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 No.1[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How to Enjoy TVCH Video game Board

1. Read the Global Rules
2. Be Badass
3. You can't ever lose
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 No.10384[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread to show our appreciation for the only bad goy out there being attacked by all fronts for telling the true.
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Crapcum's favorite consumer is catching up with today's youth.


It's pure kino, Sargoy and so many other ecelebs wish they had so much organic love in their comments.


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DS 64 was a good port.

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 No.11022[Watch Thread][Reply]

I am a bit embarassed to admit this but I sank 600 hours into Crusader Kings 3 and I still love the game to death. It's the best game I ever played.

Do any of you know anything outside other Paradox games that come close to CK3?
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All you do is seethe about your own bogeymen, gaycel.

The problem is not the devs in this case, but simply that before RTS used to be one of the most popular genres, it ended up becoming a niche because Vidya nowadays is made with low IQ shitskins in mind.
There are hardly any people left who have the kind of interest and mind to play RTS and besides, it is a genre that already reached its peak decades ago.


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>it is a genre that already reached its peak decades ago.
Sad but true, Homeworld 3 was such a fumble but it was published by Gearbox so there was no hope.


RTS is tough to develop not just because there are a lot more (literal and metaphorical) moving components but also because there are expectations for it to be competitively balanced and have a high skill ceiling for gooks to have 300+ APM
Blizzard is pretty bad overall but Warcraft3, Starcraft 2 (Terran Campaign only), Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone were all decent


>sequel split into three to nickel and dime fans of the previous game
Nah fuck off.


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The glory days of RTS games were already over by the time Company of Heroes came out, but for me it's one of the high points of that era.
WarCraft III was the beginning of the end. It was a half-assed RTS mixed with half-assed RPG elements. I forgot about StarCraft II, which was okay from the little I played of it, but I don't really see the point when the original exists.
>there are expectations for it to be competitively balanced and have a high skill ceiling for gooks to have 300+ APM
For as much nostalgia as I have for '90s Blizzard, the gookclick emphasis of their RTS games is one of the weak points for me. I think TimeGate and Relic had it right in streamlining the genre, but Z beat them all to the punch with that all the way back in 1996.

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 No.10090[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Have you been keeping up with the best game reviewer on youtube?

Were you aware there is a man now continuing on the tradition of Channel Awesome?

You are now aware.
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Kill yourself, nigger.


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Why? I'm not dumb enough to watch Arcane
Imagine giving a single shit about something LoL related, and filled with lesbian poz shit as well

Slit your wrists retard, and remember, the boat goes downstream, it does not cross the river!


Based. LoLfaggot btfo


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Did Arcane have its own Ken Penders?


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 No.10953[Watch Thread][Reply]

>La Quimera is a story-driven FPS set in dystopian future Latin America. In a fractured world where microstates rely on mercenary forces, you are an operative caught in a web of lies and deception. Play alone or with up to two friends geared with futuristic weapons, exoskeletons and combat abilities.

>The project lead is Sasha Kostiuk, who was gameplay and AI designer for Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light and Exodus.

>The world and story of La Quimera were written and created by movie director Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, The Neon Demon) and E.J.A. Warren.

Yep, it's ludo.
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So the messaging is gonna be the typical "mutts are superior" globalist bullshit that (((they))) have been trying to force down white people's throats for generations.


el monstruo de las americas


La creatoria


La obscuridad


sounds like brazil

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 No.11068[Watch Thread][Reply]

We have to go back
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Halo was cancerous trash that ushered in an era of unremovable auto-aim on console FPSs.


>Nostalgia google
>When all 3 games were made in a 6 year window with the latest coming out 18 year ago
>Posts a linear fucking corridor with a slow moving tank
CE is more open ended than either 2 or 3, all the weapons are useful unlike those games and Halo 2 is filled with linear copypasted levels, even moreso than CE.


During my neet years in the early 2010s I would sit at home comfortably playing RTS and simulation games while leaving my TV on watching South Park or shows on the Discovery Channel and History Channel.
My mother always made a nice hot chocolate with butter cookies or something like that at five o'clock in the afternoon.
This was living like a king.


Living like a king would mean you had a gf under your desk blowing you while you played vidya.

You wasted your youth in your goycage playing video games while others were out chasing tail, I know the feeling.


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Whats the point of fucking women and not impregnating them?

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 No.10558[Watch Thread][Reply]

Post the best rages, crashouts, tantrums, meltdowns etc. over video games
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Just the average fighting game fan, retarded genre attracts retards.


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VenezuelanRapist is baaACK



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 No.11052[Watch Thread][Reply]

>build a new gaming pc
>RTX 5090 Astral
>9950x3d with a 420mm AIO
<all modern games suck ass and there are less and less of them each year
<spent $5000 on this pc and the only games releasing are a gay nigger simulator that lies about being historically accurate with the gay nigger only being in 5% of the game and having nothing to do with the main story
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>The problem is that Jewbisoft overstayed their welcome 15 years ago
Purple logo era Ubisoft still had a lot of juice, Far Cry and AssCreed were massive and they had other IP's like Tom Clancy and Rayman going on, it's crazy how they managed to drop the ball so hard


Fuckoff Louie


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Not to mention they were banking on shovelware and shitty licensed games, if diabetes was a videogame company it'd be Ubisoft.


They sell when they make the female characters attractive, but they either don't want to, or they're incapable of doing that.


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The main guy who worked for Rayman fisting Mario with Rabbids quit, not sure if he was involved designing the slutty nymphs from Origins which caused a lasting impact that'll outlive the whole company, but yeah him ragequitting was the last straw.

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 No.10958[Watch Thread][Reply]>>11080

Being an old fucker, I do not know who or how to find who is doing good videogame reviews these days. I am still watching Jim Sterling because I just do not know what to choose and there is so much garbage out there. I'd rather save my time and just fast forward through Jim Sterling videos so I can get the gist of what he is saying while avoiding most of his trannyification.

Does Yahtzee still do shit?
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Projared is very obviously still soy anon, I don't know what to tell you.


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Becoming what his fellow trannoids at tumblr were warning to Notch:
>Miserable millionare living an empty mansion
Although in Sterling's case: his mental degeneracy would get a withdrawal and realize acting like a spastic Uncle Lester with a wig was all for nothing and everyone outside of his emasculated circle ridicules him for being a flamboyant faggot.

He won't be able to top the kino drama of him sending lewds to a minor who just grew up to be a terminal online furfag.


You know a channel is good when it attracts so much vitrol and no argument against them, just seethe. Just today I saw a freak seething about Synthetic Man. This ginger comics dude is another one who deserves recognition instead of being a milktoasted coward cuck like so many others.


Its always boiled down to literally:


>>10958 (OP)
I watch:
Sseth Tzeentach
Electric Underground
Some Call Me Johnny
Worth a Buy
Power Gamer 310
I used to watch Synthetic Man, but stopped when it became clear that he just wants to pander to le redpilled crowed instead of discussing gameplay like based Power Gamer.

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 No.10214[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since the unveiling of the Switch 2 is believed to be imminent, let's discuss what we know thus far:

-8-inch OLED screen
-Magnetic contacts for the controllers, no more "drift"
-Overhaul of Nintendo Switch Online with more intuitive matchmaking
-Backward compatibility, Nintendo accounts will carry over
-256 GB internal storage
-Performance will fall somewhere between Gen8 and Gen9
-Most AAA titles from the current era will be able to be ported
-Microsoft deal will allow COD to return to a Nintendo console and other Microsoft properties like Halo and Flight Simulator
-3D Mario and cross-gen Metroid Prime 4 at launch
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Gamecube games for Nintendo Switch Online all but confirmed.


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Oh wow, I mean you could get a decent 64-bit laptop and play them on the get go including the stuff they don't have rights to or from defunct companies, the Shitcube has been cracked for a while and all you need is to figure out Dolphin's choppy audio.


It's an option but the emulation on NSO is 100% accurate, there's no glitches or messing around with trying to get it to work properly. Plus, you get it all on the go in a handheld. The only problem I have with NSO is its limited library, although I've had a good time with some N64 games on there I didn't get around to completing in my youth.


>all you need is to figure out Dolphin's choppy audio
There's no choppy audio. Gamecube games were designed to run at a refresh rate to 59.94hz (NTSC standard), so configure your monitor accordingly.
>emulation on NSO is 100% accurate
That's absolutely not true, the input lag is abysmal and the games are upscaled to an ugly degree.


>That's absolutely not true, the input lag is abysmal and the games are upscaled to an ugly degree.
I would've liked a CRT filter on the N64 app like the SNES one has. As far as the controls, the only game I've had a problem with so far was Turok 2, it just doesn't seem right, the experience might be improved if you buy the N64 controller.

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