying 4k screens. They could have called it the Switch Pro like Sony did with the PS5.


>We're talking about mobile games rendered at 540p
Handheld resolution is game-specific. The Switch 1 can do up to 720p handheld. It's not that big a deal on a small screen.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Agreed on it being game specific but patents related to the Switch 2 were published half a month ago and they give those numbers, while portable it's 540p upscalled to 1080p and when docked 1080p native or upscalled to 4k. This makes sense for lower storage requirements of their game cartridges and helps extend battery life.

As mentioned in this video without hardware being tested it's just speculation but it's also the most accurate information we have as of now. And their competitors are doing the same thing so it's not unreasonable.


Can't find the video of Miymamoto showing the new Nintendo console that was just two Wii's taped together with shit all over it, accurate allegory for the Wii U, would the Switch 2 be same thing? Would the useful retards go awfully quiet?

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Holy fucking based!


>40+ minute video


check 2:50

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Have you been keeping up with the best game reviewer on youtube?

Were you aware there is a man now continuing on the tradition of Channel Awesome?

You are now aware.
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Also he should co host the /tv/ awards


Its like hes set still in time, incredible.


it's kino


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New Video


This dude is literally like if Linkara and Doug melded into a single being.

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 No.86[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You will buy Starfield and you will be happy!
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In some ways it definitely is, but it's still better than the modern garbage they make. While it did try to tone down a lot of the uniqueness of the setting to capitalize on the success of the Lord of the Rings movies, it also did try to incrementally improve on certain elements of Morrowind (Schedules, NPCs traveling between cells, physics, etc.) In the end it's still an inferior game to Morrowind but it was a new entry in a series back when people were still innovating.
At this point in time Skyrim actually is a masterpiece compared to games being released in current year.


>At this point in time Skyrim actually is a masterpiece compared to games being released in current year.
Skyrim is one of the most boring, bland, nothings of a game I've ever pirated. It's really depressing that despite it's complete lack of good qualities it's still leagues better then 99% of the slop that's been getting shit out for the last 10 years.


At least you can make skyrim somewhat okay with the right mods.


I can't imagine all the mods in the world would do much good to fixt the boring combat, boring leveling system, boring "role playing," boring quest, dungeon and world designs, boring writing, boring factions.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Please. He couldn't even groom is wife to not have sex with nigger.


Do you think Sargon lets the mulatto priest from the Lotus Eaters have sex with his wife's sons?


>the Lotus Eaters
The what?


Sargoy created a pseudo intellectual "serious" group called The Lotus Eaters over two years ago where he mostly shit talk millennials while trying to appeal for a boomer and zoomer audience.
He has a (((greek))), some angloids and a mixed race priest as part of his new crew since Vee is bad for the optics and everyone else move on from Sargoy and his gay milk-toasted crusade.


So a rebranding of his kekistan/liberalists shtick.

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Druckmann immediately sinking a new IP with the ugliest protagonist he could cook up
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Man, you are pathetic, really sad to know that you are almost 40 years old and some kind of mentally ill failed normalfag gaycel.


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Don't let the staged videos fool ya' that Eric Druckmann got btfo, it's all a CIA ai generated video just to fuel the hatred against BingBingWahoo.


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Because the other social medias are a lot bearable for any Kuckjima apologist praising their beloved enslaving gook who drained the funds of Kuntnami and frown upon anyone pointing out that most Metal Gear Solid games are nothing but interactive movies that are no complex than your average Super Mario game.


>socialism is the fire department saving your house
Soy causes brain damage.


Indeed. Socialism is workers' democratic control over the productive process, not "when the gubbamint does stuff".

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